
Libra Loco's page

7 posts. Alias of Crag_Irons.


I sometimes use our colloquialisms wrong, I am not going to try other culture's colloquialisms. I don't want to add fuel to the fire, but a little bird told me that GoatToucher is not the only black sheep in his family. I don't want to blow his cover but he visits the message boards from time to time. Their relationship is not as thick as blood because it is through his cousins marriage. They derail threads only because they both only have one thing in mind, so they don't think they are derailing a thread. To them it is what everyone is talking about. They both have a long history of this. I was looking up internet history the other day. Did you know that the oldest website was made by CERN. The have even restarted the first webpage that explains what the internet is. Crazy how much has happen over the years.

JTDV should not rule this city because he is a male spider. Females eat the males after you know what.

JTDV was just a normal teenage boy until he was bit by a spider in a laboratory. As you can see the effects were stronger than the more commonly told tale.

A deck of many things (do not draw a card!)

The next poster has used suspenders for more than what they are intended for, and will share his experience.

He Who Laughs Last

Every fight I win I take whatever the enemy used to hurt me. So I have claws, teeth, blades, spellbooks, hands, and so on. It is a little morbid, I guess, but collecting just gold coins does not really tell a story.

The next poster wares different styles of makeup, and will share why?

9/10 Love the Joker look. Lost one point due to poor placement of shoulder spike. You could take 1d3 damage every time you give a high five.