Thril Kreen Barbarian

Maloo's page

Organized Play Member. 52 posts. No reviews. 5 lists. 2 wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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What if u ordered everything and then subscribe will u get 2 ?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I cant wait ....I love scifi RPGS.

No, I just want the print copy. No pdf.

I want a Book not a pdf

They have to police it better. I have local store that every year make it a policy you have to buy 25 dollars retail to get the "free stuff". This is the response.
"Unfortunately, Free RPG Day is at 500 stores worldwide and we try to police as best as possible. In the case of ###, they tell us they offer some items for free but while supplies last...that doesn’t break the rules...they do *supposedly* offer freebies, but they’re just gone so fast. We’ve continuously asked them to change their policy, but we don’t own their store, so we’ve suggested to consumers to just not go to the store on FRD."

It is untrue they offer last years stuff they couldn't get rid of for free.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is a pretty crappy game stink and the play is boring.

I win!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fox News...but Seriously Books ..first and greatest love


Good book but 16 cents per page seems a little costly.

cartmanbeck wrote:
I really hope that there's never a "next edition". Ever. I have invested way too much into Pathfinder to see it all "reset". Not to mention that I love having increasingly more content to chew through. It's why I have 19 PFS characters right now... I love building new characters with the new options.

O hope you right...

The last book before the next edition?

Mother burn all my gaming stuff. I was labeled a witch by small minded small town people. Then I was tossed out on my ear by my mother at the age 16. I was a B+ student and eagle scout.

Don't allow pokemon in my game and never will.

BPorter wrote:

My Top 10 Fiction (aka Books):

1. Lock Lamora (Lies of Locke Lamora)
2. Hanse Shadowspawn (Thieves' World series)
3. Reiner Hetzau (Blackhearts Omnibus)
4. Drothe (Among Thieves)
5. Malden (The Ancient Blades Trilogy)
6. Arya Stark (ASoI&F)
7. The Gray Mouser
8. Gord
9. Jimmy the Hand (Riftwar Saga)
10. Silk (Belgariad)

My all-time favorite rogue, however, is Garrett of the Thief video game series.

wooot Hanse Shadowspawn

The you for the service and the help.

Wooot I cant wait ..this is going to be great.

In 1985 I was thrown out of the house by my mother and our priest told her I was going to hell and endangering the home because of D&D , I was a straight A Student and didn't do drugs.

Wow went to my local store and they gave me one of everything wooot.

You have the best customer service!!!

Wooot ...I so look forward to it all...Wooot

A kingdom founded on injustice never lasts.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

How Dare She!!!..In this teabagger world she should find a cardboard box in a poor school district.(Our nation is so upside down)

I am so sad...Declined after using card at Kroger and Ace's with no problems ...I want my stuff

Condolences and Prayers to the Family.

It was fun, funny and new and fresh. The best times in my life next to marriage and children. Thank you Gary and Dave.

Shanda Sage wrote:
Pookachan wrote:
What book disappointed you the most?

1862 by Robert Conroy is the only book in the past 20 years that I've actually been so disgusted with when I finished it, that I threw it away. Didn't give it away, didn't sell it off -- threw it away so that no one would ever read that copy again.

The book is supposed to be an alternate histroy of what would happen if Great Britain sided with the Confederacy during the War of Damnyankee Agression. Only, with the addition of the world's most powerful empire to its foes, apparently the Union whips 'em both -- and faster!


Did you read the book? The English Empire was spread throughout the world. It couldn't bring its total army. On top of that, when they the British, attacked Boston and New York Harbor(the places of deepest dissension) they galvanized the North. This opened up a third front and a need for more aggresive leadership(Grant).

The South fired first. Please read your history books.

Barns & Noble or Borders would have those numbers, if they would share?

He is dead. On NBC news.

Solo wrote:

If I may may a comparison to racial prejudice, studies have shown that education and exposure to other races is the best way of reducing prejudice.

That's why all our schools, colleges, and workplaces are holding diversity training. (That and fear of lawsuits, at any rate.)

As stupid, corny, and lame as they often are, the basic principal is sound: the more you learn about different people, the more you interact with them, the less stereotypes you hold and the better you can get along.

If there is a divide, it is because people lack exposure to each other, not because they have too much exposure.

