Liam Mooney 397's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Liam Mooney.

Shadow Lodge

I'm currently running a Dragon's Demand game but the party's down to just 3 players and so could do with one or two more. They're definitely in need of a healer (have an Inquisitor, Bard and Wizard at the moment).

The party's still level 1 and are most of the way through their first dungeon, averaging a few posts a week.

If interested let me know - the gameplay thread is here:

Shadow Lodge

2nd try after I deleted the gameplay thread

Shadow Lodge

(first post - don't delete)

Shadow Lodge

Party 2:
Gribble (andreww) - Male grippli inquisitor
Nerak Allriver (Arrannai) - Female human ranger
Vultha (snapzilla22) - Male kobold bloodrager
Corinthian Othello Ramirez Esquire II (halquin) - Male half-elf bard
Taarik (noral) - Male ifrit paladin
Llama_Bill - TBC

Shadow Lodge

Party 1:
Shondra Demarkus (WhtKnt) - Female human fighter
Galessa (Grumbaki) - Female aasimar sorcerer
Halders Isgood (Nephits) - Male halfling unchained rogue
Ragnar Barrowheim (DevonRex) - Male dwarf cleric
Ludvic Heartrend (Ioc) - Male human swashbuckler

Shadow Lodge

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I'm going to GM the Pathfinder Module Dragons Demand in campaign mode for PFS credit. You will gain chronicle sheets to apply to a different PFS legal character at levels 1-3, 3-5, 5-7 and an extra one at 2, 4 or 6 for completing the whole thing.

For the game I'm looking for a party of 4-5 1st level PCs using 15-points buy for starting stats, 2 traits and the average starting wealth for your class. I'm happy with most 1st party races/archetypes/feats etc. (as a rule of thumb check with me on anything not PFS legal).

For character backgrounds you've been hired by a man named Silas Gribb to work as caravan guards operating on a minor trade route through the Verduran Forest in North-Central Taldor between Wispil and Dunholme.

Players can expect to reach 7th level by the time they complete this epic adventure—if they manage to survive the wrath of a dragon when his demands aren’t met! (copied off the Module description).

I will be going for 1 post a day for the game. I work shifts so my posting times will vary slightly week to week.