Paracount Julistar

Kryas Azrin's page

175 posts. Organized Play character for Archae.

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So I'm in an irl long term game, i made a crafting wizard

At the beginning of the campaign the gm and i discussed my wizard making legendary weapons and stuff

I have some ideas, but I'm one man and looking for some good combinations for enchantments and such

Right now i have a

Longspear I'm calling Beast King which is being made from Hydra fangs, a Hamatula Barb and Dragon bone. The theme of this weapon is essentially i made it large sized and gave it the impact enchantment. Understandably i have some room left to work with to make it a worthy plus 5 weapon

The second i have is an elven curved sword Verdant Moon crafted purely from dragon bone, i want to put keen on it buts thats all i have as idea.

As asked above as im uncertain

Slipslinger style makes the halfling sling staff apply to weapon focus sling. Would that also apply to its melee?

So to start i'm building an Arcane archer using the Prestige class specifically.

Mostly for Imbue arrows and Antimagic field, and just general magicky arrow stuff

as the moment it's not for any game, it's just am idea i'm working on. I tend operate on a 20 point buy, that seems to be a standard.

Race is undecided

My class levels i'm thinking this is what seems good, but i'm open to changing them around.

1 fighter / 17 wizard / 2 Arcane Archer

My idea is to use the Teleportation school, and have conjuration as a secondary section of things

I haven't look at Archetypes for either yet

Male Dungeon Master Dungeon Master / 21 levels

OOC and group stuff here. any questions or announcements as well

Male Dungeon Master Dungeon Master / 21 levels

gameplay here, first post pending

So here's the general plot

"A group of 4 to 5 Kobolds from the various tribes around the Nine Kingdoms are being sent out to venture beyond the lands to settle a new city. The story itself is pc driven, i'll provide quests and general plots the crew can investigate."

This is a Survival city building style game using Kobolds only
Creation rules

System : PF1, no 3rd party, only paizo material
ability scores: 20 pt buy
race: There can be only one!... Kobolds
Classes: any, Unchained allowed, Rogue gets Skill unlocks other classes need the feat
background Skills and character traits
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, and evil alignments banned.
Level 1
Starting gold: Max for class
HP: at first level Max, every level past roll and reroll 1's

Mapping will mainly be description and theater of the mind style, for this i'll be considering flanking when two or more pc's engage a target in melee as normal or if you have a feat for ranged.

for your Submission I want to see: {In separate spoilers preferred, so as to avoid clutter}
1. stat block
2. backstory (doesn't have to be long, just enough to see some hooks)
3. Basic information in the Stat bar if accepted

Recruitment will last until January 1 2020, It's a Holiday Season here in the US. The long length is to ensure everyone finishes and has time for the seasons.

I'll be on and off periodically checking so ask questions if you have them! Posting expectation will be a nice calm pace, but you're expected to post at least 1 every 2 to 3 days unless things move a little faster.

Setting information:

The Elemental-kin, Tiefling and aasimar are different due to only demi planes existing.

Tieflings in short are those whose family has a history of corruption or evil, though aren't necessarily evil themselves. Aasimar are born of heroes, paladins or those connected with justice, goodness and kindness. These standards applies to bloodlines and the like as well.

Where as The elemental children are all blessed by one of the four gods.

*Kobold Tribes can be found in any of the nine kingdoms, but are more prevalent where listed

The Land of the Nine Kingdoms

* Humans can be found in any of the nine Kingdoms but aren't are prevalent as in other settings.

*Halfling do not exist

* Orcs are nomadic small tribes and can be found in any of the Nine.


Rolling grasslands in the center most of the continent. It started off small during the reign of it's original emperor Archae-Nym a dusk elf, he was generally an unknown figure despite being emperor. liittle is known about him . It's now ruled by his Daughter.

Illyasviel Nym, who seemingly came out of nowhere, Slew him and took over. She's regarded as one of the strongest People in the world of Aeos. Having slain dragons, eldritch horrors and shown political competence enough to turn Rivalain into a large kingdom made of pieces of the other 8 Kingdoms.

She's now the High Queen and makes laws and watches over the other 8 Kingdoms and their rulers.

She established Pit, A miles deep inescapable prison where most Criminals in the nation are kept. it's guarded by what seems to be a scaleless dragon and it's depths are rumored to be infinite and holding worse and worse things the further one goes down.

The Great Colliseum- A place of combat where annual tourneys and gladiatorial combat is held. The Tourney celebrates the Coronation of the Empress and allows the prisoner who wins freedom from the Pit. This Competition attracts merchants from all over to sell wares and marks the beginning of the Annual Culture festival during the time War between the 9 kingdoms is deemed illegal. The Celebration occurs for exactly 1 week at the beginning of the year

Populated mainly by Kitsune, Skinwalkers Catfolk and Tengu.


A massive forest of almost never ending rain, it's floor is almost always foggy and teeming with dangerous living plants and predators. The run off from this massive jungle leads into The Black Fens.

The Vanara and Ratfolk often work together to build Settlements in the safety of the tree tops.

The practice of Alchemy is deeply rooted here, so many alchemists come here to study from the masters

It's main inhabitants are the Vanara, Ratfolk Though Many Tribes of Grippli live around the rivers on the border between Greywood and The Black Fens

The Black Fens

The Fens are a Dangerous Swamp cloaked in dark magics and containing many eldritch abominations, Giant insects and Poisonous plants. Few have explored beyond the borders enough to document whats inside.

A dangerous swamp inhabited by very few people at all, Those who do live here however claim that the only way to survive is with the protection of the Witches of the swamp.

The Fang Mountains

A large mountain set covering the North eastern section of The Nine Kingdoms, The the western section of the mountains is warm and has many under mountain Dwarven cities, while the further east sections are snowy and filled with abandoned tunnels and dragons

The Dwarves of the fang mountains have been fighting dragon incursions for many years, keeping them from invading the rest of Rivalain.

Within the Fang mountains is the Mage's College known as the Spire. A massive Skyscraper of a tower constructed from a seemingly impossible amount of Marble. Since The High Queen took over she established a law forcing Mages in Rivalain to get licenses for tracking or be sent to the Pit

Between the two Factions, Mages and Dwarves. they have some of the best Craftsman in the World Rivaled only by the Unique builds of The Underland Craftsmen

The Underland

A huge underground Cavern underneath the Nine Kingdoms, they're inhabitant have developed some of the most advanced Technologies in the world Basically Steam punk, guns and Other fantasical technology

The people of The Underland have been at war with the Goblinoids of Nar'Voth, Though from their perspective it's not much of a war.

The Underland is inhabited By Drow, Gnomes, Kobolds and other races that might be found underground.

* Drow in this setting are not evil but rather more Lawful and view themselves as Superior beings. Drow Nobles only exit through taking the feats and not as a natural born race.

* Kobolds Are different as seen in the spoiler Below


Nar'Voth is all Badlands and mines, it's only inhabitants being Goblinoid races and the Nomadic Orc Tribes though the two don't associate usually.

The Goblinoids usually set up around what few sources of water they can find and build massive mines that they have slaves taken from war or raids work in.

The Goblinoids tame Acid spitting Insectoid mounts known as Ankhegs

They're generally Organized bands of Goblinoids all part of several houses lead by a chief. Usually they either fall into the categories of Military Settlements or Mercantile Settlements and it's rare for the two categories to intermingle, One starting wars and the other trying to improve the land they have.

The Western Expanse

A Vast Desert with many tombs both recent and ancient. Most Cities are built along The Great river of Ur, a massive river that flows through the desert and into the badlands of Nar'voth.

The Western Expanse is odd in that an Election is held between the two Noble houses, one run by Elves and the other Gnolls. Who so ever wins runs the city until the election on the following year.

