
Lost Gamer's page

Organized Play Member. 122 posts (987 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 20 aliases.


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Shadow Lodge

Finder's Keeper wrote:
Well done, Lost Gamer! I enjoyed that scene.
Merenso Kull wrote:

I second the previous two posters o.0

I must say I'm enjoying this game immensely so far :)

Thanks it's been sitting in the back of my head for a long time. I did like the fact that the eidolon wasn't some weird creature that was maxed out for attacks and stuff, but had more history and RP tagged along with it.

Hu5Tru wrote:
wow, it sucks being in europe. when things move so fast, i just get the impression that my character is sitting staring like a boob as the world passes by.

In Europe?!? That probably is bad. I was only away for 10 hours at work today and I feel the same way.

Going to catch up now but will give someone else their time in the spotlight. :)

Shadow Lodge

he mount, which has yet to be ID'd, or confirmed calmed as the druid hasn't responded to the GM about it,( KN: nature to tell what it is and did a will save of 12 beat your Calm animal DC, Gellius?). The rider hops off the mount and takes up it's nasty looking pole-arm.

Missed this twice? Wondering how, could be I come back from work and you all have a dozen posts up and I read it but forgot about it trying to take my turn. Sorry bout all that.

I put a link of the spell in the actions. Will try and do this for you as much as possible and give you a DC - but calm animals doesn't allow for a DC so long as you beat the Hit Dice of the animal(s) your trying to calm. How do you think Gellius got to be such a good vet? LOL

Now I remember why I didn't roll an ID that first time. It didn't allow me to go back and edit (like it won't now). As I don't wish to mes up the combat order, it is working really well btw.

Rolling ID here and now - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Again sorry for the missing all that.

Shadow Lodge

I was waiting for the...

One goblin is engaging Oded. 3 more are about 25' away from Oded's position, and the singer has a bow out.

3 more goblins to join the fight. But re-reading it looks like two of them got color sprayed?? I didn't think they were close enough. And Berenwyr had color spray a different group.

I think for small quick combats a map isn't needed. If we get into something with a lot of combatants then maybe.

I will volunteer to do a Start of Combat Map. We post one map of where everyone is to start and then we just keep track by referring back, and plotting where they have moved during the rounds. Everyone would need to post there location as they move.

Shadow Lodge

Sounds good. Maybe get through this round and wait to start the next?

And everyone enjoy their Holiday. :)

Shadow Lodge

Sent in my character as well.

Shadow Lodge

Friendly bump to keep it out there.

Shadow Lodge

NP - I would run it but I already have two Carrion Crown games running on the boards here. And I really want to play.

Shadow Lodge

Ok thread is up:

Group Seeks GM to run Carrion Crown AP(pbp) - Characters ready

I have it that they should come over to this thread if interested but if you want you could dot that thread just in case discussions start in it.

Shadow Lodge

Hello to all interested.

Seeking a GM to take over as the GM that started us out has vanished. And before even getting started.

If you wish to run this AP for us please stop over and see what we are up to HERE

Characters are pregenes and I think we have 6 players (maybe 7) ready to go.

All questions can be answered at the discussion thread. Good gaming to you.

Shadow Lodge

Doing great with keeping it going - guess now the test is a combat situation. :)

Although I don't want to fight but want to see how good a support role Gellius is.

Shadow Lodge

I'll make up the request thread tonight then.

Hope we get a GM. I have been working on extra background for the eidolon that I really need to type up. :P

Shadow Lodge

Natara Kaijitsu wrote:

:: When Sandru comes to the door she swallows nervously and follows him to a table where several people are sitting. She doesn't pay much attention to the others at first, her eyes are on her cousin. ::

:: makes the proper bow to the head of the family::

"Greetings, Lady Kaijitsu. It would seem that we are cousins. I'm honored to finally meet the head of my father's family."

:: while waiting for Ameiko's response, she will surreptitously study the remaining people at the table, seeing firstly an elderly Varisian woman wearing the holy symbol of Desna [who must be the Koya Mvashti Sandru mentioned] seated next to a young elven woman who fits Shandru's description of Shalelu Andosana. ::

Is this your IC fluff?? Sorry if it is a little confusing but the this Gameplay is where the game is being played. After we get started we will hardly use this thread much.

