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Organized Play Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Only because she's a Lashunta who are pretty much more attractive then most races, though if you want to go that direction, sure.

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So, making the most out of your Drone.

For more healing to constructs, try the Make Whole spell, though it's second level and pretty much needs a technomancer ally, though it also costs 350 credits to purchase the services for a 2nd level spell, so if you have the credits there are options. Since it sounds like you don't have a technomancer in your party isn't an option for you, or is too expensive consider the following thoughts;

The Repair Drone mechanical trick available at level 2 will increase the repairs from 10% to 25%, which means you could rebuild a fully damaged drone much more quickly. Hyperclocking at level 8 will also give your drone a higher AC and more AC means harder to hurt.

But your drone's Mod are where you really want to look for that protective stuff. Enhanced Armor mod will make the drone harder to hurt, since it increases AC, or Resistance to make it ignore energy type damage. Also, don't forget that the drone is immune to a number of mental type spells, which is useful for fighting certain psychic based spells. At level 11, you can add energy shield for more shielding.

Reductive plating (which is available to the combat drone immediately, and others after level 11) will reduce the damage your drone takes, making need fewer repairs, though your best option is in my opinion found within the Armor Slot mod, since as your drone improves, there are a number of mods that can help, such as using the armor slot modification to install shields or defensive reinforcement will keep the damage down (though admittedly this requires a good deal of credits and thus doesn't help much at lower levels).

The class skills support Mechanic, Scientist, Scholar, Programmer/Hacker, etc. Now, if your asking more regarding the profession skill, that's a bit different, take a look at the intellect based profession options under the skill description.

On a note, the exocortex mechanic has also appealed to me, and been considering the android for them as well, because it's the best fit, IMO. Not necessarily as the hacker type though.

As to the Operative vs. the Mechanic for hacker, other then what was said above, consider why your a hacker, or even if. The operative hacker is certainly a hacker, the mechanic with an exocortex may be capable of being a hacker, but that doesn't mean they are a hacker though they could be. Do you want hacker to be your identity or is it more of a side job?

Actually, I believe, Weydan, god of discovery, equality, exploration and freedom could work really well into that concept, after him I believe the other two you mentioned fit fairly well. Though there are one or two others who might be able to fit into the idea as well, for example, Saerenrae as goddess of revelation could also fit, though it's a harder sell.

While the majority of attack spells available to the mystic are mental types, which actually are pretty good, there are a few that are not, though those are mainly force or telekinetic based spells.

If you want mystic spells that do damage that are not mental in nature consider the following spells; cosmic eddy, force blast, telekinetic projectile, call cosmos, crush skull, gravitational singularity are all options.

If you like, technomagical dabbler can also give you give you a first level spell like magic missle or jolting surge to add to your repertoire.

Additionally, as near as I can tell, a number of the mystic attack spells only require a mind, so in theory can still harm sentient robots and undead, though admittedly, are problematic for non-sentients. However, I can also see a way to make a viable necromancer as a mystic, since a number of the create and control undead spells are available to a mystic.

Having given the spell lists a look, while the mystic and technomancer lists have some overlap, especially within a mystic's connection, mystics tend toward mental and restorative spells, where as a technomancer's tend more toward technological, illusion and alteration magic, also technomancer spells generally have more destructive options then mystics.

Been a long time sense I responded too, or worked on this, but in retrospect, and after some time playing with mythic abilities, I sort of agree with you, Geflin, but it depends on the build, mainly good for the fighter or the rogue, IMO.

I'm not sure that the ancient lorekeeper can get the spells you want early enough, but it remains an option to consider.. you may be right about the conjurer being the better choice for the wizard, I chose abjurer because of the spell focus feat, seemed the best way to make that work for you. Still, if your GM is agreeable, it seems that you might be able to convince him to shift it to conjuring rather then abjuration for your spell focus feat.

If your looking at Arcane caster, you may want to consider the Magus, Bard or Witch as well as the Wizard and the Sorcerer.

Mythic Theurge sacrifices power for versatility, I recommend against it, unless that is specifically what you want, in which case, go for it. Still, I think the Elf Oracle option, the Ancient Lorekeeper and the Samsaran Mythic Past Life can serve your better for spells outside of your normal choice then a Mythic Theurge.

Eldritch Knight isn't a bad choice, but generally I believe that the Magus Arcana special abilities blows it completely out of the water, and that the Magus does the whole fighter/mage thing better anyway. If it wasn't for your desire for primary spellcaster I'd recommend this as the Magus as your first choice.

