
Mal-Duroth's page

Organized Play Member. 64 posts (67 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


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Unscrupulous explorers (ie; The Seekers in Greyhawk)
About any undead you can think of
Night Hag

I will say that it should be rare, to encounter a drow in a non-hostile situation.

They only come out at night, they have no need for light, and the can see in the dark. You'll almost never see Drow before they see you.

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Based on what I read in Second Darkness, Drow are regarded as dangerous and irredeemably evil monsters. Infact in that campaign setting little is know about Drow at all, most people don't even believe they exsist outside of stories. What little is know about them is that they kidnap innocent people and take them underground never to be seen again.

I that case, I would say that killing a Drow on sight in Golarian is no more evil than killing a White Walker on sight would be in GoT.

highbad wrote:
Gauss wrote:
Regarding Scout's Charge, I think it does remove the dex bonus. "as if the target were flat-footed" seems to me that for that attack all rules for flat-footed apply.

The full clause is, "[...] her attack deals sneak attack damage as if the target were flat-footed."

So the condition is only applied to the damage roll, not the attack roll. I think it would probably have more general language if the intent was to deny the dex bonus to AC, or specifically state that.

I think you're right Highbad, I think "as if" is key. It would porbably read something like "target is flatfooted against this attack" if the intention was for the target to actaully lose her dex bonus.

Nicos wrote:
Mal-Duroth wrote:
Nicos wrote:

Scout charge allow to deliver the sneak attack but do not deny the targer dex bonus. the flat-fotted wording is to allow certain abilityes that do not trigger with only flanking.

Otherwise the situation seems legal to me.

Okay! That would have made a huge differance seeing how half of the Aldori swordlord/Duelist's AC goes away when she's denied her Dex bonus.
Do not forget that the catfolk is using natural weapon he do not gain any iteratives, so two claw attacks and that is all.

Yeah but it's actually a great tradeoff for a rogue once I looked into it. The most attacks a rogue will ever get is 3 at a progressive -5 penalty. With the natural weapon he only get's two, but at his full bonus for both! Plus if he ever goes the multi-attack route he can get his three weapon attacks (at the proper level) and still get one claw attack... and he could all three on a charge covering 120 feet!

But it's ggod to know about the Dex bonus thing, thank you.

TGMaxMaxer wrote:
However, it doesn't work in difficult terrain, (can't charge) in close quarters with allies in the way (can't charge).

This is true, and up to this point about 1 in 3 of my encounters contain difficult terrain althoug not always the entire map.

TGMaxMaxer wrote:
If I understand you correctly, he hit her from stealth with a partial charge (which would give 2 full sneak attacks from claw pounce, but only allow you to move single speed in a surprise round charge), then took the AoO to run away, charged back in for another double claw sneak?

No, actaully he hit her w/ 1 attack in the suprise round, then made inititiatve landed two in the first round. Round two he sprinted back, she Aoo'd then ran after him but only got half way (120 feet), round three he charged with Claw Pounce and annihalated her w/ two sneak attacks (however we were under the misconception that she was denied her Dex and Int bonuses to AC, both of thse attacks actaully might have missed.)

TGMaxMaxer wrote:

Lets see how he compares against other 14th level characters.

A Sorcerer at the same level would do 4d6+12 x 3 as a touch attack (minimum 48 max 108), a beast totem barbarian would get around d6+20 x 4 (min 84 max 104), greatsword Barbarian 2d6+30 x3 (min 93 max 126), an archer would get 2d6+15 x5 (min 85 max 135). All 4 of these would have much higher chance to hit, (from either touch AC or much better BAB).

It's a concept build, that is actually effective in certain situations. It's good, but not really powerful.

Yeah I guess you're right. It just seemed pretty nasty because he get's two attacks at his full attack bonus, which I believe is about 22 when charging and thanks to a combination of

Offensive Defense:
Offensive Defense** (Ex): When a rogue with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage, the rogue gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each sneak attack die rolled for 1 round.
Nimble Striker:
Nimble Striker (Combat)

You were born to charge your enemies and nobody does it better.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1, catfolk, sprinter racial trait.

Benefit: You do not take a –2 penalty to AC when you use the Cleave feat, Lunge feat, or when you charge.

he subjects himself to suprisingly little risk using this tactic.

