Shade of the Uskwood

M. Night Plantamayan's page

27 posts. Alias of Mike Welham (Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012).


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<Takes notes>

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Stop stealing my notes, Tordek!

In my version, Keyser Soze is a dead plant! What a twist!

Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
So the end of the world (as we know it) starts in Ireland?
wasn't there a horrible movie that had that as the premise?

<Jots idea down>

Subway meat is people!

Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

The sorm did mean things to the vegetation round here.


Well, now Badger-man is just going to have to stat up the dreaded Sorm - bane to vegetation and plant creatures. :)

Which, in reality, is a plant creature itself!

It turns out they were all dead, and he was the only one who was alive.

What a twist!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I've seen...things...BAD THINGS...

Have you seen

The Happening?

Celestial Healer wrote:
taig wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Lately, my partner has been a bit more positive about the opportunities to explore his interests in the NY area, although I know a big part of him still wants to move to the west coast. For the time being, it may work out the best for him too.

Plus it would give me the opportunity to stalk Freehold and make sure he's not a sockpuppet.

Hmm. So Freehold came through and posted, but avoided any mention of this. Clearly it hits too close to the truth. ;)


So, who is the real Freehold? I bet it's Sebastian.

I'm going with Joss Whedon. No one would ever suspect.

Now that's a twist I can appreciate!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
M. Night Plantamayan wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Don't hate the aberration. Hate the mad wizard.

I do hate the mad wizard. Somebody should do something about that guy! Maybe some kind of strike team, with swords and specialists and magic! Yeah, that's the ticket. They'll invade his underground bunker and defeat his defenses, then kill his butt!

You know, this sounds vaguely familiar...

Sounds like a great plot for a movie.

Only, it needs a twist, like the mad wizard is actually the father of one of the strike team members. I've got the line of dialog already figured out for the reveal: "No, *whine*, that's not true! *whine* That's impossible! *whine* *whine*"

C'mon bad as his twists can be, they're better than George's.

Thanks. First of all, let me say I'm glad you didn't see The Last Airbender.

Studpuffin wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Don't hate the aberration. Hate the mad wizard.

I do hate the mad wizard. Somebody should do something about that guy! Maybe some kind of strike team, with swords and specialists and magic! Yeah, that's the ticket. They'll invade his underground bunker and defeat his defenses, then kill his butt!

You know, this sounds vaguely familiar...

Sounds like a great plot for a movie.

Only, it needs a twist, like the mad wizard is actually the father of one of the strike team members. I've got the line of dialog already figured out for the reveal: "No, *whine*, that's not true! *whine* That's impossible! *whine* *whine*"

lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Of course I can't stand Avatar either.
Meh, I give it some props. The acting and plot sucked, but the concept design was done by Wayne Barlowe. That has to count for [i]something/i].
Hey at least it looked awesome in 3D right guys?........*cries for wasting her money*

Never saw it in 3D. 3D movies make my eyes hurt and give me vertigo.

My friend Mick went to see Avatar in IMAX 3D while on acid, and he said it was pretty good.

I didn't have high hopes for it so I honestly said hey even if the story is crap at least the fight scenes would be cool to watch in 3D. What a waste of 3D.
I'm sorry you didn't care for it. I found the movie a bit long and a little cheesy, but the action made up for it. I really don't see where all the Avatar hate I've been encountering lately is coming from.
I love love the cartoons-I own all the seasons. My bf saw the movie and liked it without seeing the show. Idk, I'm just a purest when it comes to Avatar.


I thought you meant the blue people avatar, not the last airbender movie.

Oh no, I'm an overweening purist on that angle.

Animation forever, live action never.

+1 million. The Last Airbender movie sucked. Hard. M Night Shyamalan makes terrible movies. Really, really terrible movies.

Dumb producers didn't want me to have a twist where Aang was actually dead.

Casper the Brain-Eating Ghost wrote:

I like possessing my victims and making them dance.

Then I eat their brains. No one ever sees it coming.

<Raises hand>


And, no, I'm not worried about my brain. You did see The Last Airbender, didn't you?

Mac Boyce wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Well that's good, I'm sure Leafy is gonna read this and just pretend this conversation never happened...
Oh that should be interesting to see.
Or terrifying. It's so hard to tell sometimes.
Yep either way.

Pffft. I fear no Leafy. I'll just go get weed-killer.


But the weed killer is actually people killer!

You never saw that coming, did you?

Moff Rimmer wrote:


People really need to think in more ways than strictly linearly...

** spoiler omitted **

MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! The plant spores have gotten to her. She should be immolating herself soon.

Aberzombie wrote:

You rang?

The twist is, we're not really blitzing!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
And thus Urizen died: a smile on his face, laughter gurgling from his voice, and an oaken beam sundering his ribcage.

No one saw that coming!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Sooooo....Thundarr Optimus Abercrombie?
As a kid, I would have gone out of my way to befriend a kid named Thundarr Optimus Abercrombie. Although I'd always feel his lesser so having such a nitro-charged name.

*has flash backs of boyfriend saying he wanted to name his kid Optimus Prime*

Don't worry. I have ways of making sure this will not happen.

Let me guess:

You're going to infect him with plant spores that will make him choose the right name, just before walking in front of a moving bus.

No one will see that coming!

Freehold DM wrote:
M. Night Plantamayan wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
My incredibly handsome doppelganger!!! Well, sorry dude, but you being beautiful ain't gonna save you from these here day old cookies.. flings cookies at stunningly gorgeous doppelganger

But the twist is...


No, too obvious. Wait, I've got it.

The twist is...


The first one would have broken my mind into little pieces if done properly.

The second one is waaaaaay too much like FFVII. Which I hate. Almost as much as I hate people named Micheal. And Facebook. And Joss Whedon. Actually, it's in the running for first place along with Whedon-hate.

All part of my master plan, er, artistic vision.

Freehold DM wrote:
My incredibly handsome doppelganger!!! Well, sorry dude, but you being beautiful ain't gonna save you from these here day old cookies.. flings cookies at stunningly gorgeous doppelganger

But the twist is...


No, too obvious. Wait, I've got it.

The twist is...


The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Pual wrote:
M. Night Plantamayan wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Can I flag people for being d@#!#!~s?
I'm sorry about The Lady in the Water...
Now apologise for Signs, The Village etc.
Hey, I liked Signs.
I liked them both. That being said you could see the "plot twist" a mile off. Lady in the water was boring, but I think part of it was the actors. The one that really got me though, that damned plant movie. I am so glad I just waisted my time and not my money.

But Lady in the Water was sooooo meta. I told you there was a plot twist, but it wasn't the one I led you to believe it was.


Are you eyein' my lemon drink?

That one kills me!

Studpuffin wrote:
Can I flag people for being d@#!#!~s?

I'm sorry about The Lady in the Water...

The glue was really...

not glue!! I'm a genius!

Does anyone see dead people?

Alright, I have an awesome idea for a plant apocalypse.

We all develop special pollen that causes humans to off themselves. After that, the planet is ours!