![]() if you already want waveblade proficency, and are planning on taking as many various pools as you can just for the sake of having them, I'd reccomend a dip in brawler for proficiency and access to Martial Flexibility. It's a pool which can buy you into other pools with as needed assuming there are feats for that. ![]()
![]() confusingly enough, pathfinder has two things called traits. What wicky is referring to is an alternate human racial ability, replacing your bonus feat while what your DM is referring to is the trait system; basically half feats which are mostly used to patch class skill holes or shore up poor saves, which you often get two of as a starting character. ![]()
![]() For all you "druids can't rage" folks, Saurian Shaman druids already can, through the rage subdomain, which they gain access to. Trading wild shape for a better improvement track on that seems reasonable. That said, I'd drop acid resistance as off-theme, and consider replacing the bonus domain with something directly storm themed? Control weather once a day and reduce the time to change the weather using the spell to rounds rather than minutes? I played a raging druid using the above domain and it went pretty darn well, but without any shapechanging until late level I think this should be ok. But what's the fun or raging if you can't do it as an allosaurus? ;) ![]()
![]() 4th: Sending (great fun for harassing a villian after you see them the first time), Rags to Riches, Glimpse the Truth (for when you have an oldschool dm who likes faking you out with illusions on treasure/ you've got a puzzle to solve and you want to check to be sure), False Future, Divination, Deadman's Contingency
That's about as far down the list as I'm willing to go. But these are all things I might use post the adventuring portion of a day. Hope you find something you like! Note a lot of these burn treasure in exchange for information, so use with discretion. ![]()
![]() Well, at least you'd be giving up all of transmutation for conjuration, and vice versa. Both on the same character is just begging for you to overshadow everyone. But you're right, a more in-depth solution would have better results. Like all of these "just change one thing" attempts at fixing what is most definitely a complex problem, it has it's failings. ![]()
![]() Varies too much by character. There are a very few ways to make the range and number of attacks effectively infinite, but those are extreme outliers. Given optimal conditions the answer is shots per round * (distance enemies first spotted at ÷enemy max move speed), plus or minus a few shotd depending on suprise and who wins initiative. ![]()
![]() So it really cuts down on the ability to patrol, but it sounds like you need about 5 people on camp duty, 5 out on the roads, and 5 sleeping. Numbers can be adjusted a bit if you don't plan on night patrols, but you probably still want at least half the mercenaries in camp at any given time to maintain a group like that with no nonfighting members. ![]()
![]() Ah! I was calling them Apologists not Appeasers earlier, thus the confusion, oops! Either way, they're doing both for these evil deities I suppose as they focus on the *good* aspects of gods like Diceid, lord of Invasive species, extinction, natural disaster ;)
![]() You can, very badly, via the 5th level class feature of the cleric achetype Appeaser.
Agents of Evil wrote: Channel Utility (Su): An appeaser channels negative energy, but also gains limited access to positive energy. At 5th level, an appeaser can channel positive energy as a full-round action, but he treats his cleric level as if it were 4 lower when determining the amount of damage he can deal to undead and the amount of hit points he can restore to living creatures. This ability alters channel energy.
![]() Kalindlara wrote: Envoy of balance requires a morally-neutral deity, unfortunately. I admit it is a bit of a stretch, but neutral evil deities worshipped by apologists are both neutral and grant the ability to channel positive and negative energy to their followers, specifically you, once you hit fifth level. Rules as intended they probably meant neutral on the evil/good axis... but, rules as written... Champions of Balance wrote:
apologists allow for you to at least plead your case with a hopefully lenient game master. It's a stretch, but a flavorful one. Kalindlara wrote: That said... Pact Servant would make things really interesting. ^_^ I wholeheartedly agree ;) ![]()
![]() luckily it lacks a helm slot, making it immune to helm of opposite alignment spam ;)
![]() An apologist cleric going into envoy of balance would be interesting thematically. You'd want to pick a really odd god for this; I'm leaning towards Nalmungder, the daemon lord of poor decisions people make in horror films. He'd 100% be the kind of fool who would raid hell looking to kill some devils where they think they're safe ;)
![]() ...I'd never thought about the potential ethnicity of a child born between two samsarans... I suppose roll a d percentile based on their ethnicities in their past lives makes as much sense as any other method, and would result in the desired person of Shoanti being raised by Samsarans in the middle of the dragon empires and then returning to the Inner Sea, all by first level. ![]()
![]() Looking at toxicant a little bit closer I think it won't be a great choice, but still could be a flavorful one I suppose. The rogue levels will make your saves fall behind by 3... I suppose ability focus (toxic secretion) might fix this though.
Sacred alchemist does look really neat, though. That's some incredible flexibility, getting to choose a different domain/subdomain (from a smallish list) with an hour's work and even new discoveries on a daily basis like that. ![]()
![]() swifthunter420 wrote: What if I went 5 lvls in underground chemist and took the rest alchemist grenadier? I want to keep extracts if I can and I don't really want mutagens for this build if possible beastmorph and Hyde don't fit my theme really I really liked the combination of Grenadier/Saboteur for my gnome alchemist. A climb speed and a bonus to stealth checks is at least *something* to gain from a mutagen when I wasn't planning on using it otherwise, and access to the complex bomb discovery lets you potentially layer debuffs on a single bomb throw (if you really really need to, it's expensive) As to your question on how to up alchemical splash weapon damage, grenadier + a hybridization funnel is you answer. as Alchemical thrown weapons are weapons... you can add a hybridized splash weapon to a hybridized splash weapon... if you really need to spend all that money in one throw ;) Edit: Missed the part about you being a wayang, oops!
