Accurate Strike (Ex): A rogue with this talent may add his Intelligence modifier to damage rolls as a bonus precision damage when using light weapons, finesse weapons, and ranged weapons used within a range of 30 feet. A rogue may add 1 point of damage from this talent by rogue’s level, up to his Intelligence modifier. This damage isn’t multiplied on a critical hit.
Acrobatic Dodge (Ex): A rogue with this talent can evade deadly attack by tumbling out of danger. As an immediate action when the rogue would normally be hit with a melee or ranged attack roll, he may make an Acrobatics check to avoid being hit. The DC for this check is equal to the attack roll that hits him. The rogue gains a free 5 foot step as part of this Acrobatics check, and must take it. If he can’t take this 5 foots step, he can’t use this talent. The movement doesn’t does not provoke an attack of opportunity and doesn’t count in the rogue movement for this round.
A rogue may only use this talent when he has an armor check penalty of 0, is carrying no more than a light load, and is not wielding a two handed weapon or shield. A rogue may use this talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Dexterity modifier. A rogue must be at least 6th level before selecting this talent.
Acrobatic Master (Ex): A rogue with this talent may move along narrow surfaces at full speed using the Acrobatics skill without penalty. In addition, a rogue with this talent is not flat-footed when using Acrobatics to move along narrow surfaces.
Finally, a rogue with this talent may roll two dices while making an Acrobatics check and take the best result. A rogue may use this talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Dexterity modifier. He must choose to use this talent before making the check.
Amateur Boltslinger (Ex): When selecting this talent, a rogue gains a number of grit point equal to his Wisdom modifier and all the boltslinger’s 1st level deeds. He also gains the marksmen boltslinger’s ability.
Assault Leader (Ex): As an immediate action when the rogue misses with an attack on a flanked opponent, he can designate a single ally who is also flanking the target that his attack missed. That ally can make a single melee attack against the opponent as an immediate action. Using this ability costs 1 point of guile. The rogue must be at least 6th level to select this ability.
Blade Twist (Ex): When a rogue with this talent lands an attack against a target using a piercing or slashing weapon, he may twist his blade as a free action, rending the target and dealing additional damage as per the Two-Weapon Rend feat. This ability can only be used once per round. Unlike the feat, the rogue doesn’t need to be dual-wielding to benefit from this ability. If he has the Weapon Finesse feat and is wielding a light or one-handed finesse weapon, the rogue may use his Dexterity for purposes of calculating damage form this talent. A rogue must be at least 10th level before selecting this talent.
Bleeding Attack* (Ex): A rogue with this talent can cause living opponents to bleed by hitting them with a sneak attack. This attack causes the target to take 1 additional point of damage each round for each die of the rogue’s sneak attack. Bleeding creatures take that amount of damage every round at the start of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage. Bleed damage from this ability does not stack with itself. Bleed damage bypasses any DR the creature might possess.
Bloody Mess* (Ex): When a rogue with this talent deals sneak attack damage to a target that is already bleeding from the effects of the bleeding attack talent, the target's bleed damage increases by 2 points per round, to a maximum of his rogue's level. The Heal check needed to end this bleed effect has its DC increased by the amount of bleed damage the target is taking each round. A rogue must have the bleeding attack talent and be a least 10th level before selecting this ability.
Cat fall (Ex): When a rogue with this talent falls 20 or more feet, he ignores the first 20 feet of the fall when calculating the falling damage. If the rogue takes no damage from the fall, he does not fall prone.
Charmer (Su and Ex): As a standard action, a rogue with this ability may charm a target within 30 feet for 1 minutes per rogue level he has attained. This ability functions as charm person, with a Will save DC equal to 10 + ½ the rogue’s level + the rogue Charisma modifier. Each use of this ability expends 1 point of guile.
Additionally, a rogue with this talent may roll two dice while making a Diplomacy check and take the best result. A rogue may use this talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Charisma modifier. He must choose to use this talent before making the check.
Crippling Strike* (Ex): A rogue with this ability can sneak attack opponents with such precision that his blows weaken and hamper their limbs. When a rogue with this talent strikes an opponent with a sneak attack, he also inflicts 2 points of Strength damage and prevents him to take 5 foot step until the beginning of the rogue’s next turn. A rogue must be at least 10th level before selecting this talent.
Cunning (Ex): When wearing light or no armor, a rogue with this talent adds up to 1 point of his Intelligence modifier to his Armor Class and CMD for each rogue’s level he has attained. He loses this bonus if flat-footed or otherwise denied his Dexterity modifier. This talent doesn’t stack with the canny defense duelist’s ability.