The Expanse has seen it's share of Necromancy issues, and stands as both the best place to learn about undead, both to raise and to hunt...

Shira' Kor

An couple Volcanic Islands among an entire Archipelago of uninhabited islands.

Most are fishermen, farmers, Herbalists, Alchemist.

The inhabitants are Mostly Lizardfolk,Skinwalkers, Nagaji, Grippli, some tribes of surface kobolds

Windswept Valley

A Isolated Valley far beyond the Fang mountains. Few have ever seen what lies inside but it's rumored to be the home of the gods.

The Four Supreme Deities
The four supreme Deities are draconic gods who created the world of Aeos and many of the beings that inhabit it.

They each come together to control the cycle of life and death

Typical depictions of them show only Aki'lan and Yue have wings, suggesting they are female and Zyan'mu and Kol are male.

Zyan'mu the Essence

Mentioned as the eldest of the four, Zyan'mu is typically depicted as a blue sea serpent like dragon with white fur along the back side and deep blue scales.

Zyan'mu created the soul and represents Good, Healing, Water, Repose, Protection, Community

Humans born with his blessing become Undines

He is typically worshiped by doctors, commoners, and sailors

his symbol is a dew drop rolling off a Lotus.

Kol the Architect

Kol is The youngest and most moody of the four. He is a bronze colored dragon with a metallic sheen, with hand like claws.

He is known to create the physical form of mortals and the world.

Typically arcane magic is associated with him, he is known to be the greatest blacksmith and mage to exist in Aeos though he rarely works with metal even going so far as to forbid nature mages (Druids) from wearing metal armor.

Earth, Magic, Knowledge, Rune , Artifice, Plants and Animals fall under his per view

Humans blessed by him become Oreads

He view necromancy in a neutral light, seeing raising the dead as the worst offense and a corruption of the nature he created. but it's other spells worthy of study.

He is typically worshiped by Smiths, mages of all colors, artists and those who love nature.

His symbol is an eye surrounded by various rune work

Aki'Lan the Judge

The most Worshiped of the four deities, She appears as a typical red dragon though significantly bigger with large ruby like growths across the scales that are both armor and spike like.

Aki'Lan Judges the souls of the dead, deciding if they are worthy to pass onto new life or not. She gave mortals a mind and the ability to think and learn.

She is typically associated with formal society, tradition, order, honor, As well as Fire, the sun, Law, Nobility Glory and Knowledge, combat and Metal.

After a argument between herself and Kol the two formed a Rivalry. during which he refused to use metal which is associated with her.

She is followed mainly by knights, merchants and tradesmen, and many others

Humans blessed by her become Ifrits

Her symbol is a Shield with a sun

Yue the World Eater

The least worshiped though surprisingly the strongest of the four deities. She is a light green dragon with massive feathered wings and several smaller tufts going along the body and tail. Unlike the other deities she is known to have a human form though as a god it changes appearance frequently with the exception she always has her wings

Known far and wide as the World Eater, Her duty is to carry mortal souls to be judged. At the Worlds end she will eat it and create a new one.

She is not usually worshiped but is oddly the most likely god to walk among mortals and interfere. She gave mortals free will and the ability to choose and make their own decisions.

While representing destruction and Chaos, she also represents freedom and stands against dictatorship and corrupt rulers. Things such as Air, Liberation, Travel, Luck, Death and Trickery fall under her per view

She is rarely followed by anyone as a result of her World eater legend, but more than one rebellion has flown her flag.

Humans blessed by her are Sylphs, Due to this Sylphs unfortunately are seen as bad fortune and discriminated against

Her symbol is two intertwining swirls

Kobold Changes:

Kobolds of Aeos are known as "the First Children" Mainly due to the oldest known documentation (Their own) claims that historically they came first. They typically have short life spans but bare many offspring and large families. These small proud reptilians, mastered the written language draconic and take pride in their minds and draconic heritage.

Physical description
Kobolds are a more Crocodilian species of reptile in appearance, being scaly and taking on similar colors to dragons. They're typically born with either a long prehensile tail or a short stubby tail with gliding wings.

typically they are short only growing to around 2 - 2'8 on average with outliers growing up to 3'5. Usually weighing around 30-40 pounds.

They can also have a horns and spikes across the body or colorful feathers.

Most Kobolds have similar colors in relation to their family but clans are often mixed.


Kobolds live in any area they can grab, though prefer places where they can get frequent building materials like Forests or caves. Their warrens are organized and frequently added on too, families of kobolds live together whiles hatchlings and eggs are brought to the hatchery for safety.

Kobold Hatcheries are considered the most important part of the clan and where most of their protection goes. A hatchery is an area where eggs can be incubated and young hatchlings raised and taught by the clan elders until they mature.

Kobolds are one of Aeos most clever races, being taught building, mining and engineering from a young age as it helps with the clan, and everyone helps in the clan. That is because everyone from the lowest janitor is taught the importance of their job.

Kobolds often follow a clan of three, consisting of a clan elected leader, a military leader and the religious leader. Though they'll bend to a different race or ruler if they find their leader more competent than them.


Kobolds are an organized and populated group that work well together, they're cautious and precise.

Kobolds share frequent rivalry with Ratfolk and Gnomes who they see as competition. Gnomes specifically, they live with in the Underland. The clans around their, it's well known the Engineering corp argue over whose technology is more useful, The Kobolds practical tech, or the Gnomes experimental.

They dislike war and pointless fighting and as such don't get along with more war prone races like dwarves and orcs. This is likely due to their history of losing wars, their pride and jealousy.

Alignment and Religion

Kobolds range from cunning and conniving to organized and lawful.

They follow any of the four supreme deities and typically allow that to influence their alignment. but typically they don't tend toward good or evil, they keep a degree of neutrality as that's what they view as most beneficial and practical


Kobold adventurers aren't uncommon, usually it happens when some decide to venture out to explore the lands, learn a trade, skill or form their own clan.

Racial Traits

Ability Score: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence or +2 Charisma, -2 Strength. Kobolds are fast and typically clever in some manner but they're physically weak.

Kobolds are humanoids with the reptilian subtype.

Size: Kobolds are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on their combat maneuver checks and to Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Base speed: 30 ft

Languages: Kobolds begin speaking The Common language of their area and Draconic. Kobolds with a high intelligence can choose from the following: Gnome, Undercommon, Dwarven, Auran, Ignan, Terran or Aquan.
Defense Racial traits
Armor: Kobolds naturally scaly skin grants them a +1 natural armor bonus.


Dragon-Scaled Some kobolds are hatched with scales of such vivid color that their connection to a particular sort of dragon seem undeniable . These Kobolds gain a 5 resistance to Fire, Electricity, Acid or Cold. This bonus stacks with other sources.
Crafty: Kobolds gain knowledge (Engineering and history), a Craft or profession skill as class skills. They also gain a plus two to these skills.

DarkVision: 60 feet
Gliding Wings Some kobolds are born with wings that, while too weak for actual flying, do allow them to fall at a very slow and safe pace. A kobold with wings can use them to glide. It can make a DC 15 Fly check to fall safely from any height without taking falling damage, as if using feather fall. When falling safely, it may make an additional DC 15 Fly check to glide, moving 5 feet laterally for every 20 feet it falls


Prehensile Tail Your tail is especially flexible and strong, so you’ve learned to use it for both movement and simple tricks. You gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks, and you can use your tail to draw a hidden weapon as a move action instead of as a standard action.

So, I want to run a Kingmaker style game in my Custom setting Aeos. Here's the catch, All the Pc's are Kobolds...

Kobolds in this setting are generally good or neutral aligned.

