Locke1520's page
RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16. Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 6 Season Marathon Voter, 7 Season Marathon Voter, 8 Season Marathon Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 1,047 posts (1,347 including aliases). 2 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 16 aliases.
I backed this earlier today. I'm a pretty vocal fan of the Cypher system but I'm also really excited for Your Best Game Ever.
Another vote for Landscape. I never use my 1st Ed screen as a screen because it's too tall. When I put up a screen I use one from an older edition that is landscape but utterly useless for charts and tables.
You could set your campaign after all the SG series and not worry too much about tech overshadowing Golarion cannon. Make the arriving tech and arrival of true magic on earth or elsewhere an important part of your story.
Maybe among the wreckage in Numeria is a gate...maybe the wreckage is a Destiny-like ship and an SG group discovered the gate address. Or the PCs find the gate and open it.
If I were tackling such a crossover I might run a prologue-adventure that sets up the connection between the two settings. Then let players make their actual characters so that they come from either setting establishing a group dynamic more like you see on later Atlantis episodes.
Then you need to decide what the threat is that drives the campaign...in short you need your villain.
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Mike Welham wrote: Thank you for the review, Endzeitgeist!
I'm glad you liked the snow globes. :)
Yes, Thanks again for the review and I'm still very pleased you enjoyed the feats in Winter's Chosen.
Gisher wrote: Thanks for this! Alexander Augunas wrote: Don't thank me, Andrew Marlowe wrote it! Alex thanks for the nod, but your suggestion to include prestige class support was a good one and I'm thrilled it seems to have payed off.
Now I didn't think the narrator was as bad as all that. Certainly he isn't best I've heard but he's far from the worst and for the Dave Gross book I thought he worked fairly well.
That said it would be rather cool on that series if Varian and Radovan had different narrators.
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New viewers and veterans alike are welcome to offer constructive commentary in this thread.
Twisted Path wrote: The only other advice I might offer, and as a first timer I'm not sure I should be offering any... Offer what ever advice you see fit. Even those of us who are "old hands" at this can still benefit from a fresh perspective.
Jacob W. Michaels wrote: So the question is who'll be the first person to earn the tag? Not me. I have other obligations this year...I'll do my best but I suspect I won't have a Season 9 marathon tag.
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Another couple tips.
Please preview your entry. The Preview button offers a clean look at how your entry will look to the voters and also provides a word count. I've seen a few items whose names don't match the header and formatting issues from bbc code errors that could have been caught with a preview.
I think this often (but not necessarily always) comes from designers who work on their entries right in the submission field. Which is another habit I would recommend against.
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Okay so participating RPG Superstar's snark thread makes it really hard for me to remain August Positive which has been very important to since I read that article 3 years ago. So rather than wade into the temptation of the snark thread I'd like to start a more positive feedback thread.
We still need to keep things vague. Don't call out specific examples from actual items seen this year.
Keep your feedback constructive. Offer solutions when possible--but again keep it general.
Don't be a jerk.
if you are reading this thread as a contestant, I cannot promise what is included here won't sting. If you think a comment might be about your item. DO NOT DISQUALIFY YOURSELF...SAY NOTHING. Take the advice offered here in the compassionate way it is intended and apply it to next year or future rounds (if you make it that far).
So with all that in mind here goes.
From the tiny sampling I've seen so far quality does seem to be up. Good on everyone!
I've already seen two items using illegal sources. Please do yourself a favor and read the rules for each round. In years past these would not have been illegal but the rules changed this year again don't assume you know what you can and cannot use. Check the rules.
Attempt to use the proper formatting. A couple of the entries I've seen look like they might have been written up for another edition of the game because most of the required info was present but the order was odd. One of these had enough mojo I upvoted it despite the flaws but I don't know that I'll be able to justify doing it often.
I cannot think of an official source that uses hast, willst, whilst or other similar words...I'd avoid it.