But yeah, I guess it isn't that bad. I was just a little alarming watching it in action the first time.

Nicos wrote:
By the way if the catfolk is using natural weapon he do not gain any iteratives.

By the way what are iteratives?

Nicos wrote:

Scout charge allow to deliver the sneak attack but do not deny the targer dex bonus. the flat-fotted wording is to allow certain abilityes that do not trigger with only flanking.

Otherwise the situation seems legal to me.

Okay! That would have made a huge differance seeing how half of the Aldori swordlord/Duelist's AC goes away when she's denied her Dex bonus.

I wanted to get you guy's opinion on some rules that I'm afriad are being misinterperated at my table.

First this...

Sprinter: Catfolk gain a 10-foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.

My interperatation is that this increases the base speed. Meaning when running, charging, or withdrawing, the character is treated as having a speed of 40. So when he withdraws or charges he can move 80 ft, and when running he can move at 160.

Next issue...

Scout's Charge:
Scout's Charge(Ex): At 4th level, whenever a scout makes a charge, her attack deals sneak attack damage as if the target were flat-footed. Foes with uncanny dodge are immune to this ability. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.

The problem is that combined with

Claw Pounce:
Claw Pounce (Combat)
You can charge and make an attack with your paws.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 15, Nimble Striker, base attack bonus +10, catfolk, cat's claws racial trait or Aspect of the Beast (claws of the beast manifestation).

Benefit: When you make a charge, you can make a full attack with your claws.

Normal: Charging is a special full-round action that limits you to a single attack.

it seems like you can make two sneak attacks per round while moving double your speed and denying your target their dex bonus.

Basically one of my players had a concept for playing a Catfolk rogue who's an assassin who basically hunts his targets like a hunting cat would. To his credit it has taken 14 levels for this build to pan out and for the first few levels it was a pretty bumpy road.


Catfolk Exemplar:
Catfolk Exemplar
Your feline traits are more defined and prominent than those of other members of your race.

Prerequisite: Catfolk.

Benefit: You can take the Aspect of the Beast feat even if you do not meet the normal prerequisites. Furthermore, your catlike nature manifests in one of the following ways. You choose the manifestation when you take this feat, and cannot change it later.

Sharp Claws (Ex): If you do not have the cat's claws racial trait or the claws of the beast manifestation from the Aspect of the Beast feat , you gain the cat's claws racial trait. If you have either the cat's claws racial trait or the claws of the beast manifestation, your claw damage increases to 1d6.

Improved Natural Attack:
Improved Natural Attack
Attacks made by one of this creature's natural attacks leave vicious wounds.

Prerequisite: Natural weapon, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: Choose one of the creature's natural attack forms (not an unarmed strike). The damage for this natural attack increases by one step on the following list, as if the creature's size had increased by one category. Damage dice increase as follows: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6.

A weapon or attack that deals 1d10 points of damage increases as follows: 1d10, 2d8, 3d8, 4d8, 6d8, 8d8, 12d8.

Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different natural attack.

Viscious Claws:
Vicious Claws (Ex): A catfolk with this talent uses d8s to roll sneak attack damage instead of d6s, but only when she uses her claws to make the sneak attack. A catfolk rogue must have the cat's claws racial trait before taking this talent.
and of course Claw Pounce and Scout's Charge he has two claw attacks that do 1d8 and can dish out 2 sneak attacks at 7d8 a peice, and treating 1s and 2s as 3s while charging thanks to
Powerful Sneak:
Powerful Sneak** (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent takes a full attack action, she can elect to take a –2 penalty on all attack rolls until the start of her next turn. If an attack during this time is a sneak attack, she treats all 1s on the sneak attack damage dice as 2s.
Deadly Sneak:
Deadly Sneak** (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent uses the powerful sneak rogue talent, she treats all 1s and 2s on the sneak attack damage dice as 3s. A rogue must have the powerful sneak rogue talent before choosing this talent.
and deals 7 points of bleed damage per round using
Bleeding Attack:
Bleeding Attack* (Ex): A rogue with this ability can cause living opponents to bleed by hitting them with a sneak attack. This attack causes the target to take 1 additional point of damage each round for each die of the rogue's sneak attack (e.g., 4d6 equals 4 points of bleed). Bleeding creatures take that amount of damage every round at the start of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage. Bleeding damage from this ability does not stack with itself. Bleeding damage bypasses any damage reduction the creature might possess.
He can even deal two doses of poison using
Deadly Scratch:
Deadly Scratch (Ex): A catfolk rogue with this talent can apply poison to her claws without accidentally poisoning herself. A catfolk rogue must have the cat's claws racial trait and the poison use class feature before taking this talent.