Which brings to mind the other capable fighter arcane class, the Alchemist, who can be a battlefield controller with the right discoveries, but also has some really nice fighting capabilities.

Finally, what I think is your best option for a dedicated combat mixed with magic, the Dragon Disciple, for that purpose, it's a insanely good prestige class, and requires you take the dragon bloodline, but if you really want something from one of the other bloodlines, you can always take Eldritch Bloodline feat. The attribute bonuses are also completely awesome. There is a specific guide for that prestige class that can be found here under the class guides list. Just about the only limitation to this is you can't take it until your 6th level, if you want fighter/magic abilities sooner, I'd look at the magus first.

Well, at a 15 point buy, I have to admit that the Riftwarden can't excel as much as you might want them too, generally I tend to look at is as a higher point buy class..

there is a the following racial possibilities..

With the Ancient Lorekeeper Elf Oracle option, you can then sacrifice your mystery spells for some arcane spells ..
Two, if it's allowed by your GM, you could play a Samsaran, and a add a few extra spells to your spell list..
Three, the Peri bloodline Aasimar has a +2 bonus to Intelligence and Charisma, shoring up some of the charisma problem

All of that said, if your going this route, I recommend the Wizard, Abjuration specialist, just because it's making the most out of the prestige class, IMO.

Correction, you mean the augmented version of the spell.. that may be a valid point, I'll have to give it some more consideration. Ok, I gave it a quick second look, extra mythic power is superior in every way, sense mythic spellpower applies only to mythic spells, and mythic power applies to all mythic uses, I still grade it as red, and as a trap.. if it gave more points then mythic power, then maybe it would be worth it. If you have anything to add that will add new light on the matter, I'm willing to listen.

Componant freedom does have it's uses, it's sort of low on my list of things I might want as an archmage.. perhaps I didn't cover it as well as it could be covered though.. I still won't upgrade it, too many other good stuff to pick up as archmage first, but a metamagic master might want it.. at 3 levels, you can pretty much ignore all spell components, so it is good there, but I still won't take it that many times, some builds might want too.

I've looked at wizard discoveries, and other then some of the discoveries outright saying you can take it multiple times but must apply it to different aspects each time, there is nothing indicating you can't take opposition research multiple times, other then the fact that it's not indicated you can take it multiple times, perhaps because some specialists can't..sense if you roll an elementalist, you have only 1 opposition school anyway.. furthermore, with wild arcana, it still costs you only 1 mythic point to cast any spell on your list, even opposition school spells. If I'm wrong, please indicate where I can find the updated information.

As far as I'm concerned, harmonous mage is good because it does replace 2 feats if your a normal specialized mage, and feats are important, but I won't grade it higher then orange for a number of reasons

First, if you took a specialist mage, you considered what schools you were going to be using least anyway and willingly gave them up.. 2nd, a elemental mage can easily loose all of his opposition schools for 1 feat.. 3rd, wild arcana gives you the option of easily casting opposition spells anyway, if you really need them.. 4th, if you really, really wanted a particular spell on your opposition list.. you can always memorize it using 2 slots.. or if you had split slot (late in the game I admit) you could just memorize said spell by putting it in a higher level slot.

Well, I'd go with Oracle, you can come up with some sick combinations using Paloracle build, for example, Sidestep secret will let you count your charisma twice with sidestep for reflex save and use charisma instead of dexterity for your ac, letting you ignore dexterity for anything except ranged attacks and CMD bonus.

If it's allowed, I'd also suggest going Aasimar and Angel Blooded for the bonus to strength and charisma... done that way you can end up with an 18 and a 20 in those two stats

@Shadowcat: First off, I don't entirely agree about weapon finesse, so we're going to have to agree to disagree there.. but fair enough, I suppose it would be creating more of a archer with a stronger melee possibility, but it can still comes out as better in some ways then a straight archer build.

ON an note.. perhaps this has been pointed out previously, and perhaps you've already addressed the possibility, I didn't read though all of the thread here. If so, my apologies, if not, here's something to think about.

So, because weapon finesse applies to the elven curve blade, which is normally an exotic weapon, but due to weapon training, a martial weapon for elven rangers, and has the same critical range as the falchion and a uses a d10 instead of 2d4 for damage potential, the elf switch hitter can come out very well also, as their high dexterity can then apply to hit for both their melee and ranged weapon... a good build would have a higher base dexterity, so wouldn't do quite as much damage, though they could potentially hit for more damage with the curve blade and they would have a higher chance to hit so it balances out a bit, though they would still be better at archery.