![]() So a hunter (or other caster but hunters do this at lvl 1) using the new ally across time / army across time spells would be a unique way to do low level nightcrawler. It's not true teleportation, but you magically appearing behind your foe to shove them off balance into your own trip or stab or whatever is about as nightcrawler as it gets. For anyone using casting as part of this concept this seems like an awesome choice. An eldritch scoundrel could do this concept as a single classed rogue starting at 4th, even if the actual dimensions doors don't come online until 11th level. Could be an interesting (if feat intensive) compromise for simplicity? ![]()
![]() I have definitely had a game where we teleported to Absalom and hired thirty wizards to simultaneously scry someone's kid, just to be almost totally sure. We wanted to make sure they didn't seek defenses once the will saves started coming. Fails on a one still is pretty good odds of failure if you're rolling more than 20 dice.
![]() Huh. I would almost always give a large companion who wants to charge Improved unarmed Strikes, so they could qualify for Dragon Style, and draw charge lanes through my party, but that's probably because my groups aren't great at coordinating in that way, and I probably overvalue the ability to ignore difficult terain for a mount, but Druids are one of the best classes for making it...
![]() The Tactics subdomain of War is really good. Rolling initiative twice and taking the better for you or the wizard or whoever needs to go first in this particular combat is a pretty big deal. Also, you start out being able to do that six times a day, which is enough to get you through almost every single initiative roll you ever have to make. My wildshape focused Gorumite druid got so much mileage out of that domain. Trading Spiritual Weapon for Aid even worked better with their strategy of prebuffing, dropping a single no (or mostly irrelevant) save battlefield control spell (wall of thorns plus the ring which lets druids completely ignore it was the favorite), and then wading in. ![]()
![]() The polymorphic pouch gives you an easy place to store small items like wands for later grabbing.
![]() I just wanted to say thanks for putting this together, and mention that all the work you're doing in relation to barroom brawler not only benefits fighters and brawlers, but also anyone with access to the war domain, so it's pretty widely applicable!
![]() I mean a group of 10 or wraiths getting organized is an extinction level threat, honestly... just go exclusively after undefended peasants, and spread out once you have sufficient spawn to ensure you can kill your target and be gone with only one round of combat.
![]() So my guess would be that the difference making this seem too violent is that the player is presented with actual freedom and options on how to react to things, rather than "oh the battle animation is starting nothing to do but fight it out I guess"? I could see how the freedom of choice might make you feel like you're perpetrating violence, unlike in a system where it's super obvious there is no possible other choice, because that's just how it's built. Good luck with the game! ![]()
![]() If you're wanting more casting power, A druid does ok in this role; a human green faith initiate putting their favored class bonus into the special human option can gain their level to diplomacy checks to change someone's attitude (half otherwise) and half their level to sense motive and intimidate(not for demoralizing).
![]() Nicos wrote:
Sadly it doesn't quite seem to work how you're suggesting, as summoning is a 1 round action which has some extra caveats beyond just being a full round action. I'll post the relevant text from the prd. PRD, Casting Time wrote:
So while you could start casting this during a surprise round, all that would give you would be a move action during that first full round in addition to having the spell go off at it's normal time, with all the inherent concentration difficulties. ![]()
![]() Kolokotroni wrote:
You can take all this advice and still use a random encounter table. You just use the provided encounter as a starting point and then proceed to do exactly what you suggested, as suggested upthread. ![]()
![]() Kraken caller provides bonuses to dirty trick, but no other combat maneuver. It seems to be intended for druids who want to specialize in weapon+natural attack styles, using the tentacles as secondary attacks along with a flame blade or some other combination. Either your original idea of a serpent shaman, an aquatic druid with the aquatic domain, or just normal druid would all work fine for your concept.
Though I suppose that might be a problem as far as piracy is concerned? Good luck! ![]()
![]() DethBySquirl wrote:
Actually you just have to carry around a medium sized club or staff along with your other gear. In this case, the spell does the rest of the work for you. PRD wrote: When you cast a polymorph spell that changes you into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type, all of your gear melds into your body ... If your new form does not cause your equipment to meld into your form, the equipment resizes to match your new size.
![]() A few items which might stand out Goz Mask: fixes your smoke problem. Fogcutting Lenses are a strictly worse version (from an even more obscure source) if you're having trouble getting DM approval for the mask.
![]() here to second items fitting their role/station. Things like 2 way communication mirrors, ring gates to important figure's offices, refuge tokens made by each king's personal guard, or the like. Stuff that reads "we trust you, implicitly" and allows them to do their duty better. Alternately daily use high save/widened calm emotion items could fit the bill if they're more concerned with internal than external threats. There's little better for forcing a chance to talk things out. ![]()
![]() xDemoquinx wrote: What phase is that? Wolverine spent a short period on Madripoor pretending to be a superspy socialite. He owned a nightclub, carried a pistol, did the whole disguise thing; basically it was the period where he would belong in this class. His alias was Patch, after the eyepatch he wore. Apologies that this is only tangentially related to the guide at hand.