I mean the side bar does clearly say that wisdom empowers your ki spells. I dont know if it can get more clear than that. it's gonna be the same for any monk. monks like fighters dont have archetypes.
Eh, it should probably explicitly say in the Ki Spells description that your spellcasting ability is Wisdom, just as it does for the Champion in the description of Devotion Spells. I agree that it's almost certain that was the intent though, based on the Ki Monk sample description and since it worked that way in the playtest. It was probably overlooked for the monk because Ki Spells are described in a sidebar of key terms instead of given their own section as a class feature (monks don't gain Ki Spells unless you specifically take a monk feat that provides them).
Darn, that will make it hard to do a Campion of Irori if they have a limited pool and slow recovery of them.
It's a "once per encounter" kind of thing. While you probably can't use it in every room of the dungeon, you can probably use it sever times in each adventuring day. Also each time you take a new FP ability it increases your FP pool by one, so while you only get one back every 10 minutes, you may have a pool of 3 or 4 per day.
Also, what's the big deal with resting for 20 minutes to get 2 focus back? How often can you hang out for 10 minutes but not 20?
The requirements for the Refocus activity state:
"You have a focus pool, and you have spent at least 1 Focus Point since you last regained any Focus Points."
So I think the bold section means that if you spend multiple points in your focus pool before you Refocus, you can only regain one point even if you take multiple 10 minute breaks since you would no longer qualify for the Refocus activity after you use it once. That makes the feats that let you regain more than 1 Focus Point even better than I thought. It's not just that they let you get Focus Points back faster, they also let you regain more than other people can.
I have not the book yet but from what I've read reason to belive that there is a feat that increases your elven weapon prophicienc up to your highest prophiciency, which in some cases surely ia a nice plus (and at least gives you sooner or later expert with elven weapons)
Yup, there is. Not just available to Elves though...
Can someone do a quick rundown on Wizard-available metamagic feats? :)
No need for superdetailed info, just general what do they do / how much they cost.
Metamagic feats allow you to add an additional action to the casting of a spell to make it better (except for Quicken Spell of course). So a standard 2-action spell with metamagic becomes a 3-action cast.
From the Wizard list:
·Reach Spell for an increased range
·Widen Spell for a larger area
·Conceal Spell to attempt to hide your spellcasting (very excited about this one)
·Silent Spell to negate the need for verbal components (and further improve Conceal Spell)
·Bond Conservation for a free casting of a weaker spell next turn using your Arcane Bond
·Overwhelming Energy to blast through energy resistances
·Quickened Casting to reduce the action cost of casting
Well, the Enlightened Bloodrager archetype adds Druid spells of up to level 4 to his spell list, but he is still considered an arcane spellcaster. Can those Druid spells be considered to come from a deity?
Nope, pretty sure the fact that he's an arcane caster nixes that.
I'm pretty sure the only restrictions are in the total amount of Mythic Power you have, the type of action the expenditure requires, and any restrictions that are specifically called out in the power.
So you can use surprise strike (swift action) then surge (immediate action) but then you will not have a swift action for the next turn so you can't do this every turn.
Actually, using an immediate action during your turn consumes your swift action, so you cannot combine Surprise Strike and Surge on your turn. But you could use Surge as you describe on another person's turn, consuming the swift action for your following turn.
Need to be within one step though. TN to LG doesn't work.
KingOfAnything wrote:
Paladins can worship LN and NG deities, yes. But not TN.
Imbicatus wrote:
In your GM house rules it, sure. Otherwise, you need to be within one alignment step of your deity.
Paladins do not have to worship deities within one step of lawful good. That is simply not a rule that exists. Clerics, Inquisitors, and Warpriests must worship a deity of an alignment within one step of theirs, but there is no such restriction for paladins, just like there isn't one for druids, hunters, oracles, rangers, or shamans. For paladins, evil deities are prohibited by the restriction on associates, but true neutral, chaotic good, and even chaotic neutral deities are allowed.
Imbicatus, the FAQ you quoted is a Pathfinder Society houserule, and does not apply to the rules of Pathfinder when played in any other context. Barring houserules to the contrary, a paladin is perfectly capable of worshiping true neutral, chaotic good, and chaotic neutral deities.
According to that logic, what's stopping people from playing a Paladin follower of CE Rovagug as long as you don't associate with other followers of Rovagug? Seems kind of counter intuitive.
I've recently been inspired by an anime/manga to run a campaign about incredibly high powered fantasy characters. By high powered I mean, throwing spears over mountains, cut through stone like butter, literally be immortal. That kind of crazy powerful. And by and large it seems like Mythic is the best way to emulate that kind of crazy over the top madness.
To that end, I'm thinking of starting them off at level 1 w/ Mythic Tier 7-10. Has anyone done anything like that before? I personally find the concept pretty funny and wonder how it'll work. Big downsides I could see would be the massive stat bloat(a level one fighter with 30 str could be an issue) and casters getting lots of additional spells via their swift actions(I imagine they'll run out of spells before mythic power) but honestly given the theme I think all the PCs will be a little out of hand which is sort of the intent.
What kind of issues could you guys imagine might spring up or path abilities that would need to be banned or restricted for this concept too?
I believe there was a FAQ here on the Archmage Arcana indicating they should be used as standard actions to cast a spell, not swift.
My groups enjoy rolling stats over point-buy about 80% of the time, but it often results in characters of widely disparate power (especially in the early game). Our old method of rolling from 1E D&D that is still favored is much like the OP's:
Roll 4d6, drop the lowest. Your first roll is STR, second is DEX, etc. Roll a 7th time and you can swap that in for any other roll. Then you can swap one more time between any 2 abilities.
There tend to be a lot of different ability score builds that you would not normally see, including strong wizards, dexterous clerics, and charismatic fighters, and part of the fun is making that work for your character. Also, in our most recent game, after rolling up we instituted a quasi-point-buy method wherein you determine what value you would have if you had built your rolls in point-buy. If you have less than 20, you get the difference to add to your stats.
It's not the fact that the familiar realizes its master is a different alignment that is causing the bond to be severed. The wizard simply does not qualify for the prerequisites of the Improved Familiar feat as soon as he no longer shares a compatible alignment. At that point, the bond (by RAW anyway) is automatically severed through no choice of the familiar or the master as he no longer qualifies for the feat.
The master could still get a new familiar under the standard rules for replacing familiars.
If you're looking for a pathfinder AP I would suggest Council of Thieves.
Council of Thieves Spoilers:
It's a campaign that takes place entirely in a metropolis and has plenty of opportunity for you to have interactions with NPC's with which you can build heavy social interactions if you're okay with putting in some extra work. Also, book 2 (The Sixfold Trial) is just spectacular. The only concern I would voice is that it does enter some dark territory at a few points in the campaign.
If we rule that identifying the Spell Turning effect with Spellcraft allows the original caster to realize that it's just an illusion and hence make no save, wouldn't every target of Phantasmal Killer be allowed to make a Spellcraft roll to realize what it is and also not need to make a save?
I'm of the opinion that the original caster still needs to make the saving throw.
Yeah, you get the +1 competence bonus on ranged attack rolls (including ranged spells that require a touch attack) but not the improved critical threat range of course. The second part is for bows/crossbows only.