LivingDedBoy's page

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LivingDedBoy wrote:
Darkbridger wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
How was Indigo's drone able to take Heavy Weapon proficiency? My understanding is they still need to meet all the requirements, which in this case is small arms and long arms proficiency.

Excellent point... one of us misread something somewhere. It's possible to start with proficiency, but not weapon focus. All Drones start with small arms, and the combat drone gets a Weapon Proficiency mod for free that it can use on longarms, then it can spend the 1st level feat to pick up heavy weapon. That might have extended one or two of the combats by a round if there was ever a "barely hit" from the Drone. Since he may still re-work the drone to use longarms anyway, it will probably become a non-issue going forward. Good catch though... that's part of the reason I posted this to find all the stuff we did wrong before I'm forced to read the core book in detail this weekend. :)

Drones can't take the feat for weapon proficiency they only get mods for it.

DRONE FEATS: When choosing feats for your drone, you can choose from the following: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Deadly Aim, Far Shot, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Combat Maneuver, Improved Critical, Iron Will, Jet Dash, Kip Up, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge, Mobility, Multi-Weapon Fighting, Nimble Moves, Opening Volley, Penetrating Attack, Shot on the Run, Skill Focus, Skill Synergy, Slippery Shooter, Spring Attack, Strike Back, Suppressive Fire, Versatile Focus, Versatile Specialization, Weapon Focus, and Weapon Specialization.

At 10th level, when the drone has an upgraded power core, you can also choose Extra Resolve, Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Iron Will, and Improved Lightning Reflexes. GMs can expand this list to include feats from other sources

Darkbridger wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
How was Indigo's drone able to take Heavy Weapon proficiency? My understanding is they still need to meet all the requirements, which in this case is small arms and long arms proficiency.

Excellent point... one of us misread something somewhere. It's possible to start with proficiency, but not weapon focus. All Drones start with small arms, and the combat drone gets a Weapon Proficiency mod for free that it can use on longarms, then it can spend the 1st level feat to pick up heavy weapon. That might have extended one or two of the combats by a round if there was ever a "barely hit" from the Drone. Since he may still re-work the drone to use longarms anyway, it will probably become a non-issue going forward. Good catch though... that's part of the reason I posted this to find all the stuff we did wrong before I'm forced to read the core book in detail this weekend. :)

Drones can't take the feat for weapon proficiency they only get mods for it.

I picture the weapon mounts to be included along the arm. Small arms would become the classic blaster gauntlet. Long arms and heavy arms would be along the whole arm, meaning you'd have to brace it with your other arm to handle it thereby keeping handedness and whatnot. Your hands wouldn't be free to pick your nose or whatever. You'd still be aiming and firing just the trigger would be in the glove and the barrel would be along the wrist.

Again this is just the way I'd picture it working. RAW doesn't cover it so it's all conjecture anyway. Which is the basis of my question.

Perpdepog wrote:

Out of curiosity, would you even get any benefits if you could use the drone's weapons as your own? You'd still be limited to using your own attack bonuses and your own actions to fire them with rather than your drone.

You wouldn't even save any credits, since your drone's weapons need to be purchased by you in the first place.

Its more of a where do the weapons go when its mounted as armor/backpack? And can I use them with my own two hands?

Zwordsman wrote:

Its more just convience.. also you could in theory have a weapon while having free hands.

Say.. had a grenade launcher (or what have you) on my stealth drone that is made mainly to hack.
i wear it.
it'd be pretty great if i could use the grenade launcher it's got equipped while having my hands free for doing.. whatever.
Well, having the stealth bot have a sniper rifle seems more likely with how I might be playing though.
or a flame thrower on my shoulder would also be very good.

I don't remember the wording for unwieldy.. but depending on the wording you would get folks who want to full attack.. fire with a long arm for the first one, adn target a square with the heavy weapon to make up for the issues in "to hit"
can't remember if unwieldy restricts to one attack with that weapon, or one attack at all per round. or if its a full action or anything for it.

I wasn't asking if I could use them hands free, its more of a where does the thing go when its in armor form? And can I use it in place of my weapon?

For instance, we get into a fight, someway or another I end up without a weapon, and my drone is damaged enough that I'm worried, but combat is still going on.

Can my mechanic use the drone meld, to co-opt the drones weapon as his own? I'm not using the drone as a drone, its armor now it gets no actions as specified, but on my attack action can I use its weapon?

Not sure how to explain what I picture in my head. But like iron man, the suit can operate independently. But when he is in it, it is him, his attack action uses its weapon systems.

I think a lot of clarification needs to be done by the designers on the interaction between mechanics, their abilities, and drones.

