![]() As this is for a PFS cavalier character who can take it as a bonus teamwork feat, Friendly Switch is not an option. But thanks for suggesting it. The troubling part of this is the following text from the feat:
This seems to suggest that only if you are taking a move action can you swap spaces which is really disappointing. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() I just created a cavalier character for PFS and chose the camel because they spit. I forsee much spiting as the acerbic camel announces his displeasure by hocking a lugie at the back of his riders head as they delve into a dungeon leaving the camel to guard the packs. I don't care that I may not be able to take the camel everywhere I go. As long as I get to have fun playing with the characters. Yes, if you want to take the kewl mounts at level 4 you should be a half-ling or a gnome. As for me, I shall be keeping my camel. ![]()
![]() Read the description of area D2. This seems to suggest to me that the Fane was there before Obherak came in with Jhavhul's army. Obherak took it over and did not design it himself. As to why Obherak did not remake the area into something more defensible...*shrug*...that I cannot answer. Maybe the Nexian magic used to create the plane makes Stone Shape not work propery? ![]()
![]() Generally the APs are written for 4 players. You can do it with 5 but you may want to increase the number of opponents in some encounters or by upping some HPs. The note you read is in reference to the church in town, not the monastery. Soulkeeper wrote:
![]() I would say Yes. From Disrupt Undead:
Quote: You direct a ray of positive energy. You must make a ranged touch attack to hit, and if the ray hits an undead creature, it deals 1d6 points of damage to it. From the Dhampirs' Stat block: Quote: Negative Energy Affinity: Dhampirs are alive, but react to positive and negative energy as if undead—positive energy harms it and negative energy heals it. Since Disrupt generates a ray of positive energy, dhampirs' affinity kicks in and the little bugger is hurt. As to your other question, unless is specifially says it damages by way of positive energy then I would say no. Of course this means that 'hide from undead' will not work on a dhampir. ![]()
![]() Wycen wrote:
Arcane Sight would work. Unless the scroll is encased in lead or something then it would light up like a Christmas tree to Detect Magic/Arcane Sight. ![]()
![]() Been a busy week for me. First, I offer up the nightmare known as the Paragon Pugwampi, and now I offer up the Book 6 version of Undrella I made up to help (or hinder) my players: She is statted out to be an efreeti killer what with her Frost Bombs. Since she flys,m I figured giving her protection from arrows would be a good defensive maneuver. UNDRELLA THE ALCHEMIST -- CR 11
Prepared Spells
![]() I'd say 'Pinning' is acceptable. RAW, the Pinned condition just says that the pinned creature is tightly bound. It just means that they are even more restricted in their movements than with a normal grapple. HOW this is accomplished is not relevant. Maybe the pinning creature has the pinned creature by the pinky and is painfully bending it back. ![]()
![]() Ruth from the Bible is another one that could be leveraged. A strong girl who is willing to do anything to protect her family/ethnic heritage from destruction at the hands of another ethnic group. There are a lot of good examples of strong women with compelling stories that you can use, though I suppose Ma Barker or Nancy Drew probably would not work well in this case. ![]()
![]() I am sure that Undrella would be more than happy to step in! The way I read Badra, I don't think she would want to be associated with a 'provincial'. What about Haleen? Not knowing your take on her, could she be a candidate? One thought that does comes to mind is an Esmerelda type of character. A seven-veil-dancer who follows the story line of Esmerelda in The Hunchback of Notre Dame (not the Disney movie, the original from Victor Hugo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esmeralda_(The_Hunchback_of_Notre_Dame) Just some slight adjustment to fit the Arabian Nights theme and you might have something to work with. -Pel ![]()
![]() One of the things that I did forget to calculate is the CMD: CMD 33 (10 +0 BAB +4 STR +9 Dex -2 size +12 Luck) Oh, and the CMB is wrong. It should be a 2(0 BAB +4 Str -2 size). I forgot the size modifier *blush* So with a CMD of 33, this is the biggest whole in this things defense. Get a grapple or a trip in concert with the other characters using the 'Aid another' action to stack +2 on a single character's attack roll. This means that to beat this thing, the party really needs to work together. And *THAT* I can groove on. ![]()
![]() One of the things that I love about this version is that with haste, the bugger is moving around at 180' as a single move action! I can envision the little demon running around drawing attacks of opportunity from all the players! And all it needs to take him out is a single critical hit from range. Simple, yes? ![]()