Death Attack (Ex): If a rogue with this talent studies his victim for 3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing the target (rogue's choice). Studying the victim is a standard action. The death attack fails if the target detects the rogue or recognizes the rogue as an enemy (although the attack might still be a sneak attack if the target is denied his Dexterity bonus to his Armor Class or is flanked). If the victim of such a death attack fails a Fortitude save DC 10 + 1/2 the rogue's class level + the rogue's Intelligence modifier against the death effect, it dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis effect, it is paralysed for a number of rounds equal to the rogue's level. If the victim's saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak attack. Once the rogue has completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the death attack within the next 3 rounds. A rogue must be at least 8th level before selecting this talent.
Dirty Fighting (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains Improved Dirty Trick as a bonus feat and counts his rogue level as his base attack bonus to determine dirty tricks combat manoeuver checks.
Dirty Fighting, Improved (Ex): A rogue with this talent can expend 1 point of guile as a swift action to perform a dirty trick maneuver as part of a sneak attack. In addition, he may choose to remove sneak attack bonus damage to improve his combat manoeuver check by 1 for each sneak attack dice removed. A rogue must be at least 6th level and must have the dirty fighting rogue talent before selecting this talent.
Esoteric Scholar (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains all Knowledge and Spellcraft as class skills.
Expert Tumbler (Ex): When a rogue with this talent uses Acrobatics to move at full speed through a threatened area without provoking an attack of opportunity, the DC of the Acrobatics check does not increase by 10.
Explosive bombs (Su): A rogue with this talent can create explosive bombs, as per the alchemist ability. For the purpose of damage, reflex DC and bomb related discoveries, rogue and alchemist’s level stacks. A rogue can also add his Intelligence modifier to the damage of any splash weapon he is using, including bombs, as per the throw anything alchemist’s ability. A rogue may use this talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Intelligence modifier.
Eyes of Darkness (Su): A rogue with this talent learns how to improve his sense through his connection to shadows. As a standard action and at the cost of 1 guile point, the rogue gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet for 10 minutes by rogue’s level. If he already has darkvision, he improves its range by 30 feet. At 10th, whenever the rogue uses this talent, he gains the see in darkness ability, as the universal monster rule. A rogue must have the shadow magic rogue’s talent before selecting this talent.
Fast Finger (Ex): A rogue with this talent can make a Sleight of Hand check in place of combat manoeuver check when attempting to steal an opponent possession. The rogue must have one hand free to use this ability.
Additionally, a rogue with this talent may roll two dice while making Sleight of Hand check and take the best result. A rogue may use this talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Dexterity modifier. A rogue can’t use this talent to reroll Sleight of Hand check used to attempt a combat manoeuver.
Fast Stealth (Ex): A rogue with this talent can move at full speed using the Stealth skill without penalty and halves stealth penalties while running.
Finesse Rogue (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains Weapon Finesse and Agile Manoeuver as bonus feats.
Fist Fighting (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains the benefit of Improved Two Weapon Fighting when using unarmed strikes. In addition, his unarmed strikes deal 1d6 point of damage. Finally, a rogue with this talent may count brass knuckles attacks as unarmed for the purpose of rogue talents and feats. A rogue must have the sucker punch rogue talent before selecting this talent.
Fist Fighting, Improved (Ex): When using unarmed strikes as part of a full-attack, a rogue with this talent doesn’t take any two weapon fighting penalties to unarmed attacks. Additionally, his unarmed strikes used as off-hand weapon always add his full strength modifier to damage rolls. A rogue must have the fist fighting rogue talent before selecting this talent.
Hard to Fool (Ex): If a rogue with this talent is affected by an illusion spell or effect and fails his saving throw, he can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC, with a +2 insight bonus. He gets only this one extra chance to succeed on his saving throw.
Additionally, a rogue with this talent may roll two dice while making a Sense Motive check and take the better result. A rogue may use this talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Wisdom modifier. He must choose to use this talent before making the check.
Hidden Weapons (Ex): A rogue with this talent can make a Sleight of Hand check to conceal a weapon while holding it in plain sight as a swift action, even while he is being observed. Additionally, a rogue with this talent may draw concealed weapons as a move action instead of a standard action (or as a free action if the rogue has the Quick Draw feat).
Keen Intellect (Ex): Some rogues are trained to use their wits and cunning to defend themself against mental and sensorial attacks. A rogue with this talent may use his Intelligence modifier instead of his Wisdom modifier on Will saving throws against mind-affecting effects and against spells and effect of the enchantment and illusion schools.
Lucky One (Ex): A rogue with this talent can, as a swift action and at the cost of one guile point, gain a +2 luck bonus to attack rolls, AC, saves or skill checks until the beginning of his next round.