He finally hit 14 level a couple of nights ago and I didn't realize just how nasty this buil was until at the end of the session the catfolk rogue (Tash) and a Aldori swordlord 7/duelist 7 (Sianne) had a little fight. Basically Tash had just hit 14 and finnished his build but it was late and the session had ended. He wanted to try out the build he'd spent almost a month putting together so his buddy Sianne agreed to an Ooc duel. It was a boodbath. Having previously purchased Catfolk Exemplar a second time he was able to increase his running speed

even more:
Fast Sprinter (Ex): You gain a 10-foot racial bonus to your speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions. If you have the sprinter racial trait, your racial bonus to speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw action increases to a 20-foot bonus.
and being the proud owner of a pair of boots of striding and springing he was charging at a speed of 120 and running at a speed of 240. So he got a suprise attack + poison from one claw (they were simulating a scenario where she was his mark and he was hunting her, he out steathed her perception), double sneak attack next round + poison from the other claw, a full run action the following round giving Sianne an Aoo (big deal), the on the last round a made charge dealing two sneak attacks... and that was it. He killed her. Basically in 3 round (plus the one suprise round) Tash was able to move 360 feet and deal out 35d8 worth of sneak attack damage (treating 1s and 2s as 3s). Sianne was able to get in one full-attack and one Aoo before being mowed down by a chainsaw with a movement speed, not to mention she spent the entire fight being denied her dex bonus between failing initiative and Scout's Charge.

I figure something has to be wrong if Tash can pretty much murder a fighter/duelist (she's specialized in one on one fights against living opponents) of his same CR, and in a situation where she actually had an opportunity to defend herself. So is this OP? Or was it just a case of Paper vs. Scissors?

We haven't met up since so I haven't had a chance to if this build is the encounter killer that I suspect it might be. It's just that that Scout's Charge give him the opportunity to deal out crazy damage if he hits with both attacks. It basically comes down to whether or not Scout's Charge and Claw Pounce can allow him to do 2 sneak attacks on a charge. I would hate to nerf it seeing how he spent so much patient work on this build, but Im afraid it could be a gamebreaker.

Any thoughts?

Nicos wrote:

You are devoting few resources to combat so do not be surprise to be bad at fights.

EDIT: Besides, with 10 in constitution you better stay away from the melee.

And yet you would be suprised, sometimes it's the characters with the lowest stats that have the highest dice rolls. lol

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:
As I read it, you can take either the +1 skill point and +1 hit point or a alternate benefit, but the alternate benefit substitute both the +1 skill point and +1 hit point.
I believe it clearly reads this way. It's an all or nothing thing.

That wouldn't make any sense though. You could substitute an alternate benefit without taking taking Fast Learner and get exactly same thing.

I really hate the way it's worded, too confusing.

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Sin of Asmodeus wrote:

So, I recently was running a game, in which I had a succubus to play around with, and one of the characters ran up and grappled her.

On her turn I stated. Okay, we are grappled. We both have the grappled condition, with you being the grappler, so I um. Level drain you.

As it states, a succubus must be in a grapple to perform her Kiss / drain. Am I in the wrong for level draining the grappler who had me held up?

Sounds like that character did 80% of succubus' work for her. Totally legit.

Riggler wrote:
And if I DO an alignment change, I never tell the player outright. The majority of classes and characters will not even notice an alignment change in most games.

Now that might have been the better way to go IMO. Granted it would have been pretty much the same thing, but atleast I wouldn't have know about it. I could have unknowingly roleplayed myself right back to CN or further into CE.

Either way I wish I hadn't argued, it pretty much ruined the whole night, and over something fairly minor.

Riggler wrote:
The GM took liberties with the spell. Perhaps it was good for the story.

I actually thought that part was pretty funny the next day when we all cooled off.

Long story short my witch was trying to get info on a fugitve from a thug whom had been rumored to be seen in his presence. he wasn't talking and my buddie and I both rolled low on intimidate.

