High Shieldmarshal Armand Meneley

Kelvin Thorn's page

38 posts. Organized Play character for Sgtsplat.



Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin will help the team load any important documents and building materials. ((sorry for the need to bot that last round))


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

So Kneepuncher is a dwarf? I am just wondering why they are so large on the map. I ask, because Kelvin would like to shoot at the big bad, but the way the token looks, KP takes up the entire center of the room.


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin did not add those benefits in, so I guess add +2 dmg to that one attack if it hit, I am pretty sure my 1 missed hehe.


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin, feeling the effects of the slow spell being dispelled launches into action. They run accross the open room from west to east, and midway through they turn and fire two rounds from his Light Reaction Cannon at the target at the far end of the room, then continue on to hide behind the eastern pillar. ((Springing shot)).

shot 1 P dmg: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 242d10 + 9 ⇒ (5, 8) + 9 = 22
shot 2 P dmg: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 92d10 + 9 ⇒ (7, 8) + 9 = 24


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin, upon hearing what Yith is going to do will just take a step forward to put the pillar between them and the enemy (hopefully).


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin Will Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

[dice=Kelvin Will Save] 1d20+6 [dice]


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin just checks over his Light Reaction Cannon one more time and then nods that they are ready to proceed.


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin, also waiting for the effects of the entangle and blind to wear off brushes himself off, "So, what do you mean permanent and what do you mean didn't take well? I ask, because you said you have been here a few centuries, and well, that's a long time to be...around. Maybe you should show yourself and let us have a look before we give you the keys to the space ship."


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

No luck for Kelvin on the saves


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

reflex save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

how long is Kelvin blinded for?


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin curses as he is blinded by the flash. He drops to his knees on the stairs, in an attempt to take himself out of the line of site of the room at the top of the stairs. He listens intently to see if he hears anything coming up behind them (do does not have any blind senses though).


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Reflex Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

i have been traveling this week as well, sorry for fewer posts


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kevlin shrugs, " I guess it couldn't hurt to grab it, maybe we can take a look at it later."


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Clearly Kelvin knows very little about this type of computer.


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin leans over Luwazi's shoulder, " Mind if I help, I know a little bit about computers. computer assist: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

who has computer skill, i think Kelvin has some, but it isnt great.


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin nods " You all talk, but if this thing kept itself alive out of sheer will alone, it might not be so easy to deal with."


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin looks over at Yith, " Do you know anything about what he became? Do you know how to kill one of those things? Anything we should be prepared to deal with?


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

engineer assist: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin shrugs and looks at the rest of the group, " So I am no computer expert, but I can probably assist someone, from time to time I had to fix some of the environmental control computers in the station."

Computer Assist: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin keeps an eye out for anyone living, or less living, "What do you think happened? Were they researching something here? It does seem like they got cut off from whatever support they had, maybe that is why someone killed that person back there."


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

When asked about hacking Kelvin shakes his head in the negative, "I am pretty good with a wrench and know my way around a computer, but hacking is a little out of my league."

Kelvin moves north, "I am ready to start the tour when the rest of you are."


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin, not one for art or history, keeps a wary eye on the Sphinx, but does take in the surroundings. He turns when he hears that the Sphinx cannot leave the room due to connectivity. "Is the Sphinx real or a hologram?" then turning to Rishni, "When is the last time you saw someone pass through these halls?"


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Gotcha, i am good, found it, and I dropped in my icon on the map. Thanks.


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

is that a door to the north? Or can we only see so far down the hallway?


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

so i see on one post the text is a different color at the end saying Slide 5 , and it looks like maybe it should be a link, but nothing happens for me when I click it. Is that what you mean by forum tag?

I am using Explorer, or whatever the new windows browser is, does that matter, should I be in chrome?


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin will look around to see if there any tripwires or other types of suspicious things around the entry way. Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

thanks, found it. also, in the last post it said Slide 5, but I am not sure where these slides are, and if it was a link, it did not work for me.


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

anyone got a link to directions for how to post special text in these pages?


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin strolls along, bringing up the rear of the group. He takes in the sites, but for him it is more scanning for enemies than enjoying the sites. He holds his light reaction cannon at the ready. "Whoever they were, they sure were focused on the order of things."


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

can someone drop a link to instructions for the roll bot for these boards, i know it is different than discord


Male Human Soldier 7 Mercenary Theme 70SP 53HP 8/8RP

Kelvin watches the message quietly, the whole time slowly wiping down his light reaction cannon. Kelvin is a human male, fairly non-descript, short brown hair, he is dressed in armor but over the armor he wears what appears to be oversized coveralls, torn and patched. His hands have the worn and calloused look of someone who makes their living with their hands. During the trip so far, Kelvin has mostly kept to himself, in what appears to be a near religious habit of laying out all of his gear, checking and cleaning it and then packing it back up again. When he has spoken it has been mostly short sentences about "I'm here for when things go bad, and they always go bad."


When will we get started?


I am a little rusty, it's been about a year or more since I played starfiner.

Going to switch over to Kelvin, who is the SF Character.


Hi, I have a level 7 human soldier.

Kelvin Thorn Solider 7