
Lass's page

Organized Play Member. 267 posts (271 including aliases). 7 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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I don't think its retconning the setting. I see it as expanding upon the setting and moving away from ugly ideas of past editions. Make the orc playable, like the goblin, and have the Half-Orc be a trait or racial feat so its still there as well.

If anything, the happy lovey children of Human-Orc matings are a deviation from the setting as demonstrated by the descriptions of orcs posted from Paizo material shows.

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J-Bone wrote:

From the Beastiary description of the Orcs:

An adult male orc is roughly 6 feet tall and 210 pounds.
Orcs and humans interbreed frequently, though this is
almost always the result of raids and slave-taking rather
than consensual unions. Many orc tribes purposefully
breed for half-orcs and raise them as their own, as the
smarter progeny make excellent strategists and leaders
for their tribes.

So it seems pretty clear that rapey orcs is built into the Orc sauce.


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I also find the idea of implied sexual assault distasteful in the Half-Orc. In Giantslayer the citizens of Trunau are even given a dagger to kill themseves rather than face capture from orcs which also implies fear of capture being so much worse than what might happen in human conquests. The implication seems to be the fear of rape.

The idea of a full orc is certainly intriguing and better IMO. They have their own realm in Belkzen. Certainly if they have their own distinct place, it should allow for more characters to emerge from there who aren't a product of some form of assault, or that rarity of orc/human love.

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As an interest check I am interested in running Hells Rebels. It would be every other Saturday from 6 GMT 1 EST and running about 3 hourish.

Preferred VTT would be maptools as I've so much experience with it, but can be flexible.

Discord for chat both IC and OoC.

Post interest or PM me.


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So this may well be my favorite race. But I feel like it could be expanded upon greatly with new types of Skinwalkers. So here is a quick list of some that I'd love to see:

Deer-Kin: She would be fast and agile though relatively weak physically. I would give her minuses to fear effects but bonus to perception

Turtle-Kin: This comes from watching a bit too much Kung-Fu Panda but with this I might give a +1 to AC. Maybe a +2 on AC if going full defense. I might make them slower.

Rabbit-Kin: Fast and agile so similar to the Deer-Kin. Perhaps small sized in Hybrid form.

Gorilla-Kin: Strong and aggressive perhaps reflected in bonuses to Str and Con. Bonus to Intimidate (hopefully with chest beating at game tables). Could even play a bit with King Kong themes and have them susceptible to enchantments from the preferred gender.

Racoon-Kin: Nocturnal and curious. So dark vision. Minuses to illusion spells. Because they are quite tricky I would suggest bonuses to Disable Device and Escape Artist.

Swan-Kin: Graceful and majestic is how I imagine them. So bonuses to Dex and Chr perhaps offset by minus to strength. I might give them a bonus to Diplomacy and knowledge Nobility.

Any thoughts or animals you might like to see anthropomorphized as well?

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As the GM of the game of Giantslayer that had a Hill Giant player in it, I found it to be a great laugh and a lot of fun. That character added a whole extra side to the campaign and a lot of humour. It did require me to modify things in the AP, but I tend to modify a lot for each character as they request or as I see more conducive to a greater story. So it really didn't require too much extra work on my end. I would say in regards to the Hobgoblin, so long as your GM is fine with it and you may be ready to except the consequences of how NPCs react to you, then go for it. The Hill Giant in my game always stayed outside of the human settlements in my game as I made it clear reactions would not be so welcoming. As a result he missed out on some key bits of interaction but the player was willing to accept that to play his character.

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Another AP that utilizes the Kingdom Building rules and is more sandboxy.

Something set in Tian Xia

A First World AP, perhaps a sequel to Kingmaker.

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Sure I would love to get into or even run a Tian Xia AP! I truly found the final three books in Jade Regent to be a delight! If they can simulate the lush sprawling adventure and romance of a movie like Crouching Tiger I would be all the more thrilled!

On top of that I have a deep love of Dragons and the Asian inspired ones are fascinating and would be a joy to explore. Also Kaiju!!! Who doesn't love those guys???

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Paizo does such a good job on their products, seeing a full treatment on Tian Xia material would certainly continue that tradition.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I've actually been clamoring for more Tian Xia since Jade Regent, even started a petition for a Tian Xia adventure path.

Alas, it did not get much traction, despite Dave Gross himself showing interest.

Count me as a supporter of that idea :)

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I can only dream of being at the wheel of a space traversing vessel on a mission to stop those things too evil to be confined to a single planet!!