My CN witch, not above low-intesity torture, casted Cup of Dust ( dust) on him promising to return the next morning to see if he was feeling more cooperative. So I did return only to see that he had drowned himself in a horsetrough outside his appartment.

Her reaction was a mix of embarrasment for not foreseeing this and frustration at wasting their only known connetion to the man they were chasing ("Oh come on!" kinda like that). A reaction which I believe was perfectly in line w/ her alignment.

Our GM however believed this was grounds for an instant alignment change to CE. I was pretty upset, for one this GM is normally a pretty opened minded guy. I tried to explain that committing neglegnet homocide and not taking responsibility for it is a far cry from the bloodthirsty nature of CE. He wasn't hearing it however. It turned into a fight that led to the end of that particular session. We haven't addressed the issue since, at first it was like the pink elephant in the room and then it was forgotten.

I'm curious tho what my character did was negligent, maybe slightly sociapathic. But grounds for an instant alignment change? There was no intent to kill the guy and her lack of remorse was more a testament to her lack of a sense of responibilty.

Any suggestions?

That is exactly what that means. You can also take an alternate benefit in place of either bonus.

Ceylon Tom wrote:
Last session my players slaughtered a large quantity of demons using only one procedure. Each time the wich would use the slumber hex (a supernatural ability, so no SR applies. Moreover, he really buffed the DC his hexes) and the fighter would perform a coup de grace (wich either kills the creature instantly or results in an impossible-to-beat fortitude save). Am I missing something here? Is this a legit procedure? Im affraid they will ruin the demon-heavy adventure I prepared.

If these abilities are being used properly then I don't see the problem. Slumber Hex has a range of 30 ft, which forces a squishy witch to get uncomfortably close to one of the most mobile varieties of enemy in the game.

Coup de grace is a full round action, although I DO believe there is a feat that makes it a standard action. Whithout that feat though, the fighter cannot make a coup de grace in the same round if he has to move.

Demons typically have more spell-like abilities than they need (many of which are at will), and most of them have sorcerer/wizard range. Demons are also very craven and will do thier best to debilitate the party using spell-like abilities at maximum range and force the party to close the distance. They also should make liberal use of ambushes (most of them have plenty ranks in stealth and some can turn invisible)and false retreats (almost every demon can greater teleport at will). Demons are typically very inteligent. Once a witch puts a slumber hex on one of them, she should become a priority target (once again, demons are very mobile). They're accustomed to their SR granting them good protection against spells so they should react very quickly to anyone who is actually able to use magic against them effectively.

Caineach wrote:

Honestly, I find summons to be quite useless. Spend 1 full round, during which time you are more vulnerable than normal, to cast a spell and summon something that will pretty much be ignored. There are a couple decent things on the summon list, but generally even the highest level summons wont be able to hit the standard monster ACs your fighting with any reliability. At best, I find summon monsters to be a speed bump for 1-2 rounds. This is not worth it unless you have annother player taking out the monster in that time. The summoned monsters are 2-5 CR behind what would be relevant in most combats.

Some of the monsters with SLA can be useful, but for that you need to be using...

Summons are not useless, especially since you can cast Invisibility and summon all the monsters you want without breaking the spell.

Tagion wrote:

Mirror Image

School illusion (figment); Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min./level

This spell creates a number of illusory doubles of you that inhabit your square. These doubles make it difficult for enemies to precisely locate and attack you.

When mirror image is cast, 1d4 images plus one image per three caster levels (maximum eight images total) are created. These images remain in your space and move with you, mimicking your movements, sounds, and actions exactly. Whenever you are attacked or are the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets one of your images instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment. If it is a figment, the figment is destroyed. If the attack misses by 5 or less, one of your figments is destroyed by the near miss. Area spells affect you normally and do not destroy any of your figments. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect you normally and do not destroy any of your figments. Spells that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy a figment.

An attacker must be able to see the figments to be fooled. If you are invisible or the attacker is blind, the spell has no effect (although the normal miss chances still apply).

Cleave (Combat)
You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the first and also within reach. You can only make one additional attack per round with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn

The images are not adjacted to the one...

I'm guessing this would also apply to something else one of my player wanted to do which is use Cleave in conjunction w/ the Impaling Charge that the Dragoon template gets to be able to get a second attack on the horse after hitting both horse and rider for X3. I really wish my players would talk to me before purchasing feats to build their characters around some hairbrained scheme so I could save them from wasting a feat.

