
Korin Rosenthal's page

164 posts. Organized Play character for Colin_Mercer.

Emerald Spire 2

The game will start sometime after the PaizoCon Online 2024 / memorial day weekend (in US) are over. Please add your token to the Google Slide as usual and fill in the RPG Chronicle.

Arachnophobia warning!

Emerald Spire 2

After dealing with the goblinoids in the tower ruins, the Pathfinders regroup and resupply at Fort Inevitable before venturing into the next level of the Emerald Spire......

The steep stair descends through solid bedrock for fifty feet before ending in a stone-lined room. A large stone door stands directly south of the stair, a small alcove lies to the east, and another door to the southeast is slightly ajar. An extinguished torch rests on the floor of the alcove.

Emerald Spire 2

This is an assignment for the PbP GM school.

Emerald Spire 2

Accompanying her notebook entry, Ulisha filled the next several pages with crude maps, complex equations, and further notes. She apparently returned to the Pathfinder’s cave mentioned in her previous entry. By observing the angle of the ridgeline and her current position, she was able to calculate the crash site’s probable location.
The last page on the matter includes a detailed map into Numeria with various landmarks and a destination. An addendum written in recent ink warns, “Tread lightly. Numeria remains a mystery to the rest of the world. Those who stay too long draw unwanted attention.”

This game is part of Outpost VII. Please sign up using this spreadsheet, if you haven't done so.

Emerald Spire 2

The game will start on the 4th of March. Please dot and delete to get yourself added to the game. We will be using Google Slides and RPG Chronicle for this game, and they will be added when we get closer to the game start date.

Emerald Spire 2

Every year, the Grand Lodge hosts the Grand Convocation at its campus in Absalom. While the Grand Convocation is ostensibly not a party, it is an opportunity for the Decemvirate and Absalom’s resident venture-captains to express their gratitude to field agents and those venture-captains stationed abroad. The Grand Convocation also serves the practical purpose of encouraging networking, relationships, and shared intra-Society communication. The Twelve are well aware that some interaction between field agents will only ever occur informally, hence the festivities serve to provide an excuse for agents across the Inner Sea to meet and mingle, if only for a week.

Emerald Spire 2

The game will start on the 4th of March. Please dot and delete to get yourself added to the game. We will be using Google Slides and RPG Chronicle for this game, and they will be added when we get closer to the game start date.

You can post your player name, character name, PFS #, and faction stuff in here if you want. But since those things will be entered in the RPG Chronicle anyway, I think some OOC introduction to what your character can do would help everyone getting familiar with the teammates better.

This session is part of Outpost VII. Please sign up on this spreadsheet.

Emerald Spire 2

Exciting news! You've been selected to join the esteemed crew of Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry aboard the legendary Grinning Pixie, also heralded as the Arcadian Mariner’s Lodge, for the adventurous journey of Operation Outpost VII.

This session is part of Gameday XII. Please sign up on this spreadsheet. There're some important information about this module, about its length and reward, in my first post in the Discussion thread you should read before you sign up.

Emerald Spire 2

Welcome! My name is Colin and I will be your game master as you overcome the challenge of The Gauntlet. Although I've GMed quite a bit for PFS (mostly on Roll20), this will be my first time running game on PbP.

I think I will use Google Slide for the map on this one, as I have many pleasant experience playing game with it before.Shout out to GM Yours is mined for his amazing game on Google Slides

The Gauntlet is a sanctioned module that award 1xp, 2pp upon completion. It usually takes about 5~6 hours of in person/online play time to finish the whole module. It is designed for lv8 characters thus the 7~9 character level range. As normal, lv7 pregenerated character can be used instead of a player character. The Gauntlet is written as a challenging dungeon for a wider audience, and its depiction of the Pathfinder Society is not representative of the organization as a whole. Embark knowing that the Society will have your back in your future exploits, but today you delve into the merciless depths of The Gauntlet.

About the Gauntlet:

The Gauntlet is an annual board gaming tournament and fundraiser organized by ENGAGE (https://www. moxboardinghouse.com/engage/), the charitable giving branch of Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Washington. To help raise funds for the 2015 Gauntlet challenge, team members Jason Bulmahn, Erik Mona, Jessica Price, and Stephen Radney-MacFarland offered to create an exciting dungeon adventure for the fans based on how much money Paizo’s team raised for Hopelink, a local nonprofit organization dedicated to combating poverty.

Emerald Spire 2

A courier runs up to you when you're in Absalom. "I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver - your hands only." He leaves you a letter.

Players who confirm their participation can dot in here