Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() "What was it that we just defeated? Sure ain't look humanoid, sure doesn't seem to be from this world." and he spat at the slain devils to underscore his disgust for the vile creatures. "So, back and through the other doors first? You pick a door Angel." ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() Krass felt the hairs rising on the back of his neck. "Take a weapon that is carried by a woman like this? It feels like we'd be taunting the gods and their bastard offspring .. but fine, I won't be using it tho." ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() "Eat or be eaten. When the strongest of orc warriors fall, the others tear them apart and through consuming his flesh and blood, hope to gain some of his strength. There must be some truth to it.. but fine, you're the scholarly type, and knowing is your craft." Shabbezz could see the hobgoblin running the tip of his tongue over his lips as he eyed the oozing larva one last time. "A statue and three more doors. Who is she?" and Krass points at the curvacious woman. "Maybe her identity can hint at what will be behind these damn doors." Feel free to take the lead and point at what door gets to be opened first :P ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() "The things we do for women!" the hobgoblin snorted. He proceeded to expose its flubby body to Angelica as he circled around it. Standard action, total defense. Move action, move to L-38.
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() Not sure what to make of the tentacles and abundance of teeth, Krass steps into the room with his shield up. He swings and stabs in the hopes of finding an opening. 5ft step to I-37, attack with combat expertise+fight defensively on.
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() "Alright, let's get to it." That being said, the hobgoblin opens the door and if he doesn't immediately spot any obvious threats, waits for Angelica to give him the okay to move on inwards. Aid Another on Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() Let's live with our mistake - we are 'low level' after all. After all, we're only human .. and grippli, catfolk, hobgoblin, orc and changeling .. "We ought to hit town again and buy something to knock out those centipedes with. That, and perhaps one of those fancy wands that let you find secret doors." ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() The hobgoblin munches on a blood sausage as the others refill their waterskins. Dark red juices run down his chin. A wave of garlic rushes out when he opens his mouth,"You think it keeps its magic when you carry it off like that? Maybe the blessing is in the well, not the water."" ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() Krass will need some heavy armor by level 5, but until then, his current armor will do. That means that I don't need to buy anything in particular. That being said, if someone has an urgent item or two they need, feel free to use my share of the gold :) ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() I'll take the mithral MW short sword .. and dump my MW short sword and silver short sword into the pool: Silver short sword: 15gp
492gp 4sp each ^^~ ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() Angelica - I made a pre-emptive estimate a couple of weeks ago, but we then pushed on past the Mite king so the list has changed quite a bit since. Also, the document with the calculations are on my work computer .. which I won't have access to till Monday. Doh? I should take and keep the mithral shortsword, right? Light, goes through DR/silver, it is masterwork and IT IS A MITHRAL SWORD. In return, we can sell Krass' masterwork short sword and silver short sword. I think we passed the Ring of Feather Falling around when we encountered a platform construction of sorts at the beginning of our explorations of the spire. That's probably why no one in particular 'has it' right now.
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() Krass falls in. The wicked hobgoblin is looking forward to taking a warm bath, getting a good scrubbing from a maid and then sinking his teeth into some juicy meat. Oh, they better have Belkzen fermented goat milk .. ! ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() He was so tired of this creature. First, the thing forced them to butcher a whole lot of Mites and then, he betrayed them once more for reasons Krass couldn't understand. Whereas the Mite King screamed, Krass' sword hissed. Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() The hobgoblin steps up behind the orc and throws a menacing look at the Mite King. "Or perhaps, I'll simply cook you and bring your pickled head as a gift for the Master. I know how you love honey-glazed barbequed mite knuckles, Harbug, but I'm calling dibs on his left hand."
Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() Krass flexes his fingers, stretching them outwards and then inwards, cracking his knucles as he does so. A thoughtful gaze at the Mite king seems to be considering whether or not cutting him to pieces is the way to go. In the end he budges and gives in to Shabbezz' demand. "Fine, so be it." ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() "Didn't we just kill something that resembled a spider in many ways for them? Well, we can always say Clicky-Legs has family deeper down if we must." Krass looked a little confused. Nature wasn't his forte - what mattered to him was whether you could eat it or not. ![]()
Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18
![]() "We best add a lie to it all as well .. that there are more spiders deep down in this complex and that we're planning on going there on our return. Something like that." Krass really didn't feel like being jumped by a horde of tiny little blue men. ![]()
![]() 1: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 6) = 18 > 15
15/15/15/13/11/11 .. fantastic. I was thinking of a human or half-elven cleric (inquisitor isn't allowed, right?) of Calistria. In the style of Lawrence of Arabia, he'll be a Taldorian who's going native in Osirion. A man who's wrestling with himself, his emotions and that which his goddess expects from; climbing the highest highs, drowning in the lowest of lows. And, of course, he uses a whip.