Also can find tabs at the top of this page. :)

Shadow Lodge

GAME is on. Tabs are above.

Azure_Zero your character isn't gestalt. You mentioned levels in monk, do you wish to play a ninja/monk then?

Will be moving character checking to Discussion thread over the next couple days.

Shadow Lodge

NP :) get well we will be here int he morning.

Shadow Lodge

Getting a post together for characters they seem spread out.

Sir Alfric, The Green Knight half-elf Green Knight 1 [cavalier(order of the shield/ranger(guide)]
Radko Vladek human Pilgrim of Pharasma 1 [fighter(mobile fighter)/inquisitor]
Natara Kaijitsu human Shinobi 1 [(ninja/sorcerer(gold dragon bloodline)]

Just need Azure_Zero's teifling ?? 1 [ninja/fighter(two weapons)]

Heading off to work look for an IC tonight. :)

Will also preview characters in greater depth.

Shadow Lodge

You might want to look over the Archtypes and see if the GM will allow you to add one to your fighter Volty.

It all depends on what type of fighter you wish to play. They have archtypes for polearm masters, two-handed fighters, and over a half-dozen more. And most don't get "new abilities" till after first level anyway.

I would almost ask for gaining the Urban Druid archtype. As Nobility domain would be a better help. But I don't ant to change my background and like the way he speak to animals (even when not using his ability).

SO no changes for me. Will look at the equipment though.

Shadow Lodge

hughcares I had a drop out in this: Game if you like please slide over and post up to dot it and then we will see about getting you a character in play.

Shadow Lodge

Moving this up to keep in people's minds.

Spiral_Ninja wrote:

In the interest of cordination, I worked out this list of skills and abilities recommended for carvan jobs:

Suggested Skills: at least one character with at least one rank in:
Profession (baker, brewer, cook, fisherman, gardener, innkeeper, or tavern keeper)
Handle Animal or Profession (driver)
Perform [any]
Knowledge (geography)
Bluff, Diplomacy, or Profession (merchant)
Craft (carpentry) or Profession (engineer or wainwright)

Suggested Abilities: at least one character with the ability to:
cast spells of any type
cast divination spells

And at least one character with a base attack bonus of +1

I like the two characters so far. Will be checking soon and starting RP. I am reading the first pdf now so bear with me please.

Shadow Lodge

Good to know and I am good to go. :)

Shadow Lodge

Sorry hughcares but there is not. I might have room in my Skull & Shackles game for another player though.


Azure_Zero you can play a tiefling if you wish not sure about the custom rules let me know what you wish to change from the bestairy right up.

Just don't want to let in to may non-core rules if I can help it. But I have always thought races from the bestiary should have the same alternate racial features like those the base races get from the APG.

Shadow Lodge

Azure_Zero wrote:

Would you mind me testing this ARG playtest sample race?

Sorry answer is on the other page. The answer is no but you could play a race from the Bestairy(1 or 2) if it comes with a good background.


just type [ dice ]...roll here...[ /dice ] no spaces

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 6) + 6 = 14

And you get a roll. They seem to change if you edit or perview the post a lot so watch out for that.

Shadow Lodge

Any thread you post in gets a little black dot next to it when you are out searching the boards.

To dot a thread all you need do is post in it and then you will be able to hit the focus (top right corner) and see all the threads you have posted in.

If you go to my profile you will see I just used it to link all my games. When I come on the boards I usually just open a new tab with each game. But if I didn't "dot" this thread I wouldn't know you had posted something here. It told me there were new posts waiting to be read.

Shadow Lodge

Checking in it won't let you know there are new posts till you check in and at least dot the thread.

Not sure if Gellius would join the game- maybe someone who is from town might wish to call him over (plz).

Shadow Lodge

Sorry just getting in from work. Glad you found a way to resolve your linguistics ability.

Will check over characters over the weekend and I'll probably get the pdf FRI night so we can start at least a little RP.

Shadow Lodge

Well knew it wouldn't take to long to find a player. :)

Sorry as of Nov. 10th 2011 both the above games have been filled.

