NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() "Well, that probably depends on Tagheema and Ingrit really. Are they remorseful? Do they want to atone for their misdeeds? I hope so, because then there is a chance to turn their lives around. If not, then I fear a team such as ours will be chasing them in the future for far worse acts." "So I'd look to any chance for clemency, working off their crimes and setting them on a better path, so long as they are willing to do the work and learn the lesson." ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Looking as though he has tasted something awful, Khaldan will say "Uggh. Was it just 'I need a diversion?' Or did you suggest blowing up the alchemy lab to the kids? Either way, you were responsible. So time to end this, stop cutting up my friend here and we'll hold off" Khaldan will reload the crossbow, take aim and ready a shot if Krosovahn attacks again. Readied attack: crossbow: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23 for 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan just groans "Would you like us to fetch you a wine as well? If you feel you are in such a tactically poor situation you are welcome to surrender at any time and end this dreary slug fest." (I think Krosovahn missed taking Khaldan's damage though) ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() With a frustrated sigh, Khaldan will follow Delorn's lead and pull out a crossbow "It buys you time, but the result is inevitable Krosovahn." crossbow: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25 for 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 "Huh, look at that it still works!"
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Looking down on the surrounded and pinned thief, Khaldan will just shake his head "No spells eh? Doesn't look like we need them. Time to give up Krosovahn" Demoralize: intimidation: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 Not much else Khaldan can do at range if we aren't doing spells :) ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan will move up to the group and wait to see how things play out.
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() What did green do last turn? Is he staying down and surrendering? If so then Khaldan will not zap him Khaldan will step forward and then unleash bolts of electricity on Green and Red for 4d4 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 2) = 10 electricity damage each DC22 basic reflex save ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan glances up at the vacant balcony and grimaces. "Its too quiet in here - they may not be just hiding" he'll mutter. He pats his pockets and curses, and instead casts revealing light and a burst of coloured light will appear in the middle of the balcony. Finally he'll open his backpack, ready to pull something out of it. --- ◆◆ Cast revealing light
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan will cast detect magic on the open door just in case there is a repeat of the welcome from the abandoned tavern. He'll pass a 3rd rank scroll of heal to Elondel whispering "use it on whoever needs it." and then to the group All set, let's finish this job" ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() GM Tiger wrote: Khaldan -- What's storied talent? (is there a remastered name for that because I can't find it in AoN) :) Its the >Horizon hunters boon< to allow at level earn income. The high(er) risk, high(er) reward path, but would have failed either way with that roll :) ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Earn Income task level 5 (storied talent): DC20 Crafting: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16 => 16 sp ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Thanks Elondel! Crafting DC??: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18 Sigh, I guess a fail is better than a crit fail ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Seeing that Ayavah is losing interest in the Pathfinder Society discussion, Khaldan will try to discuss the sculptures using his crafting experience Crafting DC ??: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16 Oof, sorry. I think I'm out of hero points too, but if not then I'll definitely reroll ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan will continue chatting about the importance of the item, but apparently fails to hold Ayavah's interest. DC 21 PFS Lore: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20 ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Wrinkling his nose somewhat at the pungent odours that seem to be accompanying the group, Khaldan's eyes will light up in recognition as the nephilim steps forward. "Ayavah, it is an honour to meet you - I have heard of your sculptures but not had the chance to see your work for myself! Please forgive our intrusion, we are hunting a thief who stole an important artefact of the Pathfinder Society. This wayfinder is not just a symbol of the society but a work of art in itself. We followed the fiend here into your workshop and hope we might have finally caught up with him. We need to find him before he absconds with this symbol of the society" DC 23 Society: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24 DC 21 PFS Lore: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26 ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khladan eyes off the traps in the hallway but decides on a different path and casts Safe Passage and ushers the group past one of the more dangerous sections ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan watches closely as the young gnome begins her seeing and realises that the adult tone is not the only alien thing about this performance. Noting the change in mannerisms and language that spell a different personality, he whispers to his fellows "The child is really channeling the spirit of the Seerspring."
