That Sean fellow |
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An idea popped into my head last week that came up again today about playing a PF game re-flavoured as a Marvel fantasy universe. Sort of like the comic 1602 or like this awesome artwork: Order of X
And it got me thinking about characters builds for Marvel heroes. Some are sort of obvious
Captain America as a Brawler with the Shield Champion Archetype
Thor you could probably build a bunch of different ways but I went with Thor as a Warpriest with the Weather and Strength domains.
Others are a bit tougher.
Cyclops possibly a Kineticist with the Elemental Annihilator archetype with a focus on Telekinesis blasts and force might work.
Archangel would be an Assimar to get the wings and at a hight enough level they can become metal as per the feat.
So yeah, curious to hear what everyone's thoughts are on a Marvel campaign and what builds for what characters you would use.