Manoeuver training (Ex): A rogue with this talent may select Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Reposition, Improved Steal, Passing Trick or Two Weapon Feint. He must meet most the prerequisite for these feats, except for Combat Expertise, Dodge or Mobility feats.
Maneuver Training, Greater (Ex): A rogue with this talent may select of one the following feat as a bonus feat: Greater Dirty Trick, Greater Disarm, Greater Feint, Greater Reposition, Greater Steal, or Greater Trip. In order to select one of these feats, the rogue must have the equivalent improved maneuver feat. A rogue must be at least 6th level before selecting this talent.
Master of Deception (Su and Ex): Some rogue learns how to detect and deceive divination magic, either by projecting false toughs in their own mind or webbing lies into illusion like effects. A rogue with this talent is aware of divination effects landed upon him and may try to fool the information provided by such means. When targeted by divination spells and effects that affect him or any object in his possession, the rogue may roll a Bluff check opposed to the diviner Sense Motive check, as using Bluff to deceive someone, to alter what the caster perceives. Success means that the diviner perceives the false information’s provided by the rogue.
Additionally, a rogue with this talent may roll two dice while making a Bluff check and take the best result. A rogue may use this talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Charisma modifier. He must choose to use this talent before making the check.
Nut Kick (Ex): A rogue with this talent can cause a flat-footed opponent he hit with an unarmed strike to be nauseated for 1 round. This ability doesn’t work against creature immune to critical hit. This is a pain effect. A rogue must have the sucker punch rogue talent and be at least 8th level before selecting this talent.
Offensive Defense* (Ex): When a rogue with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage, he gains a +1 dodge bonus to his Armor Class for each sneak attack dice rolled for one round. This talent doesn’t stack with himself.
Opportunist (Ex): Once per round, a rogue with this talent can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck in melee by one of his ally. This attack counts as an attack of opportunity for that round. Even a rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat can't use the opportunist ability more than once per round. A rogue must be at least 10th level before selecting this talent.
Poison Bomb (Ex): A rogue may infuse a smoke bomb with a dose of any inhaled poison he possesses. This poison affects any creatures that start their round in the smoke and last as long as the smoke. A poison bomb doesn’t cause splash damage. The rogue must have the smoke bomb rogue talent before selecting this talent.
Poison Resistance (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made against poison. At 4th level, this bonus increases to +4. At 6th level, this bonus increases to +6. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +8. At 10th level, the rogue becomes immune to the effects of poison.
Quick Footwork (Ex): As a swift action, the rogue may spend 1 point of guile to take a 5-foot step, even if he has already moved or taken a 5-foot step this turn. Using this ability does not prevent the rogue from taking a move action later in the turn. Otherwise, this movement follows all the normal rules for a 5-foot step.
Quiet Death (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent kills a creature using his death attack during a surprise round, he can also make a Stealth check as a swift action, opposed by Perception checks of those in the vicinity, to prevent them from identifying him as the assailant. If successful, those nearby don’t even notice that the target is dead until the end of the rogue’s next round, allowing the rogue to avoid detection. A rogue must have selected the Death Attack talent and be at least 10th level before selecting this talent.
Range Dupery (Ex): A rogue with this talent may use the feint action at a range of 30 feet. In addition, if using daggers or throwing darts, he may add his Charisma modifier to ranged attack rolls against the opponent he has feinted in addition to his Dexterity modifier.
Redirect Attack (Ex): When a rogue with this talent is hit with a melee attack, he can redirect the attack to strike at an adjacent creature with a free action. The creature targeted must be within melee reach of the attack that hit the rogue, and the creature that made the attack against the rogue must make a new attack roll against the new target. A rogue can use this talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Wisdom modifier.
Redirect Attack, Improved (Ex): When a rogue with this talent uses his redirect attack talent, he can add his sneak attack dice to the damage his enemy deals. A rogue must have selected the Redirect talent and be at least 6th level before selecting this talent
Rogue Crawl (Ex): A rogue with this talent can move at half speed while prone and reduces the armor class penalties for being prone to -2 against melee attackers.
Secretive (Su): A rogue with this talent has gained magical assistance in protecting himself from divinations, perhaps through a self-taught ritual or a pact with otherworldly beings. He gains spell resistance 10 + his rogue’s level against any spells or effects of the divination school. This applies whenever a divination effect would provide information about him, even if the spell is not normally subject to spell resistance (such as the divination spell or contact other plane). Additionally, the DC of all Diplomacy checks made to gather information about this rogue and the DC of all Survival checks to track him increase by his rogue level.
Sixth Sense (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent comes within 10 feet of a trap, he receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM. In addition, the rogue may ad his Wisdom modifier as an insight bonus on Initiative checks.
Finally, a rogue with this talent may reroll while making an Initiative check and take the better result. A rogue may use this talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Wisdom modifier.