So you are saying that you are born a pwr gamer, just like a African-American or Native American(like my self) or maybee its a belief system, you worship some great pwr gamer or gamers in the sky?

Solo wrote:
Maloo wrote:
When did I make a illusions towards real life? If you want to play a combat monster with no personality, more power to you(not to say a person in the navy seals have no personality god knows I voted for one for GOV)just not in my game.

But playing an effective warrior does not mean you have no personality. This is a false dichotomy. SEALs, as you yourself have said, have plenty of personality, as did, I am sure, Ghengis Khan, Attila the Hun, and Miyamoto Musashi.

Where did you get "combat monster with no personality" from? I am confused, please explain. I mean, you yourself said that it is not true in real life. If one were to play a realistic character, one could play a fierce warrior with plenty of roleplaying as well as rollplaying to back it up and there would be no problem, would there?

When a player tweaks out every skill point and every feat and could careless about the world around them, those are power gamers. The are selfish and the game is all about them them them!

When you create a strong will personality with thoughtful ideas, I could careless about the build as long as you dont try to bend the rules and ruin the game for everyone(which is what people do, when they pwr game).

Solo wrote:
Maloo wrote:

Your right I should talk about intent. The character had no real reason to take a lvl of Barbarian, other than for the move bonus and the rage ability.

Someone should tell the Navy SEALs that they are nothing more than a bunch of powergaming munchkins who are far too concerned about powergaming and efficiency for efficiency's sake. I mean, headshotting Somali pirates on a life raft from a ship three hundred meters away? Brokenly overpowered if you ask me. I mean, what kind of cheesy prestige class is this "Navy SEAL" thing anyways? Why couldn't they just roleplay the situation instead of rollplaying?

Listen up, you young whippersnapper: people who are in the business of doing mindboggling dangerous things for a living will try to be as powerful as possible. It is the way of things. To think that they will do less is illogical.

I looked. I didn't see any. Can you provide a link to threads on this site where some innocent CharOps advocates were beaten silly and kicked to the curb? I'm not seeing them either.
I was asking for people to find troublesome optimizers who were jerks and bring about the end of the forums as we know it.

When did I make a illusions towards real life? If you want to play a combat monster with no personality, more power to you(not to say a person in the navy seals have no personality god knows I voted for one for GOV)just not in my game.

Set wrote:
Maloo wrote:
Many GMs dont like pwr games.

And they have chosen to be GMs, which means they can allow, or disallow 'pwr games' as they see fit. Lucky them!

If another GM wants to disallow any 'namby-pamby role-playing crap' at their table, they are entitled to do so, and will presumably find their player pool limited to those who agree with their tastes.

The above is pure hyperbole, of course, as I have heard *many* people rail against allowing powergamers at their table, but few, if any, say that they would forbid a player's character for 'too much roleplaying stuff.'

Qu'elle surprise. Divisive, judgemental and exclusionary rhetoric from side on the high moral horse, kinda a lot like the real world. :)

Maloo wrote:
They take away from the role playing aspect of "role playing games".

The word 'role-playing' is indeed part of that term, and is brandished like a bludgeon here.

Note that the term also includes the word 'game.'

Mechanical rules-oriented 'gamist' thinking is hardly as dire a thing as it is being made out to be, being just as present in the term 'role playing game' as role-playing is.

Were this Amber Diceless (a spiffy system in it's own right!), then a 'true role-player' could get all up on a high horse on the superiority of their storytelling versus that of us D&D / GURPS / World of Darkness / etc. players, all of whom turn to dice, to 'roll-playing,' for combat, skill resolution and even, in some cases, *social resolutions* (effects like diplomacy / intimidate / bluff, reaction rolls, morale checks), etc.

And if my character concept is 'best swordsman in the Middle Kingdoms?' Then it would only be 'in character' to make sure that my character has the 'soulless,' 'mechanical,' 'roll-playing' chops to back that *concept* up, wouldn't it?

Look I have banned many people from my gaming table. I even told one person they need to bathe before they sit down at the table(thx god they nvr returned). Many of you who take offense at my dislike for pwr gamer, well I guess that is to bad.

Scott Betts wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:
If a player is insisting that dipping into Barbarian is consistent with his character, he's probably right. It seems arrogant to tell someone that he's wrong about the inner motives of the fiction character he created.

