Baron Hannis Drelev

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Can they be combined, and what exactly means "every herogod has its own emotional focus"? Can I select a new one every day?


All right, now I have some problems to calculate, maybe, some of theese bonuses can not be used together. Please, help me to find, are there some situations, when bonuses do not stack or can not be together?

I have;

1. Natural attacks from dragod disciple + bloodrager
2. Amulet of mighty Fists (Furious, Furyborn, Shock, Vicious)
3. Bodywraps of Mighty Strikes (+1 Dragonbane, Rilliant Energy, Limning)

Are there restrictionz to use it all in once in, for example, one attack?

I know, that +1 from bodywraps does not stack with +5 (in total) bonus from furyborn, but this is the only problem I can find with it.

What else can give it to my character besides headband? Maybe there is a way to get +6 to Charisma without headband permanently?


When the opponent takes damage: when it attacks you, or when it hits you and deals damage?

If I will animate this creature dead into the bloody skeleton - will it retains it's diseased attacks? And if it will, what will be the DC of theese diseases?


Have an idea to make Medium (Relict Chaneller) 10/Darechaser 10, to add lots of extra dice to d20. But here is a problem: I see very good ability on 11th level of medium...

I did not found ANY magic items for medium and only found two feats that can raise up spirit bonus, but not the level of medium. Maybe, I missed something?

Thanks you!

Hello! A couple of questions:

1. What type of damage is painful stair of mesmerist? I thought, that it is "pure psychic energy", or the same type as attack, that triggers it, but I found this feat that confuses me:

So... how does it work?

2. What is wrond with theese two feats? Is this just a mistake? Or both feats can be used separetly?..

3. Gaslighter archetype ( ter). How exactly does his "Horrid Mask" work? How many times can I trigger the damage when the target can see itself in mirror? Once per round? When does this damage occur? How can I use it with cojuction of Manifold Stare ( What type of damage is this Horrid Mask triggered pain?


On this site enchantement is placed in "ranged weapons" part, but can it be a mistake?

Can I really make my crossbow gory (wounding)?

Can I hide a Sun Blade in this cloak? It seems to be working like a short sword, but the size of a bastard sword... What do you say?

So, I searched a lot about this, but there is no such thread that answers well: does Mithral HellKnight Plate has 2 or 3 ACP and how much it costs?

Please, link some FAQ ot dev's post about it, if you can! Thanks!

The wearer always benefits from a 10% miss chance while in an area of dim light or darkness, even if she is perceived by a creature using darkvision. Other sensory abilities, such as blindsense or true seeing, bypass this effect entirely. Druchite-veined weapons grant their wielder a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against creatures perceiving them with darkvision.

Shadow Blending (Su): Attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance.

Will fetchling with shadow blending have a 50% permanent miss chanse in dim light even against creatures with darkvision?

What problems can you see in this idea?

The first problem that I encountered: stacking with channel energy class. The original cultist looses 3d6 of channel because of maddening gaze, but what if we take prestige class on 9th level? Still losing, or gaining every 2 level?

"The undead creature’s destructive instincts take hold for the duration of this spell, and any attempts to control or command the undead creature have a 50% chance of failing; if uncontrolled, the undead creature attacks any living creatures it sees."

If I am controlling the undead creature (created it via animate dead couple days ago), and command this undead "defend me and fight my enemies", and then IN BATTLE I cast this spell - what does it mean about controlling?

Can you explain me, please, how it works actually? I'm a little bit confused by this wording

OK, tracking creatures via scent must be more easy, than just tracking them, right? I saw that explanation in other threads about scent: "Oh, it's so amazing, it's much easier to do!"

But I can see one little problem here...

The DC of the trail is greater by +2 every HOUR past.

So, the DC for a dog to follow the trail of a smelly guy after 24 hours will be just... 58! It's fine!
And for ordinary tracking it will be... +1 for every 24 hours! So, 11 (In normal situation)

Am I missing something?

Do I need to meet prerequisites for the feat, that I can get from this crazy ability?

