![]() i ran a very successful 1 (later 2) PC campaign which lasted until 25th level. I found there are two ways to get past the lack of diverse skill sets;
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Big gloves? ![]()
![]() Hi, this order still hasn't been delivered. I have had a more recent subscription pack delivered (Order 3387923) but the November pack hasn't yet arrived. While you are looking into my account I would like to cancel my subscriptions also; Adventure Path: Cancel after Iron Gods 6 ships.
Thanks ![]()
![]() I absolutely agree. And in fact have worked something similar into my games. I tried a mixed approach - some encounters I used the cards as designed, in others I gave them out to PCs to 'play' at certain points. I'd say experiment with methods and see which works for you. I can't write a detailed response atm, I'll try and come back to this forum and give some more thoughts when I can ![]()
![]() Orthos wrote:
I did try that but the links just re-directed to paizo.com ... ah well, must have done it wrong. Thanks though! ![]()
![]() Skulljammer Cyphers: I made the Cyphers into cards: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7OS-ZJc7LzEMWRycV9ORkFTWGc/edit?usp=shari ng https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7OS-ZJc7LzEWWhDU2ZxcVZBSVk/edit?usp=shari ng EDIT:(you need to remove the space between "n" and "g" at the end of the URL. I don't know why that's there, it's not there when I type it into the text box :S) I used the paizo item cards in a sleeve with the printed slip behind it . On the back of the printed slip I wrote "Craft (Tech) DC 20 to identify". The exact skill check used (and the DC) varied by item. Whenever the PCs defeated a tech-based enemy such as a robot or found a stash of tech such as a crashed ship they drew a certain number of cards but couldn't use them until they were identified. Each player can have 3 cyphers at a time (more with higher levels). The items are ranked by colour code similar to the items in the technology guide (yes I play Destiny too much);
As the PCs gain levels I will be siphoning the cards out of the deck and replacing them with more green, blue, red etc cards. White cards will always remain the bulk of the deck at all levels with some purples thrown in. Whenever a card is used, the depletion roll is made. Most are depletion: 1 which means one use only. If the item depletes the card goes back into the deck (or I switch the item card but the effect goes back in). So far, the players are loving it. Its adding a new dimension to the game and a bit of randomness. ![]()
![]() I'm currently running Skull and Shackles in space ("Skulljammer") using DSP's ultimate psionics in place of any magic using class. It's a lot of fun! I've borrowed from Distant Worlds, Iron Gods and the Technoogy Guide but also Numenera's Cypher system. It's a great way to represent lost/malfunctioning tech. I've converted a lot of the Numenera Cyphers to PF rules and would be happy to share if you're interested. Players love it so far it's got a very Treasure Planet vibe. I think it would work really well for Kingmaker too ![]()
![]() Dennis Baker wrote: My favorite thing about dropbox is the fact that I can set a crop level and it applies it across the entire book so I can get rid of thick borders and just view the text. Cool, how do you apply the crop? I've found that the dropbox app for iPad actually opens and runs the PDFs way faster than iBooks. It also runs word documents and is much easier to upload to. Never tried goodreader ![]()
![]() I had some similar thoughts for my own campaign. As far as roles and crew combat are concerned I used a hybrid of the stuff sabedoriaclark did, Fire as She Bears! and some rules of my own devising. Its working pretty well so far (we have just started book 3) and you're welcome to take a look at what we use. I made index cards with all the roles and ranks rules on them to hand out to the PCs which not only served as a reminder of their duties, but also as a way to visually represent officers' votes. If you're interested I can send them your way. I also made cards for each squad (and enemy squads) to show who was engaging who. As for kingdom building I also stumbled at the 1 hex point. The island in book 4 is WAY smaller than a Kingmaker hex, so unless you include nearby islands in their territory or 'sea hexes' to fish/plunder etc I guess you'd have to re-work the BP rules (or scale them down). In my game the PCs have used the downtime rules to establish small bases of operation (in the equivalents of Sargava and Tidewater Rock from my campaign world). This is working ok at the moment but I want to introduce larger scale stuff when they hit book 4/5/6 so I'll be interested to see what comes of this thread. I like your idea of using disrepute to pay the crew, wish I'd thought of that before getting too invested in making the PCs pay their crew in gp as it sounds a lot simpler (and would make them do more piratey stuff!). ![]()