Garrett Guillotte wrote: JJ Jordan wrote: Hmm, while not quite the same thing, last year there was a public google doc tracking submitted items and seeing which ones made it past the cull. Owen K.C. Stephens gave that an a-okay. I think the bigger concern is reproducing or distributing copyrighted rules content not licensed under the OGL. Last year's trackers only named or linked to items and reviews. At most, the list of seen items noted a slot. While the OGL and Community Use disclaimer may not protect you including them somehow above or below the table might be a good faith effort worth pursuing.
You might also consider a final column that links back the Paizo product listing where any submissions have been formally published. The development process does alter some of the items. I think some items made it to Ultimate Equipment and many more have made it to RPG Superstar modules like Tears at Bitter Manor and Daughters of Fury.
Neil Spicer wrote: Every year, there are people who don't read the directions or rules for the contest and they submit items over word count. Sadly, those submissions have to be rejected, but it's a learning experience for next year. Adam and I have flagged them in the judges' forum for the web team to remove ahead of the public vote (along with any others we notice have violated the rules). If it's any solace, though, 378 words doesn't even come close to the highest word count we've seen.
** spoiler omitted **
Monica Marlowe wrote: ....As an aside, were these 3k words good? Do they fit in Nar-Voth? I'm asking for a friend. ;-) I suppose individually they were fine words and your friend could probably use them if Neil was to give them to you...your friend. I suspect however, they would be in a totally inappropriate order for your "friend's" needs. It would probably require losing a few words and adding others to be entirely satisfying.
Alexander Augunas wrote: djones wrote: Gah, throwing my cash and credit card at the screen doesn't work for some reason. The feels you're feeling? Its worse when you have a pretty good idea of what's in the product, but you have to wait just a teeny bit longer before the surge of excitement that comes with seeing all of the players read what insane things you managed to stuff into said product. donato wrote: Seconded. So true. I'm very excited to see this released.
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Tira'Mari-Sue Tyler-D'oh!Durden wrote: Ah, she tricked Owen into scribing his signature on her own limb, thus empowering her spell combat touch attack with his own truename to breech his magic wards and defenses. Exxxxxxxxxxxcellent. I happen to know she also tricked Neil and Mark in the same manner...(again on her hands...sheesh people)
Everyone had heard stories, about how the city rotted inside its wall, dissolving and decaying in the heavy, poisonous gas that billowed out from the fissure at the city's heart.
Cherie Priest, The Inexplicables
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Curaigh wrote: Hmmm... If one of them does have the title & former Top 32 Andrew or Nick get in next year, are we seeing the beginning of a Dynasty?
History folks, its happening now!
Curaigh in the case of the Marlowe household this is the last Superstar year for us. So our dynasty ends with Monica thoroughly destroying my two Top 16 tags with at least a Top 4 tag... *grin* ...and I couldn't be prouder.
Anyway, I'm happy with the work I've been getting and don't really feel the need to compete again. Next year I'll be happy to just root everyone on from the sidelines. Then too as an added bonus I'll feel free to talk and express my opinions on every round.
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Congrats guys. Awesome work all around.
Congratulations on making the Final Four!
I have to admit it's kinda weird waiting and watching for the top 4 reveal without Monica at home.
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motteditor wrote: Hurrah, I can finally express excitement at my first Paizo credit! (Along with a lot of other Superstar competitors...) I know. I'm very excited too.
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Lady Firedove wrote: Also, although I've never played Shackled City, I just looked up the Cauldron map online, and I love it! It would definitely be a fun city to play around in for a while. Even if you don't run the AP (which was really good), the setting material on the city itself is almost worth the price of the HC IMO.
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Wayfinder is an excellent way to get noticed. Also (like Eric's thread illustrates) many writing opportunities with 3pp are posted right here on the Paizo forums. You can also search your favorite 3pp and see if they have submission guidelines or contact information posted. Then start pitching ideas.
It also helps if you are active on the forums and on social networks. A blog can also be a great start*. If you can get out there and demonstrate you are a good communicator and have interesting ideas you may find someone will approach you either to off you work or to point you in the direction of opportunities (like open calls) you might have missed.
Jeff Heikkinen wrote: Actually, I kind of feel like the worst-case scenario is making the top 8 but not the top 4, because then you don't win but you can't enter again either. Jeff your first two entries were very imaginative. I think you could be a successful freelancer no matter what tag ends up behind your name. Same goes for any of the top 32 and alternates.