I have a few players on hiatus so be looking here in a week or so.

Shadow Lodge

Actually for what we are thinking of doing you could be a gestalt ranger/cavalier.

That would give us 4 and be a fun game with the gestalt rules to boot.


Shadow Lodge

Mail is sent. Happy reading.

Shadow Lodge

Sorry Azure_Zero don't think I am ready to open that can of worms just yet. My PF experience is about 10 months right now (glad it is close to 3.5).

So we have one class down.

Ninja/Sorcerer - Might need an overall class name so as not to get confused with multiclassing. Like Shinobi, Konran, or use the rankings in the Dan system.

Ninja-Shodan 1st lvl
Ninja-Nidan 2nd lvl
Ninja-Sandan 3rd lvl
Ninja-Yondan 4th lvl
Ninja-Godan 5th lvl
Ninja-Rokudan 6th lvl
Ninja-Nanadan 7th lvl
Ninja-Hachidan 8th lvl
Ninja-Kyudan 9th lvl
Ninja-Jūdan 10th lvl

Something to think on. But I think I like listing one class for the gestalt and if you multiclass then you have no problems telling your level.

Example: Sprial_Ninja's gestalt class is ninja/sorcerer and we call it a Shinobi. At level 4 she takes a level in monk. Her character is then a...



Classes for the NPCs will be the same as in the books. I was looking at making Koya an oracle but thought better of it.

Shadow Lodge

I see six out of eight.



Xiuj-Hak-Leyng IV - Camris
Merenso Kull - flykiller
Ereviss Cierdel - Daniel Stewart
Jevalt Ardain - LordHector
Eilinica Ziorec - Hu5tru
Dominnia Vorsaife - Lost Gamer

Argimar Vaskel - male half-orc paladin
Ysabot Vaskel - female changeling witch

I have the pdf if you wish to see them.

Shadow Lodge

WoW is that me??? You were rolling that as I was posting.

Shadow Lodge

Azure_Zero why not Oracle or Summoner. I don't think their is a class that won't fit.

Looking at the ninja they would also benefit from a good BAB class. They have skills and a descent HD. Maybe ranger - go skirmisher for even more tricks - the extra fighting style, large HD, favored enemy, and tracking might add to the character a bit.

Wizard or a call it a Wu Jen?? Could help as we are lacking in the arcane department with things outside of combat. I would hate to relies on the NPCs for detect magic, identify, comprehend languages, and other utility spells all the time. But their may be no help for it.

Really hate to be in you all's shoes. Sorry for making this tougher. But I think it will be more fun.

Shadow Lodge

flykiller I think any class with a good BAB will be a good fit for an Inquisitor (except maybe cavalier :P)

Barbarian to add to the Heretic's personality (raging when in the presence of a heretic). He also could be more a survivalist or work for a more natural deity like Erastil or Gozreh.

Fighter for faster feat progression, and you can use your non fighter feats at the odd levels for things like teamwork and focuses.

Paladin for extra healing for the group later. A noble mount for when we cross the Crown of the World.

Ranger to give extra's like favored enemy and animal companion, or better take the bond that helps the group, forget what it is called at the moment. Ranger(trapper) sounds appealing to me as we would have a PC with trapfinding and you could be the kind of inquisitor who later lays traps to catch heretics.

A Samurai might be tough but would fit in and you could be a ronin if you wish. Perhaps the son of an old retainer or something from Brinewall.

Lots to decide but we have time as I have to wait till this weekend to get the first module.

If I start it may be SUN or MON and just a little RP at the Rusty Dragon.

Shadow Lodge

Well first I hope everything is alright in AoC's real life. You never know when it can rear it's ugly head and take a bite at you.

For everyone else - It has been over a week since his last post and I truly wish to play this with these characters. What if we were to give him another week and then look into finding a GM to inherit this.

I wish AoC would post something - even to say he has delayed/postponed this game. But he hasn't posted anywhere on the boards since the 31st of OCT. :(

What do the rest of you think?

Shadow Lodge

I think having three gestalt players and then having two to three NPC with them at times make for a good group.

