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![]() One of the enemies in the emerald spire has body parts made of golden gears and plates and whatnot, at least one arm, one leg and his eye at minimum How much would that be worth if someone sold that I’m mostly frustrated that the only construct that the superdungeon bothers to give a loot value to the broken body is “clunky” the CR 2ish one that has had parts replaced by wood and in one case a skeletal limb ![]()
![]() I am running a modified kingmaker wherein the emerald spire (for those unaware, a magitech superdungeon on the other side of the river kingdoms) is moved to the top of the Greenbelt and my party is just about to start rivers run red Now I like to get ahead of things and have things prepared in the event they do some weird stuff They were talking about trade routes with Numeria and the ability to get some high tech s!#& from the technic league
![]() Some of Our characters are beginning to found a kingdom around the emerald spire superdungeon My character is making a buisness (a brewery in fact) in that same area but has not been allowed to be in a leadership role in the kingdom If I were to make the brewery as listed under the completed brewery section (but with the addition of extra lodging for the workers which I have through leadership) would that count as a building/brewery in the other player’s kingdom If it doesn’t, does that mean the kingdom isn’t affected? If I were to make an illegal gambling den, would it not increase the crime or danger statistic? relevant rules listed here:
Buildings Below are example buildings and their component rooms. Note that many of these buildings can also be found in the kingdom-building rules. (meaning they are the same buildings) Build Points: A build point (BP) is a unit of wealth and productivity used in the kingdom-building rules. The downtime system doesn’t normally use BP, but if you are using the kingdom-building rules, you may have ways to spend BP as part of your downtime. BP are a larger-scale combination of Goods, Influence, Labor, and Prestige.(further support that the systems are supposed to interact) The downtime system is a middle ground between personal projects (like crafting a new set of armor) and large-scale tasks (like ruling a kingdom). These rules interface with both ends of that scale, and aren’t intended to completely replace them. In many cases, they might slightly contradict what is presented in the kingdom-building rules in Chapter 4. For example, the kingdom-building rules allow you to construct any type of building in 1 month, even a grand palace, which would take much longer using the downtime system. That is because the leader of a kingdom can spend build points to muster incredible amounts of resources and make things happen, far beyond what even a popular hero can do by spending gold and calling in favors.
Note: bold and parentheses and words inside parentheses are my addition, the words themselves that I chose to bold (and everything not in the parentheses) was coppied directly from the downtime page Also if it’s relevant the completed building will have at least as many square foot as a lot in the kingdom building rules and a brewery under kingdom building rules take up just one lot ![]()
![]() If a Merfolk alchemist takes the vestigial limb (twice) and monsterous grafts discoveries, would they have a boot magic item slot?
![]() I have a character who seems to have accrued a grapple focus and is actually pretty good at it (CMB +16, grab on a hit with his punches and bite)
how do I grapple things bigger than me? (for the record I'm a gnoll feral soul oracle with the snake mystery) ![]()
![]() One of my players has an ability where she's immune to fire as an EX ability Late game in my plans I was going to have them recover a mystic artifact that holds the world together from a pillar in the center of a lake of lava (guarded by a dragon of course) Now the magic of the area prevents flight and teleportation (and induces blight burn sickness in certain areas) But she could simply swim or walk across But lava's heavy, you can't just swim through it without significant difficulty
Soooo I need advice on how to let them get the artifact ![]()
![]() Primary thrust of the question is in the title
Unfortunately I've noticed that the encounter is very low on loot (containing one chunk of gems and a MWK great club and an egg for a rust monster so far) ![]()
![]() Hey guys
Any advice? ![]()
![]() I was recently put in a high level game where I was in competition with other PCs with god hood as a prize