![]() I had a 3.5 campaign where 4 of 5 players were rogues (ninja, pirate, bard/rogue and assassin/rogue). The 5th was a wizard. Was one of our best campaigns ever and (for some characters) lasted until Epic levels. There were some interesting moments as without the traditional combat-based and healing-based characters they had to find alternate ways around problems (the kobold blender being the group's favorite). Kobold blender: The group found a 6 way intersection in a kobold warren, they managed to manoeuvre so that the wizard was at the end of one corridor and the kobolds were directly opposite. The wizard pretended to be trapped and scared so the kobolds ran towards him, provoking 4 attacks of opportunity as they passed through the central square. The AOOs were of course from stealth so the kobolds were flat-footed so each kobold was taking 4 sneak attacks each round. The teeming mass of kobolds from behind kept pressing them onwards. Hilarity ensued ![]()
![]() The Skull & Shackles (the big image on this page) is the flag of the Shackles nation- a vast archipelago of scattered tropical islands ruled over by dozens of Pirate Lords who in turn answer to the Hurricane King. As for dice, no idea. The skull & shackles campaign dice are yellow as is the main colour of the art for the Adventure Path. ![]()
![]() cartmanbeck wrote:
Yeah the mythic abilities range from pretty cool to unbelievable in their power. They can be found here for those who are interested. I can imagine mythic powers allowing you to do recharge cards easier, adding extra dice to checks (maybe doubling the effects of blessings?) or maybe even auto-passing certain checks? Mythic RPG rules have an optional 'weakness' element too, where your character is weakened by a certain material (a la kryptonite), type of magic or whatever. I can't see this coming into the card game however as they've mentioned that a theme for S&S is things 'breaking' and falling apart. WotR/mythic seems very epic and over the top and having a similar mechanic to the ship damage system in S&S would possibly harm that flavour. Mythic banes might require the 'mythic' trait to defeat or have to be defeated numerous times. Someone at the Paizo banquet said that target numbers on some cards for WotR were likely to be in the range of 50 or so. Mythic weapons might add more damage dice than usual or allow you to recharge/bury for extremely powerful effects. ![]()
![]() Zaister wrote: How can you say Wrath of the Righteous isn't a "themed" AP? You're right, it is themed. What I meant was more of a setting-based theme. To me the WotR RPG AP is more themed around the opponents (demons) and mechanics (mythic) rather than setting (worldwound and mendev?). This isn't necessarily a bad thing but it was one of the reasons I didn't purchase the AP. The flavour didn't appeal to me and I didn't want to commit to a 6 month AP on mechanics/rules alone. Having said all that (and having had time to think about it), I think I would prefer to play WotR as a card game than an RPG as I'm more concerned with mechanics than story in PACG. First World Bard wrote:
Good point. Am I going to buy WotR anyway? probably. And if I don't I'll get a class deck to participate in organised play (and get 6 months extra to enjoy S&S!). ![]()
![]() So I've just opened my box of Sins of the Saviours and noticed something odd. The new cards are a different colour to the old ones. To be precise they are of a lighter saturation (hue is the same, but the new cards appear 'faded' against the old ones making it really easy to spot the difference). Before I opened the box I noticed it was the new printing (all my others are first printing) so I was expecting the cards to be slightly shorter (I think Vic said 0.5mm?- it's barely noticeable) but I hadn't heard anything about a colour difference. I'll see if I can upload a picture. Have I got a dodgy batch? Has anyone else experienced this? ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote: So in Skull & Shackles, when we needed some intro adventures that take place outside of the Adventure Path, Mike and his team more or less made up their own stories... and those adventures in turn inspired the Plunder & Peril module. I really like the idea of this, I'm halfway through a S&S RPG campaign and having more side-adventures to chuck in is great, but the fact that they are designed (or just inspired) by Mike and co. is simply brilliant. ![]()
![]() Tacticslion wrote:
Sounds like Synesthesia.I have it too, makes everything colourful and really helps me to remember lists, facts etc. As for the original topic, I'd go LG: White (shining)
![]() Reign of Winter or Iron Gods would both be exceptional choices for future sets. Haven't got much experience with Jade Regent but I wonder whether all the travel without the RPG backstory might dilute the theme a little? Mummy's Mask could also work- exploring tombs, ancient treasures, traps it all fits the game mechanics nicely and the desert travel part would be interesting to see PACG-ified. JBiggs78 wrote:
There was much debate about firearms in the RPG version of S&S. I don't think you can have pirate-themed anything without a few pistols and cannon. ![]()
![]() I stopped my subscription after reign of winter, looking to start again for iron gods. If I remember correctly it was about £20/month all in. A touch higher than Amazon but worth it for the PDFs and 10% discount in the store. It would normally take about 2 weeks to arrive in hard copy though (by which time I'd read the PDF) which was the only real downside IMO. There was an option for express shipping but that was way expensive. Edit: you can also bundle any other products you buy into the same deliveries as the APs to save on shipping. I ordered a map pack and other bits and the shipping price barely changed from what I was paying for the AP alone. Hope that helps ![]()