The idea is that a few kobolds from the various tribes have been sent out to adventure in and out of the lands of the Nine Kingdoms to establish a city created by Kobolds.

Feel free to ask questions and remember this is just an Interest Check for now

Below is all the information a Pc should need to be an Aeosian Kobold,

Homebrew Setting Information: Aeos:

*The Elemental-kin, Tiefling and aasimar are different due to only demi planes existing.

Tieflings in short are those whose family has a history of corruption or evil, though aren't necessarily evil themselves. Aasimar are born of heroes, paladins or those connected with justice, goodness and kindness. These standards applies to bloodlines and the like as well.

Where as The elemental children are all blessed by one of the four gods.

*Kobold Tribes can be found in any of the nine kingdoms, but are more prevalent where listed

The Land of the Nine Kingdoms

* Humans can be found in any of the nine Kingdoms but aren't are prevalent as in other settings.

*Halfling do not exist

* Orcs are nomadic small tribes and can be found in any of the Nine.


Rolling grasslands in the center most of the continent. It started off small during the reign of it's original emperor Archae-Nym a dusk elf, he was generally an unknown figure despite being emperor. liittle is known about him . It's now ruled by his Daughter.

Illyasviel Nym, who seemingly came out of nowhere, Slew him and took over. She's regarded as one of the strongest People in the world of Aeos. Having slain dragons, eldritch horrors and shown political competence enough to turn Rivalain into a large kingdom made of pieces of the other 8 Kingdoms.

She's now the High Queen and makes laws and watches over the other 8 Kingdoms and their rulers.

She established Pit, A miles deep inescapable prison where most Criminals in the nation are kept. it's guarded by what seems to be a scaleless dragon and it's depths are rumored to be infinite and holding worse and worse things the further one goes down.

The Great Colliseum- A place of combat where annual tourneys and gladiatorial combat is held. The Tourney celebrates the Coronation of the Empress and allows the prisoner who wins freedom from the Pit. This Competition attracts merchants from all over to sell wares and marks the beginning of the Annual Culture festival during the time War between the 9 kingdoms is deemed illegal. The Celebration occurs for exactly 1 week at the beginning of the year

Populated mainly by Kitsune, Skinwalkers Catfolk and Tengu.


A massive forest of almost never ending rain, it's floor is almost always foggy and teeming with dangerous living plants and predators. The run off from this massive jungle leads into The Black Fens.

The Vanara and Ratfolk often work together to build Settlements in the safety of the tree tops.

The practice of Alchemy is deeply rooted here, so many alchemists come here to study from the masters

It's main inhabitants are the Vanara, Ratfolk Though Many Tribes of Grippli live around the rivers on the border between Greywood and The Black Fens

The Black Fens

The Fens are a Dangerous Swamp cloaked in dark magics and containing many eldritch abominations, Giant insects and Poisonous plants. Few have explored beyond the borders enough to document whats inside.

A dangerous swamp inhabited by very few people at all, Those who do live here however claim that the only way to survive is with the protection of the Witches of the swamp.

The Fang Mountains

A large mountain set covering the North eastern section of The Nine Kingdoms, The the western section of the mountains is warm and has many under mountain Dwarven cities, while the further east sections are snowy and filled with abandoned tunnels and dragons

The Dwarves of the fang mountains have been fighting dragon incursions for many years, keeping them from invading the rest of Rivalain.

Within the Fang mountains is the Mage's College known as the Spire. A massive Skyscraper of a tower constructed from a seemingly impossible amount of Marble. Since The High Queen took over she established a law forcing Mages in Rivalain to get licenses for tracking or be sent to the Pit

Between the two Factions, Mages and Dwarves. they have some of the best Craftsman in the World Rivaled only by the Unique builds of The Underland Craftsmen

The Underland

A huge underground Cavern underneath the Nine Kingdoms, they're inhabitant have developed some of the most advanced Technologies in the world Basically Steam punk, guns and Other fantasical technology

The people of The Underland have been at war with the Goblinoids of Nar'Voth, Though from their perspective it's not much of a war.

The Underland is inhabited By Drow, Gnomes, Kobolds and other races that might be found underground.

* Drow in this setting are not evil but rather more Lawful and view themselves as Superior beings. Drow Nobles only exit through taking the feats and not as a natural born race.

* Kobolds Are different as seen in the spoiler Below


Nar'Voth is all Badlands and mines, it's only inhabitants being Goblinoid races and the Nomadic Orc Tribes though the two don't associate usually.

The Goblinoids usually set up around what few sources of water they can find and build massive mines that they have slaves taken from war or raids work in.

The Goblinoids tame Acid spitting Insectoid mounts known as Ankhegs

They're generally Organized bands of Goblinoids all part of several houses lead by a chief. Usually they either fall into the categories of Military Settlements or Mercantile Settlements and it's rare for the two categories to intermingle, One starting wars and the other trying to improve the land they have.

The Western Expanse

A Vast Desert with many tombs both recent and ancient. Most Cities are built along The Great river of Ur, a massive river that flows through the desert and into the badlands of Nar'voth.

The Western Expanse is odd in that an Election is held between the two Noble houses, one run by Elves and the other Gnolls. Who so ever wins runs the city until the election on the following year.

The Expanse has seen it's share of Necromancy issues, and stands as both the best place to learn about undead, both to raise and to hunt...

Shira' Kor

An couple Volcanic Islands among an entire Archipelago of uninhabited islands.

Most are fishermen, farmers, Herbalists, Alchemist.

The inhabitants are Mostly Lizardfolk,Skinwalkers, Nagaji, Grippli, some tribes of surface kobolds

Windswept Valley

A Isolated Valley far beyond the Fang mountains. Few have ever seen what lies inside but it's rumored to be the home of the gods.

The Four Supreme Deities
The four supreme Deities are draconic gods who created the world of Aeos and many of the beings that inhabit it.

They each come together to control the cycle of life and death

Typical depictions of them show only Aki'lan and Yue have wings, suggesting they are female and Zyan'mu and Kol are male.

Zyan'mu the Essence

Mentioned as the eldest of the four, Zyan'mu is typically depicted as a blue sea serpent like dragon with white fur along the back side and deep blue scales.

Zyan'mu created the soul and represents Good, Healing, Water, Repose, Protection, Community

Humans born with his blessing become Undines

He is typically worshiped by doctors, commoners, and sailors

his symbol is a dew drop rolling off a Lotus.

Kol the Architect

Kol is The youngest and most moody of the four. He is a bronze colored dragon with a metallic sheen, with hand like claws.

He is known to create the physical form of mortals and the world.

Typically arcane magic is associated with him, he is known to be the greatest blacksmith and mage to exist in Aeos though he rarely works with metal even going so far as to forbid nature mages (Druids) from wearing metal armor.

Earth, Magic, Knowledge, Rune , Artifice, Plants and Animals fall under his per view

Humans blessed by him become Oreads

He view necromancy in a neutral light, seeing raising the dead as the worst offense and a corruption of the nature he created. but it's other spells worthy of study.

He is typically worshiped by Smiths, mages of all colors, artists and those who love nature.

His symbol is an eye surrounded by various rune work

Aki'Lan the Judge

The most Worshiped of the four deities, She appears as a typical red dragon though significantly bigger with large ruby like growths across the scales that are both armor and spike like.

Aki'Lan Judges the souls of the dead, deciding if they are worthy to pass onto new life or not. She gave mortals a mind and the ability to think and learn.

She is typically associated with formal society, tradition, order, honor, As well as Fire, the sun, Law, Nobility Glory and Knowledge, combat and Metal.

After a argument between herself and Kol the two formed a Rivalry. during which he refused to use metal which is associated with her.

