
drawesome1111's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 246 posts (971 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.


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Just out of you accept bribes?

And here we go Erika Darou, Time Thief Extraordinaire!

Crunch is done(Pending DM approval), I'll work on fluff later tonight.

Ooh sounds like fun, Is there still time to throw my hat into the ring? I'll need to roll up something if that's alright.

I submit for your approval: Roarke Stonebeard

I'm finishing up the details and will have the fluff soon.

Definitely interested. Looking over campaign info now.

Skill challenges are your friend... trust me.
And I'll understand if you shy away from that, but I've seen several good ways to make skill challenges exciting and beneficial to players. And in place of traditional combat.

So I had a strange idea for a character, and I have more of the fluff than the actual crunch of the character. Hence why I need help.

Basically the premise is a man whose parents offered his soul to the devil, in exchange for allowing him to live as a child. And he grew up to be your typical loner cowboy, who begins exhibiting symptoms of magical power.

I was thinking starting off gunslinger then multiclassing to Sorcerer later. Which bloodline would be best? How would you spread the stats for this character? Maybe some good feats ortraits.

I was thinking rolling him up at 1 and then offering options for 3, 5, and 7th level.

Thanks in advance,

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.


Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Sorry for the delay all... had some issues, but I'm back.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Yeah Congrats caffeine! :)

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

So the anti-magic isn't as big a deal? Hmm... how do you feel about multiclassing?

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Simon Bas

Let's try this again.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Gah changed mind again, I realized I have a Cavalier all rolled up, that just needs modified.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Make that one campaign.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Actually I think I'm gonna go fighter for this, Haven't done that in a while.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Meet Simon Bas,

Let me know if I need to change anything.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Oops sorry, I had the character created for a level 3 campaign, I need to edit that, but I'll post soon.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Sorry for the delay on my end guys, I'll be posting my campaign info on Thursday probably. I have a paper to write before then.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

My main issue with pre-planned modules or worlds is that I don't feel like the DM has any say in what happens. The DM essentially becomes useless and merely a moderator for someone else's work. Rather than the creator of a world, he becomes a tool.

That being said, I'll look through some of those modules since that seems like a majority of the group. How long do I have to plan this campaign before everyone is ready to get started?

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Carpe mentioned I ought to post this here, So I shall. I have a homebrewed world I've created called Airdwyn. I have several cities, economies, etc. It's not quite as perfected as Paizo's work, but I know it better than theirs. If everyone is willing I'd like to set my campaign there. I'm very much a fan of including character backgrounds into the story and allowing the characters to affect the outcome of a story, so you will help form the world of Airdwyn for future players. Let me know what you think, when I hear back from you I'll proceed.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

I'm thinking Bard for this, every party needs a buffer.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Starting at level 1 yes? I'm thinking Rogue or Alchemist.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Ok so:

Fanguar-Age of Worms
Carpe- Homebrewed (Nex)
Doc(Me)- Homebrew?

Which one is primary and which ones are the outliers so to speak? Or am I confused?

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

As far as Paizo authorized stuff, I haven't run much. I'm currently running RotR which is my first attempt at something canonical.(other than Beginners Box) Otherwise as previously mentioned I've written my own campaign arc and am currently DM'ing that on here. I'm also in the process of a second unwritten campaign where I'm making it up as I go.

I'd be up for anything. As Long as I can get ahold of the pdfs for it, I'll be happy to DM or play whatever.

I can definitely post once a day minimum in any game.

*Rushes into the room breathless* Am I too late?

-I've DM'ed Pathfinder AP's before, currently in RotR on another site PbP.
-Also written my own homebrewed campaign.
-Also enjoy freestyling and coming up with something as I get to know characters.

Let me know what we're thinking!

Ok, here's the deal. I'm looking to create a PFS legal character with the intent of taking on the Draconic Disciple prestige class after 5th level. My initial thoughts are Draconic bloodline sorceror or Summoner with a draconic styled eidolon. I'd like for his primary function to be controller style caster. What would be the best stat spread for this and or which base class would be best? Thanks in advance.

I'm always a fan of subterfuge and stealth. But I'd be up for either...

All I can say is I hope I get in. I'm psyched for this, it sound awesome.

Thanks all,

I don't have composite longbow because the campaign is specifically minimal money/magic. Never thought about taking a buckler, If the DM allows I'll switch it up.

Hey all, my ranger just reached level 5 and I'm debating which feat to take.

Here is my character sheet:

I'm torn-
Rapid shot,
Learn Ranger Trap,
Something else...

P.S.- I'm looking to take horizon walker at 7.
Thanks in advance!

Dotting for interest. Anything off limits?

Dotting for interest, I can definitely post minimum once a day and love a good story. Any races/classes off limits?

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Ok I'm back and I feel much better, I'm updating from my phone now but after lunch I'll log in and move the story forward :-)

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Thanks all everyone... I'm back and feeling good. I'll have a new post up before 5pm central time...yay updates from phone.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Hey guys... I'm sorry to say this, but i feel like crap today and don't think I will be able to post much more this weekend. I'm off to take a nap... I will return sometime soon.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Hey guys... I'm sorry to say this, but i feel like crap today and don't think I will be able to post much more this weekend. I'm off to take a nap... I will return sometime soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My favorite two feats in general are Throw Anything and Catch Off-Guard. :)

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Yeah I knew he got married, but I thought he came back for a bit.

How would Arasmes feel if someone else proposed it?

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Uh, yes 659 is left... thank you for making the math right. Anything else yall want?

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Uh...ok so that's 360 for the upgrade and 450 for the masterwork spear?

Am I correct? Watch this...*POOF* they're awkward RP :).

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

I'm aware... I'm sorry. My evenings are usually crazy, I can post during the day and late evening, but from 5-10 I'm booked.

I know it may not be smart to say this here, but I think my strategy's pretty foolproof: Beat the other guy :P

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

The timing thing is the issue. It's getting late :P

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

No you actually have 1500gp, I edited it cause you wanted to put the potions back. 3 potions of cure moderate wounds at reduced price (friends of angus discount) gives you an extra 1000.

I'm very excited for this. :D

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.


Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Just cause Dan Ackroyd does it doesn't mean you can too :P

The guard stops short and says, "There is a garden he may fertilize near your chambers. Please follow me. " When you try and sneak off he looks at you and puts his hand on his hilt. "I have specific instructions to escort you to your quarters. Please do not disobey the kings wishes. It would be a shame to cause problems now." He looks stern and continues leading.

When you reach the building he mentions to let him know if you need anything and shows you the garden inside the courtyard of your villa. The building is very well maintained with a sitting room, kitchen, dining area, and several bedrooms. In the center is a square about 15x15 ft that has various plants and a small fountain.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Your father discusses the details with you over the next hour. He then says "If you want to go get your supplies together and hire hands you only have a short while until the king departs." He points you to a district of town and as you depart he smiles ,"May the gods watch over you my son!"

You make your way back down to the tavern row. The smell of fine ales and good food fills the air. You hear hearty laughter coming from a small pub labled The burned Goblin which has a sign out front of a goblin in a large cauldron with black x's over its eyes.

Upon entering you see dwarves of every family in town. At the bar a busty barmaid is hoisting drinks to patrons.

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

Aww you guys don't like my potions... :P

Male Human Bard/Psychologist/Writer.

No problem... I'm going to be traveling for a bit today, so I won't move the game forward until later this afternoon.

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