Admittedly, you MUST take weapon finesse as one of your feats for this to work, and your going to have to depend a bit more on dexterity then strength, but a higher dexterity gives you a better chance to hit in this situation, you might not hit as hard, but you would hit more often, so I wouldn't completely lose them from the list of good switch hitters..

Also, they can trade out elven magic for silent hunter, which is nice alternate option... and the elven battle training feat is not bad either, though both of these options are in the advanced race guide rather then the core

Archmage Updated with stuff from mythic origins.

I've only just got mythic origins this weekend.. so I'm not quite ready to add stuff from it, but I plan too

Ranger makes a much better switch hitter, and is iconic to the Elven Warrior type also.. still, if your set on this path... here's the stats I'd use for an elf paladin.

25 Point Build (Before Racial Adjustments) - No Dump Stats

7 Strength 15
5 Dexterity 14
5 Constitution 14
1 Intelligence 11
Wisdom 10
7 Charisma 15

Afterward.. you get, 15, 16, 12, 13, 10, 15
put your level 4 bonus into strength or charisma and your level 8 into the one you didn't chose.

Alternatively you could dump Wisdom and Intelligence for more in the other important stats... if you go that rout It would be fairly easy to dump intelligence all the way to 8 for 3 more points, you'd still end up with a 10 there after racial adjustments.

For some reason I missed flexible counterspell, just finished adding it, I agree with ace, it can really burn though your mythic power, but it has great synergy with spell sieve.. orange to green, depending on your build.

I made spell sieve blue because it doesn't cost mythic power, that upgrades it from green in my opinion... and it can create an interesting synergy with flexible counterspell.

As to the other point, generally this guide focuses on the three main arcane casters, with some call out to the summoner and the magus, but I'll indicate that for competent caster can be considered green for some builds.

Actually, that's the biggest problem with mythic power guides, they apply to multiple classes, also, some of the abilities can create really interesting synergies as well, making them more useful then they first appear.

Ok, added this guide.. as before, thoughts and disagreements welcome

Archmage Mythic Path

Some nice choices there, but I'd like to add a few possibilities

For Casters: Why not Oracle of Waves, or Storm Druid? or an Air or Water Elemental Wizard? All of them seem thematic to a pirate campaign. You might also consider the witch with the flight and water lung hexes,

For Ranged, consider the potential of ranger archer, the zen archer, and an arcane archer can add some in some interesting possibilities, especially if you want to ruin the day of some other ship on the sea, a web or black tentacles attached to your arrow can be nasty.

For melee.. a Monk of the Four Winds some really nice capabilities that lend toward a sea based game, though some of the better ones only come into play at level 17 or so.

Race Wise: Elves have Spirit of the Waters, and Humans Have Heart of the Sea alternate traits, for other races, if they are allowed, Aasimar and Sylphs don't start with flight, but can get it down the road, and Tieflings have some nice things for a pirate concept.

Well, if your going to dump dexterity, I'd consider the lore mystery over time, for sidestep secret, making charisma that much more useful to you, so you might also look at increasing charisma over strength in such a case.

Alternatively, the Oracle of battle has the skill at arms, which will net you heavy armor and all martial weapons, which includes your elven curve blade.

Next, longsword has a wider crit range, but longspear has a higher crit, at x3 rather then x2 of the longsword. Generally, I prefer the wider to the higher, sure you do more damage with a crit, but I'd rather crit more often. And taking a Keen Longsword will make that even better.

Trait wise, if you plan far enough ahead, you could pick a favorite spell then make it easier for future metamagic with magicial heritage, being able to cast your chosen spell with metamagic with one level without it being raised is awesome.

Eldritch Heritage: Arcane will serve you best, especially tapping in for Improved Eldritch Heritage, which will net you metamagic adept, and 3 more wizard spells from the arcane list.