So, there are a lot of situations, when you need to roll a single roll (for knowledge, profession, craft or smoething) after the long period of work. The roll represents a result of the work, and it may be just a summary or making the final peace, it depends on the task.

Th question is: how can you use spells and bonuses to rolls, and can you use spells and bonuses, that last not during all the process? Some examples:

Guidance - only lasts 1 minute, but if I have a cleric-slave and make him cast guidance all the time I'm working - is it good enough?

Teaching staff ( TOC-Teaching-Staff) - why do we need it, if it lasts only 1 minute? All rituals lasts longer, and other use like, for exapmle, identifying an unead, is stupid.

Researching a ritual from occult: It lasts for months sometimes, can we use spells, drugs and other items, how often do we need to use them?

So, is there a rule about using bonuses to skill and ability checks for really long tasks?

What about building a computer with AP and control module for scanners and make him a science officer? :)

If you are strong enough - is it a source of infinite magic items from his chest for a pretty low level character?
Yes, I know, I need to torture him to make him retrieve the chest, but it is an option for a really evil guy. And you can do it a lot of times.

Yes, I know, that efreet even can cast a wish for you, but there are some problems with understanding the wish and LE outsiders.

But with mercane it is pure profit.

How would you fix it as a DM?

Sorry, but I'm just curious, if everything right, because some FAQs made me worry about a build:

Bloodrater (Dragon blood) (Rageshaper)

Claw, that deals 1d8 already.

Class ability, that makes it bigger (Bestial Aspect)
Improved Natural Attack feat
Enlarge Person
Strongjaw spell from my druid friend

Am i right? Maybe, some things of theese do not stack?

So, I want to make a mechanick, that rides his own battle drone.

For this purpose I will take the combat drone with:


1) Weapon Specialization (Heavy Weapon)
2) Mobility
3) Shoot on the Run


1) Saddle
2) Speed
3) Climb

And with weapon mounts I'll take, for example, Screamer, thunderstrike.

My character, rider, will have a pistol.

So... how can i fight?

1) For what checks do I need to take actions or roll survival?
2) Do I need to roll SURVIVAL, or I need to roll something else?
3) How can I shoot from the back of mount, and can I do it while mount takes "shoot on the run" action? For example, readied action to shoot?
4) Are we both the same target, or separate targets? If separate, what if we threatent by one enemy and I want my mount to make "Shoot on the run", who provokes AoO and how many, can I avoid an attack with ride (survival) checks, like in PF?
5) Do I have penalties on attack rolls just for sitting in saddle and shooting while mount is moving?

And all this is assuming that saddle modifications includes extra "strength" to carry the rider, and I don't need to calculate some fictional bulk points of rider.


It says 120,000 to craft. Does it mean,that it is the item of 240,000 cost? So, the lich needs 240 days to craft it, right?

Cannot find an "old" version of this prestige class on SRD, but can find new version of 2017 year. Prestige class was "updated"? Old souldrinker is no longer oficial? :( Now without negative levels, but with "great fortitude" as a tax for caster prestige?

Old version: r

New version: r/

I have fetchling elder mythos cultist with variant channeling (madness).

I have some questions:

1) What does it mean - HALF of power? When I have 2d6 - it is 1d6? Or 2d6/2? What about 1d6?
2) When I have bonuses to damage from fetchling favored class bonus - do they also be halved?
3) What about phylactery of positive or negative enrgy? Is it added "on top", or halved also? And can it work with special elder mythos channel?


Can urban barbarian benefit from skald's inspired rage?

Can she, for example, use her own bonuses to DEX, but does not use her rage rounds? Or she needs to take only STR and CON and become mad?

So much missunderstanding in here. At our table we homerule, that if you have 1-1/2 STR bonus on damage with an attack, so you do with power attack, raging brutality and other such bonuses. But it's not actually correct by RAW.

The most problematic, i think, is Dragond Disciples bite attack, that deals 1-1/2 STR damage, but by RAW is not two-handed for power attac. And what about raging brutality?

And intresting about other bonuses, such as furious focus (logically and by RAW this cannot be applied, but just a question).

