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![]() Hi, this order still hasn't been delivered. I have had a more recent subscription pack delivered (Order 3387923) but the November pack hasn't yet arrived. While you are looking into my account I would like to cancel my subscriptions also; Adventure Path: Cancel after Iron Gods 6 ships.
Thanks ![]()
![]() So I've just opened my box of Sins of the Saviours and noticed something odd. The new cards are a different colour to the old ones. To be precise they are of a lighter saturation (hue is the same, but the new cards appear 'faded' against the old ones making it really easy to spot the difference). Before I opened the box I noticed it was the new printing (all my others are first printing) so I was expecting the cards to be slightly shorter (I think Vic said 0.5mm?- it's barely noticeable) but I hadn't heard anything about a colour difference. I'll see if I can upload a picture. Have I got a dodgy batch? Has anyone else experienced this? ![]()
![]() Greetings! I'm a long time pathfinder (and dnd 3.x before that) GM and player, but I'm considering organising some sort of PFS group in my area. I have a few questions first. Sorry if any of these are a bit basic :D ; I'm looking at making a Varisian Bard. I have the RotRL 3.5 Player’s Guide in which the Additional Resources lists the equipment as being legal but there is no mention of the Varisian race (ie Humans who start with Common and Varisian as languages). Does that mean that I cannot play a "Varisian" if I don't have these rules from another source (I don't)? I assume I can just say I'm Varisian and just not speak Varisian? Claiming GM credit- I’m running a Skull & Shackles campaign for my home (non PFS) group, so do I get to claim GM credit for the sanctioned parts of each module? If so, do I apply the chronicle sheet directly to my character and gain the XP, prestige and gp (and other boons) written on the sheet as if I'd played it myself? How about other modules (eg. We Be Goblins?) I’ve GM’d it and other sanctioned modules for my non-PFS home game, can I claim the GM credit for these? What about the players from these games (Modules and APs)? Can they put the player credits towards new PFS characters? Finally (for now!) I see some Pathfinder Tales novels have Chronicles- I own Prince of Wolves, does that mean I can apply the chronicle? The chronicle grants 0 XP/gp/prestige but has a boon which gives a bonus when interacting with lycanthropes and the option to buy a magic rapier, do I just get these boons? Just for reading the book? What about if I have multiple characters? Sorry for the wall of text and thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() So I finally picked up the PACG and really enjoying it so far! We've only played the first two scenarios in the Perils of the Lost Coast adventure and are planning to do the third soon. My question is when is the best time to add in the Burnt Offerings cards (and Skinsaw Murders and so on...)? Obviously they will need to be mixed into the box for when we start playing the adventure path properly but can I put them in before this? We're familiar enough with the rules to introduce more complex cards and I know the RotRlL story already so will it have any major effect on our games other than spoilers? What if we were to go back and play Perils of the Lost Coast again? Would we need to pull out all the AP cards? ![]()
![]() Hey all, I'm currently running Skull & Shackles and one of the players is a Flowing Monk with Crane Style. I'm not going to go out and say its a 'broken' archetype etc as I'm sure it's not and I'd rather deal with the problem in a constructive way than to simply ban certain things from the game if possible. Besides they're level 5 and halfway through book 2 it's probably a bit late to star ret-conning things. Anyway the problem is that he just dominates fights (especially boarding actions) in that no-one can hit him. His AC in full defence is close to 30 and he can evade one melee and one ranged attack per round. Not so bad you might think as he's in total defence so can't do anything. But with crane style he can make free trip attacks against people who attack him or anyone he threatens. The party gather near him and the enemies just bounce off them (or more accurately one or two people stand near him while the others are out of harms way). The build is here if you need specifics. My questions are 1) am I running the rules for the build wrong? 2) is it really a problem considering that in the latter part of the AP there will be lots of underwater fights and less bipedal humanoids? 3) what can I do to make fights more interesting? Enemy tactics/counter builds etc. I don't want to take away from the player if he just using clever tactics but I also want fights to be more fluid and fun. Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading! ![]()
![]() I would like to cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription AFTER AP #60 (Skull & Shackles part 6). We've only just finished The Wormwood Mutiny so I don't think I'll need another Adventure Path just yet. I'll probably be continuing with the subscription at some point in the future. I have been really impressed with the Skull & Shackles line btw :D Thanks ![]()
![]() The link: http://paizo.com/pathfinder/adventurePath/pathfinder/adventurePath/councilO fThieves/v5748btpy89a4 (the big bold text 'Bastards of Erebus' at the top of the page) appears to be broken. Instead of taking me to Council of Thieves episode 1, it in fact leads back to the main paizo.com page. The page I was linking from is:
just though i'd let you know
![]() I had some ideas about roles aboard the ship. Don't want to ruin anything for players so put it all in the spoiler: GMs only:
So when the PCs finally get their own ship, I was thinking of introducing 8 Officer positions which must be filled in order for the ship to function properly. The ranks are:
The PCs will be expected to fill these roles although NPCs can be drafted in to fill gaps or to replace PCs who aren't that good at sailin'. Each officer (except Captain and First Mate) can also select a mate from the NPCs who will assist them in their duties (no mechanical benefit other than delegation, see below) and take over duties when the PC is away a-swashbucklin'. In the absence of the Captain/First mate, the Boatswain (or Boatswain's mate) takes command of the ship. Each day, the officers will be given tasks just as they did when they were swabs on the Wormwood (and any PCs who choose to remain as Riggers/Swabs will still use those tables). These tasks are slightly harder but some grant mechanical bonuses or penalties to the ship or crew. I am unsure as to the mechanical penalties for failing checks (any ideas?) but possibly some sort of penalty to infamy/disrepute or negatives to influence the NPCs? If things get bad enough maybe the NPCs will mutiny themselves! I guess the idea was to allow PCs to perform ship actions in the same way as the early adventures, but I was planning to expand the ship actions list to include crafting/magic item creation/NPC development/exploration etc so as to give PCs a reason for delegating or 'shirking'. 1d8 Captain’s Tasks
1d8 First Mate’s Tasks
1d8 Boatswain’s Tasks
1d8 Ship’s Cook Tasks
1d8 Master Gunner’s Tasks
1d8 Quartermaster’s Tasks
1d8 Sailing Master’s Tasks
1d8 Surgeon/Carpenter’s Tasks
1d20 Random Duties:
An Officer can delegate his tasks to his mate.That crewmember must complete his own tasks in addition to any tasks from his superior. All checks performed by the mate are at -2 and he must also test for fatigue at the end of his shift (DC 5 Constitution). If the crew member’s tasks already required a Constitution check, the DC is increased by 2 instead. Delegating in this way leaves the Officer free to act as normal and not take any checks that day. The Captain can delegate to any member of the crew (though usually the First Mate)
What do y'all think? This is the first draft and I've yet to start actually playing the AP so any ideas/comments/suggestions would be very welcome! Also if any of you like these rules, please feel free to use them yourselves! :D ![]()
![]() An idea: the map on the inside cover of the S&S APs is awesome, would be great if it could be included in the 'Interactive Maps' PDF with a way to remove all the labels. I've had to resort to hand-drawing a map for a handout to players which is adequate but nowhere near as pretty as the full colour one. Failing that, does anyone know where one might find such a blank map (ie any other products or supplements?) Cheers |