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I would definately like to see more Tian Xia material. To date, I think season 3 of PFS was its best season with all those scenarios that paid homage to great Asian cinema. More Please!

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I so love dragons!!! I wish this was somehow connected to the Dragonrider Class from SSG or Rite Publishings In the Company of Dragons but I'll still purchase this for all its scaley goodness.

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Coolio, when my players reach this point I'll have to revisit this post to comment on how well it worked.

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I think they're a bit too long indeed. I'm finding myself cutting all kinds of encounters from Giantslayer as a means to bring things to a faster close. Often encounters feel like they are just there as experience point balloons to be popped. So I'm doing away with much of that to move the story along.


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I remember hearing that http://www.paizo.com/people/Itzeebitzee had gained his 5th star but saddies he didn't get an announcement as he's an amazing GM that kept my interest in organized play active for a long time.


Silver Crusade

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Blood of the Fox - I want my Kitsune book pleeeeeeease!

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Please oh yes please give us a Kitsune of Golarion book!!!!


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Animate Dead... make it go away!

As a player that often plays plays good orientated Pallys and Clerics I find these Re-Animators problematic for my characters. I've read several justifications for playing alongside them from keep-the-peace point of view but when you boil it down, that LG Paladin has to accept someone desecrating a human corpse and enslaving it to do its bidding. Its hard to get around the repugnant nature of such an action. All cultures have ceremony surrounding the treatment of the fallen loved ones that has elements of dignity to it. Of course history also has cultures that featured the mutilation and disgracing of fallen enemies as an aggressive means of disgracing that fallen enemy or disallowing them entry into an afterlife. That sounds pretty evil. So not surprising Animate Dead has an evil descriptor because your doing something evil!!!! So back to my Paladin. I'm seeing an evil act of a pretty darn high order being done in front of me and I'm supposed to do nothing? If I'm true to the RP of my character then I'm going to react. If I'm told by the GM to work together for the good of the adventure then I'm sorry to say, I'm leaving that table. The RP aspect of the game is why I'm there.

How this spell, used over and over doesn't change the casters alignment is silly and IMO an way to side step rules. Raising Dead is evil. It doesn't matter if your using them to plant flowers, pet puppies or drive your granny to the store. Your still desecrating the body of the fallen and removing it of its dignity. Even if your digging up the corpse of Hitler and making it say "Ooooops, sorry for starting a World War and killing millions of innocents" its still an evil act. So the fact that the CN character can cast it every adventure, maybe even multiple times per scenario is a serious by pass of the rules.

Furthermore, as I understand it, the Grave Walker, Undead Lord and Vivisectionists were removed from play because they didnt fit the feel of PFS. Seems to be that PFS is clear that the Society frowns upon having its members creating hordes of undead. So why then is this spell still available?

Furthermore... undead stink! I think my Cleric of Shelyn would be offended to even be near a walking stink bag! ;-)

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After playing the scenario King Xeros of Old Azlant please please please someone write a sequel! That was such a fun scenario with so much potential for setting PFS games in odd places like other worlds or dimensions!


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I got the chance to listen to Mike Brock on the Know Direction Podcast. Was nice to get to associated a voice with the words and hear some hints about Season 4.

Great Job Mike. :)

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James Sutter wrote:

Thanks for all the kind words, everybody! And Shem is right--to date, very few of our campaign setting books have sold out, and I'm not sure any have done so this quickly. So it definitely proves there's a demand for space! What that may lead to in the future is anybody's guess, but it's certainly something we'll be discussing. :)

In the meantime, while I can't give spoilers (other to say that it's *not* a hardcover planets book--someday!), I can say that you should hear about some more interplanetary goodness fairly soon...

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Good thing Im a girl because I just squealed like one!


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For me its the Defenders of Nesting Swallow!!! I love how you can really run it in several ways with so much of the build up to the end being sandboxy. I also like that it can be run in a home game over the course of several sessions with plenty of time set aside for RP interaction. Of course its homage to the Seven Samurai only adds to its greatness.

How about you guys? Whats your favorite to run and why? Maybwe you'll inspire some of us who havent yet run your favorites. :)


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Kerney wrote:

My question to you is, can you take a Grippli, Damphir or Catgirl and represent them with feats, traits, class selection and perhaps a mild bit of reskining. I think you can (and have helped with a half elven 'cat girl' for my niece).

In that case, what is the need for a spelled out cat girl race? I don't mind one cat girl in a game, with her being explained as a magical experiment or a curse. But on the other hand....a whole table of 'unique' Drizit clones can be off putting also.