Maybe there is a new FAQ for this confusing question? Thanks!

Here are some questions about them:

1) Bodywraps of mighty strikes +1 + amulet of mighty fists (Furious) = what bonus in rage while activated bodywraps? +2, because of nonstacking, or +3?

2) My full idea for natural attacking bloodrager is...

Amulet of Mighty Fists: Furious Furyborn Heartseeker Dragonbane
Bodywraps of Mighty Strikes: +1 Wounding Brilliant Energy


Amulet of Mighty Fists: Dragonbane Furious Furyborn Shocking
Bodywraps of Mighty Strikes: +1 Heartseeker Brilliant Energy (1 left)

Tell me, pleasel is it legal? What enhancement bonus will be in different situations?

I know the rule, that enhancement cannot be more, than 5 (but in cases of bane and similar effects it can), but total equivavelnt of abilities on one weapon cannot be more +10, and it is a hard cap. So what about furyborn? Can it "turn off" other abilities? Or is it just "enhanecement bonuses", not "bonus equivavelnts of weapon"?

So, we have:

Bloodrager/dragon disciple with draconic bloodline and helm of the mammoth lord.

In rage we have...

Bite (primary, 1,1/2 str), claws (primary, str), gore (primary, str).

In form lf dragon we have different draconic attacks. Plus we have an ability to use weapon in hands (not using claws).

When primary natural attacks reverts to secondary? Only while using weapon? Or if you use any other natural attack as primary?

Can you discribe all attack bonusses with str bonuses for bloodrager 5/dragon disciple 10 with helmet of the mammoth lord? Maybe, I missed something.


What is the зcorrect price of the item? I saw this strange thing in price not the first time, and it's a little bit confusing :)

They do not stack, because both of them gives ARMOR bonus to AC, but what about special abilities? For example, leather +1 (spell storing) + mage armor, mythic. Can I use spell storing armor property + fortification?

Can I use metamagic versions of my spells with range of "touch" with conductive arcane cannon? And is it still no action?

For example, intensified empowered maximized shocking grasp (for free) when the cannon strikes ones per two rounds, and I will spend only a spell slot (7th level), right?

Wild shape to large water elemental, then reduce person to medium again, then wear your armor and shield.
Is that correct?

1) Does sensei get bonuses to his "mystic wisdom" ability, because they are related on ki, with this necklace?
2) Does he get acsess to "mystic wisdom" earlier (2nd level monk with necklace)?
3) Does ki mystic get an earlier acsess to "mystic insight" ability?

I searched about it throug the forum, and in most threads they decided, that the item wearer does get an acsess to ki abilities earlier (such as wholness of body etc), so what about archetypes?



Do we need to apply rules about maximum "levels" when recruiting a monster cohorts? Because wording says, that we need to have just "enough leadership score".

I have noticed, that monster cohorts, that can be recruited by a PC, are far more weaker, than just NPCs. Stone giant in place of 17th level wizard? No, thanks.

So, what about the situation: I want to recruit an incubus cohort, but my character is 11th level with 21 leadership score. Can I do it ir not, and if yes - from what point it would progress in rogue levels, for example?

Hi everybody!

I want to ask, maybe, somebody used "buisness" rules from this book? I like hard rules, but just only my own character wants to found a buisness in the city, like a good variant for getting some more gold for everyday use like drugs, meals, and so on.

He has a leadership, and I just want to use my followers to be a theater troop. But rules in this books say, that I only can have bonuses from my followers to earn resoures like labor, influence and other...

Can you, please, recommend me some more simple rules to found an own theater and do not waste the time of other players at the table?


I have +1 Spell storing moderate fortification silken ceremonial armor. It grants me +2 to AC. If I'llcast Mage Armor on myself bonus will be +4.
Can I still use spell storing and moderate fortification of my armor, or is it "switched off"?

I have found a lot of threads, but nobody is asking about this:

If we are talking about wording, the feat says, that "you can reload light crossbow as a free action", but repeating crossbow (light or heavy) has a full-round action reloading time. So, can I reload my heavy repeater with move action or light repeater with standart?