This is exactly it. You are the DM. You are in charge of your adventure's story. You are not in charge of your players' characters' stories. If you want complete control over the world and the protagonists, write fiction.

The point at which you start telling someone else, "That doesn't fit your character!" is the point where you need to seriously examine whether you're prepared to let people play their own characters, or whether your need for control has gone so far that it makes the game less enjoyable for the players.

Look GMs make a attempt to make the game fun for all. We work hard and try to give every player what they want(high adventure, gritty city scapes, outdoor survival). It goes both ways, when a player is only interested in how to build the best blaster ETC, I am not interested in them. Wow inner motivation would be nice from a pwr gamer but all you get is a hassle and a self-serving attitude and to heck with other players enjoyment.

Chris Mortika wrote:
Maloo wrote:

... taking a level of Barbarian for the movement when it doesn't fit the character (city noble) and fighting and screaming that [the decision] is [consistent with] his character.

Bending the polymorph rules till they break before they were fixed.

Hi, Beckett. Hi, Maloo. I've kept out of this fight while I assemble my opinion and support, but I do have a couple of comments on Maloo's argument here, about what makes for optimization.

I've been accused of "optimization" in the past, and one of those accusations arose because I had, indeed, decided that my character, who had begun life as a free-wheeling, devil-may-care Swashbuckler, would take her next level as a Barbarian.

I offered an in-character explanation. During the previous two adventures, a PC had been killed and reanimated as a Wight, and her favorite tavern had been razed to the ground. I'd been playing her as getting angrier and angrier, and I chose a level of Barbarian as a way of reflecting that anger in the game stats.

Secondly, when it comes to exploiting the polymorph rules, the player and his character are on the same team. Each wants to be as effective in combat as possible. Each wants combat to be as safe as possible. I can't see a difference between a player choosing to use polymorph to its potential to make an optimized character, and a player running a character who wants to use polymorph to its potential in order to survive the threats she sees coming.

In both of these cases, Maloo, I think you would be better off talking about intent, rather than actions. Dipping into Barbarian, or transforming into a War Troll, might be a twinkie player, or might be a realistic decision for a professional adventurer.

If a player is insisting that dipping into Barbarian is consistent with his character, he's probably right. It seems arrogant to tell someone that he's wrong about the inner motives of the fiction character he created.

Your right I should talk about intent. The character had no real reason to take a lvl of Barbarian, other than for the move bonus and the rage ability.

Beckett wrote:
Scott and Maloo, what exactly do you guys think Optimization is? Seriously, you would kick a Fighter out for taking what Power Attack and Cleave, that is, optimizing the Fighter. What is on your list of okay feats for a Fighter then, Skill Focus Use Magic Device?

No that doesnt, but taking a lvl of Barbarian for the movement when it doesnt fit the character(city noble)and fighting and screaming that it is his character.

Bending the polymorph rules till they break before they were fixed.

Scott Betts wrote:
Maloo wrote:
Huh? We arnt talking about a race or creed of people. We are talking about of a style of play. Many GMs dont like pwr games. They take away from the role playing aspect of "role playing games".

And yet the ones you call "power gamers" have a similar reaction - they feel that people like you take away from the game aspect of the "roleplaying game".

Imagine, for a moment, that you went to join a game with a character whose backstory you had spent hours on. You'd given him a family, a history, a deep personality, his own sense of humor, cultivated an accent - the whole nine yards. You get to the game, and hand the DM your character sheet to look over, including all of your character's fluff. He scoffs at the information written down there and replies with "This is full of roleplaying crap. We're here to play a game, not engage in some pathetic method acting." Shortly into the game, he kills your character prejudicially and ejects you from the group. What would your reaction to this (albeit exaggerated for the purpose of illustration) treatment be?

This is a case of disagreement over playstyle, and yet some people feel the need to fill the discussion with insult-laden generalizations in order to make it look like their side of the disagreement is somehow in possession of the moral high ground.

Ok first no power gamer I know of would give me a backstory. Now if you did that and optimize thier character, I could over look that.

Look if you guys like beefy top heavy character their are GM's out there for you. I and most GM's prefer thoughtful, character builders that add to the story line instead of blasting though the game like some steroid fueled beast.

Not every RPG message board will cater towards your style of play, and god help us if this one does.