![]() Akumamajin wrote:
Nope. It there in the header section. I just did not add the full text to the Special Abilities section because I am assuming that people who are reading this *KNOW* what the pugwampi does :-) Akumamajin wrote:
I will not disagree there. But then, the original creation is meant to be more of an annoying menace than and actual direct threat (for anyone over level 3 at least). Akumamajin wrote:
Mainly just as an exercise in 'What if'. I took the 3.5 statblock and simply added the Paragon Template from the d20srd. Nothing more. I am not sure that I would want to actually use him in an actual encounter. I am fairly confident that my players would not want to meet one...heck, they don't even want to meet any of the original CR 1/2 pugwampis and my players are level 13! I agree with your points about wanting to see more abilities. With that in mind, notice that the stat block says that pugwampi's favourite class is the druid. So what if we add a few level of druid, give him some spells and a hyena animal companion/mount. Any other animal companion would suffer the effects of the unluck aura. ![]()
![]() One of the things that I find...odd...about the final encounter is that it is listed as EL16. The previous APs all had ELs of 20/21. I am thinking about upping the EL a bit by adding a few targets in the manner of 3 Efreeti Janissaries (elite bodyguards)
That puts it more at a EL 20. But, this seems a bit much to me unless the party has quite a number of followers/NPCs with them. Something a little more reasonable for smaller parties might be just to add 4 Fire Giants or 4 Noble Salamanders. This would up the EL to a 19.5 but would be appropriate for a smaller party of 4 I think. Especially since the party would be sure to have abilities geared to fighting Cold Vulnerable enemies. ![]()
![]() I keep threatening my players to bring out one of these so I thought I would stat him up for the fun/exercise of it. Paragon Pugwampi CR 14
![]() I whole heartily agree. I ran my players through using the 'Director's Cut' and it made things run quite a bit smoother (especially considering the heavy-handed tactics I needed to use to get them through the previous book). I especially loved how my players were caught in the moral dilemma of which faction to support. Much thanks to Mr. Nelson for making this available! ![]()
![]() Tsukishijin wrote:
Yes. You would need to wait for the next round before issuing the coup de grace. But, if you have a friend nearby, *THEY* could deliver the blow on their turn. ![]()
![]() Tarondor wrote:
I am using him to abuse, stalk, harass, and threaten the players until they are in the upper levels for the book. At that point he will do something that *I* know will cheese off the players but is fitting for who and what Memrach is. It will probably lead to his death since the players are more level appropriate. Unfortunately, my plans will not come to fruition until next year since two of the players are off an a round-the-world honeymoon. ![]()
![]() Gordon the Whale wrote: The Efreeti-bound template says "scorching ray (one ray)." (emphasis added) On that basis, and the likelihood of fire resistance, I think your party is safe from TPK, although actually killing the esteemed Master is another story. Just like Zayifid from HotB - you have to play him as suicidal or stupid if your players (or my players, at any rate) are going to have a chance. Yeah, Matajinn was something of a non-entity in my game. The players had Invisibility Purge up so no hiding for him. That and a failed fort save for Baleful Polymorph and Matajinn was Turtle Soup. No seriously, the damned druid turned him into a desert turtle! ![]()
![]() eirip wrote:
You are the GM, you don't need a reason!! =) ![]()
![]() Where's the Weed? wrote:
Since almost all of the AP involves exploration of ruins, it does not really have too much in the way of access to the vast catalogues of magic that some players may be used to. There is provision however for having supplies brought in and so players *could* order up items and have them delivered later. From a GM's perspective, this AP's execution definitely feels like the weakest AP that Paizo has produced. BUT...I have heard that with the right GM, it can be a blast to play. Just like any AP, it is what you make of it. This one however, you might have to work just a little bit harder than usual. ![]()
![]() John Mangrum wrote:
Brilliant work on these! Thanks so much for doing these conversions! Your Xotani almost makes me want to make sure my players fail in stopping Jhavhul! But then, I am evil that way. ![]()
![]() Name: Roksaneh, Druid 12