Tacticslion wrote:

This was discussed previously (though, of course, you'd have no way of knowing this!) here, if you'd like.

Short version, as I recall: no, you can't. There's only one foe, and none of the images are adjacent to each other (they all share the same space), and you're targeting the foe, not the images - and the images aren't opponents anyway, so you wouldn't ever be targeting them.

Hope that helps!

EDIT: the last post in that forum is just contentious of the idea, but most people came to the conclusion discussed above.

I also changed/added a few words.
This really should be faq'd

That's a good point about them saring the same square rather than being adjacent. Lol, I can hear my players whining already.

RAW seems to suggest that you could use these feats to pop multiple images w/ 1 standard atack. Is this RAI?

What do you GMs out there think? Would you allow this?

Dracovar wrote:
Mal-Duroth wrote:

One thing to keep in mind if your using a Witch as the party's primary healer is that Witches are squishier than Clerics. This could create a problem if your planning on...

I was thinking that with some actual memorized curing/heal spells I would apply the Reach Spell feat so that in situations where things might get squishy, I could heal at range. The tank-like aspects of the cleric, and backup melee aspects are good points, but I've often found that past clerics of mine are heal-bots - because it's more efficient to keep our optimized power hitters in the game with healing, than trying to out power hit them myself. I've had some excellent melee-capable or missile fire capable clerics in my day, but they almost always pitched in with spells supporting the rest of the party before getting in hits of my own. Except in Rappan-Athuk - when I had lots of fun with the Heal spell vs some undead.

At higher levels, I think a Ring of Invis would be an excellent investment for a high level witch - allowing for a bit more safety when getting close to melee for curing.

Anyone have some really good channeling feats/combos that they like for the cleric?

If I remember correctly I believe witches also get a spell that works like Sanctuary so you could probably use that in the mean time. Witches are definately more fun and versitile Clerics, you just have to be a little more careful.

Dracovar wrote:

Hi all,

Been tinkering with some high level character concepts, and I was having a very hard time trying to find a compelling reason to build an 18th level Cleric instead of an 18th level Witch.

What I'm looking for is skill in buff/debuff and good healing capabilities. I was comparing the cleric to a Witch built with the Hedge Witch template, so I can channel spells into Cure spells (and packing the cure hexes and the Resurrection Grand Hex at 18th - and yes, I know that those aren't necessarily the best hexes to take). The patron used would be Endurance - to provide access to the Miracle spell (and via that, many other spells clerical, wizard, etc).

Between the more interesting and flexible spells of the Witch (some very useful Wizard spells), the addition of some fun hexing capabilities (split hex and accursed hex feats to help boost those), I can't help but think a Witch optimized for healing is going to be a lot more fun than a cleric. They can do almost everything a cleric can, and a lot a cleric can't. The cleric will obviously be better against undead, but how much better?

About the only thing I think I will miss from the Clerical spell list is the True Resurrection spell I can't access. Pretty much anything else is available (via Miracle in a pinch).

So, fellow Paizo pundits - I think I'm smitten with the witch class as a replacement for the cleric (and as a player, I've played the main cleric in the party for decades - so, I've always been a cleric fan).

Are there any really great 18 levels of cleric (no multiclassing dips, I'm thinking a PURE cleric build) out there? Cool feat combos that allow the cleric to really shine? What fun things are being done with clerics these days? Can anyone make an argument for me to make clerics look as good as the witch class?

One thing to keep in mind if your using a Witch as the party's primary healer is that Witches are squishier than Clerics. This could create a problem if your planning on healing during combat. To heal the Melee guys you have to risk putting yourself or worse your familiar/spellbook in harm's way.

mplindustries wrote:
Obviously, others would probably claim reloading is not a "simple" activity, as there are people who consider feeding an ally a potion to be too complicated.

Feeding the potion to him might be too complicated. However, removing the potion from your belt and running it over to someone in need of it while you continue casting spells is very simple.

Blue Star wrote:
Mal-Duroth wrote:

I think the best spell is Invisible Servant. It last all day and if used right can give you extra actions in combat. (picking up dropped items for you, opening a door for you or closing it behind you, retrieve items from your backpack.)

