Samaritha Beldusk

Lilith Sylvari's page

1,135 posts. Alias of Skorn.


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Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Yea. Never gonna be the same to have someone else pick up GM Fiendish's home game. Might be possible if it were an AP, but it was not. I'd rather to something like start a new game with the same players.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

We have not heard Old Guy. We are worried too. I have tried to reach out on other social media with no success.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I've not heard back from my message. Did not really expect to but was hoping...

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I did a little stalking and found Fiendish's google account and sent her a message. Have not gotten a response. I'd certainly be interested in continuing, but, like everyone really want Fiendish to come back. I agree its out of character and worry that something must have happened. :(

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Not I. Unsure how worried to be.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith frowns at Lenneth. There are always risks. And we know most of the groaners cannot fly. You have a better idea? We should at least scout the air possibility. You up for that Flyn? Its a fortress so I hope it has open courtyards that a clear. I can summon a mount that could carry two light people, and do it more than once if needed.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Well, we could fight our way through with hit and run tactics but that could take weeks and we would run out of food. Plus that would draw the attention of any cultist, if any are in the area. No. We must find another way. Lets observe for a while. she studies the spires of the fort for a few minutes before adding My thought is that we go in by air. If the dead have not yet breached the walls we are golden.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Thanks! Driving today to visit family.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith agrees to take the first watch. I will certainly try. she agrees.

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith pulls a sheet of her prized parchment and ink from her pack and begins to re-create the map asking others to help her recall detail. It seems we have our next destination. I hope we can hunt and harvest as we walk through the grasslands.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Looking over Valex's shoulder Lilith tries to capture the information before it fades away.

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Food. That constant struggle. Feldus's reminds returns Lilith to a more somber mood. She takes a moment to inventory what she carries.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

An alien creature to be sure. but I think it likes me.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I am getting logged out only on mobile devices now. Computer seems to be stable. [Knocks on wood).

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

That sounds like a good plan Melo. I trust you in such matters. Lilith reaches up tentatively and scratches Echo behind the spot where an ear should be.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I have less than positive feelings about this Palatine Eye order Valex. From all I have read they were a rich man's social club whose good intentions were often overshadowed by occult preoccupations. And now we find they were dealing with demons? I know I hail from Cheliax, but there is quite a difference between a lawful contract and dealing with the Abyss. If I could I'd cave this place in to prevent future access to that summoning circle. It may not go as well for the next group that enters this place as it did for us. Lilith will do what she can to seal the place up as they leave.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

And it somehow does me good to know we leave demon here for what I hope is a very long time. Lets make sure we seal the place up as best we can on our way out.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith takes the staff appreciatively. This will be, well, nice.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I like to have deep spell books and a bonded item so I can cast any spell for the situation. Hard to get a deep spell book i this setting. :)

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I do like oracles. Not so much sorcerers.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Totally forgot Lenneth was now an oracle. lol. blush.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Loot Thoughts:

Lilith would love the staff. She really does not need the boots as she is teleportation sub school and can already do what the boots allow multiple times a day.

Valley should get the longsword I think. It would help increase his melee effectiveness.

Cloak is very nice for someone. Darkness is good for someone to hide in...

Chain Mail is medium armor so Lenneth cant wear it. Maybe only Flynn can.

Anyone who has a hand free can use the ring of force shield. With no Armor check penalty you do not even have to be proficient with shields to use it. Give it to a melee type who does not already have a shield.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Your best hope Flynn is that they will resize. :P

Lilith calls out Is everyone alright?

Spellcraft to understand the blast?: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20

Eventually she will cast Detect Magic and begin to identify the found items. If she takes 10 that is a 26 for each item.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith will find some cover but wants to watch Valex, in case he needs help.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

No stick, indeed! Lilith says to no one in particular as she leaves the room.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

No teeth? If we need anything from you you had best tell us, because I am unaware of any value you might have. If you knew as much as you presume you would also know that mages from Cheliax deal with devils and kill demons, creature. We know you are not trustworthy and generally worthless in any deal. She turns to her companions. Lets just lock it up in here. Perhaps in a few 100 years when some other random person happens by it will be more in a mood to talk.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

]Lilith steps forward boldly, her dancing lights flanking the creature are feeble candles but present. I know you Nabasu. Answer our questions or we will simply leave, leaving you trapped here for likely 1000s of years. What is your purpose here, and what do you want...