Actually, the class mix I like the most for gesalt mix, is the Ranger/Druid, for the synergy, so many of the the abilities of both work well together. You get combat base attack and all good saves, you can pick both a domain and get a companion if your willing to have it be a little less powerful, and both classes are nature focused. Alternatively, the Cleric and Oracle works well here also, you can even pick the elf and Ancient Loremaster for some access to wizard spells and still not have to worry about arcane falure

Other's that work well

Monk/Arcane Caster (Arcane Casters can't usually use Armor, and Monk's have plenty of other options), and prestige class wise, a Dragon Disciple/Monk could be terrifying

Paladin/Oracle or Sorcerer - Paladins get some awesome options, but your doing to need to pick up arcane armor training and mastery to make the most of an arcane pally, reflex is your weak save here, but the Oracle of Lore also has the option to use charisma for your reflex saves, and the paladin adds has divine grace, allowing you to add charisma to your reflex save twice.

For an arcane focus the Alchemist/Wizard or Witch gets all good saves, and uses a d8 instead of a d6 for hit points, and it really has a degree of synergy in terms of feel.. in fact, the Alchemist mixes well with all of the arcane classes, sense it has good fort and reflex saves, but bad will saves, this eliminates all of the bad saves, and does well for the cleric and druid also.

Well, if I was in your place and set on the magus (I'm usually more interested in Eldritch Knight or Dragon Disciple if I want to mix melee and arcane magic), I'd go for the straight Magus or the Bladebound archtype.

Straight Magus, your build is fine.. but if I went bladebound (which I'm more likely to do, I love the concept of the archtype), I'd aim to raise intelligence, put your bonus into intelligence instead of strength, sense your pool is lower then the usual magus, though some of it is tied up with the blade... of course, I'm also likely to make the character an elf instead of a half-elf, and shift the 9 in cha to dex, making all of my stats over 10, though it does lose me a bit from con, lowering it 12 instead of 14

Yes, sort of realized that after I posted alright... still, I gave this a second look, based on that..

Human, Orc or Half-Elf, your choice here, but human will give you the most skill points, which you need sense your only getting 2 per level.


Strength 16, Dexterity 10, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 10, Charisma 16

Put your +2 bonus in Charisma or Strength.. your choice, but for a 2 handed weapon, I say stick with strength... as magic for both the paladin and sorcerer are charisma dependent, you can lower wisdom for some more intelligence and a few extra skill points

All you need to qualify for dragon disciple is five ranks of Knowledge Arcana, the Draconic Language, and the ability to cast 1st level arcane spells spontaneously.

If you want to maximize your close combat potential, I'd take 1 level of sorc, then stick with 4 levels of pally until level 5. If you put your points in the right place, you will qualify to take dragon disciple for your 6th level.

Ok, a few suggestions..

You could do this simpler, and just take Eldritch Heritage at level 3, you can stick to your paladin class the whole way there, and just take some abilities from the dragon sorcerer bloodline along the way.. you have to take skill focus in perception, but hey, its really the most important skill in the game most of the time anyway.

That said, if you really must do this this way..

Race: Aasimar, your going to need some bonuses in your key stats, the +2 bonus to Charsima and Wisdom is really useful to you, and if you need to justify this to yourself, you can always go with the concept of your dragon blooded relative is some sort of Celestial Dragon.

Now.. what you need most is strength and charisma as high as you can go, but the other problem you've created for yourself.. is arcane failure, your going to need to take Arcane Armor Training and Arcane Armor Mastery whenever you can.

With 25 can do this with your Aasmar, and you also get a bonus to your diplomacy and perception skills as an aasimar.. wisdom sort of becomes a dump stat, and you can dump it lower if you wish too, I tend not to like lowering things below 10 if I can help it, but thats me, not you.. you could lower it to 9 and get enough points for a 12 in constitution.

10 Strength 16
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
-2 Wisdom 10
17 Charisma 20

Ach.. I just realized you wanted this core book only.. *sigh* my error. I'm afraid in that case, your sort of screwed, but you can still use the above attribute build, you just have to use a different race.. human or half elf in that case.. let the wisdom be 8, and put your bonus into either strength or charisma.. same build again.

I think you may be correct about the extra mythic power feat, so I'll have to fix that part..

As to the +20 skill bonus, it's very circumstantial, yes it can be useful in the right places, and the right builds, I just don't rate it as high enough to be taking it outside of your path abilities. I will make a note of it for skill focused characters.

Ironic, I like paladins, and I've been playing with pathfinder sense it came out, but I generally end up playing clerics, druids, oracles, sorcerers or wizards, so I completely spaced that paladins use charisma for spellcasting..

Well, a few thoughts.