My new Favorite spell is Cup of Dust, great interrogation spell. Had a pretty funny incedent where I was using it to make an NPC more cooperative, left him unattended for a long time, and retuned to find that he had accidentally drowned himself in a horsetrough trying to "quench" his thirst.

Here's a question I've been thinking about: if you have spare guns, can it reload them for you? One of the big flaws in one of my designs is that it runs out of bullets and having someone to reload for you, without having to buy leadership, would be nice.

I'm not sure, I'd have to look at the discription again. I seem to recall it not working for complex tasks, I imagine reloading guns/crossbows might fall under that.

I think the best spell is Invisible Servant. It last all day and if used right can give you extra actions in combat. (picking up dropped items for you, opening a door for you or closing it behind you, retrieve items from your backpack.)

My new Favorite spell is Cup of Dust, great interrogation spell. Had a pretty funny incident where I was using it to make an NPC more cooperative, left him unattended for a long time, and retuned to find that he had accidentally drowned himself in a horsetrough trying to "quench" his thirst.

Alright what the heck I'll just ask. What does AM stand for? I've searched the boards but can't find the answer.

joeyfixit wrote:
Looks like your bard hasn't dumped. Neither has the Warlord. More importantly, 15 points is pretty stingy and below Society standard. You're more or less expected to dump, yeah?

I thought 15 WAS the standard. If you look at all the adventure paths, most NPCs and all the pregen characters in the back are built w/ 15 points.

Thank you for the responses.

Jenosky wrote:
The death attack fails if the target detects the assassin or recognizes the assassin as an enemy (although the attack might still be a sneak attack if the target is denied his Dexterity bonus to his Armor Class or is flanked).

I have a simply question:

- Assassin, during a combat, is in sight of his target and the target knows that the assassin is an enemy
- the assassin hide himself (with invisibility for example)
- then he study his target for 3 rounds and the target can't detect him
- then, at 4th round, he hit his target.
Is it a death strike?

That assassin could have probably killed his target with three rounds of flank attacks, lol.

Can a verbal only spell be ditinguished from simply talking? For example if a sorcerer was being arrested by a city guard could she pretend to surrender and then cast suggestion (a verbal only spell)? Would he immediately realize a spell was being cast and get to roll initiative?

Ross Byers wrote:

I removed a post and a lot of replies to it (and replies to them and so forth.)

Don't make arguments personal, and rape is not funny.

Murder on the other hand can be downright hilarious if done right. In-game ofcourse.

Jiggy wrote:
Haven't tried it, but to be honest the Dawnflower Dervish puts it to shame. ;)

What book's that in?

This Bard template looks really cool (although it really ends up not being a bard at all). So has anyone play tested the Dervish Dancer template. If so please give me some feedback. :)

Mirrel the Marvelous wrote:

If the witch is even half-way intelligent then they will not be waving the source of all their power around where any chump can see/steal/sunder it anyway.

There is nothing saying that it has to be visible, in their hand or even on their person to use their powers (except in the case of the touch=range touch and possess undead abilities) any more than the wizard has to walk round with his spellbook in his hand.

From what I just read, for the purpose delivering touch spells she would have to have it in her hands. Since this is a full-round action she would have had to have pulled it out the round before. However for normal spell/hex casting, no she would not neccesarrily have to have it out/visible.

CrackedOzy wrote:

Just a random thought I had that I was wondering if anyone else had tried implementing. Would bringing down the damage output of spells help bridge the gap between being a Wizard* versus a Fighter* ? It'd be better if there was some overall ruling that could be applied rather than have to apply adjustments on a 1 for 1 basis.

Maybe something like halving the rate of damage accrual? So spells like Fireball would only do 1d6 per 2 levels? Magic Missile would gain an extra missile at 4,9,13,&17? Etc. You could apply this to non-damage spells too, if needed.

Or if that's too much, what about downgrading the die one type? D4's for Fireballs, d3+1 for Magic Missile, etc.

Idk, just a thought.

*(or whatever)

I wonder why people think Fireball is such an OP spell. You're not the only one, my buddy who plays mostly fighter used to groan everytime i casted it.

Anyway fireball caps out at 10d6, sounds awesome right? Max of 60? Well you will never actually roll 10 sixes, you average damage is 30. Most monsters you fight at lvl 10 can take 3 of these before going down. Most mosters at that lvl can also make the reflex save about 1/2 the time so those lucky ones will take an average of 15. A 2-hand fighter at lvl 10 can take out one enemy in half the time and one dead enemy is mor useful to the party than 5 damaged ones.