So in essence. This trick is just a "free" armor mod that doesn't take a mod slot.

you gain either the drone's flight system mods if you have a hover drone, reactive camouflage (and an invisibility field if your drone has it) if you have a stealth drone, or reductive plating if you have a combat drone.

So with a hover drone I gain any flight mods, and a stealth drone I get camouflage (and an invisibility field if it has it), but the combat chassis I just get DR and nothing else?

It states the drone cannot use any of its abilities. I'm asking if the mechanic can use the drones equipment, while melded, on the next action?

Or if it really is just "I now have stealth/more armor/can fly!" and while I can see them being kind of useful, I'm not certain its worth spending a level on since you can just buy/build the equipment.

Unless your DM is really into surprise attacks while you're in the shower or what have you.

When using this ability does it allow you access to any weapons equipped to the drone or is it purely Armor/Flight/stealth as stated?

So question, Lets say I spend 9 levels on my drone. Two mods for heavy weapons, two for the weapon mounts, and one for a saddle 'because honestly if you're going to have a robot with a laser gatling gun on its head why whouldn't you want to ride it into battle?

Now 8th level I pick up drone meld, does that allow me access to the weapons mounted on the drone while melded? There is no specificity here for this, is it up to the DM?

The ability does specify that you'd get the invisibility mod from the stealth drone. Logic wise I'm not seeing the reason you wouldn't have access to weapons mounted on your drone while in melded form ala ironman. But I'd like an official answer.

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549.Beard care for the suddenly bearded, or my adventures as a man.
A book written by a female adventurer who put on a girdle of masculinity/femininity and their dealings with the fallout of not having to sit to pee, grooming of facial hair, and the male elf no longer being interested in her.

550.How to hit things good! A primer on [insert weapon name here]
Surprisingly detailed drawings of a single exotic weapon, with handy diagrams showing which end to hold and which to hit things with.
Anyone who spends a day examining these drawings will gain a new weapon proficiency with a single melee weapon.
(useful for GMs who have that really nifty weapon, and no one who can use it due to lack of weapon proficiencies.)

551.101 things to do while the finger wigglers rest and recover spells.
A book written by a spell caster for his bored melee companions. Unsurprisingly its written as if for a child and is extremely insulting. Any spell caster will find it funny, and gain a +1 morale bonus. Melee characters will not.

Potions of enlarge person? It'd raise your damage die for both unarmed and bite then add in your potion of bulls strength. It'd negate your underfoot assault bonuses when you are not in fox shape.

That's pretty much your option as far as I can see if you want the chance to do more damage with your build.

Otherwise go for more attacks if you can't do a bunch of damage with one hit then do a little damage with a bunch of hits. Potions of haste maybe?

My players weren't all that interested in the encounter but as it needed to get played out to introduce Garmen.

I did slots... basically the players roll 3 d6 and if all three line up on the same number they win that number in money back. So at 10gp a roll, three sixes nets you 60gp etc.

Thankfully my players weren't that interested in attempting to cheat the system. Though I did have one who did try, he was some kind of fate bard thing, I don't remember. He had some ability that allowed him fate points that he could adjust his die rolls. So I made it so if he spent a point he could adjust one of the three die up or down a number.

It was still heavily weighed in favor of the house and they quickly lost all the voucher money while Garmen watched them.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
tim doyle 268 wrote:

{. . .}

No unfortunately we never got around to scanning them. It came into play a few years ago after we had a player who was just playing the same thing every campaign. We were kind getting bored with it, so one of the guys thought why not have everyone randomly roll for classes. {. . .}

Did anyone ever figure out why this play was always playing the same thing? You'd think it would be boring for that player . . . .

I generally play the same thing with different flavors... it doesn't get boring to play provided you find ways do it in differently each time.

The party is alive in a sense... my group generally talks before beginning and people choose the role they like best though no one likes being a healbot so everyone tries to build some form of healing into their character. The character motivations are left up to the individual but generally we choose things that will at least get us into the right path for the adventure or our DM kinda makes it unavoidable.

As to planning before running into an encounter. We've been playing together long enough that we kind of have an idea what each of us is going to do so little planning needs to be done.

That being said, it makes sense for a group of 1st level adventurers who've never grouped up together before to have different and sometimes competing ideas and think that everyone is on the same page in the same book.

-the PCs were put there by the gods as game pieces for a bet. (my group of champions can beat your group of champions!) They are there to beat the other group to the heart of a maze/dungeon on the island to get the macguffin, whereupon their patron appears and is all 'grats' I win, you go home now.

-The local barkeep is actually an alchemist and some of his potions ended up in the PCs drinks and this is a shared dream caused by it. Alternatively, (depending on the build of the group) they decided to steal a keg from the barkeep/alchemist and unfortunately it was his discarded potion barrel, wacky side affects include, memory loss, translocation, and possible mutations!