She is followed mainly by knights, merchants and tradesmen, and many others

Humans blessed by her become Ifrits

Her symbol is a Shield with a sun

Yue the World Eater

The least worshiped though surprisingly the strongest of the four deities. She is a light green dragon with massive feathered wings and several smaller tufts going along the body and tail. Unlike the other deities she is known to have a human form though as a god it changes appearance frequently with the exception she always has her wings

Known far and wide as the World Eater, Her duty is to carry mortal souls to be judged. At the Worlds end she will eat it and create a new one.

She is not usually worshiped but is oddly the most likely god to walk among mortals and interfere. She gave mortals free will and the ability to choose and make their own decisions.

While representing destruction and Chaos, she also represents freedom and stands against dictatorship and corrupt rulers. Things such as Air, Liberation, Travel, Luck, Death and Trickery fall under her per view

She is rarely followed by anyone as a result of her World eater legend, but more than one rebellion has flown her flag.

Humans blessed by her are Sylphs, Due to this Sylphs unfortunately are seen as bad fortune and discriminated against

Her symbol is two intertwining swirls

Kobold Changes:

Kobolds of Aeos are known as "the First Children" Mainly due to the oldest known documentation (Their own) claims that historically they came first. They typically have short life spans but bare many offspring and large families. These small proud reptilians, mastered the written language draconic and take pride in their minds and draconic heritage.

Physical description
Kobolds are a more Crocodilian species of reptile in appearance, being scaly and taking on similar colors to dragons. They're typically born with either a long prehensile tail or a short stubby tail with gliding wings.

typically they are short only growing to around 2 - 2'8 on average with outliers growing up to 3'5. Usually weighing around 30-40 pounds.

They can also have a horns and spikes across the body or colorful feathers.

Most Kobolds have similar colors in relation to their family but clans are often mixed.


Kobolds live in any area they can grab, though prefer places where they can get frequent building materials like Forests or caves. Their warrens are organized and frequently added on too, families of kobolds live together whiles hatchlings and eggs are brought to the hatchery for safety.

Kobold Hatcheries are considered the most important part of the clan and where most of their protection goes. A hatchery is an area where eggs can be incubated and young hatchlings raised and taught by the clan elders until they mature.

Kobolds are one of Aeos most clever races, being taught building, mining and engineering from a young age as it helps with the clan, and everyone helps in the clan. That is because everyone from the lowest janitor is taught the importance of their job.

Kobolds often follow a clan of three, consisting of a clan elected leader, a military leader and the religious leader. Though they'll bend to a different race or ruler if they find their leader more competent than them.


Kobolds are an organized and populated group that work well together, they're cautious and precise.

Kobolds share frequent rivalry with Ratfolk and Gnomes who they see as competition. Gnomes specifically, they live with in the Underland. The clans around their, it's well known the Engineering corp argue over whose technology is more useful, The Kobolds practical tech, or the Gnomes experimental.

They dislike war and pointless fighting and as such don't get along with more war prone races like dwarves and orcs. This is likely due to their history of losing wars, their pride and jealousy.

Alignment and Religion

Kobolds range from cunning and conniving to organized and lawful.

They follow any of the four supreme deities and typically allow that to influence their alignment. but typically they don't tend toward good or evil, they keep a degree of neutrality as that's what they view as most beneficial and practical


Kobold adventurers aren't uncommon, usually it happens when some decide to venture out to explore the lands, learn a trade, skill or form their own clan.

Racial Traits

Ability Score: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence or +2 Charisma, -2 Strength. Kobolds are fast and typically clever in some manner but they're physically weak.

Kobolds are humanoids with the reptilian subtype.

Size: Kobolds are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on their combat maneuver checks and to Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Base speed: 30 ft

Languages: Kobolds begin speaking The Common language of their area and Draconic. Kobolds with a high intelligence can choose from the following: Gnome, Undercommon, Dwarven, Auran, Ignan, Terran or Aquan.
Defense Racial traits
Armor: Kobolds naturally scaly skin grants them a +1 natural armor bonus.


Dragon-Scaled Some kobolds are hatched with scales of such vivid color that their connection to a particular sort of dragon seem undeniable . These Kobolds gain a 5 resistance to Fire, Electricity, Acid or Cold. This bonus stacks with other sources.
Crafty: Kobolds gain knowledge (Engineering and history), a Craft or profession skill as class skills. They also gain a plus two to these skills.

DarkVision: 60 feet
Gliding Wings Some kobolds are born with wings that, while too weak for actual flying, do allow them to fall at a very slow and safe pace. A kobold with wings can use them to glide. It can make a DC 15 Fly check to fall safely from any height without taking falling damage, as if using feather fall. When falling safely, it may make an additional DC 15 Fly check to glide, moving 5 feet laterally for every 20 feet it falls


Prehensile Tail Your tail is especially flexible and strong, so you’ve learned to use it for both movement and simple tricks. You gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks, and you can use your tail to draw a hidden weapon as a move action instead of as a standard action.

So, i have a dream, to make a team of non evil aligned Kobolds for fun.

And well, one of them i kind of want to have a gun. So after some looking i decided maybe the following.

1) Gunslinger Inquistor. how far in gunslinger should i go? Is there any features i should focus on getting specifically

Any advice with this would be nice, other than why kobolds of course. I understand how horrible they are

So, say the target is invisible or otherwise unseen by the caster but the caster knows they're around. can they cast charm or dominate person on them? or similar enchantment spells

So i want to build a character that well...i for once have not enough ideas for it instead of too much.

I want to build a character whose skills revolve around screwing over enchantment magic, both resisting and breaking it on others

im open too other idea additions, i really just want a quality to be breaking mind control magics.

im thinking Cleric or inquisitor but those are the only classes that i know might work

So scrolling through the Animal companion list, i noticed my new favorite addition The Titaniboa. Long story Short i don't have much other than i want to build around making this Giant snake as awesome as possible.

To do that i should probably pick whatever class is best at animal companion, Which would that be really?

I have nothing else really decided about this character other than Titaniboa.

So long story short i'm looking to build a character that uses the bladed scarf. my idea so of wants to focus on disarming and tripping if possible.

i'm considering bladed scarf dancer magus, using true strike with combat manuevers. maybe some type of fighter or warpriest just due to I imagine how many feats this might need.

mostly looking for class picking advice or any nice feats that i should take.

So not sure if rules can even answer this one, alignment being what it is.

but anyway i've been thinking lately ''So what if had a character who was a good person, strives to do good and all. But does consistently one evil thing to help with that good like raise the dead or some other spell with the evil descriptor. Would the whole evil in the alignment thing change that character? would the good balance the evil?''

p.s. not for any current games, just a thought.

So i'll admit i haven't looked at new archetypes, very much of the occult classes or anything in a while.

point being i'm trying to make an Intelligence based Healer. He purposefully has low wisdom for character reason, he's incredibly smart but has horrible mental willpower and is addicted to blood drinking [Typical In character things].

So clerics, druids, ect don't work cause wisdom based.

long story short, what's the best way to do intelligence based healing characters.

Okay so i have a few questions regarding the half-elf trait Drow heritage, the Drow magic trait, and Drow nobility line of feats.

Does the Drow heritage and drow magic traits let you qualify for the Nobility line? or is half drow paragon still needed? otherwise i don't really understand the purpose of the trait.

mostly i just don't want the light blindness, heck i don't even care for the darkvision granted by drow blooded. unfortunately it's needed for Half drow paragon. So if i can avoid it i will, hence the question.

So i like the idea behind Promethean Alchemist, i like the companion and believe that just maybe the archetype can work. Though i might be losing my mind so who knows.

Problem being it takes the loss of bombs and mutagen hit.