"What happens when your animal companion dies?"

Name the next one Meatshield number 2.

Well there is an Archeologist template in PAPG I belive. And it's a bard template so that means Whip proficiency, not sure about pistol.

PhineasGage wrote:

I'm interested in hearing all of your thoughts on GMs mandating an alignment shift of a PC based on their actions.

Do you need to see stable, consistent behaviour before you force a shift?

Do you explicitly state the shift at all, or simply converse with the player about how their actions don't fit their alignment and would they like to make a shift?

Can a single incident spark a GM directed alignment shift?

A bit of contextual information:

Recently, in our campaign, the PCs arrived at a city where they were advised to keep their heads down, as some powerful group is out to get them (we're running Jade Regent). To make things interesting, and to see how the party would react to trying not to draw attention to themselves I had them encounter a large group of drunk, unruly men coming home at the end of a long days work. The men insulted the PCs, harassed them a bit, and made lewd comments about a female NPC tagging along with them.

The party attempted a little bit of intimidation to run them off, but that failing, they began attacking these mostly unarmed, unarmored men in the middle of the city. After murdering 5 of them, a few of the PCs realized their error and went into hiding.
Two of the PCs decided they wanted a little more fun and attempted to head down to the local brothel. Various guardsmen attempted to stop them, and were slain. After killing 13 guardsmen, one PC was finally taken down and the other slipped away.

I ruled the captured one was almost immediately executed for his crimes.

Both characters initially started off as having True Neutral alignments.
I dictated that the one that slipped away's alignment shifted to NE based on this event.

Too harsh, too easy? Any thoughts? This was a really odd situation, and not something typicaly for my players at all...and I'm wondering if I handled it fairly.

On topic you weren't harsh at all. Their alignment should have been shifted to public enemy number one.

An issue that came up in a session I DMd in 3.5. Enemy mage used a scroll, player wanted to take his attack of opportunity against the mage's scroll rather than the mage himself. Is that allowed?

leo1925 wrote:

Thank you all for your help.

I decided to go with fire from both bloodlines (but i understood that cold+rime is probably better) since i wanted (for once) to play a napalm wizard.

Mal-Duroth wrote:
leo1925 wrote:
Yes i know that the batman wizard is regarded as a better choice for wizards and i agree /snip
What's a batman wizard? Searched the boards, this conversation is the only thing that comes up.
You may have seen it as god wizard, it is the wizard who focus on space denial, battlefiend control, buff, debuff and maybe save or suck spells.

Oh, okay ty.

How about this one? Long story short my witch was trying to get info on a fugitve from a thug whom had been rumored to be seen in his presence. he wasn't talking and my buddie and I both rolled low on intimidate.

My CN witch, not above low-intesity torture, casted Cup of Dust on him promising to return the next morning to see if he was feeling more cooperative. So I did return only to see that he had drowned himself in a horsetrough outside his appartment.

Her reaction was a mix of embarrasment for not for seeing this and frusteration at wasting their only known connetion to the man they were chasing. A reaction which I believe was perfectly in line w/ her alignment.

Our GM however believed this was grounds for an instant alignment change to CE. I was pretty upset, for one this GM is normally a pretty opened minded guy. I tried to explain that committing neglegnet homocide and not taking responsibility for it is a far cry from the bloodthirsty nature of CE. He wasn't hearing it however. It turned into a fight that led to the end of that particular session. We haven't addressed the issue since, at first it was like the pink elephant in the room and then it was forgotten.

I'm curious tho what my character did was negligent, maybe slightly sociapathic. But grounds for an instant alignment change?

Sorcerers with the elemantal Bloodline can cange any spell w/ an energy decriptor to spell that deals damage using the energy type of their chosen element.

Seong Mi-na = Glaive weilding Seohi Monk.

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

Easiest way of dealing with them is walk straight up and snatch it out of their hands (who cares about the AoO, it can't hurt even if they do hit you) and tear the dolly in half in front of them.

Then laugh as they need to spend a fortune to replace all the spells they just lost.

This made me lol!

BTW thaks for the responses guys.