![]() The_Napier wrote:
Yup, I've already shot-gunned (get it?) her too ![]()
![]() Yeah, I'm happy to stick with lists for now as I only have two groups and I love a good bit of admin. I'd also be worried about spoiling the game for newer groups if they for instance drew a really cool boon or scary bane but then I say "Ah- no sorry we can't use that, it's from Saviours take this quarterstaff instead". I can see the immersion being damaged possibly (same reason I like the current set up with boatloads of henchmen and not a 'henchman stand in' card but that's a whole other topic). If I was to play with a lot of groups, or with groups who are not new to the game then I would consider the proposed changes to quicken set-up. I can see it coming in handy for organised play down the line. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the responses! So let's see if I've got this right.. If I want to specifically play a Varisian human, I'd need to buy the inner sea world guide and take it with me to each session? I'm playing S&S at the moment on 'campaign mode' so we use our own non-PFS characters but can claim credit for our PFS characters as if we had used a pre-gen. If they are a lower level character, the gold is reduced (or could I "hold" the chronicle for when they get to the right level?). The modules I can't claim for but I could in theory run them again with a PFS group and claim the chronicles as normal. I could even run We Be Goblins multiple times and players could claim the chronicle multiple times (for different 1st level characters). ![]()
![]() Greetings! I'm a long time pathfinder (and dnd 3.x before that) GM and player, but I'm considering organising some sort of PFS group in my area. I have a few questions first. Sorry if any of these are a bit basic :D ; I'm looking at making a Varisian Bard. I have the RotRL 3.5 Player’s Guide in which the Additional Resources lists the equipment as being legal but there is no mention of the Varisian race (ie Humans who start with Common and Varisian as languages). Does that mean that I cannot play a "Varisian" if I don't have these rules from another source (I don't)? I assume I can just say I'm Varisian and just not speak Varisian? Claiming GM credit- I’m running a Skull & Shackles campaign for my home (non PFS) group, so do I get to claim GM credit for the sanctioned parts of each module? If so, do I apply the chronicle sheet directly to my character and gain the XP, prestige and gp (and other boons) written on the sheet as if I'd played it myself? How about other modules (eg. We Be Goblins?) I’ve GM’d it and other sanctioned modules for my non-PFS home game, can I claim the GM credit for these? What about the players from these games (Modules and APs)? Can they put the player credits towards new PFS characters? Finally (for now!) I see some Pathfinder Tales novels have Chronicles- I own Prince of Wolves, does that mean I can apply the chronicle? The chronicle grants 0 XP/gp/prestige but has a boon which gives a bonus when interacting with lycanthropes and the option to buy a magic rapier, do I just get these boons? Just for reading the book? What about if I have multiple characters? Sorry for the wall of text and thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() As mentioned above, the treasure to be given out to the group is pre-written into the adventure. Most encounters will have a treasure section detailing what (if anything) is the reward for defeating that encounter. The tables in the Core Rulebook are for generating your own encounters and show how much (roughly) treasure you should be handing out. Bear in mind that if you're making your own encounters, its usually more realistic to add up all the treasure for all the encounters in a particular section (ie a dungeon) then split the treasure in a way that makes sense (so enemies use the treasure etc) as Rub-Eta mentioned. Pre-written encounters (such as in an adventure path) will have this done already. If you were to go through every encounter in Burnt Offerings for example and add up all the treasure it should roughly match the tables in the Core Rulebook (don't worry about being exact to the last cp though). PCs acquire the treasure whenever they find it, so if they kill the goblins they get all the gear they were carrying and anything listed in the encounter's 'treasure' section (some may require perception checks or other skills to find if not immediately apparent). If the PCs don't find the treasure they don't get it. ![]()
![]() @OP: If your husband is only near sighted (and by only I mean has no other visual disorders or pathologies which reduce vision) then the problem should be correctable with spectacles. A pair of single-vision spectacles set up for the specific distance at which you game or a pair of varifocals would allow him to view the dice without bringing them closer. Of course if there ARE other visual problems (and I suspect there might be by the sounds of it) the solution would be slightly more complex. I'm a Dispensing Optician in the UK and I'd be happy to give you some more advice if you want to PM me. Otherwise yeah just explaining the situation to the GM would be a good step. @Myles Crocker; ageing shouldn't reduce your ability to game dude! Spectacle correction would help if set for the right working distance. Go see an Optician rather than an Ophthalmologst and ask for intermediate spectacles or varifocals.