So i'm racking my brain trying to figure out a working build that won't suck.

part of me thinks melee alchemist could somehow work. it still has extracts and discoveries to work with.

Anyone think of any ideas that could work?

So long story short i need some help building an eldritch knight.

the catch i want to use either bloodrager or barbarian for the martial half. The casting half i'm not sure, not really picky about it.

The character's long story short backstory is she was created in a laboratory by an insane shadow-mage who was trying to create life to get out of a deal he made with a demon. He sort of suceeded, resulting in her.

She is an angry amazonian amalgamation of various bloods of creatures, dragons, vampire, ect.

She has anger and aggression issues and specializes in fighting mages, as she plans on killing her ''father'' some day.

i want to play with the anger and mage fighting thing, hence Barbarian or Bloodrager.

for magic i like her using blasty type magic, for melee weapon i like the falcata, greatsword [Sword that chops] or axes, basically more brutal weapons

so yeah i little help picking between the two would be nice

So completely hypothetical situation i find myself thinking of.

Doesn't matter how but you have a surface dwelling Drow paladin. paladins being what they are pretty much radiate good.

Lantern bearers are sworn to eliminate drow, required to be good and everything.

i get a kick out of just imagining the all around confusion.

i do find myself curious as to what would actually happen though.

The idea starts like this

This yet to be named character (looking for name suggestions ) and his cousin spent their childhood competing (The tests each increasing in cruelty )to see who would take over as head of the family.

Along the way they matched eachother step for step. Then came the final event, they had to prove their loyalty by killing their best friend.

They both did it, however This character changed. He regretted his actions and vowed off killing unless absolutely necessary.

I really only have a backstory and main weapons that being shield and sword.

The idea simplified is an atoner type character who has done horrible things that he regrets, Kind of like Himura Kenshin.

i'm looking build and class recommendations,

i'm leaning toward either bard or paladin, something that can work with diplomacy well as he tries to avoid violence.

but i'm not set on much and would like some ideas and suggestions if possible, thanks for the help.

Silver Crusade

So my current thought is basically to emulate the Pegasus knights from the fire emblem series. Lance user with flying mount. Problem ?I Haven't done much if ever with mounted builds or combat ..So i'm looking for some help

Kinda wanna make a punch magus, but everytime i try to make a punch anything i end up screwing it up because i don't know what i'm doing.

this time before anything i'm going to ask for help, soooooo ummm where do i start? that is if it's possible

thanks in advance

So i'm making a non-evil Drow, the first everyone runs into,
″Is this different from Drizzt?″
Some think Drizzt is lame, others cool.

but this isn't the place to discuss that.

backstory and personal codes i have in what i feel is pretty well done.

summarized background:

i was one of them, just as ruthless, just as arrogant...nothing changed after i fell in love, just that i knew it was true. With one of my families slaves no less.

Then things changed, my mother found out. she had him killed, for the sake of the family and it's future. After that i decided to leave, i had the most important thing in my life taken away by my own family...if i ever have something that great again, it won't be down here in this darkness.

so first and formost i think she will be some kind of neutral. most because i can't justify good on a character that has no issues with slavery.

my biggest thing is i have really no ideas for a class or build to take this so help with that is appreciated.

So i was told that cleric's or rangers who worship Besmara can exchange hunter's bond or a domain.

i just want to check if this is true, i've seen the rule on the archives of nethys but not the d20.

second question these can use improved familiar and boon companion right?

Not sure if this goes here or not, apologies if it doesn't.

But yeah question as above.

So i'm making a chosen one paladin. maybe adding the Feysworn prestige class i don't know yet.

point being i need help making lawful good work.

i usually play almost exclusively neutral good, i like being a good guy and having the freedom to do save the day in whatever way i want.

i have a few questions regarding LG

can one lie if it could save lives?

how does one handle someone who is following laws but abusing them and in general doing bad things.

like how lenient can LG be.

this isnt for anything specific just general questions.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So a long time ago i played Elders scrolls oblivion, my character was An Argonian who i named He of Rainbow's, Why? Well i found a way to make his scales all manner of colors , hence the name.

So this all leads to me deciding to make a character in Pathfinder based off that character to a degree.

So my set thing's right now are Lizardfolk, Slayer with the Vanguard Archetype.

I'm open to weapon idea's but i am thinking of doing a natural weapons thing.

As for who he is as a character well, His real name is Veresad of the Vanguard. The of the Rainbow's part actually comes in with his backstory in regards to why he left his tribe. You see the people in the tribe made fun of his due to the coloration of his scales being mainly a light whitish pink with various patches of all manner's of colors from Dark red, to blue, to green and purple.

So what am i looking for? mainly a little help with a natural weapons build, luckily lizard folk start with 2 natural weapons already. Though any advice regarding the character is welcome, as long as it's constructive and civil.

Idris, a land torn apart by past wars and chaos is now separated into two factions. Human rebels led by the rebel Baldr Icehammer or the those who support the rightful queen Cera Blackthorne. Amidst this chaos and evil goes unchecked.

So here's the deal, A new mercenary company/guild is forming in the Capital city Cloud-Vale a city built on floating islands in the sky. The queen has had city guards spread the word that the guild is in need of two new members, to join before they can officially be formed and pursue their current goal of taking down a blood drinking, mastermind serial killer.

it has also been announced that this hiring will take place as a talent show of sorts.

please read all who apply:

So these are thing's that you and your character will probably need to know. I apologize for so much information.

The world

Idris is one nation in the world, one that has had two major wars. one was the initial war which lead to the enslavement of the human race.

The second was the rebellion lead by Baldr Icehammer, he took nearly half the nation however there are few people if any who remember any details of how the war was ended. The result lead to Idris being as it is now, an uneasy standstill.


In this setting there are no other planes of existence, barring one known as Limbo. As such Spells involving summoning things from other planes such as Summon Monster do not exist .

Spells such as Snowball, touch spells, ect that are normally under the Conjuration school are now under Evocation. Summon nature ally does not count toward the summon monster limit as you are calling things from around you or from this planes nature.

the Cure spells that normally count as conjuration now count under the Necromancy school. Manipulating the forces of life energy and yada yada .

Divine magic, domains, clerics most gain power from personal belief rather than any deity specifically. Though gaining power from one of the few deities is possible.

Most with proper teachings or education know that the energy that powers magic is in all things, even in the air itself. Magic can have effects on people’s souls; magic that is good or evil inherently can taint the soul.

If you get confused or are unsure about something please ask me. Anything I haven’t covered here asks about and I will decide on the spot.


Soriel: That which is Many

Hope is being able to see light despite the darkness

Soriel is not a single being but many, appearing as but balls of light or taking the form of a body-less voice, of multiple things speaking at once. He represents Enlightenment, Community, and Defending those in need. Followers of his faith are taught to grow and learns from their mistakes so that they may further teach others.

Favored Weapon: Unarmed Strike

Symbol: A Tree with many roots spreading far and wide.

Sacred Animal: The Firefly

Sacred Color: Dark Green

The Four Sacred Relics

The most common faith in Idris, many worship the 4 Artifacts that are believed to hold the world together. These Artifacts are known to continually absorb magical energy. Each Artifact represents one of the four elements. They are located at each of the four corners of Idris.

The Crystal Hammer

A large hammer made of jagged purple Crystals, it represents Earth and nature

The First Flame

A blue flame encased in a small glass sphere, it represents fire.

The Morphing Blade

A silvery liquid that changes shape depending on the user. represents water

And The Crown of Winds

A silvery crown of feathers. it represents the wind.



They are separated into two different varieties

The Barbarian tribes

that make up much of the rebellion and hold a strong hatred for the Elemental-kin (Sylph,Ifrit,Undine,Oreads). Due to the suppression and enslavement of them when they first arrived in Idris.