Well jumping in half cocked didn't help that's for sure. Still if I had time to hit him with Fortune (and cakle like a lunatic throughout the whole fight and hope one of the monkeys didn't catch wise)and our cleric was able to sneak his entire payload of buffs on him without being noticed we were still fighting a 900 pound gorilla (or however much he weighed)

For one, Phil WAS hitting him w/ most attacks (the few he had a chance to make). Problem was his considerable AC was a joke to this guy. I think his main attack was +24 or higher because Ruth was hitting w/ a natural 4!

Had we talked sense into him and sent one of the casters against him, Mark (cleric) could have tried using SoSes on Ruth but wouldn't have survived more than 2 or 3 good hits if he saved. I could have flown out of melee range and used SoS but I imagine even a couple of good ranged hits would have took me out even w/ ghostbane dirge active (squishy witch).

Arbane the Terrible wrote:
Mal-Duroth wrote:

I had a similar question regarding the Vision hex.

Could a witch make a buisness out of using Vision to conduct fortunetelling sessions?

If so what repercussions could showing anyone willing to pay for it a glimpse of thier possible future have?

Well, there's the predestination vs. free will problem you get with ANY prophecies. Other than that, there's the problems of the customer not liking what they see, misinterpreting it, the witch being accused of being a cheat, the local Spellcaster's Mutual Aid Association wanting a cut, etc...

Spellcaster's Mutual Aid Association? I'm gonna get shook down by Red Cross for Wizards? lol

My buddy still plays your plain ol' sword, sheild, and fullplate fighter... (AND think's that everyone else should too.) HE seems to enjoy it.

I usually play catsers but was tempted roll a polearm fighter. They look like they are actually worth going to lvl 20 w/ now in PT. My only gripe is that Armor Training loses it's usefulness as you get higher since it's unlikely your dex will scale w/ the bonus you get.

Sry I got a little long winded. You can pretty much skip paragraph 4 and still get the gist of it.

I have a question pertaining to Ruthazek's 3 challenges. Is a standard non-monty haul characters supposed to even have a shot at this at their level? Our party had just turned lvl 11 when the king showed up, invited us to dinner, and challenged us to his 3 tests for control of the City of Seven Spears. Seeing how we couldn't have repelled his small army of giant monkeys we accepted.

The first test required a DC 25 str roll, which our fighter just couldn't make despite his appropriate for his level str, (20 including magic items) a couple of buffs from our cleric, (Bull's str and some spell I'd never heard before so I forget), and a fortune hex from my witch. In the end I believe he needed a natural 17!

Second test was storytelling which our cleric was able to make with a high diplomacy check.

Third test pissed me off most of all between one of our players and the inherrent unfairness of the task. One of us had to fight King Ruthazek in single combat. The cleric and I figured it would be foolish to try and match muscle for msucle against the big guy. Our Ranger didn't like HIS odds in a duel but the guy w/ the fighter (notorious for being a stubborn ass and then jumping to the defense that he's "just playing his character") demanded to be the one to fight him. We tried to have a discussion over who was most fit to match big Ruth bit Phil (fighter) jumped the gun and tried to commence the fight while we were amid discussion. I used Slumber on him but appearently (per DM) our continued conversation outlasted the 11 rounds so it ended up Phil vs Ruth after all.

The "duel" lasted a total 2 rounds as Ruthazek was able to hit him w/ all 3 attacks W/ Power Attack! Turns out Baby Ruth was a lvl 14 Fighter... with the stats of a Dire Ape! I figured he was going to be tough, but I didn't realize that one of us (I repeat ONE OF US) was expected single handedly defeat a wlaking woodchipper!!

The part that sucked most of all is that I found out later that, had we somehow defeated evil King Ruth, he would have held up his end of the deal to depart without incident. But, by virtue of being thrust into an almost unwinnable situation, our mostly good aligned party was forced to break OUR promise, steal into the city, murder some apes along the way, and sneak into the Vault so we could save some dude's life.

Once again we are a party of level 11 characters. We have a decent arry a magic items collected throughout the AP and were built using the 15 point standard fantasy stat buy. How in the hell were we supposed to accomplish our task without resorting to outright backstabbing?

I imagine you could make a pretty good living as a fortune teller, you'd pretty much put Harrow readers and the like out of buisness. I imagine however there might be repercussions for showing alot of people in a local area a glimpse of their possible future.

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