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![]() A little place to chat - keep each other updated on RL situations - and maybe a release if you want to yell at me (or a player) even though your character wouldn't LOL. Hoping to get to that white dragon soon (like two years, this is pbp). Preview: AC: 24
breath weapon - think standing in a freezer over night in your undies >:) ![]()
![]() The Brinewall Legacy by James Jacobs Quote:
Sounds like fun for everyone. Let's have a great campaign. ![]()
![]() Ok so next to my name now it says (Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber) and I figured since I was going to run Skull & Shackles why not get the subscriptions and all the great discounts. Thanks paizo. Well what also happen was this started with Jade Regent #3, and after a look at the pdf I think a little trip across the north pole fighting Frost Giants and White Dragons an excellent adventure (from behind the screen <insert wicked grin>). So "Special Recruitment" for a couple reasons. A) I wish to start an AP in the middle. B) I wish for the players to play one of the four NPCs from the Player's Guide. C) And will not be allowing for PCs to buy starting gear. Because I don't want everyone running around with boots of the winterlands (unless the game calls for it - haven't read it all yet) _____________________________________________ Before applying one major thing. I wish for you to be able to post at least twice a week. Looking for the game to be a little on the faster side (that white dragon is a waiting), and wish for a small commitment from those who take the offer to join the game. Other applying guidelines below. ![]()
![]() Well I don't know how to change the title of the threads to let people know I am looking for new players so I started a whole new thread that I will use for all my games as needed. Am looking for two new players in two different Carrion Crown games right now. Both games have just started so there shouldn't be to much trouble getting you in, and you haven't missed to much of the zombie bashing fun. Here is the link to the first game discussion - Group 1 The party consists of: Female Assimar (with Ulfen blood) Cleric(Theologian) 1
And a full time NPC: Male Human (Taldan) Rogue 1 _____________________________________________________ The second game is here for Group 2 That party has - Male Human Sorcerer (Undead Bloodline) 1
And a full time NPC: Male Human (Garundi) Ranger(guide/trapper) 1 ______________________________________________________ No need to post here (but you can), I will bump this as needed. Just join us in the discussion thread of the group you wish to join. And sorry this will be first come first serve as we are playing and I wish to get new characters worked in quickly. Good gaming to all. ![]()
![]() Ok group 2 which is - Pixel Cube - Elan Smokestick - halfling Alchemist
Let us chat about the group, builds, etc. And get the finishing touches on your characters so we start a little side game. ![]()
![]() "Arg! Ye freeboot'n landlubber's. Get ye on deck and be quick." That's pirate talk for please check in when you have a moment. Group: jamie noone - Kale Moore - human fighter
Need to discuss the lack of Disable Device in this group for starters. ;) ![]()
![]() Well I am defiantly going to run the Skull and Shackles AP when it comes out as a pbp. And before my boredom causes me to start something else I though a little recruitment/maybe a prelude encounter or game might not go amiss. Looking about I found a few PFS modules (due to goggling) with a tie to docks or boating theme that may just fit in. So I wish to propose a recruitment for the Skull & Shackles AP - and we may play something short that leads up to it. My normal Character gene rules: Character Gene: - Ability Scores: point buy using 20pts.
Sources - Pathfinder CORE
I wish to make a group of four players with the addition of an NPC. As before if I get enough players to make two groups of four I will do so. I will leave recruitment open one week and bump this as necessary. Lastly I will be using Obsidian Portal as a reference site and a place I wish for you to keep your characters up to date. I like to use the character profiles here as a status profile. It will have current items on you, magical effects, diseases, etc. And will change constantly. The OP character would be like your main character sheet and be updated for level ups and tracking of all items not just the ones you are currently carrying. Thanks for reading - Happy Gaming to all. ![]()
![]() Winter has been over for a week or more now, but in Ustalav you could hardly tell. The ground is cold and hard and the wind bites at you when it finds a place exposed from ubder your cloak. But at least it has stopped raining. This morning a misty rain fell and brought with it a renewed bitter cold as winter clings in the air. The weathe ris partly responsible for your lateness to attend the funeral of your friend Professor Petros Lorrimor. But luckily you have arrived on the morning of the funeral and after a stop in the small village of Ravengro you have come to the cemetry north of town - The Restlands. You notice others seeming to try and catch up to the funeral progression, which stands before the open gates of the cemmetry. By the look of them they too aren't locals and must be other friends of the Professor who have come to pay thier respects. The mourners crowd around a cart carrying a finely crafted black coffin and speak in low voices as they point towards you and the others. Then a woman boldly steps forward her hands folded in front of her. She wears a dark dress and a cape that tugs at her neck as it blows in the wind. Her dark brown hair is pulled back in a tight bun sitting atop her head and by her youthful apperance she must be in her mid twenties. "May I help you?" she asks in a calm voice with but a bit of trepidation. Descriptions and Introductions please ![]()
![]() Well better get this up and running as well. This is group 2's pbp spot. See members below. Also does anyone know how to get characters to list under the character tag? Group: Talia Senshir - Witch - played by ChrisO
![]() I guess this is where we post all questions and perhaps a few HomeBrewed rules. I only have three HBs that I can think of off the top of my head. 1) Channel energy does ??d6 + 1/2 cleric lvl + CHA healing or damage. That rule came from a lot of 1's being rolled backed to back. 2) accelerated crawling - as a full round action you may crawl at half your speed - normal AoO's apply 3) crawling withdrawal - you may take the withdrawal action while prone but may only move at half your listed ground speed - normal AoO's apply Any others you have or know of that you wish to implement? ![]()
![]() by Micheal Kortes Quote: When Harrowstone Prison burned to the ground, prisoners, guards, and a host of vicious madmen met a terrifying end. In the years since, the nearby town of Ravengro has shunned the fire-scarred ruins, telling tales of unquiet spirits that wonder abandoned cellblocks. But when a mysterious evil disturbs Harrowstone's tenuous spiritual balance, a ghostly prison riot commences that threatens to consume the nearby village in madness and flames. Can the adventures discover the secrets of Harrowstone and quell a rebellion of the dead? Or will they be the spirit-prison's next inmates? Let the adventure path begin. ![]()
![]() I wish to run a Carrion Crown AP pbp game. I have recently lost my RL group to (umm..) RL, and wish to not lose the little gaming edge I currently have. This will be a game for 4 players with one NPC added to fill a role and with nudging if players become stuck. I hope to bring a good game that everyone will enjoy. Character Gene: - Ability Scores: point buy using 20pts.
Sources - Pathfinder CORE
The SRD has mostly everything out there so will be your best source for things you (or I) may not have. Please post your interest. |