They are a hardworking and strong. However lack formal education and have difficulty establishing connections with other races

They are changed in the following ways

Ability scores- Constitution +2 and a +2 to any other Ability score

Languages- Xenophobic, receiving Common as their racial language

They do not receive the Skilled trait as such do not have access to traits that exchange it.

The Conquered -

These are humans of the Barbarian tribes who were captured during the war when they arrived. They live under rule of the Elemental Kin, some are slaves though most are normal free citizens.

They are standard humans, having access to alternate racial traits.


They are allied with the Oread’s and help maintain the forests and mountains to the east. Dwarves and Orcs have little to no issue with each other. However Dwarves do have a problem with Trolls and goblinoids, both of whom are a big issue in eastern Idris
Orc’s and Half-Orc they came over with the Human Barbarian Tribes, although separated before the war and fight with the goblinoids over the icy mountain caves The Dragon Teeth Mountains to the west. Orcs and Dwarves have little to no issue with each other.

Goblins and Hob-goblins

Having few places to live most fancy the safety of the Dragon teeth caves over the dragon infested swamps to the south. There main problem as a race is the lack of formal home as they are driven out of most places the y choose to try and settle down in. They are nomadic and less warlike in this setting.

Sylph, Undine, Oread, Ifrit

These four receive the biggest as they are not connected to Genie’s but rather were borne and created on this plane naturally. In actuality they would be more connected to Elementals . They are called the Elemental-kin. Though they look generally humanoid , they are not made of flesh and bone but rather made of their respective element. It should be added that Oreads are well known as the only of the Elemental kin to not become involved in the whole enslavement of humans thing.

They receive the following changes
They do not need to eat or sleep, though they can.
They do not take additional damage from precision attacks.
They count as Elemental Outsiders for the purposes of effects and abilities but do not actually gain the subtype.


Are the byproducts of human and elemental kin intermingling. They are seen by many as a mistake.
They receive the following changes
They count as Elemental Outsiders for the purposes of effects and abilities but do not actually gain the subtype they also count as Humanoids. They have access to any human only traits, feats classes, etc.
Their Ability Scores change depending on their Elemental parent- They receive the same physical score and penalty as their Elemental parent, their mental bonus may be any other mental stat.

Aasimar and Tiefling

the two races do not get variant heritages as their place in the world is due to good and evil magic respectively. The two magic’s when used by a mage often enough taint the bloodline, causing their birth.


are less were-wolf more wolf –were. Basically they are animals tainted by and changed due to the influence of powerful magical sources. This change has led to small groups of them popping up; they maintain some form of animal like personalities.

Character creation rules:

Level 3

You may pick either 2d6+6 or 20 point buy. Only one though...

Alignment- No evil under any circumstance, Chaotic neutral must have good reason to stay with the team and just a good reason to want to be it in general; unfortunately I have been tainted by home games and have had bad experiences with it.

Classes- NO 3rd party or Summoner. There are no guns in this setting so keep that in mind.

Races: please see the races section in please read. only those races are allow.

Traits: may take two traits and a drawback for a third if you want. I expect them to fit the character in terms of backstory and fluff.

Gold: Max starting gold for your class, i haven't actually give out WBL amounts of stuff yet.

hp- max at first level, roll the others

We will be using Background skills, Automatic bonus progression and the stamina system for fighters is allowed.

I need a few things from pc's in terms of backstory i need your character to have a fear of some kind. In addition please include with your character aTen minute background

Finally a small piece about your character's talent show entry. you trying to impress the two members of the guild (The two remaining pc's i have) and the queen herself.

This will be run using "Theater of the mind", which means no map's. One house rule added to help keep a few thing's in check is Flanking is counted whenever 2 or more people are engaging the same enemy.

now i know i am probably missing a few things cause this is a lot of information so if you have questions about setting info or anything please ask.

I like creativity so feel free to add in small towns your character is from. really anything just run it by me to make sure it fits.

Anyone got any? i personally am a fan of the idea of iron claws for a weapon. Thinking of either Brawler, fighter.


Tekko-kagi (iron claw) 2 gp 1d2 1d3 ×2 P disarm

Also known as the iron claw, this device consists of a fanlike structure of five 10-inch blades secured to a sturdy handle strapped to the forearm of the off-hand.

Benefit: A tekko-kagi can be used an offensive weapon, defensively like a buckler, or to disarm an opponent’s weapon without provoking an attack of opportunity. It provides its owner with a +2 circumstance bonus on attempts to disarm or sunder swords or other slender-bladed weapons.

Yea it kind of sucks, but i want to try building and working with it

I think the idea is to work with the fighting defensively thing and disarming thing. though i'm really not sure

So my idea is to use Blade boots, or some other non hand occupying weapon and combine it with two light weapons, probably the Gladius. Is wielding all three of them at once possible?

Is this something that can be done? Or just is it not allowed?

So i'm bad at title's for that i apologize, now on to the Rant! because seriously this bothers me.

I also think that the trait below is the current heirloom weapon though i may be wrong.

FOr the purposes of this rant i will be using Longsword as an example weapon.

For reference here's the actual Trait info

You carry a non-masterwork simple or martial weapon that has been passed down from generation to generation in your family.

Benefit: When you select this trait, choose one of the following benefits:

proficiency with that specific weapon
a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity with that specific weapon
a +2 trait bonus on one kind of combat maneuver when using that specific weapon.

What bother me is Proficiency with that specific weapon. Why? IT MAKES NO SENSE when you take into account simple description based things like non masterwork simple or martial weapon which implies that other than being a family weapon it is in no way anymore special than any other weapon of that type.

No matter how you spin it a Long-sword picked for this trait is still a Longs-sword and because the weapon isn't really supposed to be exotic or unique what makes the training any different from what you would get training with any other Long-sword.

Paying for it i'm fine with that, i've always seen the starting gold as the same concept as wealth by level.

but seriously i get balancing for mechanics but i'm a strict believer that Role playing and fluff should be just as important and taken just as seriously as mechanics.

You got you family weapon and you use it just fine, pick up another and just nope, no proficiency for you, it's a completely different type of weapon...But they are both long swords....nope yours is a different color than the other ones so it doesn't count.

now i'd be okay with it if you could actually like reforge the weapon, make it masterwork and able to be enchanted eventually. because then that would be cool and your weapon would actually have meaning other than jut being the stick you beat people with.

Now i don't really know why this bothers me as much as it it's on par with my invisible stalker problem...maybe worse because of how minor a thing this is. honestly i just felt the need to rant about how much this bothers me.

Ohh boy it's been a while since i've been in the Homebrew section, i haven't really had much in the way of idea's lately. but know for some reason i've had an odd obsession with the idea of Slime people...i blame Anime.

I've actually only just started the idea though i post today in hopes of gathering ideas.

i've seen the 3rd party races doing this already, but this is my take so there will be quite a few differences

So for starters if anyone has any names i'd appreciate the help right now i got nothing good.

other than that if anyone has any idea's for racial abilities or what not that'd be helpful.

I should have some kind of fluff and more racial stuff up some time later .

My thought's so Far

So racial stat adjustments- +2 dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom

My idea for this is to avoid the general theme that Slime people must be simple and stupid because that's been done already. Instead the idea here is that they are actually quite brilliant though they are new to the world and lack experience and have trouble comprehending the consequences of their actions.

I am open to changing this in just about any way with the exception of an int penalty, i don't want them to be dumb.

Boneless- +2 to acrobatics and Escape artist, in addition these are always class skills for them.

