Giant Frog

Kronug the toad's page

10 posts. Alias of Aebliss.


Male Toad Familiar 3

The toad also starts to croak.

"Talk to me. Talk to me. I am a stranger here. Talk to me. I have a big throat. Talk to me."

Male Toad Familiar 3


Male Toad Familiar 3

From inside Molly's pocket, there sounds a muffled: "Ribbit."

Male Toad Familiar 3

Kronug croaks once, from his hiding-place inside Molly's clothes, then falls silent again.

Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Male Toad Familiar 3

Kronug makes a rude sound when he spots the crocs and ducks back in his box. The lid snaps shut as if the little amphibian were slamming his door...

Male Toad Familiar 3

The Yakuza can go suck an egg. You're too much fun to lose you to them. ^_^

Male Toad Familiar 3

The toad blinks its golden eyes at Sander and croaks.


Male Toad Familiar 3

If you guys have questions, feel free to assume Molly will translate them. ^_^ That way, we can open up the interrogation a bit.

Male Toad Familiar 3

If they try to kill you, they're gonna get a smacking at the very least.

If they surrender or you need some info, you take 'em alive. *ribbit*

Male Toad Familiar 3

A little amphibian pokes its head up out of Molly's dark hair and blinks its golden eyes at the sight of the death before ducking back into hiding.

Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14