
Marcus Moroe's page

Organized Play Member. 68 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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hahaha this is beginning to remind me of an easter egg hunt where the parents have to keep reminding the kids that theres more scattered about.

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Hey guys. I've been GMing for a couple years now, and I'm finally getting good enough at it to break out of my comfort zone a bit. Now normally, I tend to run high fantasy adventures in magic heavy settings. Partially because that gives me the most wiggle room in world crafting, but mostly it's because it's become the only way I know how. After watching the first 3 seasons of Game of Thrones with my group, and delving into the book series shortly after, my group want to try a setting thats more gritty and realistic. I'm completely okay with this, but its not something I'm used to. So I was wondering if any fellow GMs have any suggestion or good home brew rules to implement. What classes and races should be allowed? What kind of monsters should they fight? What kind of special/magic arms and equipment should I give them, or should I give any out at all?

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Monk minis! also more miniature of non human races. I'd really like to see an aasimar or two as well. A Treant would be really nice, and I see requests for elephants all over the forums. Also i know it probably be a long shot, but a tarrasque would be an awesome mini, if you ever decide to try some colossal case incentive minis or something.

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Shhh... don't yell at wizkids... their product is beautiful... I know it's a lot if you're buying them ALL, but you don't have to. I mean I only buy singles i need for the adventures I'm running, and a couple of boosters per set for that classic feeling of surprise. I've successfully run two and a half homebrew campaigns this way, and I've been fine. I'm a college kid, so i couldn't afford all of them even if there was only 2 cases a year. Also if you're only complaint is that you can't buy all off it, then obviously they're doing something right. Just be a little more pick and choosey.