This is just the base of an idea i'm working with but the idea is they have a humanoid form they are molded into and though this restricts them in ways they are still more flexible than most other races

The idea i have so far is that these are humanoid shaped slime people, that have a sort of a slick semi permeable skin that helps them to keep shape.

They are somewhat translucent though colored and look gel-like. their eye's are big and one solid color.

The older they get the more detailed a form they can have

i've also been throwing around the idea of them having a more puddle gel like form similar to a change shape ability that let's them squeeze into small spaces and such. though not really sure how to work it out.

That's what i have right now, i should have more later.

So title states the problem, i need help designing encounters for a game i'm running. I have yet to design an encounter were they struggle at all...

Anyway here's the current setting and the basics about the pc's. They have found themselves in an ancient prehistoric jungle, lost, no map.

If your any of my pc's turn away please. if not help is appreciated

Level 3

We have the following

invulnerable Rager Barbarian Lizardfolk-

Basic statistics:

Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +9
AC: 18, flat-footed 16, touch 12 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +2 nat. armor)
hp: 31/38 (3d12 +12) [44 w/rage]
Fort +7 [+9 w/rage vs magic]; Ref +3 [+5 w/rage vs magic]; Will +4 [+8 w/rage]
Defensive Abilities: Dr/- 1, Superstitious Rage Power
Speed: 40 ft.
Melee: MWK Greatsword +8 (2d6 +9; 19-20 x2), Bite +7 (1d3 +6; x2), Claw x2 +7 (1d4 +6; x2): [MWK Greatsword +10 (2d6 +12; 19-20 x2), Bite +9 (1d3 +8; x2), Claw x2 +9 (1d4 +8) w/Rage] All statistics assume Power Attack. Otherwise, remove three damage from Greatsword, and two from each natural Attack, add +1 to-hit for each.

A half elf building an Arcane archer type using fighter sorcerer

Basic stats:

Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +2
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 28 (3 HD; 1d6+2d10+6)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +2 (1d8/19-20)
Ranged longbow +7 (2d6/×3)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
1st (4/day)—abundant ammunition[UC], gravity bow[APG]
0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, read magic, spark[APG] (DC 12)
Bloodline Stormborn

An oracle of life spirit guide


Init +1, Senses Perception +3
AC 14 Touch 11 Flat-footed 13 (+1 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 23 (3d8)
Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Melee morningstar +2 (1d8)
Melee darkwood shield -2 (1d4)
Special Attacks Channel (2d6, DC 15, 5/day)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
1st (6/day) - burning disarm (DC 15), protection from evil (DC 15), sanctuary (DC 15), detect undead, cure light wounds (DC 15)
0th (at will) - create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance (DC 14), light, mending (DC 14), resistance (DC 14), stabilize (DC 14), ghost sound (DC 14), mage hand

An finally an Evocation based wizard who mainly uses burning hands, flaming sphere and invisibility. he also is our current disable device expert.

I can provide any information needed to help but i do seriously need it. Encounters are not my forte

So posting this on the fly, so i might end up forgetting a few things. but here's the base of my issue. Also apologies if i posted this in the wrong place.

IS there a way to get the Plant animal companion other than treesinger Druid? If not is there a way to do a good Melee druid using this archetype?

as an aside i kind of have an idea involving using racial heritage to make a half orc using this by having him have racial heritage elf. i'll explain more later, after work but this is the gist.

Onto my next idea cause lately i've been having to many of them: from a Halfling ninja butler to a Buff Kobold.

This time i want to build a Blacksmith type Character. Basically the idea is he forges and crafts weapons and armor. Doing this requires feats and usually magic or at least some specialization in UMD. that much i know kind of unless you count the master blacksmith feat.

The thing is Crafting is cool for out of combat purposes, but i don't want him to end up useless in combat. so with the feats mostly taken up with crafting, i'm thinking i need a sort of self sufficient class that either gets enough feats or some more ideas other what little i have.

Things i think could work

Maybe he uses hammers seems like a blacksmith type thing

Races i am thinking of for various reasons

Human-Classic and easy to fit into any idea

Half elf- Basically the same as above with a few more features

Gnome- To prove to a friend not all gnomes are crazy and pointless. oh and they fit the crafting idea.

Grippli- I kind of want to make a frog warrior this might not be the time though

Oread-Working with minerals and ore's seem up this alley

That's about all i got, anyone got anything to inspire me? or some class suggestions those would really help as well cause all i have on that front is ehhh Alchemist could work.

So i have a character idea and plenty of options. basically fire blasty blasty mage.

the thing here is for in character reasons i need a familiar at level 1 fox familiar to be specific.
The character will be a Human with Racial heritage Kitsune, Also for in character reasons.

i'm looking for people to help sort through the various option's maybe some recommendations i may not have thought of .

So as for fluff and backstory so people have something to go off of also the reason why the character needs a familiar.

So you have this guy (I don't have a name for him just yet but he's the familiar) he's part of a family of people who make contracts with familiars and spirit type things.

He ends up being forced to make a contract with a fox kitsune type thing who basically manipulated his whole life to make this contract happen. One thing leads to another and they wind up switching places with one another, She becomes human with trace amounts of fox, and he ends up as a fox familiar.

but yeah the idea is blasty blasty fire mage, maybe a few other tricks that aren't blasts. I think witch or shaman fit the backstory kind of perfectly but am unsure if they can do blasting effectively. push comes to shove i can figure something out with wizard though i don't think that fits her too well. Sorcerer does fit as well but lack of familiar .

So i have an idea and i do know a few things About Racial heritage, but i've never done anything too crazy mostly just did a human that was eerily elfy.

this time my general idea is something along these lines you have this human who was tricked by a fox spirit type Kitsune thing one thing lead to another and they wound up switching places. the spirit became human sort of and the human became a fox familiar.

I want to know first if Racial heritage can allow me to take the oracle curse wrecking mysticism. or do i just get the ability to take the racial feat's?

Second would racial heritage change how a human with it looks? Like look more like the heritage race involved?

So first thing to state this in no way related to anything PFS i am aware of certain incidents of the past.

So onto my real question so can i reflavor a dog or wolf into a fox animal companion?

So simple question listed above, i checked the d20 psrd before this and it didn't seem have an answer. not really looking for sarcasm or meanness as i've seen can be common from some. just a simple quick answer if there is one.

If there's not or no clear cut answer then i'll assume it's a no.

SO i want so pointers and just options on what people think of this Kobold Hunter Dragon disciple build i'm trying out. I know it's not going to turn out fully optimized or anything but as long as it's good then i'm happy here's what i got so far.

the idea here is honestly a Buff Kobold who is slowly turning into a Dragon. I can use the kobold feat Scaled Disciple to eventually qualify for Dragon disciple, and yes it does increase divine casting, that much is called out in the feat for those who claim there might be confusion.

Strength 15
dexterity 13
constitution 12
intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
charisma 7

The idea further for the character is he is a Purple scaled Kobold : unlike most, he is a outcast as most purple scaled Kobolds are. He wields a Great-sword and fights people for the most part directly, he know's his strengths as a Kobold and isn't afraid to fight dirty if needed.

Other than that he is actually pretty honorable, he just doesn't let people make excuses for what is and isn't a weapon or are considered unfair tactics. As long as the fight doesn't drag in innocent's.

As far as other thing's go he is a warrior type of person, strong and fearless.Though he is gruff, and kind of scary hence the lowish Charisma

i have taken to referring to his attempts at intimidation as the angry dad look.

The idea is he is a Melee build using strength, that's the biggest problem. Strength Kobold, though i have taken to the idea and am asking for people to maybe point out better way's to redistribute the stat's or point out thing's i may have missed.