KnightErrantJR wrote:
Scott Betts wrote:

The roleplaying community needs to learn how to handle itself better.

Scott, just let me thank you for refraining from the broad generalizations that you have been ardently fighting against.

Huh? We arnt talking about a race or creed of people. We are talking about of a style of play. Many GMs dont like pwr games. They take away from the role playing aspect of "role playing games".

I have tried to compromise with player about power gaming. It never works they all seem to have a ego about it. If today a pwr gamer was invited to my game I would sit down and work with him. I doubt it would come to some kind of touchy feely meduim but if you feel you can work it out more power to you.

Character optimization is for war games not RPGs. If my player do it, the characters die and they are not invited back to my game.

This is why I buy everything online. Flag Stores are not what they once were!

But maybee I am a grump.

Disenchanter wrote:
Maloo wrote:
Geting on a message board and just saying you don't like a finished product others are looking foward to, and good people have worked hard on, just makes you seem unappreciative and a spoilsport.

So then no one should have spoken up about their disappointment in the Map Folios either...

I'm glad Paizo doesn't necessarily agree with you. They actually have a chance to grow and thrive their way.

No just make a informational post.

What I would change in the core, or maybe what my home rules will look Like.

Instead of why I am Disappointed.

If you don't like don't buy it. I hate alot of RPGs. I hate most of the RPGs my wife plays. I keep my mouth shut, those are not for me and were not created with me in mind.

I don't get on there message boards and try to spoil there fun, telling them that the d10 system is flawed or the d6 system is to limited.

I just let people have fun and be as contructive as I can.

Blazej wrote:
Maloo wrote:
Then play beta...its free and u can print out till your sick.
Yes, but if one keeps quiet about things you don't like, how are you going to expect it to ever get better for you?

But its all said and done. Now you are just spitting in someones soup. If its not your cup of soup, dont buy it.

Geting on a message board and just saying you don't like a finished product others are looking foward to, and good people have worked hard on, just makes you seem unappreciative and a spoilsport.

Disenchanter wrote:
pres man wrote:
tribeof1 wrote:
Core Rulebook and Bestiary pre-ordered. Please have them enscribed "For the love of pres" with an appropriate illustration from Sean.
Scored another! Good job.

I don't know how you're scoring, but I think this is the same one.

Maloo wrote:

I see pathfinder as the bright spot in a dismal RPG market.

If you cant say something good, dont say anything at all. Just my 2 cents.

This i agree with. Had more people followed suit, nothing would have changed from the Beta.

Then play beta...its free and u can print out till your sick.

I see pathfinder as the bright spot in a dismal RPG market.

If you cant say something good, dont say anything at all. Just my 2 cents.

Robert Brambley wrote:
Kyrinn S. Eis wrote:

Here are my suggestions:

* Detect Evil (3 + Level) number of times per day, as a Free Action.

* LoH: (3 + Cha + Wis), (1/2 Lvl) number of times per day.

* Smite: +(Wis) to hit, +(Cha) to Damage (1/2 Lvl) number of times per day.

I'd love your feedback.


no thanks.

we just convinced the designers to remove WIS from the multiple stat dependency of the it is a move in the wrong direction.


Why not replace Wis with Con?

I am with you.

Hey working in a small backward town in a really good game store, I must agree we need to be careful. We have already got some parents who have said and I quote " Is that Devil stuff like D&D?" This stuff dies hard and I dont see adding fuel to the fire as a good thing.

But on the other hand they are stuip people who would never allow there kids to play anyways, but why allow ammo for there represive believe's. So I guess that is the back of the hand? Ok. Alright they are pretty dumb so I dont have all the answers but maybee we need to be cautious in Bush's America

My 12 cents

Vic Wertz wrote:
Carl Meyer wrote:

I spoke with my FLGS owner today. He had spoken with the distributor yesterday. According to him, the distributor claims not to have gotten copies of the Compendium yet, but they do expect to get them.

His sole distributor is ACD....

We had a brief dispute with ACD; it has been settled, but we didn't ship them any copies of the Compendium, or several other products, until this week.

However, that dispute doesn't explain the store not even *knowing* about the Compendium, since at the time we solicited the product to distribution—and distribution should have been informing the retailers—the dispute was not yet an issue.

Thanks for letting me know—I'll see what I can do about the communication problem.


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