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

A Nabasu. Lilith hisses her warning. It seems to be contained in a summoning circle, for now. She will share what she knows of such creatures based on her knowledge planes roll.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Waiting on the knowledge roll result. Might not be much since she has not really seen the creature. But she can add two and two and sometimes that equals Shadow Demon. :/

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Note that the creature in the robes that we killed was an elven male. Got this from a PM from Fiendish. Lilith would have shared it.

Lilith retrieves a scroll of Protection from Evil as she says Un friends, I am getting a bad feeling about this. I am now considering the possibility that guy we just killed might have not been in control of his body. Some demonic entity could have been in control...

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Anything from the 27 knowledge planes roll?

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Seeing the damping of the light Lilith quickly warns There are creatures of the abyss capable of such persistent darkness. She tries to peer into the room and wracks her brain to recall what threat this might be.

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23

Knolwedge Planes: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

One of my posts seemed to have dropped, again. :( I am not sure if I am moving on to another window before the submit is finished or if the system is loosing my posts. Sometimes the Submit function takes a while and if I do not specifically want to see if it fully submits I might somehow be canceling it by some action. Anyway, Lilith had examined the remains of our tormentor to try to determine race and living/undead status. Any skill checks needed for that?

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I'd think you would want to try to disarm it. Is there any way we can help? Let me at least look it over closely.

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith spends some time examining the corpse. wE have yet to even determine the race of your dead emery. Was he living or undead I wonder.

Likith would love the necklace but it makes better sense maybe to give it to one who cannot already cast spells. The pouch seems made for Melo.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Order's Caches? What do you mean Valex?

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Still looking wearily at the thing Lilith states We have been tricked by this enemy before. I am not yet sure it is actually dispatched. She looks about nervously.

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

And as soon as she can Lilith will glitterdust the thing, even if it means catching Echo. She would even catch herself if need be, but not anyone else.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith readies to cast Glitterdust should she become aware of the invisible foe. She will cast defensively IF she thinks the foe is adjacent to her.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I am assuming that based on what everyone saw it was obvious that something left the room in a bolt of energy. But just in case...

Calling from the hall Lilith says This way, quickly. Our foe flees.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Does Lilith see the creature that used Storm Step in the hall? Its relatively short range. Lilith would use her full move to follow the path of the bolt, or at least the direction it went.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Seems like all I am doing is asking questions and making skill checks. My goal is to act on the result of those checks but the game moves by me before I know what I would know. How would you like me to ask a question with a skin check and then act on that information before anything else happens?

Lilith wonders about the flash of light, and an eruption of lightning and follows it back into the hall. Her dancing lights follow and illuminate the hall for her.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19 5th level spell

Perception in the hall: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (11) + 18 = 29

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

What might Lilith know about these creatures before she attacks?

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Any hints to what the humming is about? Is it a language? Is it casting?

Linguistics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith stares back, trying to recall from her breath of experience what these creatures might be. She readies to cast a spell if she can do so. the trigger would be any offensive acts by these three or a hidden ally or theirs. Also if her turn she will step to C9.

Knowledge (Anything): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 +5 if Arcana.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith looks fascinated at all she sees. And she looks around in almost a hungry fashion hoping to find clues or new information.

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Yes, later. For now we have someone to catch.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Hi all. I am back from my work trip and con. Pretty exhausted (very little sleep at cons for me) and catching up on everything. I hope to have a post up soon. I have a short trip this weekend too and will be gone Friday through Sunday afternoon. But then that's it for trips for a while.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

Well, without the essence I do not know of a way to open the spheres. I guess we move out.
We can always come back.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

I am going TDY for a few day for work and then directly to Dragon Con for the weekend. I'll have my laptop and will try to keep up through Thursday but after that my time will likely be eaten by the con. Will be home late Monday September 4. Bot me as needed.

Full Name

Jendran Hale




Cleric of Iomedae 7







Special Abilities

Channeling, Divine Spellcasting


Neutral Good






Cleric of Iomedae, Pathfinder

Strength 14
Dexterity 10
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Jendran Hale

Jendran is a stoic, stolid individual, rarely showing anger or excitement. His dark skin and swarthy features are a contrast to his gleaming armor and equipment. His demeanor is focused and kind, showing great care in the upkeep of his allies and compatriots.