Smoke Bomb (Ex): This ability allows a rogue to throw a special bomb that creates a cloud of smoke with a 15-foot radius in addition to the normal explosion. This acts like the smoke from a smokestick. The rogue can choose to supress the explosion effect at the time he throws the bomb. The rogue must have the explosive bombs rogue talent before selecting this talent.
Stand Up (Ex): A rogue with this ability can stand up from a prone position as a free action. He may make an Acrobatics check to avoid the attack of opportunity this provokes with a bonus to the roll equal to 1/2 his rogue level. The DC of this check is equal to his opponent's CMD.
Stealthy Sniper (Ex): A rogue with this talent reduces the stealth penalty to sniping by 10 and increases his sneak attack maximum range by 10 feet.
Sucker Punch (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. Once per encounter, if he uses unarmed strike against an opponent, the target is caught flat-footed against this attack.
Toxicologist (Ex): A rogue with this talent may add his Intelligence modifier to the save DC of any poison he creates. However, he must add this number to the DC needed to create this poison. The rogue must be at least 8th level before selecting this talent.
Trapfinding (Ex): This functions as the rogue class ability of the same name. Selecting this talent allows rogues with an archetype that trades it out access to this rogue ability.
Underhanded* (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a weapon. Furthermore, if he makes a sneak attack during the surprise round using a concealed weapon that his opponent didn’t know about, he doesn't have to roll sneak attack damage, and the sneak attack deals maximum damage. A rogue can only use the underhanded talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Charisma modifier.
Unseen’s Master (Su): Whenever a rogue with this talent uses his shadow magic talent, he is treated as if he were under the effects of greater invisibility. The rogue must have the shadow magic talent and be at least 10th level before selecting this talent.
Shadow Magic (Su): A rogue with this talent has started to learn the mysterious rogue art of shadow magic. As a swift action, a rogue with this talent can disappear for 1 round per level. This ability functions as invisibility. Using this ability cost 1 point of guile.
Venom Blade (Ex): A rogue with this talent can apply poison to a weapon as a move action, instead of a standard action. In addition, any poison the rogue creates is sticky – when the rogue applies it to a weapon, the weapon remains poisoned for a number of strikes equal to the rogue’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 2). The rogue must be at least 6th level before selecting this talent.
Vicious Ambush (Ex): The rogue has learned to attack from surprise with astonishing speed, catching his targets unawares. A rogue with this talent can take full-round actions during surprise round.
In addition, when performing a full attack action against a target that would be denied its Dexterity bonus against the rogue's first attack, the target is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against one additional attack. Activating this ability is a swift action that costs 1 point of guile. A rogue must be at least 10th level before selecting this talent.
Volley of Needles (Ex): A rogue with this talent can expend 1 point of guile as a standard action to launch a volley of throwing darts in a 20 feet cone. He must roll an attack independently for any target within this area. Targets takes damage as if hit by a dart thrown normally. Volley of needles ignores targets concealment or miss chances provided by spells such mirror image. A rogue can’t add sneak attack damages against flat-footed opponents when using this talent, but he still can add sneak attack damages on a successful critical hit. Critical fumble on an attack roll doesn’t prevent the rest of the darts to hit their targets. This ability is considered a ranged attack with a thrown weapon for the purpose of feat and attack of opportunity.
Volley of Needles, Improved (Ex): A rogue with this talent can launch additional darts when using volley of needles. The rogue may launch two darts by target at his full attack bonus instead of one. Additionally, the rogue’s critical modifier for throwing dart becomes 19-20/x2. The rogue must be at least 8th level and must have the volley of needles rogue talent before selecting this talent.
Volley of Needles, Accurate (Ex): A rogue with this talent increases the range of volley of needle to 30 feet and can avoid a number of allies equal to his Intelligence modifier. The rogue must be at least 6th level and must have the volley of needles rogue talent before selecting this talent.
Volley of Needles, Greater (Ex): A rogue with this talent can launch three darts by target when using the volley of needle rogue talent. In addition, if a target is hit by at least 2 darts, he is staggered for 1 round. This is a pain effect. A rogue must be at least 10th level and must have the improved volley of needles rogue talent before selecting this talent.
Volley of Needles, Targeted (Ex): A rogue with this talent can concentrate his volley of needle against a specific opponent. Doing so, he can reduce the number of dart thrown at all other targets within the cone (minimum 1) and add this total to the dart thrown at his designated opponent. A rogue must have the improved volley of needles rogue talent and be at least 10th level before selecting this talent.
Weapon Snatcher (Ex): A rogue with this talent can make a Sleight of Hand check in place of a combat maneuver check when attempting to disarm an opponent. A rogue must have one hand free to use this talent.