I used the Feral hunter Archetype in combo with Animal focus Bull. at level 1 using a 20 point buy this gets him a 15 strength, impressive by kobold standards. Feral hunter specifically makes it so animal focus has no time limit. making the normal Kobold penalty of -4 basically a -2 in strength.

So i recently found out about the Scaled disciple after remembering dragon disciple was a thing. and well i wanted to make one, thing is i kind of also want to do this idea using the Scaled Disciple. turning a Kobold into kind of a Miniature dragon because i think that would be awesome.

I'm thinking oracle as the base class because well oracle is a class i'm comfortable with. Arguably the most comfortable class for me.

That's honestly about all i got for information on what i want to do, and well i need ideas. the only thing is it has to use Scaled Disciple somehow, Kobold is a way as it is one of there feats on the other hand despite my love for kobolds i know they suck.

Okay so this has a bit of a story to it i was listening to music on the Youtubes...specifically some fan sung versions of Friend like me and Prince Ali from Aladdin...When well an idea hit me,i wanted to make a character sort of vaguely based of what i heard. Why idk i just started really liking the idea. idk the voice and energy inspired me

So what's my idea in a bit more detail well i'm thinking either bard or sorcerer. But anyway so the idea is a lively, maybe a bit cunning Ifrit who pretends to be a Genie. She's charismatic and energetic uses magic to make people believe what she wants. but yea she likes putting on a show and making things flashy.

As for backstory she was adopted by a noble family, but left as she wanted to find out who her actual birth parents are. Yeah i know a bit of a stretch from what the original disney songs i said vague inspiration.

but yea i mainly want opinions on whether or not i should bard or sorcerer.

maybe build ideas i can go with or some ideas. i'm thinking focusing on enchantment magics maybe add some buffing spells. Bard has the advantage of having prebuilt buffing in it, and being pretty good at enchanting, able to wear light armor and a bit of melee. Sorcerer has bloodlines and full casting,

A link to one of the songs for those interested

A link to the other song

So i have this idea for a character

Faust Ravenheart

basically he comes from a noble family, he was a necromancer (in secret) who fell in love with a lower class families daughter who happened to be a Dhampir. basically this ends with her asking him if he can find a way to remove the undead from her and make her human, long story short she dies and he ends up getting expelled from the family so they can save face and catches a lot of blame for it.

In this process he gives up the darker aspects of necromancy and tries to use what he learned for good and to try and redeem himself for even taking such a risk. using his research to help people speak to lost love one's, good things like that.

so the idea is to focus on necromancy but not the parts that are classified as evil cause i've given up on using raising the dead in a non-evil manner, it's not a thing people will allow.

other than that i'm looking for class suggestions to follow this concept. my thought so far is he's more mage like and spellcastery...basically i think a debuffing build.

He's kind of quiet and awkward, definitely not a bad person

other than that i really don't have much so ideas are appreciated

Okay so here's the deal the class is set an unchangeable pretty much everything else is up for grabs.

So Unchained Rogue Using the Eldritch Scoundrel archetype

the base idea is using sneak attack in combination with Touch attacks, melee preferred. Hence the "Tag your dead" thing.

mostly looking for feat suggestions, because there's a lot of them and i'm not sure which direction to go.

Mostly open with things this is a new idea i'm working with so i don't really have much yet other than i want to use this class and archetype.

Skills will probably focus around acrobatics and disabling traps.

i've toyed with the idea of natural weapons some how, maybe some sort of punching esq weapon.

Races are pretty open, i'm thinking Tiefling but am open with this

try not to multiclass or dip to hard i'm not a fan of builds like that

So not sure where this belongs as a thread but i have an idea i'm going with but first i need to figure out which stat could best represent Determination, confidence and fighting spirit.

Like ignore the numbers for a moment that wisdom adds to will saves

in flavor of fluff like if a race is more confident and determined i picture charisma not Wisdom. for wisdom i picture old kung fu master or yoda.

SO for a while i've been looking at Arcanist and every time the same thing keeps coming up to me. Why no rogue like archetype?

I read it and i always get the same image: a mage who breaks the normal rules of magic, changes the rules.

Tell me i'm not the only one who thinks one would be awesome.

So i've decided to make a Eldritch archer Hexcrafter Magus

I know the typical archery feats make you a bullet hose, that concept doesn't really help the eldritch archer who much like the base magus uses the spells to do most of the damage.

side note the hexcrafter part is for a bit of versatility, i hear good things about it.

What feats could apply to do a Single shot archer, to help work with Eldritch archer better. Also any magical feats to increase the damage from spells or something are appreciated as well.

So with the personality and other aspects out of the way i wanted to start with a clean thread to get a build together because after looking at this the build idea of blind swordsman is quite difficult. So i call upon the powers of the forums to help make this a viable build while still maintaining the original idea

Since originally starting this where i started at oracle i have since changed. but anyway the base idea is a character who doesn't need his eyes to fight, he was trained to fighting without sight.

I would like to use the blind fight and blinded blade style of feats to work with this. If you can think of a way to basically enable him to fight someone and not care if they turn invisible.

Half elf so i can grab Katana proficiency unless the class has a way of acquiring it in which case it is up for change. i'm probably going to two hand the Katana.

Class i am considering-These aren't set just my personal ideas



both because i imagine well feats will be needed for this build a lot of them

I would like emphasis on the wisdom/ he see's everything aspect.

As far as the character goes i won't be dropping any stats, as i suffer from NAA (negative attribute aversion). A few leftover things to throw out there, the character isn't really blind just when he get's serious (he normally isn't, he's more of a show off/party boy) he closes his eye's and focuses. basically the idea is he isn't dependent on his eyes.

Build Rules

Classes: Any Paizo Material is legal, I use the SRD so i have access to it, And the Dreamscarred Press SoulKnife. NO 3rd party classes other than that. Use unchained Summoner instead of the Base summoner. Other unchained classes allowed as well.

Races:Core, Uncommon, and Featured races allowed. 3rd party races will be handled on case to case.

Stat rolls: Roll 1 set of 3d6 in order, another of 4D6 drop lowest, If you get nothing you like from either feel free to use 20 point buy.

Traits: 2 traits, No drawback. I expect traits to fit the character and will be reviewing to make sure they do.

Alignment restrictions: NO Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, or Lawful Evil. Chaotic Neutral are only allowed with good enough reasoning

Hit points: Max at first level, We will roll for the other levels

Starting gold: Level 3 wealth by level

Fire arms Emerging

we are using Automatic bonus progression and Background skills

Alchemist extracts count for creation feats

If you have questions ask please i'm sure i've forgotten some things

What we Need

We need someone who is enthusiastic and is in for the long haul. someone who can post at a minimum of 1/day during most of the week and weekend. like any group we have our slow days.

So mechanically the group needs something along the lines of either a rogue'y type, or healer, debuffer and or buffer, maybe a party face in terms of skills, like seriously our party lacks a lot of skills . Right now damage isn't really an issue. of course the best way to get yourself picked is to have good backstory and character.

the team is an invulnerable rager Lizardfolk barbarian, A half elf archer/Sorcerer, and an evocation focused wizard

Current pc's do not read, recruits this is required reading:

So here's the situation guys, the pc's lost someone mid quest, luckily for all of us i have an easy way to bring someone in.

So the group along with a guide has gone to rescue a rebel Kobold named Nighttail along with a group of humanoids from a tribe of Kobolds who has taken them for enslavement purposes.

Before the pc's could arrive Nighttail managed to basically unleash a bunch of lizard eating Fungi and lead the villagers out to a safer area...that safer area being in the middle of a prehistoric jungle filled with dinosaurs.

You are one of those Villagers, you don't have to be from the same village you could have just been a passerby who got caught in the middle. either way your backstory is your own so long as you somehow wind up with this group.