-The fey did it as a prank, great fun at the expense of the large people. Eventually they'll let them leave.

-They are still in the tavern, just shrunk down a lot... the tavern owner has a whole island of shrunk down and kidnapped people/creatures/things in his basement. A tribe of previously shrunk people tell of a rumored way to get back to being big again, somewhere in the heart of the island. But everyone who has tried didn't make it.

Bandw2 wrote:
LivingDedBoy wrote:

everyone wins?

nah my pride was damaged.

Technically, you weren't wrong. Mostly RL longswords are the hand and a half swords that the game refers to as bastardswords. And RL bastard swords would be a medium sword, somewhere between an RL longsword and a shortsword, so in game terms a longsword.

So the game and media got those terms mixed up. Unfortunately we're agreeingly arguing in game terms not RL terms.

Orfamay Quest wrote:

Not that this digression about weapon sizes matters.

The point is that if something -- no matter what -- gives you proficiency with "bastard sword," that should be exotic proficiency, because that's what the bastard sword is.

That is what I said? I'm confused. Maybe I read something wrong somewhere... or wrote it wierdly.

Um yay, everyone wins?

Bandw2 wrote:
Orfamay Quest wrote:

I don't know where you got that second quote, but the SRD says (regarding the longsword)


This sword is about 3-1/2 feet in length.


weird. :P


Price 15 gp

Type martial

This sword is about 3-1/2 feet in length.

Bastard Sword

Price 35 gp

Type exotic

A bastard sword is about 4 feet in length, making it too large to use in one hand without special training; thus, it is an exotic weapon. You can use a bastard sword two-handed as a martial weapon.

These are from the piazo site, not d20pfsrd

Bandw2 wrote:
LivingDedBoy wrote:

Exotic proficiency feat means you're capable of using it a certain way.

Bastard sword. Without the exotic feat its a two handed weapon, with the feat its one or two.

except the base bastard sword is a one-handed weapon, but can be used if you have martial weapon proficiency in two-hands without penalty.

P.S. a bastard sword is smaller than a longsword.

Bastard Sword

Price 35 gp

Type exotic

A bastard sword is about 4 feet in length, making it too large to use in one hand without special training; thus, it is an exotic weapon. You can use a bastard sword two-handed as a martial weapon.

Orfamay Quest wrote:
LivingDedBoy wrote:
Orfamay Quest wrote:
LivingDedBoy wrote:

So you may be proficient in it via your class/race but you can only use it as its base.

That is contradicted by this FAQ,

I would assume that an organization who's deity wields a bastard sword would give you full prof in it including exotic.

So, you're saying that whether or not you get exotic proficiency or martial proficiency via a class feature depends on the specific class?

That seems needlessly nuanced to me, and creates more issues than it solves. I would assume that a fantastic race whose legendary schtick is that they're awesome swordsmen (seriously, look up the tengu myths) would have full proficiency in those swords including exotic.

And from a gameplay standpoint, it's much easier and more sensible to say "all X are Y" than "some X are Y, some X are not-Y, but we're going to force you to make a guess at which are which."

I'm looking directly at the weapon descriptions. Says right there under bastard sword, without exotic weapon proficiency it functions as a two handed martial weapon.

If you have an extenuating class/race/faith ability that would innately give you the exotic feat then you have it and don't need to waste a feat on it for the purpose of qualifying for anything. You have it, its built in right there in your race/class/faith.

So "Need, feat:exotic weapon prof X" prerequisites would be met via your C/R/F and the built in prof. But I wouldn't handwave just proficient in it, because it functions as something else if you're not. For instance, a human fighter is "technically" proficient in a bastard sword, since its a martial weapon, but I'm not gonna handwave him using it one handed without the feat.

Orfamay Quest wrote:
LivingDedBoy wrote:

Exotic proficiency feat means you're capable of using it a certain way.

Bastard sword. Without the exotic feat its a two handed weapon, with the feat its one or two.


So you may be proficient in it via your class/race but you can only use it as its base.

That is contradicted by this FAQ, which states specifically that the cleric class ability that gives proficiency with the bastard sword gives exotic-level proficiency.


Cleric: Does a cleric, whose deity's favored weapon is the bastard sword, receive free martial or exotic weapon proficiency with the sword?

Since the bastard sword is listed as an exotic weapon, he receives the Exotic Weapon proficiency with the weapon, allowing him to use it one-handed.

I would assume that an organization who's deity wields a bastard sword would give you full prof in it including exotic. Same with one who uses a sawtooth sabre.

But I would not assume that because a tengu can wield all bladed weapons he would innately know how to wield them all in their own special way. Hence you still need the feat. Exotic, to me, means you focused on that weapon and learned all its special nuances.

Exotic proficiency feat means you're capable of using it a certain way.