You need not place at any particular level to "win" RPG Superstar. If your goal is to become a designer. You can use the exposure and experiences of the competition to help achieve that goal. You may not start by writing a full module or a society adventure but there are many other opportunities.
Making Top 8 is only a worst case scenario if you give up working towards your goal.
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A decent way to include puzzles might be to add it to the list of things a designer should add to the encounter round.
For example, what if the contest rules wrote: Your encounter must include a monster from r3 and a new map (not from r2) and at least one trap, hazard or puzzle.
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote: While they were clear to me, I DO see what you are seeing.
Just more proof that it's always better to tag things with quick explanations, even if the final map would't need a "key" for them.
Yeah now that it's been pointed out I see that too...Still an awesome map.
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Monica Marlowe wrote: Thank you judges for your kind words. Yea!!!
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Feros wrote: Much worth reading. Feros also wrote: So be gentle with them, OK? :) And if not precisely gentle. Then at the very least treat them with the respect and courtesy you would like to receive if you were in their place.
Scott LaBarge wrote: Right, got it. RPG Superstar Fight Club it is. And to be honest this is harder than it sounds. The voters are not required to maintain silence...only the contestants. Unless you are extraordinarily lucky people will make bogus assumptions and will say all sorts of things that will try your patience and tempt you to speak up...DON'T DO IT!!
You guys have this. I have no doubts.
Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing what awesomeness you have in store for us on Tuesday.
Doc_Outlands wrote: One of my favorites was Christopher West's "Guildsport" from Dungeon's "Maps of mystery." Christopher West has several maps I really like. I ran a Star Wars campaign where the PCs flew around in one of his space ships and I have a map of mystery from Dragon somewhere I still want to use as the starting town for a fantasy campaign.
Andrew Black wrote: I think my favorite map has to be the classic Castle Ravenloft from the original model. I can't believe I didn't think of the original Ravenloft map. Especially since we were just talking isometric maps the other day.
Scott LaBarge wrote: And another Paizo map that I had a great time with, and had tons of fun turning 3D: The Stag Lord's Fort at the end of the 1st Chapter of Kingmaker.
** spoiler omitted **
Both of those 3D layouts are awesome!
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Sadly dear it's always been this way...That's why there is traditionally a bar, blankets and hot cocoa.
Garrett Guillotte wrote: Andrew Marlowe wrote: I think you could probably also safely use the community use policy to re-post it to your own website. The CUP has a list of approved sources and RPG Superstar submissions aren't on it. I asked about this last year as I'd laid out a book collecting the critique thread posts without realizing there was no legal way to distribute even that much. Good to know. Honestly it was only a guess on my part...I use my profile here to post mine.
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The Superstars should all have their maps in now and the judges are busy making their initial comments for Tuesday's next big reveal...In the meantime tell us about your favorite RPG Map.
One of my recent favorites was the city of Cauldron. Sure we all knew how that was going to end from the start but that was half the fun.
If you don't want to publish a link to the Critique thread you could also post it right to your profile here on Paizo and post a link from your home site to there.
I think you could probably also safely use the community use policy to re-post it to your own website.
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Tempest Bow
Aura strong transmutation; CL 12th
Slot none; Price 79,700 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Carved in the shape of stylized storm clouds and gusting winds, this +3 composite longbow (+3 Str) is enameled in roiling blue-greens and grays. When an arrow is nocked and the bow drawn the wielder's clothes flutter about as if caught in a strong wind.
Three times per day, a tempest bow can fire an arrow with hurricane force. The wielder makes a standard attack roll as a full round action. All creatures Medium size or smaller in a 100 foot line along the trajectory of the attack may be blown away as if they had been caught in a hurricane wind. If the attack roll is successful the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage and suffers a penalty to all checks to resist being blown away equal to the wielder’s Strength modifier. An arrow fired from a tempest bow while this power is active is destroyed.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, control weather or control winds; Cost 40,200 gp
Congratulations again to the Top 32 and Alternates!
I'm really looking forward to those maps.
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I've submitted too. We'll see.