Because rapid reload says nothing about it, and even more intresting: it reduces one-handed firearm from standart to move AND heavy crossbow from full-round to move.

If it reduces only to standart (like they say in most threads) - what is the reason to buy repeater at all?


We captured enemy rogue, want to polymorph it, and then train to attack.
It keeps sneak attack, even if will failed, what else it keeps?
Feats? Skills? How about them?
For example: originally he had skill focus (stealth)...

So, we have three dead bodies with magic items worn, two pieces of cloth and one "shrink item" spell on a scroll.
I want to put bodies together and tie them up in one piece of cloth, and then put this "bag" on top of another piece of cloth. Now time to cast - "bag" shrinks, and magic items worn cannot be shrinked, so they become unequiped near the bag.

Quick magic item filter. Am I right?

Hello! Can you, please, help me to answer some questions about spell storing effect?

1) Metamagic. Can I store empowered shocking grasp in it? And what about metamagic rods? Can I use them this way?
2) Class abilities. If the DC and caster level is mine, what about sorcerer's ability +1 damage per die rolled? Or other abilities (wizard evoker, for example).
3) Mythic spells. Can I store them in armor or weapon?
4) Spell perfection or magical lineage: can I use them to store a spell with total number of "virtual" levels highe, than 3d level?

And please, link a proof to the official rules if you can.

Thanks a lot!

I have read rules about vehicles, but now I have one question:

If the ship is 8×3 squares and is made of wood, it has 360 HP, but 15 HP per square. If I will hit it with fireball in the center (damage 10d6+10), does it deal separate damage to all squares, (total destroy), or just 10d6+10-5 to 360?


How to make your awaken animal to enlarge?

Animal Growth - good! But, if I am right, it cannot be used, because the target needs to be an animal, and we have MAGICAL BEAST.

Dire Collar and Dire Collar (Greater) - It also about animals, but not so "hard" in restrictions... would it work?

Maybe, any other methods? Thanks!


Here are some questions about staves:

1) How can I use metamagic? And also can I use metamagic rods?
2) Class abilities: what about sorcerer's bloodline powers (when you cast a spell with fire descriptor you add +1 to daage per dice and so on)? And what is about admixture school of wizard, for example? Can he change the type of energy of "Staff of Frost" for example?

And the main question: what does it mean "when YOU cast a spell" with spell trigger items?


How do you think, can kobold's tail be used to reload pistols, for example?
It can be used to attack, if you have a feat, so...?

1. Do wands produce some noise during the using? I'm talking about such spells like sleep, not fireball.
2. Do wands produce some light/sparcles/other effects?

Questions are about using wands from stealth.

What does it mean "diety of patience"? Is Calisria a diety of patience, for example? Revenge is a dish best served cold :)

Can I wear magic gloves under magic gauntlets, because gloves are wondorous items and gauntlets are weapons?
At my table it is allowed, but I have seen some restrictions about it at this forum...

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Fighter, BAB 6, STR 4. Can I use my secondary attack fitst (+5 bonus) to trip an enemy, and than use my first attack (+10) to hit it with sword with +4 bo us?
Or I need to use attacks from greater bonus to lower?

And what about twf?

Quick questions, please, do not answer if your are nor sure - I know, that there were lots of debates about theese questions, but, maybe, game developers answered about it or this question was FAQed by someone...

1. Can I use gauntlet for Two-Weapon Defense, according to that fact, that it is a weapon?

2. Can I use monk's unarmed damage with them?

3. If I cannot use monk unarmed damage, an I strike with legs and both gauntlets as part of TWF (Two kicks +10 & +10 and each gauntlet +5 & +5). Why? To enhance them with defensive and guarding abilities.


Quick questions, please, do not answer if your are nor sure - I know, that there were lots of debates about theese questions, but, maybe, game developers answered about it or this question was FAQed by someone...

1. Can I use gauntlet for Two-Weapon Defense, according to that fact, that it is a weapon?

2. Can I use monk's unarmed damage with them?


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