Bastard sword. Without the exotic feat its a two handed weapon, with the feat its one or two.

The sawtooth saber, functions as a longsword without the feat. With the feat it counts as a light weapon.

The dueling sword, without the feat it functions as a longsword, with it you can apply weapon finesse

So you may be proficient in it via your class/race but you can only use it as its base.

The cloak of growth
Player looks one foot larger than the largest being in the room. +2 to intimidate. The person wearing the cloak is not actually larger, ie a gnome can still go into a gnome sized hole. People will wonder how he did that.

Necklace of opening.
a solid gold necklace that continually functions as a chime of opening, save it cannot be turned off. All belts, ropes, locks, ties, are automatically undone within 50ft of the necklace.

Corset of bust enlargement
Increases the wearers cup size by two.

Wondrous figurine ant.
When the command word is spoken the figurine turns into an ant. Of normal size and abilities. Ant is smaller than the statue.

The Bastard, bastard sword.
+3 bastard sword, intelligent... lecherous. Really thinks we should go party with those pretty ladies over there. Maybe one of them can polish his handle, you know without using her hands. Will only allow himself to be wielded by the prettiest lady in the group. Otherwise functions as a stone of weight.

the bag of oop!
This is a bag of holding type IV too bad that the orcs just thought it was a really nice latrine that they would never have to clean. Its full. "Crapping in the bag like a fancy lord!"

Its a pair of klar, or cestus, or punch dagger. Depending on your vision, just work around that.

My worst was playing a malefactor, in an undead infested ruin. Most of my maledictions were will based needless to say all the undead just ignored them. The best I could do is get in close so my aura would lower their saves and let the blasters take over.

Dirty trick feat path? I imagine that a caster would have a hard time casting with black pepper in his eyes.

This is of course provided that you can close in on the caster in the first place.

1.)Yes that is right

2.)No, since it is being intentionally dropped or pushed its still a ranged touch since it is being aimed in some fashion.

If the wall were to crumble without aid of you or your owl, say the target stumbled into the wall and shook it enough to cause the rock to fall then if he is aware of it he gets a dc 15 ref save or it auto-hits.

So kinda like the clanks from Girl Genius? Neat idea.

Personally I'd go with making The Luggage from discworld or something similar. Construct box, give it bonuses to grapple with and the swallow whole feat then put a bag of devouring as the bottom/lining.

I ran iron gods and found that technology was largely underwhelming. As most tech guns were easily outstripped by a regular ole gun wielded by a black powder inquisitor. And the need for batteries and feats killed most of the other tech for usefulness.

Though it can be said that your mileage may vary.

I've no idea bout Talingarde, but I see no reason you couldn't kludge tech into any adventure... whats to say that the grand labyrinth/wizards tower/whathaveyou isn't actually taking place inside the crashed holodeck of a space ship run by an insane AI. (I beleive there is a place such as this somewhere in the numerian plains)

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It whatever produced the sticky resin is that close to the enemy's camp that you are still smelling of it when you enter, they'd smell it all the time, its poor GMing plain and simple. They'd probably ignore it or just figure one of them fell/went into the resin producing trees.

That being said, prestidigitation specifically mentions cleaning. Which I would take to mean it would remove the resin and thus the smell associated with it. If anything you'd be easier to perceive for being clean. When the orc clan living in the sewers smells the minty fresh elf wizard... they know he is there.

Maybe its not a maze, but the god of all mimics who is sleeping/birthing more mimics. Those goblins? Mimics. That chest? Mimic. That skeleton? Not a mimic... but a BUNCH OF MIMICS! That stump? Wolf in sheeps clothing! how did that get in here?

But then your players would just attack everything, wake up the god mimic and it'd eat them.

The maze is a construct built by some ancient race to provide experience to the chosen ones (PCs) to destroy some great coming evil?

Only it turns out that the maze was actually built by one of the PCs by traveling back in time to provide experience to the chosen ones (PCs) to defeat the great coming evil.

Just because the amulet of mighty fists is an amulet, doesn't mean that it has to be an amulet. There is no reason that the mighty fists thing couldn't be applied to something that takes up a different slot. But it'd be pointless to wear more than one because you should only take the highest bonus and as stated, you cannot wear more than one magic item per slot.

You only have a set amount of slots, so as long as you wear your arcane bonded grill that'd be your head slot item, same with the top hat but this would be GMs discretion. There is mention to a similar concept under craft wondrous item (Mythic) with a clown nose but it being too silly.

As to the spell, wording says it has to be from your spellbook, so using a clerics spell as a wizard would be out.

You need more dex, go archery combat style and use your standard gained feats for some melee.

Bows tend to require a lot of feats and buffs to be viable in later levels just keep that in mind.