Manhri Mordschlag's page

No posts. Organized Play character for David Neilson.

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Lets have less gating of new races (or ancestries in this case) behind Special GM certs.

I'd far rather have "GM's get a cert for the +10 bazooka of infinite god-slaying" than "Only people who GM'd at GenCon 2014 can play the cute froggies, only Bob Thulglflorp who bid $1,000,000 in a charity auction can play a catfolk".

Huh, had not really wanted anti-hero stuff for a gunslinger until you put that quote up.


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Looking forwards to the high level scenario. Very curious to see if we are actually going to free an elemental lord.

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Yeah, Barsoom rifles and pistols were always a weird point. Super high range and yet everyone ran around and used sword on one another.

Interesting that you can build your own. Any thoughts on having character classes with powers able to interact with certain kinds of sub-systems on the ship?


Always fun to see new illustrations for the various Venture Captains, I honestly pictured Venture Captain Calisero as more short haired than that.


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Awesome work Mike! I wish I could have made it down for this. If you do manage to make it an annual event, I shall definitely try and work it into my schedule.

I really liked the art that was this particular story. Also I was legitimately disappointed that the hobgoblins apparently were just leading Ondorum on.

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Wow, puzzle box looks like it would be a nasty spell. Also the art is as always really nice.

Thats some really pretty art work. I really loved what looked like a flying ship, since its a flying ship.

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Well I guess Grootslang at least solve the "What if we find one of the monster's eggs." problem for Paladins.

Lantern Lodge 5/5 * RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Huzzah for the news!


I have to admit, I like the little squire. It typifies how the various Pathfinder tales tend to keep the flavor of Golarion's residents and their tendency to a very pragmatic and unromantic outlook.

Interesting take on a Kalistocrat. It is obviously going to end badly, but I am curious to see how. I was half expecting the narrator Brea to be a graveknight from the opening text.

I was curious can Daring Champions and Hooded Champions take the Signature Deed feat? As written it requires eleven levels of Gunslinger or Swashbuckler. It seems that they should, but it is not mentioned anywhere that I can find.

I was looking over the Penanggalen after a scenario, and I noticed that it does not detect as undead, but that it is still undead. This did not come up in the scenario, but I was curious for effects like Deathwatch and the life oracles life sense abiltiy how does the Penanggalen show up?
I was thinking that for death watch it would not count as alive or dead, and that the Penanggalen would simply be invisible to life sense.

The other option seems to be that it simply appears and detects in all ways as alive, or at least against detection spells, which would mean lifesense would still pick up that something was off.