Hello fellow Pathfinders,
I'm looking for a place to play PACG OP in Paris and wherever I checked I found nothing so far.
Of course I contacted my VL who told me he managed only PFRPG.
I contacted my VC thrice, on different email addresses to be sure he gets at least one message (including PM on Paizo.com); to no avail. I'm not really sure he's still performing VC duty for my area.
To make matters worse; the nearest PACG-VOs are located in London or Amsterdam!
I wrote to Mike Brock asking for assistance; if he can point out stores/people in my area where I could look for OP (maybe some LGS have registered and I'm not aware of). While I'm still waiting for his reply, I thought it wouldn't hurt to also send my request for help on the messageboards.
I'm considering going to some stores and talk with the staff about OP. I'm not really comfortable doing that since I have limited knowledge and time for OP but I'll do what I can to make things happen.
Thanks for anyone who can share tips about how I should proceed.
Vive Pathfinder! ;-)