I realize there no completely satisfying answer to this, but I do believe you can do a lot more with what we have availible then we are using.

Thats a whole lot of hoops and hurdles your asking of the player of said catgirl, especially when there is a fully fleshed out Catfolk race in the Bestiary 3 and soon to be released ARG. Also as I understand it from reading the post battles involving the look of the synthasists and mounts, reskinning is frowned upon in PFS.

No one wants to play at a table full of Drizzt clones but I would still take that over a table full of flavour-of-the-month min/max builds. At least the Drizzt fanboy has put some thought into the personality of his character.

I agree with you on your last point, there probably is no satisfying middle ground between the Tolkienian Grognard's view on race in fantasy and a more inclusive one. Yet if you agree there is a lot of diversity in the races available, I would imagine you can also imagine the greater diversity in even greater inclusion. At the very least it would allow tables to move away from the proliferation of the tired bad Scots accented Dwarf, Im pretty because Im an Elf player to some new, soon-to-be tired stereoptyped racial characters.


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Yes... that was a policy that was used. That and posting asking for those playing the Synthasist build to apply with another class. We would find as many as 5 synthasists readily as first posters. However it seems that first-come first-served is how online games with recruitment posted on messageboards must be run.

I suppose its a mute point now. I have largely fallen off with PFS. It was fun while it lasted though.


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No encounters were being changed, was only selective recruitment in an effort to have less powergamers and more RP inclined players.

Follow the above posted link.


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Todd Morgan wrote:
I don't see anything in the Campaign Guide where it says you have to run a table if you don't want to...

Yes but if an open recruitment for players is posted, apparently we have to accept all players on a fist come first served basis, even if its an online game.

I refer to this ruling by Mark Moreland on the Google Group Online Pathfinder Society Collective.


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Todd Morgan wrote:
Lass wrote:
Todd Morgan wrote:
J-Bone wrote:

Gratz to you Nolen. But your life isnt mine and mine isnt yours. I dont have the flexibility of an art student, nor do my buddies stationed overseas in the military. Enjoy your boons though.
You and your buddies can enjoy them too if you organize an event.
If it were that easy we would all have 4 stars
Organizing a 15 table PFS event doesn't require any number of stars. Mark Garringer didn't even have one star and he was the VC for Indianapolis.

How wonderful for him. Sadly there simply are not enough people where I live to organise 15 tables. I have trouble getting one. Maybe someday I too can be as grand as Mark Garringer. Enjoy your boons.


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1. When I played at a Con it was always a race to the end. In fact at GenCon last year when I first tried it, me friends and I sat at our table and began getting into character and RPing. THe rest of the group and GM glared at us and we failed the mission. Apparently RPing at a Con is bad.

2. I tried again with online gaming with J-Bone and had a great time. There was time for RP and character interaction. I even formed some great friendships. But when online games were ruled that they had to be run like Con games and the GM had no control over recruitment to weed out powergamers and flavour of the month builds. It lost its fun. Wasnt pleased playing in parties with 5 Synthasist Summoners and me.


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Todd Morgan wrote:
J-Bone wrote:

Gratz to you Nolen. But your life isnt mine and mine isnt yours. I dont have the flexibility of an art student, nor do my buddies stationed overseas in the military. Enjoy your boons though.
You and your buddies can enjoy them too if you organize an event.

If it were that easy we would all have 4 stars

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Im considering running some Pathfinder Society games online Saturday afternoons EST if I can get enough interest.

The first game would be T-1 (lvl 1) games from Silent Tide.

n00b friendly as this will be my first time running Society games.

Please post interest and character ideas.

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I would love to play in a Time Tripping AP that takes us through some of the great empires of Ancient Golarion. We'd get the Alzantians just before the sky crashed, those pesky Thassolians, some of those Pharohs, cave-demi humans, and even the Cyclops empires. FTW!

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If your running a historical accurate game (as much as you ever really can) then they are completely out of place. But if your fantasyworld accounts for them, as Golarian and Greyhawk, then they just add more flavor and options. All of which add to the fun of the game IMO.

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I am always open to the idea of new classes. The motto and strength of Paizo has been giving the players diversity so why stop now???

Now what sorts of classes can they make? I dont know the answer to that but I am completely enjoying some of the creative stuff they have come out with like Gunslingers and Alchemist.

If you look at some of the 3rd party material from Super Genius Games and Rite Publishing you'll see how they have made some really interesting new classes for the game. Ive not had the chance to really play them but they just ooze flavour.

More is better.
