![]() Greetings:
Can't the burrower emerge or the flier land? Do they, but in another square? And the walking one, goes back to the last square they could occupy? Do they then automatically know there's something invisible in the square they tried to move to? And one last case: a character A is charging against a character B, but an invisible character C is in the middle and he doesn't let the charger go through his square unimpeded. Does A charge against C? ![]()
![]() "Prepared and then cast", the recquisites for the Pearl to recover a spell, are the point. One was prepared but lost, the other was cast but not prepared. A Pearl cannot be used to recover a spell lost, say, after being afflicted by a Spellsteal or failing a concentration roll and not successfully casting it. But the provision Jeraa points of the Spontaneous spell being as if it always has been prepared all along seems to clear the question: the Cure spell (or Summon Nature's Ally for druids) is recovered by the Pearl. ![]()
![]() Enervation adds negative levels, and when you possess somebody through Magic Jar "you keep your... level". So I'd say Vilcaster would be affected by the Enervation, not Bigfellow, even if Bigfellow's body is slain. As for casting Enervation on a "ghosted" Bigfellow, creatures with undead traits are immune to energy drain, and "an undead creature struck by the ray gains 1d4x5 temporary hit points for 1 hour". The body retains its hit points. The question is, which type would be a "malevolenced" humanoid? Undead, humanoid or both? I'd say the body's type. So, while under Malevolence, Vilcaster on Bigfellow would suffer the negative levels, and if he abandoned the body he would lost the negative levels and gain the temporary hit points for 1 hour minus the time since Enervation was cast on him. ![]()
![]() Greetings:
Do they all stop being nauseated because the spell ended or do they remain nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds if they where inside the cloud or the remainder of their 1d4+1 rounds if they had already left it? Thank you! ![]()
![]() Sorry if I'm being a bit dense(r) today. Our boy here is a Phistophilus, aka Contract Devils. They can magically use the contracts they wear as lethal damage whips. Ok until here. Now: as they don't have any special feats regarding whips.
2. A real whip allows you to attack with reach but you don't threaten those squares. The Phistophilus has reach "5 ft. (10 ft. with binding contract)". Is that real-reach or whip-like reach? 3. "A contract devil can use its binding contract to disarm and trip foes as if the contract were a whip" but his Impale (Ex) states: "a contract devil can impale an opponent grappled by its binding contract". And you can't grapple with a whip without special feats, right? Or again, "it looks like a whip but..." ![]()
![]() That's a definitive ruling out of its use in combat, thank you very much, EvilMinion: totally missed the "or spell description" part. In theUniversal Monster Rules of the Bestiary it reads "Using all other [than constant] spell-like abilities is a standard action unless noted otherwise, and doing so provokes attacks of opportunity". I see your quote comes from the more basic Core Rulebook. It also rules out the impromptu casting of a Symbol in combat for the same reasons. Well, we'll have to be less colorful, it seems :) ![]()
![]() So, it would target the effect of a cursed magic item on somebody, but it wouldn't lift the curse from the item. That's pretty clear. As I re-read it, it also seems clearer that the only permanent item effects affected are curses, so forgtting to affect Helpful Transmutations or Enchantments. How about the spell ones? Targetting a bunch of creatures with Barkskin, Overland Flight and Heroism cast on them: are they potentially dispelled? ![]()
![]() I thought about the "victims" part, because that's made me doubt a lot. But spells wording in that regard tend to add words like "willing/unwilling target" or "harmful"... and on the other hand, many cursed victims are not willing. Also, the Saving Throw entry just says "see text" (which then talks about CL Checks, but no STs), which doesn't help much. ![]()
![]() Break Enchantment wrote: If the effect comes from a permanent magic item, break enchantment does not remove the curse from the item, but it does free the victim from the item's effects. This seems to indicate that it works on effects coming from items, at least cursed items, but maybe also enchantment and transmutation items. ![]()
![]() I'm thinking on using a Break Enchantment spell-like ability as a team debuff (vs things like Barkskin, Heroism, Fly...). CL 13 for the example. Sharing to see if I'm understanding everything right: - As a Spell-Like Ability, it would be a Standard action to cast. Duration is Instantaneous, so a single use would target every Enchantment, Transmutation or Curse of up to 13 targets all within 30' of each other, with CL checks for each case. - How about magic items like a Belt of Mighty Constitution or a Headband of Alluring Charisma with Transmutation auras? Would those be affected? How? Negated until they are taken off and worn again? 1d4 rounds like with a Dispel Magic? Would they then resume working as temporary ability bonuses (as within the first 24 hours after first wearing it)? ![]()
![]() Unklbuck wrote:
Not really a strong argument, given Break Enchantment specifically states it CAN cancel 5th level spells. It's into his power's reach, in that sense. ![]()
![]() Socrates says Athenians are liars.
It's the same here. Feeblemind states conditions that will remove its effect. It never states those conditions are the ONLY EVER that may remove it. While, Break Enchantment states in can cancel Feeblemind (given the conditions it's an 5th lv Enchantment which can't be negated by Dispel Magic); the only condition that could keep BE from cancelling FM is that it's not among the spells that FM states can remove it. So we can either have a paradox of circular "special rule trumps special rule trump special rule trump...", OR we can step out of it noting that FM isn't completely armored (as it should: anybody should be able to create another spell, some day, that negates or suppresses FM, at a high enough level and with the right reasons, without needing the original spell to change its description), and by any other characteristic of it Break Enchantment should work ![]()
![]() Let's break it into parts. What does Break Enchantment do by the rules? Break Enchantment wrote: This spell frees victims from enchantments, transmutations, and curses. Break enchantment can reverse even an instantaneous effect. For each such effect, you make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level, maximum +15) against a DC of 11 + caster level of the effect. Success means that the creature is free of the spell, curse, or effect. For a cursed magic item, the DC is equal to the DC of the curse. Ok. Is Feeblemind an Enchantment? Yes, it is. Break Enchantment wrote: If the spell is one that cannot be dispelled by dispel magic or stone to flesh, break enchantment works only if that spell is 5th level or lower. Can Feeblemind be dispelled by dispel magic or stone to flesh? No. Is it 5th level or lower? Yes.Everything in the description of Feeblemind says Break Enchantment will work, even the bit about the subject remainin in that state "until a heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell is used to cancel the effect of the feeblemind". That bit still means Feeblemind can't be dispelled by dispel magic or stone to flesh, hence Break Enchantment works. ![]()
![]() I like specific and lateral-thinking items. Things that would be made by a particular spellcaster and not sold as a regular item anywhere. We already know the regular stuff, and the dark, gruesome stuff is supposedly for the "other guys". But you, weirdo in the corner, are my baby. And nobody puts weirdo in the corner... (I also love classic -and I mean CLASSIC: pre-Tolkien stuff- items given a new spin) ![]()
![]() GM_Solspiral wrote:
Butterfly themed item also one of my favorite ones, just commented my wife "that's what I call Superstar" ;) ![]()
![]() A regular Summoner "Shield Ally/Greater Shield Ally" ability doesn't work when the eidolon is "grappled, helpless, paralyzed, stunned or unconscious". I don't see anything on those lines in the Synthesist archetype's equivalent "Shielded Meld/Greater Shielded Meld" description. Is that meant to be so or is it something that slipped the designer's attention?