Roksaneh and her Animal Companion were engaged with The Bursar while the other characters attacked from range in order to try staying out of range of The Bursar's longspear. After receiving a critical hit while power attacking from the longspear, Roksaneh 5-foot stepped out of reach range so she pull out a wand of cure serious to heal a little bit. She positioned her animal companion in a way to try and prevent The Bursar from five-footing back into range of Roksaneh. Unfortunately, the animal companion did not close off a five foot diagonal step. On the Bursar's next turn he took that five-foot step and gave Roksaneh a second critical which took her down to below negative con. I should mention that did not roll a single '1' when determining damage done. Both damage rolls were moderately above average. ![]()
![]() Akumamajin wrote: The Pugwampi unluck-aura is negated every time you are affected by anything that gives you a luck bonus. I would say, that Perfect Strike is just lucky enough to qualify. I would argue however that nowhere in the text of Perfect Strike does it even suggest that the feat is a result of luck. Rather, it reads more like it is based on practice and skill rather than luck. If the OP can convince the GM that it is luck then fine. But this interpretation definitely would not fly at my table. ![]()
![]() Valandil Ancalime wrote:
Since the attack roll is a d20, the individual would roll 2d20, noting the lower of the two as per the unluck aura. This is one attack roll. Since Perfect Strike allows making an attack roll twice, you would repeat the above application and select the higher of the two. So if you are mathematically inclined it would look something like this:
A quick way to do this would be to roll four d20, two in each hand. Select the lowest die from the left hand's roll, and the lowest die from the right hand's roll. The final attack roll would be the higher of the two selected die. ![]()
![]() Bram van den Hazelkamp wrote:
My take on it is... Spoiler: + Average populace know that they are the leaders and every now and then a Pactmaster is seen in the marketplace. Surrounded by guards of course. Day-to-day interaction is done through their agents. + She makes no secret of it...after all she has bodyguards dressed in the livery of the Pactmaster guards. + They are the mysterious rulers. Their orders are obeyed without question. The Pactmasters motives are known only to themselves and so there is a certain level of nervousness about what they want, but as long as trade continues to line merchants pockets with money then no one seems to mind.
![]() Sniggevert wrote:
+1 ![]()
![]() For me, this AP has a completely story driven architecture. If you have a play group that is more into the hack-and-slash-how-much-XP-did-I-get mentality then this AP is probably not the best for that group. But if you get a group that can get into the whole story and are willing to really *PLAY* in the story then this is the best AP that I have read. That said, I do have a few 'issues':
Spoiler: 1. Book 3. The GM has to really work hard in order to get the PCs to play nice with regards to the author's plot lines. There is so much wasted potential in this book with the players being the Katapesh marketplace that it is almost a travesty. I seriously had to apologize to my players for the heavy-handed railroading. 2. Far to many uses of pocket dimensions/locking the players in places where they have no or limited access to resources. ![]()
![]() This is the random table(*) that was used: 01-07 Cat, Big (Tiger)
The player rolled twice on the table, and I rolled once. The player was then given the choice from among the 3 results. In this way I hoped to keep it fun for the player by giving them some choice in the matter so they were not forced to have an animal companion that they truly did not want. The player rolled a Monitor Lizard and the cheetah with the fire template, while my result was a repeat of the monitor lizard. The player also had the choice of expending a hero point to change the result of their roll by d6 in a chosen direction (without knowing the table in advance). (*)The table was created by collecting all the animal companions that came from temperate/hot climates, filtering out ones that did not make sense from an AP theme perspective (ie dinosaurs), and randomizing the positions on the table. ![]()
![]() Deidre Tiriel wrote:
I would say no. But if your GM is not *too* much of a jerk, they might make the oils available as loot at some point in the next session or two. ![]()
![]() Using the Animal Companions found in the core rulebook only, I came up with the following chart: 01-05...Ape
edit: Slight tweak to the numbers to even out the odds a little. ![]()
![]() I like the idea of creating a table based on the available animal companions to where the party is. Since the OP indicated that they were on the Plane of Fire, I *might* even be tempted to apply the Elemental-Infused Creature (fire) template from Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary. That is, provided that the druid in question could find a suitable place to do their ceremony/meditation/et cetera. And since they are on Plane of Fire, I think I would *NOT* include dolphins. Of course, I would not do this without talking to the player in question first.