And maybe for a little faster play as you know I am excited to get to white dragon fighting. >:)

I think i will forgo XP and have level ups come as you progress. The module I have has a page that gives levels you should be at certain times during the game. If I use this route than the group will spend less time trying to find a monster to fight and more in getting through the chapter and on to the next, (not my idea really - again something I found searching other pbps).

Shadow Lodge

SweeperAZ wrote:

Gellius Frispin: I'm curious as to what your character is wearing to drop his speed to 20 as I don't see any armor listed


Due to his medium load Gellius's speed drops. His 10 STR is one of the achilles heels I wish to play with at the start. He won't be able to carry a lot of equipment or weapons, helps to keep him in his support roll function.

Later on the animals he summons will do most of the major fighting.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks for the heads up motteditor - and have fun in all your games.

Maybe when we reach the 3rd installment you will have a little time to join in. :)

Shadow Lodge

Well then maybe we are about ready and don't need a forth. But I have been looking up things and at one site I found that maybe with less people we could use the gestalt rules.

I found this: Mowgli's Pathfinder Repository: Building a Gestalt Character when I goggled about it.

These rules seem very simple and they could add to the characters, thus making them truly heroic and giving the group the extra casters for things like detect magic and healing and such.

So Spiral_Ninja could make her ninja/sorcerer right off the bat and have them level at the same time.

The NPCs would not get this benefits but that is why the PCs would be almost center stage all the time. With maybe one or two NPCs joining up with them.

Let me know what you think and after we get characters done we have to build a caravan??

Shadow Lodge

Not a bad idea. I'm not sure how much the NPCs team up with the PCs as yet, but when they do maybe allowing you to help dictate their actions will help me in combat.

So Spiral_Ninja it would almost be like getting both the characters you want :)

Either has a great background and playability I like the add-on with the 11 yr. old also - Just let me know what you wish to do.

Will be checking in again tonight.

Shadow Lodge

So to anyone out there still looking for one more player.

Shadow Lodge

No I have you as in.

Let's see so far we have


Spiral_Ninja - Ninja
Azure_Zero - Ninja
flykiller - Inquisitor

And maybe motteditor but I think he wanted to play the 7th level game. Will leave a spot for him just in case though. So could be a party of five.


Two ninja's maybe. Think they could be on the same mission? From what I can learn off other games and picking up blogs here and there - the reason Ameiko is needed back in the Dragon Empire is to stop an evil oni from becoming emperor.

The two ninjas could have been sent out to track down the true heir (maybe part of a larger group - but they are all that is left).

Not to worried about party composition as the NPCs could fill in gaps. I just didn't want to have to play all of them at once so will try not to so much.

Shadow Lodge


<snip> That being said, I'm not as familiar with the world as I'd like and I don't own the PF Campaign book <snip>

All you need I think is in the players guide and there is a map in the back of it.

Here is a map from Jade Regent I found online of the same area.

MAP LINK That shows the area has alot of different terrain features.

I'm thinking of making up my druid to add in as a support role. It looks like Shanoti make the best druids but I like to stay away from the norm.

So I am leaning towards a Veterinarian type druid. The guy in town who helps the sick cows and horses and such. He himself won't be much of a fighter but later on he will summon animals to help in a tight spot.

Making alias now.

Shadow Lodge

Ok as of today Nov. 9th 2011 I am looking for a three players in a couple games.

Need two players in my soon to start Jade Regent. And if you have looked in the game has changed to starting at the beginning and not using the NPCs.

That link is here - Jade Regent Game

And I need a replacement for a Skull & Shackles group. They have started an extra game to tide us over till the AP is out and you can join in as a member of the crew for the ship they our on.

That link is here - Skull & Shackles

Please post up your interest and I'm sorry but it is first come first to get a spot.

Thanks for your time.

Shadow Lodge

Well since going with making your own PCs would give you a character you wish to play and make Azure_Zero happy as well I will try it.

