Sgtsplat's page
Organized Play Member. 57 posts (216 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.
I would like to play. I have a level 2 fighter and I have never played this scenario. I am farily new to Pathfinder but have played in a few PBP games, mostly on Discord.
Hey, thank you so much for running. I know we ran into a few snags along the way, but it was a pretty creepy adventure. Thanks for taking the time out to run.
not sure if it counts, but Darg also has that evil book of evilry that he got from the main badguy. Was he one of the missing pathfinders?
We never figured out who spied on us.
We have the wayfinder because Darg was wearing it for light.
I did pick up the bar sign.
Not sure if we found anything else, oh, what about the peice of armor with the crest?
understand, it is no problem, family first.
cue music from Conan the Barbarian, dun, dun, dun, dun dun, dun dun,
ahh much better, I have 8 Athletics again, want me to take lead on the wheel?
yeah, makes sense, he does have highest score. Darg normally has a higher score but he was hit with that fatigue ray. How long does that last?
can we just use Brayka's as the lead and let Darg assist, I have a +5 to Athletics, not sure what others have
so the loading of the wheel is not an Athletics check? How do you figure in athletics with the D100 roll? Just curious.
Happy Turkey Day to you all as well.
is that 27 a crit on the zombie?
good grief, Darg is swinging wild this fight
Ok, will make a save, just meant that he gives us a -1 and Ryiah gives us a +1 so effect cancel each other out, if I fail.
I spent Darg's last Hero point trying to save vs the ray of enfeeblement.
ok, i think i am following, so you did heal me, and now Ryiah healed me so I am still full health. Darg is happy to go toe to toe with the baddies while you all ge the stone down safely [actually he is not and thinks the whole adventure is crazy - risking our lives to save dead people and a horse, but...its Darg :) ]
i think Larraz should mostly just do disrupt undead unless someone takes a bunch of damage then stop, heal, and go back to disrupting undead, fairly simple approach.
sorry, my action last round was to raise my shield, the reaction that I took to the crossbow bolt was Shield Block. Sorry, still confused a little on rules.
waiting, think I can use Shield block as a reaction since my last action was to raise shield, so I think I am not going to take damage from the last attack, just waiting to make sure since I am a PF noob, but pretty sure that is how it works, so Darg probably doesnt need any healing right now.
so can Darg use Shield Block for the hit he took from the crossbow bolt?
cool, he should totally be using disrupt undead.
so as for our NPC cleric, is there a character for him or something to let us know what he can do?
i dont mind botting here and there, I think it is Nenyaths turn
whatever is shinny could be an item of pathfinder.
Hey, Nenyath, do you still have a hero or inspriation point left? Might be a good roll to use it on, I am not sure what to do, sounds like the poison isnt going to stop.
ugh, we are clear out of medical folks.
so not sure how poison saves work, if one of the team has medicine, can they assist? Would a nature or survival role tell us if this poison just runs a short course (survive 3 rounds of damage) vice it is deadly and uless treated keeps going until you die?
Would battlefield medicine help by healing the person so they could ride it out?
I guess bardic inspriration would help with the saving throw.
Just spitballing here as my toon has no medicine at all.
I am good with that plan.
Were we supposed to bring back the dead bodies? I thought we were just trying to ascertain their fate and bring them back if they are alive.
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thanks, i found this site, it is pretty cool, lets you pre-format a post with easy to use buttons and dialogue builder, then you view the raw text, copy, and pow, you look like you know what your doing....
Site link: https://www.dungeonetics.com/ppbpeditor/
How do I do something in a spoiler? I didnt see that in the linked instructions.
ok so Nenyath was botted.
I think the horse is dead.
In fact, the last zombie might be dead now, we shall see.
i didnt see the initiative order, where to I find that?
Nevermind, I found it.
I would like to continue, I hope red stays. I think we just need to be able to say what we are going to do for each scenario as it unfolds.
It looks like Rufous didnt commit to an action to cross the road. Maybe he could state his choice and if it means sneaking then he might not need to have made a fatigue roll. It is possible it was just defaulted to an earlier choice.I am pretty new to Pathfinder so a lot of this is a steep learning curve for me.
I set up small icons of us on the map page. They are not in any particular order so folks should position themselves as they want to.
Nenyath had made it across the road already, even with the fail, I was worried that Ryiah coudnt sprint, but if we all just sneak, that works too.
what roll do we need to make to run, is it Athletics?
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Rufous Redfire wrote: Sgtsplat wrote: Is there a template for a text character sheet? I use Herolab online, which only spits out PDFs I think. Would the stat block work from that program? Yes. Make sure to select BBCode.
See: Slide 23 from this Org Play PbP Intro. Thanks, I updated the format to the one specified in the slides.
Is there a template for a text character sheet? I use Herolab online, which only spits out PDFs I think. Would the stat block work from that program?
Another noobie question, I see in some of your posts, light blue listing of skills and bonuses. Are these skills you are using to support your narative? Do you roll them yourself of does the GM do all of the rolling in secret and provide a narrative of the results?
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Thanks, this is a new format for me, much appreciate the help.
How did you get all of your stats to show up with your posts?
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A tall human man, with long blond hair, dressed in heavy furs is standing at the far front of the ship. He is throwing small stones into the water. He takes a swig from a bottle of something and looks at Ryiah and Rufous "I sure hope this is the city I am suppose to be going to. I think I lost track of time down below, too many late nights playing dice witht he crew."
He turns back to look out over the forward of the ship a smile on his face as he lets the wind flow over him. "I like the music."
((Darg spends most of his downtime performing or fighting, either for show or in back alley matches to make enough copper to find a barn or common room to sleep in. This saves money to eat and drink in excess.))
((Darg can be unpredictable in high stress situations, his Chaotic Neutral alignment showing through, but he is generally brave, if a little reckless))
Player Name: Sgtsplat
Character Name: Darg
PFS / Character Number: 2370073 / 2001
Character Ancestry / Background / Class / Level: Human Versitile/Gladiator/Fighter/2
Downtime Skill / Task Level / Task DC / Die Result / Outcome: Performance +5
GM rainzax wrote: Community,
Looking for one or two (1 or 2) Backup Recruits to join "Escaping the Grave".
There will be a 24-hr turnaround in either case.
Please express interest below?
Hi, I just dont want to miss the start up, do we have a link to where the game will take place?
Think I got it, let me know if there are other things you want added. How did you get equipment and stuff added to your profile, i have very little to add in the form I have?
Ryiah Dorne wrote: GM Rainzax, I think Ryiah is good to go! Please let me know if there are any issues.
I am seconding Rufous' request for a gameplay thread, so that it's easier to track new posts.
Hello, I am not sure how to make my profile GM friendly. Also, I normally play on the Roll for Combat discord site, where will our room be set up at?
Thank you.