The wizard is initially intimidated by this presence
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() After escaping the stampede, Khaldan will admire the Celwyvian Charge and manage to catch one of the falling leaves. "How beautiful! Oh and this leaf is magical." and Khaldan will hand it to Delorn when the opportunity is right. (scroll of heroism) Society DC 21: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Then faced with the huge crowd for the parade, Khaldan will look for a quieter path. He finds some convenient back alleys by watching a souvenir seller ducking in and out of the crowd. Society DC 23: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29 ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan will start making strange sounds and slow careful gestures as he calms the charging cattle. Musing to himself as he does so Huh, gazing out the scriptorium window at the stock in the marshland wasn't an entire waste then! DC 21 Nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan will let out a breath as Tide Pool gives up and then rejoin the group. His surprise will be obvious at the crook's detailed briefing! "That's quite a personal vendetta! Must be frustrating to not even be noticed by those who destroyed your work. He's not going to be happy when we thwart his plans once again." he will say with a rueful chuckle. As they reach the Dockway, Khaldan will discreetly point out the waiting crook "Over by the street corner - I'm pretty sure that's him - that flag really stands out" Perception DC 25: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28 ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan will delay to see what happens. It looks like Zenith has things in hand, but if Tide Pool gets up again and continues hostilities, then Khaldan will hit him with nonlethal damage as posted above. ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan will continue trying to knock the last one out sending a nonlethal wave of cold at Tide Pool ◆ Nonlethal Spell
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Seeing Yakuthiel skewer Ocean Dream, Khaldan will call out "Arggh, try to keep one of them alive! We need to talk to them." (Hopefully Elondel can get the last one to surrender?) ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Seeing them shaken, Khaldan will switch to nonlethal attacks and fire off a nonlethal blazing bolt at each of the pair.
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan will stride into the room looking like thunder. "So what was your plan, ambush and kill the two kids? Hope the trap on the door did your dirty work? Disgusting! Well you have a real fight now - surrendering is a good option." and then will cast frostbite on Ocean Dream (red) for 4d4 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 4) = 9 cold damage with DC 22 basic fort save, weakness 3 to bludgeoning on crit fail
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() "Umm, who's our door opener? I'd prefer to stay in the back, but can always just try and open it magically." and if no one steps forward, Khladan will cast telekinetic hand (R3) from well back in the party and summon a ghostly hand to try and turn the handle and open the door (up to 1 bulk only - which may not be enough) ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() "Watch out - that handle has a magical trap. I'll try and disable it - it might make some noise though - all ok with that?" Khaldan will stage whisper as Miladistra reaches for the door handle. and then if no one objects, Khaldan will cast dispel magic on the trap arcana (E), counteract DC20: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24 "Grand, it should be safe now" ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() "An abandoned tavern - those two would have had their debts erased alright! I'm all for being cautious and discrete here - this Krosovahn is most likely waiting to knife whoever arrives." ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() "Now isn't it better to have that out on the open - no more secrets." Khaldan turns to leave but as he reaches the door he turns back "Just one more thing" and fixes Ingrit and Tagheema in his gaze "We haven't seen the wayfinder yet - where is that currently?" ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan adds a small observation to the excellent summary "If they were just after money then they would have grabbed your magnificent tea set there. But there is something deeper here. >Ingrit has detailed sketches of the Wayfinder of the Open Road<. Coupled with the debts that Tagheema ran up and the their close friendship I think we are looking at the pair being blackmailed to retrieve the wayfinder for someone else." ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() GM Tiger wrote: You pretty much have all you need. You can proceed with presenting your findings. As an extra bonus -- one shiny hero point to the best Poirot/Sherlock Holmes style reveal! :) Did Delorn (or anyone else) want to take that up? If not, Khaldan can be seen quietly rehearsing the drawing room dénouement. ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Replying to Ekkie, Khaldan will say "Indeed, someone is trying to make it look like Tiki did it, but I think now we know who. Someone may have to talk to her about accessing the lab out of hours - it makes it too easy to move the blame to her in a situation like this." then (assuming Elondel shares the note) Khaldan will pull out his writing kit and write out a note and offer it to Helvi. Thank-you Helvi, that narrows things down a lot for us. Turning back to his fellows, Khaldan will ask "Did anyone see brown cloaks in the trainee's rooms? They probably wouldn't have been of note before now." ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() I think we have to interpret the sign language of the new person. I take it that they are the same checks as for Ekkie and Wumbrout Brios. Thanks for the prompt too - I'd missed that the action was on us :( ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan tries to work out the sign language but fails. Society DC 23: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21 If need be he can use a scroll of translate ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() (GM Tiger, if you are ok with it, Khaldan will use a hero point to try to do a bit better with Ekkie) Society DC 23 for Ekkie: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24 ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Replying to Miladistra, Khaldan will say "Oh it was worth a try - it would have made our lives easier for sure. There is little doubt that someone is trying very hard to put us off the trail." Then later talking to the lodge staff, Khaldan also really doesn't get on well with Ekkie
but manages much better with Wumbrout Brios "Hello again Wumbrout, could we ask you a bit about the novices please?"
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Khaldan looks a bit surprised at Miladistra's revelation but watches the two suspects closely for their reactions. ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Crafting DC 25: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28
Khaldan also notes the same accellerant on the pair's clothing but doesn't react for now. "Ekkie is a respected Pathfinder teacher who has paid their penance - such prejudice is unbecoming for Pathfinder agents in training." Khaldan will scold before moving on to more useful topics "So, tell us about the morning run please. Where did you go, when did you leave, what was the weather like, did you see anything other than Tiki?" ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() Society DC 23: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32 "How interesting that they threw Tiki into the fire, as it were, so quickly. Almost as if they knew there was something suspicious about the incident." Khaldan will muse. "Yes it does seem time to talk to that pair. And how interesting that the two of them were together" turning back to Ebrylis, Khaldan will say "Thank-you for talking to us - you have been very helpful." ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() GM Tiger wrote: Khaldan - hard to say, it was a big chaotic mess. At this point you have no reason to doubt her (Thanks, yes that makes sense) Khaldan will listen in and then respond to Miladistra "Ebrylis next I think, it would be good to get another neutral view first" ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() ((Was Tiki one of those we saw in the bucket brigade at the alchemy lab?)) ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() perception DC 25: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27 Khaldan shakes his head sadly at Tiki's mention of the lab destruction. "I couldn't help but notice that some of your beautiful feathers are singed Tiki - what happened there?" ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() GM Tiger wrote:
Yes that was the one - thanks GM Tiger wrote:
Khaldan will hang back for now while the more charismatic members of the party take the lead. He'll be keeping an eye on Tiki to sense motive around her answers (perception +13) ![]()
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
![]() "An excellent summation of the situation Delorn and Miladistra." Khaldan will note as Delorn finishes Delorn Malix, Esq. wrote:
"Yes, this crime isn't just driven by greed - if so then the tea set would be missing and we would be in the maze by now. However, the debt could still be a motive - perhaps blackmail to retrieve a unique item, or even the wayfinder specifically? That said, it seems clear that Ingrit is involved in the alchemy explosion, or that someone really wants us to think she was. Oh and she would be more likely than most to know the runes to disable the wards in the tower. Obsession with the wayfinder would then be the motive. The thief was pretty athletic though, climbing to the tower, escaping over the trees - is Ingrit up to such feats of strength and agility? I'm still not convinced we have reached the answer." Khaldan will then muse for a moment. "I agree it is time to talk to witnesses though, but let's start with those who don't seem to have a direct link yet. So Ebrylis and Tiki first? Then perhaps the lodge staff? Oh and we should hold our information to ourselves - if only to avoid tipping anyone off, but also to avoid causing a stir until we are certain." (Is going back and reexamining the trees outside the tower an option for later?)