So as of right now use the character gene below and make characters -

- Ability Scores: point buy using 20pts.
- Races: Core only
- Classes: Any from available sources.
- Starting Level: 1st
- Skills and Feats: Any available from sources.
- Traits: Standard (pick two)
- Hero Points: No, we will not be using these.
- Equipment: Max starting gold
- Hit Points: Standard (Max at 1st lvl and roll for every level after that)

- Pathfinder CORE
- Pathfinder Chronicles - Campaign Setting
- Advance Player's Guide
- Ultimate Magic
- Ultimate Combat
- Adventure's Armory
- Pathfinder SRD third party material only by GM approval

I will take the next two people who wish to play and make sure they wish to post at the twice a week (minimum).

I need to go buy the first pdf and get reading. Might have to give me the next couple of days for that. Maybe we could start after this weekend.

Shadow Lodge

Run the game all the way through, huh? I could do that if it is what people want. Might be the best way to learn about these caravan rules - seem to play a good part in the third installment.

I would still like to use the NPCs as PCs option and get a group of 4 together.

Oh, and Happy (early? belated?) Birthday. :)

Shadow Lodge

Well thanks for stopping in and have fun in your game.

This didn't get the responds I was hoping for wonder if I'm just not explaining it right? You still get to make your own character they just will have the interlocking background that comes from being in the Player's Guide.

Or could it be that 3 out of the 4 PCs are women?

Shadow Lodge

True - but there will be a little GP for you to spend if you need something so specific. But if you build the character and take Weapon Focus(rapier) you can be sure I won't give him a +1 scimitar. :P

Shadow Lodge




Character Gene:

- Ability Scores: point buy using 20pts.
- Races: already chosen by character
- Classes: Any from available sources.
- Starting Level: 7th
- Skills and Feats: Any available from sources.
- Traits: Standard (pick two)
- Hero Points: No, we will not be using these.
- Equipment: TBD by the GM
- Hit Points: Standard (Max at 1st lvl and roll for every level after that)


- Pathfinder CORE
- Pathfinder Chronicles - Campaign Setting
- Advance Player's Guide
- Ultimate Magic
- Ultimate Combat
- Adventure's Armory
- Pathfinder SRD third party material only by GM approval

The SRD has mostly everything out there so will be your best source for things you (or I) may not have.

Happy character building.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks Spiral_Ninja if you have a treasure list I would be overly in your debt. :)

I could see Koya as an Oracle(Seer) or something other than a full cleric. And Sandru need not be a rogue he could be a fighter who specializes in quick tactics and lightly armored style fighting. He could be an improved disarm/dazzling display type.

So I will take back the rules for having them start as a bard, rogue, cleric, and ranger. I will allow you to take any class or combos you see that fit the background/picture that is in the PG.

So the only thing set is their gender, age(mostly for Koya), and race.

And I didn't want to get into builds and such but will post character gene rules below *sigh*

BTW: Are you saying twice a week is slow? I have seen slower -UGH! If it is faster than I am ok with that it is just a minimum.

Shadow Lodge

I am there now - didn't know I made it to be part of the game thanks.

Oh and great tie in with the background I had written maybe Gaedren will be that elusive villian I'm always one step behind. :)

Shadow Lodge

Let's see...

There could be a TPK as normal I wouldn't go fudging dice rolls for that or nothing. And by mid-adventure you would have access to raise dead so as long as people didn't go around jumping off cliffs for fun then I think their will be ways to bring a PC back.

If Ameiko dies then the groups new goal might be to return her body to homeland for an empress's burial.

Good example with Helm's Deep - Let's say you are playing Gimili and the game starts with you standing on the battlements of Helm's Deep. Then your background would have in it that you ventured to Rivendell and joined the Fellowship of the Ring, because you didn't trust all the pointy eared bas---- about to get the job done right. Following Gandalf you ventured into the Mines of Moria, etc.

I'm not sure what the two previous adventures entailed (yet). But you could talk about the goblins and fireworks. The discovery of Ameiko's hertiage and your wishing to join her on the trek to Tian. Second module has you stop over in Kalsgard where you battle ninjas so a little bit about your ninja bashing skills could be said.

Not sure what you mean by character decisions being made for you Mr. Swagger. All I wish is for the players to use the info in the player's guide to help in character creation. After that they are yours and yours alone to play.

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