
Kolyarut's page

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Can a character wearing a Helm of Brilliance cause their unarmed attacks to gain the Flaming weapon quality? Or does the "weapons he wields" text only apply to handheld weapons?

Can an Unchained Rogue take Honeyed Words (originally from the APG) as a Rogue Talent? I don't see it in the list of updated Rogue Talents in the Unchained book, nor could I find it in the list of Unmodified Rogue Talents in the sidebar.

I'm trying to convert a regular Rogue to an UnRogue and I can't determine if they left Honeyed Words off the list intentionally or not.

How many times can a Life Oracle use the healing part of Energy Body in a given round? If you want to check out the Energy Body text, it can be read here.

Also, here is the text from the FAQ in 2013: "Oracle of Life, Energy Body: How many times per round can I use this ability to heal someone? The text says "once per round." Regardless of whether you are passing through an ally's square or an ally is passing through your square, the healing can only occur once per round."

I ask because my reading of the FAQ leads me to believe that in a given round only a single person can benefit from the healing for that round. One of my players who is running a Life Oracle believes the text of the FAQ answer is not clear, and that it could just as easily mean that each individual can only be healed once per round.

So I decided to bring this question to the forums in the hopes that people can give me an idea if I'm in the wrong here. Which of the following do you think it is?

A) The healing can only occur one time total per round.
B) The healing can only occur one time per person per round.
C) You both have it wrong!

For a given normal Spiritualist (no archetypes) it is clear that you can have your spirit confined in your consciousness indefinitely, but what kind of action does it take to make this so? Specifically, if you have already manifested your phantom into ectoplasmic or incorporeal form and you want to return it to your mind.

This is the only text that I could find that seems relevant:

Spiritualist text wrote:
A spiritualist can fully manifest her phantom through a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When the phantom is fully manifested, the spiritualist can change the form of the phantom’s manifestation (either from ectoplasmic to incorporeal or vice versa) as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

So could you reverse the ritual as a 1-minute action? Or can you use a full-round action to put it back into your head? Or is this not even possible until you get Phantom Recall 1/day at level 6?

The Spiritualist text says that a medium-sized spiritualist can have a small phantom. If I choose to do that are the phantom's ability scores adjusted in any way?

Or do you keep the same stats and just apply the usual small bonuses/penalties (lowered base damage, +1 to AC/attacks, +4 to Stealth etc.)?

Well the obvious answer is yes - as seen here - but I mean with a standard weapon attack. As referenced in this other thread where I started confusing myself. So here are some more specific questions (Please note that all these attacks assume the enemy does not have DR. It is not the intent of these questions to determine how DR interacts with the following.):

A) I have a regular dagger, a STR mod of -3, and 1d6 sneak attack damage. If I roll 1 on the base damage and 1 on the sneak attack, do I deal 1 nonlethal damage total? Or does my weapon do 1 nonlethal damage and my sneak attack do 1 nonlethal damage for a total of 2 damage? Or is it 1 nonlethal damage and 1 lethal damage?

B) I have a +1 Flaming Dagger and a STR mod of -3. On an attack I roll 1 for the base damage and 6 for the fire damage. Do I do a total of 4 damage? Or does my weapon do 1 nonlethal damage and the fire does 6 damage, for a total of 7 damage?

C) In the same example as question B, is the fire damage considered nonlethal because the base weapon is dealing nonlethal damage?

D) How about when using a +1 Merciful Flaming Dagger? Does the Merciful quality change "all damage the weapon deals" into nonlethal damage? Does the Flaming bonus damage, like the Merciful Spell metamagic feat, do nonlethal fire damage? Or is bonus energy damage always lethal?

E) How about a +1 Flaming Sap with 1d6 sneak attack? Is the sneak attack damage nonlethal? Is the fire damage?

I usually run my local game while I'm behind my computer for easy reference to the SRD and to be able to play thematic music, and I've recently started occasionally playing sound effects from YouTube to illustrate specific noises. Does anyone have any recommendations on a site with good sound clips for dungeon delving or for RPG's in general?

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I'm trying to determine if a Warpriest with the Good Blessing can use the Major blessing at 10th level to summon a monster as a standard action or a 1-round action. Here's the relevant info:

Blessings (Su) wrote:

A warpriest can select any two blessings granted by his deity. Deities grant blessings of the same name as the domains they grant. Unless otherwise noted, using a blessing is a standard action. A warpriest without a deity can select any two blessings (subject to GM approval). If a blessing's power duplicates a spell effect, the warpriest's caster level for that power is equal to his warpriest level.

Blessings that affect weapons and armor benefit anyone who wields or wears those items, not just the warpriest.

Good Blessing wrote:
Battle Companion (major): At 10th level, you can summon a battle companion. This ability functions as summon monster IV with a duration of 1 minute, but for only a good outsider or an animal with the celestial creature simple template. This ability can summon only one creature, regardless of the list used. For every 2 levels beyond 10th, the level of the summon monster spell increases by 1 (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 20th level).

Apparently blessings require a standard action to activate by default. But does the text on Battle Companion that states "this ability functions as Summon Monster IV" indicate that it has the same casting time as the spell (1 round)? Keep in mind that Blessings are listed as (Su), so they are not Spell-Like abilities but rather Supernatural abilities.

In reference to the following alternate racial trait for the Samsaran race:

Advanced Race Guide wrote:
Mystic Past Life (Su) You can add spells from another spellcasting class to the spell list of your current spellcasting class. You add a number of spells equal to 1 + your spellcasting class's key ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, and so on). The spells must be the same type (arcane or divine) as the spellcasting class you're adding them to. For example, you could add divine power to your druid class spell list, but not to your wizard class spell list because divine power is a divine spell. These spells do not have to be spells you can cast as a 1st-level character. The number of spells granted by this ability is set at 1st level. Changes to your ability score do not change the number of spells gained. This racial trait replaces shards of the past.

1) At what spell level are the new spells acquired? My instinctual assumption is that the spells are gained at the same spell level as the class from which they are borrowed. If so, a wizard choosing Cure Moderate Wounds from the Witch's spell list would add that to her list as a 2nd level spell as it is normally a 2nd level spell for a witch, right?

2) Building on the assumption that #1 is correct, can you effectively use this trait to gain "early access" to spells you already have on your spell list? Can a wizard add Haste as a 2nd level spell and Greater Invisibility as a 3rd level spell (by selecting spells from the Summoner spell list) even though they are already on her spell list as 3rd and 4th level spells, respectively? In that specific example, a Summoner could not cast Haste until he reached at least 4th level and Greater Invisibility until he was 7th, but the Samsaran wizard could Haste at 3rd level and Greater Invisibility at 5th level.

3) The text of Mystic Past Life states that these new spells are added to "the spell list of your current spellcasting class", not to your spells known. Is it the intention then that these spells are not automatically added to a character's spellbook/spells known/familiar? In other words, would she still have to select these spells when she levels up and gains new spells (or adds to her spellbook via scrolls, recovered spellbooks, etc.)?

4) And finally, am I correct in assuming that a character can select only a single other spellcasting class from which to pilfer spells? The text of the trait reads "You can add spells from another spellcasting class", but then goes on to explain that you can only take spells that are Arcane if you are an Arcane caster, or Divine spells if you are a Divine caster. Does this indicate that a player could take any arcane spells and add them to her Samsaran wizard's spell list, or would she have to select the spellcasting list of a single other spellcasting class (such as Summoner)?