Holy Guide

Kaleb Vesperra's page

147 posts. Organized Play character for Mystery Cult.

This may be an unusual post, but there is no problem anymore. I want to say a big thanks to Paizo company and the whole team that provides customer support! After the post lost my order, Paizo made a complete replacement. The order was quite big, with a large number of hardcovers and pawns so it was pretty generous. Special thanks for how quickly I received the answer and the decision was made. It's very professional. I'm your client forever ;) Thank you very much!

Good day! I would like to know what is happening with my order. I ordered back in late September, but it is still not sent! I will soon have a long trip and I need my order before departure. Please clarify this issue as soon as possible. Thank you!

Dark Archive

Need help in creating a solid character. This question is not about builds and feats, but only about the very nature and idea.

Introductory concepts:

1. Half-orc.
2. Paladin.
3. On some moment, the Abyss start to speak 'throw him'. It's a shock and horror for him and he is unable to full control it, only partially (so as not to do evil).

Technically it will be two levels of paladin and oracle after. Or alternately, we'll see. As oracle, he'll get an Outer Rifts Mystery (and it will exactly Abyss, yes). As oracle's curse he'll have the Tongues (with abyssal language certainly) and The Powerless Prophecy (with half-orc's sacred tattoo the idea will be that in these tattoos writings his future and his mission, but he is unable to decipher it; and they appeared that day when the Abyss 'opened' in him). Curses will be two because of archetype. Last but not least, his mind a bit shaken from it all, and his wisdom will be only 7 .))

That's the idea, now I want you to help me to enrich it with details. First of all, how does the unfortunate paladin will live with this event, as he became "the Oracle of the Abyss"? What will he do? How will this affect the codex? How he should behave in order to combine these two opposite vectors?

Please help me to come up with the backstory of the guy and his current. I like this dilemma, the drama of the character. And I want to develop this in something that will beautifully and intelligently fit into the world of Golarion.

Dark Archive

Hello everyone! Question on Stealth and Darkness Blessing of Warpriest.

First part about mechanics:

1. Do I understand correctly that for one minute, while I have a blessing, I can go in Stealth, even being observed (because there is a concealment)?
2. Can I do this in the beginning of my turn (while being observed), combining stealth check with the movie action, and after doing the shot (on the same turn ) and get a bonus for a sneak attack?
3. If yes, can I do the same, but without movie action? I mean, what action it will be to go to stealth when I'm already in concealment)?
3. Can I go into Stealth while have this blessing, after I did an attack? And after made the move action and standard attack action on one turn?

Second part about combine this blessing with any good tactics, maybe with some feats, or maybe some sneaky tips - to do my fight strategy better.

Thanks everybody!