Enchantment is the least useful of the various schools of magic, there are entire groups of monsters, like undead and constructs who are immune, and races like elves who are resistant.. someone once did a comparison, and litterally 20% of all foes out there are immune to enchantment spells.. that said, your spell focus feat should be in abjuration, if your really going to be a counterspeller.

Ok, so what schools are the least useful from your viewpoint? Well, if it wasn't for the fact Read Magic and Detect Magic are Divination spells, I'd suggest that one, counterspelling divination is sort of silly.. you could still take it, and then spell all of your cantrips for those two spells.. sense you can still memorize a spell of your opposition school by taking up 2 slots (Which is in essence giving up the extra slot you got for specializing, which sucks, really.)

So, personally, I'd consider the following three schools for your choice of opposition schools, Divination, Illusion, and Enchantment.. with necromancy out there if you really don't like one of those choices.

Opposition Research from Ultimate Magic will get rid of your opposition schools after level 9, as will Harmonous Magic for the Mythic character, so you might consider those options if you can

Well, if your using cold, Rime Spell is a good metamagic feat, to bad it's in ultimate magic but back to the spell theme..

Considering the White Dragon
- Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, Control Weather and Wall of Ice are all on their special abilities list..

Some other spells for consideration, for ice, you should also consider water and wind spells.. and some spells, like invisibility are somewhat iconic to the concept of the mystical dragon.

Elemental Spells that fit into the theme of cold: Cone of Cold, Detonate, Ice Storm, Freezing Sphere, Polar Ray

Have to add my agreement that this is an awesome concept, and to link in Princess Mononoke, as I agree with Kryzbyn

Princess Mononoke

bigrig107 wrote:
What levels are those?

Snapdragon Fireworks is level 1, but it's in Ultimate Magic, so you may not want that one..

Dragonic Reservoir is 3, Dragon's Breath is 4, Fire Breath is 2, and all three are in the APG

Also, Elemental Aura is level 3 and is nice if you close to melee range, for cutting into you foes with your claws and flames (or acid, or cold.. etc)

Defensively, any resist energy spell is fitting to the dragon theme, as are spells that strengthen your skin to hard as rock, like stoneskin. Dragons are also found all across the planes, and sometimes move from one plane to another, so planar adaptation and plane shift are good dragonic theme spells..

Well, assuming your looking for spells that arn't on the dragon bloodline spell list that have a dragon theme, I can come up with four fairly quickly, that suit the dragon's concept.

Snapdragon Fireworks, Dragon's Breath, Dragonic Reservoir, Fire Breath,

If you want my honest critic.. I hate dumping multiple stats below 10, I'm willing to go with it sometimes, but dropping 2, especially one of them being a spellcasting stat.. sure, the paladin doesn't have a large spell list, but they do have some nice spells on their list, and you just killed spellcasting completely for your paladin until you can get your wisdom above 10.. which is going to take a while, even if you access wish effects at some point, best you will get is 12, and I get the impression you don't intend to spend many of your attribute increases on wisdom.

May I suggest the following alternate attribute build? Your still likable and a bit lacking in the intellect department, but your wiser and you have access to your paladin spells up to level 3, and with a +1 assigned by level 12, you can access all of them.. plus you can still go with the lovable and wise but not very smart roleplaying path.

STR~18(+1 at 4)

Of course, I didn't notice, your already played him to level three, so the choices are already made.. I guess something to consider in the future

Don't be too hard on the marshal, the essence of their abilities is to make the rest of the party work better, they are a teamwork character, and they have some decent abilities.. although, you could take the Dual Path mythic feat to mix Marshal and Hierophant abilities.

Your best way to beef up your animal companion are your spells, look at your various buff spells, and the druid has a decent amount of them.

Thank you, this is my first time using certain features, so if you have any trouble with the link let me know.

So, out of curiosity, I was looking for a guide to the mythic character, and there isn't one up yet, but I've been spending some time studying the path abilities and I have come up with my own guide, of sorts.. only regarding the universal abilities.

Looking for a bit of constructive criticism, if you disagree with me, say so, but I think this is a fairly good guide for these capabilities regarding the mythic character.

Guide to Universal Mythic Abilities

In Wrath's Shadow


In Wrath's Shadow

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In Wrath's Shadow

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In Wrath's Shadow

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Does anyone know about other, similar to Paizo, good PBP forums for d20\3.5\4e ? The few I've found are quite empty or slower than here.

That said, the PBP's here are truly fun to read and play, but the problem is that new ones don't open up very often.
