Lord Glorio Arkona

Marcus Tamarin's page

434 posts. Alias of Lord Foul II.


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The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

"sadly I've not been in many a true battle. I merely learned to fence in sanctioned duels"

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Of course.

Wouldn't have joined otherwise.

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Maybe we could actually have things to do so we can have more to comment on
I mean I'll respond if there's actually something to respond to
But man we don't even get Like descriptions of the areas we are exploring
What do you expect us to be saying?

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1


The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

I suppose it is... shoot, due east next?

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

I gave a heading, just keep going that direction until something is found

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

no, and exploring

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

to save time i’ll take 10 for a 20 whenever it’s called for

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

I’d suggest order of the hero if you hadn’t picked one out yet
The order of the pike which is what that cavalier order is based on has a presence in the river Kingdoms, most notably fort inevitable and the emerald spire to the west

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus leads them southeast unless he sees something worth looking into

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

I'm a kitsune Bard
I built him with spymaster in mind, but he is currently the character with the best charisma so might end up the ruler by default XD

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

im here, I thought we were waiting for the new people

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

I wish we could get that swordlord wizard, just so we could get a magister and because I like the swordlords
But if they aren’t posting....

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

I honestly find that part to be both a benifit and a detriment, though probably mostly a benifit

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

oh those guys!, yeah they'd probably be a fun addition, so long as I have first dibs on spymaster (unless no one wants ruler)

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

wherever my survival check says they are? or if I don't know, directly south

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Depending on them, sure, I'd like introductions first and sorry could someone else move it? I do most of my stuff on mobile

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Marcus seems effortlessly at home upon his horse and pointing things out about their surroundings as they ride

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus examines the beasts, picking one which looks the strongest and healthiest, doing things like his father taught him, like checking it’s mouth and fur and hooves for any signs of mistreatment.
After selecting a horse he climbs into he saddle, his sword held aloft dramatically ”onward my companions, we ride, to victory!

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus raises an eyebrow [b]”dude, chill, when you are threatening more violence than the cleric of the god of war, you know you need to relax.... hey Oleg, do you know if there’s any moon radishes nearby? This dude needs some”

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

”the stag lord? Could you tell me about them? I don’t believe I’ve heard of them before

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

”....Charming. Regardless, how high up the chain is she, is she in charge of all the bandits here or just a group of them?

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus is likely to never to say “Praise Gorum” like ever XD

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

”a Gorumite eh, I never really saw the appeal, I usually go to the local shrine of the mighty and beautiful Cayden Cailean,

When it comes to the interrogation he smiles ”that’s a good start my boy, I take it this Krestle is your boss then? We need to know where we can find her if he seems resistant adds ”if you are cooperative I could try to keep her alive
diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus laughs into the hug ”yes, a victory well earned, though i’d Like to know more of what is going on with this, see if his group is by themselves or if someone sent them here...

He does wince at the kick "he’s down man, and we need him alive for now,

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Sorry for not responding for a bit I’ve been busy
Post incoming

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

”i’ll be fine, it’s nothing a couple more cure spells won’t fix, and the most lasting wound being to my pride, I was sure that stealth would have bought us enough time to get a few licks in, and set the tone of battle, but it was like they responded before we could move... so much for tactics.... regardless it seems that raw power won in the end, that or luck, and good prevails” he tries to end on a note that would let him give his signature cocky grin, but he looks tired, and the effect is diminished.

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1
Dario Zuz wrote:
tired posting should be illegal. :P

thats my secret , Zuz, I’m always tired

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
to hit: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Marcus thrusts forward with his sword ”I came back to lift to deal with you riftaf, I shan’t go down again! and while his swordarm is steady, his voice shakes

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus takes out his trumpet as he stands, beginning to play his preformance again.

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Holy s$%~, exactly enough to wake me up at zero HP Marcus gasps as his wounds seal
cure: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

I am dead or dying because 20s from nowhere happen

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

and now I'm out of the fight -4 HP.

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

The game is back!

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Marcus frantically stabs back with his sword, trying not to fall over from the sudden shock of loosing basically all his blood

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Oh I forgot I had a 12 con after the shock of so many HP on the first round with stealth being negated like that
Yeah I have 1 HP

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus was hiding behind the door, did they go around it? Because otherwise I am out of this fight
When we made this fight I thought stealth would give us a surprise round

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

And should deal +1 damage from performance

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus begins to play on his horn, signaling the start of the attack bardic performance time!

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Oh so Zelos doesn’t get a surprise round? Gotcha

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Most DMs I encounter use block initiative on the forms but I want to make sure before I post.

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus Pats sophia’s Back “we’d make our own trouble probably,” he chuckles before hiding behind the door

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus seemed initially disappointed when the two members of their own group calmed down, but his excitement returns with a twinge of nervousness at the arrival of bandits as he draws the heirloom weapon ”I sincerely doubt they will have any sort of diplomatic thoughts. I say we hold the gates open, they come in expecting to walk all over these fine people and then we jump out and stab them in the backs

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus seems to be enjoying the predictable shouting match and possible fight with the gorumite, eating nuts from a bag as he watches the other human try to placate him.

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus’s most valuable item on his person is probably the rapier strapped to his belt, though he has a number of other fairly valuable objects from his high quality clothes to the masterwork instrument on his back.
Marcus frowns as he sees the man is a follower of gorum, having some degree of second thoughts, and he also seems confused by the interactions between the two men ”I don’t believe etiquette quite covers this interaction, but it’s certainly strange, one way or another

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1
Sophia Salinista wrote:

Looking at Dario, Sophia smile appreciatively and reaches out a hand. Master Zuz, ... or do you you prefer Dario? In any case it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You can call me Sophia. I'm an explorer and dabble in some alchemy when given the chance. Turning to Marcus the face finally clicks into her memory, "And unless I'm mistaken our friend here is Marcus, who I know from what seems like a lifetime ago."

A faint blush comes to her face as she realizes that it's not really her place to make this introduction. "But of course, he should speak for himself." And because she can't help herself when she's figured something out she finishes almost under her breath, "If memory serves it's something he does well."

Marcus seems delighted that he has been recognized, though he chortles at her blush and quieter statement ”Sophia, Darling, I hardly recognized you, it’s been far too long, so glad to see you coming along on this expedition” he also bows to the other man with a bit of a flourish ”As the lady says, my name is Marcus Tamarin of House Medyved, the most magical musician in town

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Marcus frowns briefly at the sight of the ruined catapults, wondering what the point of broken weapons just laying around, but his visage isn’t marred by the frown for long as the excitement of his first day on his quest fills him with vigor. The disguised Kitsune marches jubilantly up to the outpost, hoping to check in and get his bearings, maybe see if he could find out what’s already mapped and go from there.

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

I could make something with that

My family could have provided the wine for a fancy party we both attended?

The Exchange

Male Kitsune Bard (thunderstriker) 1

Hmm, Marcus on the other hand was raised among the upper crust (or at least people who pretended to be, because they were related to those with power) so that doesn’t give me much of an in with you
But the Cayden worship will be nice for later RP

Marcus plans to open a bar to be his base of operations as the spymaster (while pretending to represent the merchants and businesses of the country)