KalEl el Vigilante's page
RPG Superstar 8 Season Dedicated Voter, 9 Season Dedicated Voter. 133 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.
A burrowing creature tries to emerge on a square occupied by an invisible character. Or a flying creature tries to land ond said square. Or said invisible character lets a creature go through his square, but the moving creature chooses to end her movement in the invisible creature square.
Can't the burrower emerge or the flier land? Do they, but in another square? And the walking one, goes back to the last square they could occupy? Do they then automatically know there's something invisible in the square they tried to move to?
And one last case: a character A is charging against a character B, but an invisible character C is in the middle and he doesn't let the charger go through his square unimpeded. Does A charge against C?
How much time does it take to learn a spell from a borrowed spellbook to copy it? The Spellcraft skill says 1 hour per spell level, but the Magic chapter (Arcane Spells/Arcane Magical Writings/Adding Spells to a Wizard Spellbook) says you must spend 1 hour (flat) after deciphering it.
When a cleric turns a prepared spell into a spontaneous cure spell, and later uses a Pearl of Power to recover it, does she get the original spell back or the Cure one?
Thank you!
Is there anything ruling out (or in) the use of claws attacks while wearing magic gloves?
I am wondering what happens to people nauseated by a stinking cloud spell when its duration expires.
Do they all stop being nauseated because the spell ended or do they remain nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds if they where inside the cloud or the remainder of their 1d4+1 rounds if they had already left it?
Thank you!
Sorry if I'm being a bit dense(r) today.
Our boy here is a Phistophilus, aka Contract Devils. They can magically use the contracts they wear as lethal damage whips. Ok until here.
Now: as they don't have any special feats regarding whips.
1. Would they generate AoO when attacking, as doing with a real whip would? Or they don't because "they can wield these contracts like whips" but they are not really whips?
2. A real whip allows you to attack with reach but you don't threaten those squares. The Phistophilus has reach "5 ft. (10 ft. with binding contract)". Is that real-reach or whip-like reach?
3. "A contract devil can use its binding contract to disarm and trip foes as if the contract were a whip" but his Impale (Ex) states: "a contract devil can impale an opponent grappled by its binding contract". And you can't grapple with a whip without special feats, right? Or again, "it looks like a whip but..."
I'm thinking on using a Break Enchantment spell-like ability as a team debuff (vs things like Barkskin, Heroism, Fly...). CL 13 for the example.
Sharing to see if I'm understanding everything right:
- As a Spell-Like Ability, it would be a Standard action to cast. Duration is Instantaneous, so a single use would target every Enchantment, Transmutation or Curse of up to 13 targets all within 30' of each other, with CL checks for each case.
- How about magic items like a Belt of Mighty Constitution or a Headband of Alluring Charisma with Transmutation auras? Would those be affected? How? Negated until they are taken off and worn again? 1d4 rounds like with a Dispel Magic? Would they then resume working as temporary ability bonuses (as within the first 24 hours after first wearing it)?
A bone devil has been confused by a sorcerer and is currently engaged in combat with a summoner who attacked him. Can the osyluth activate his fear aura (free action) in addition to his full attack or is something in the "confused" or "attacks attacker" states that would prevent it?
A regular Summoner "Shield Ally/Greater Shield Ally" ability doesn't work when the eidolon is "grappled, helpless, paralyzed, stunned or unconscious".
I don't see anything on those lines in the Synthesist archetype's equivalent "Shielded Meld/Greater Shielded Meld" description. Is that meant to be so or is it something that slipped the designer's attention?
Picture a forest with barely no undergrowth but with lots of trees. Mostly normal trees, with some massive trees scattered here and there. Can one run through squares with a normal tree or do they block running in some way?
Can an incorporeal being be held by extradimensional spaces?
For example, tricking a Shadow inside a Portable Hole and then folding it while she is inside; until the Hole is opened again
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Can a kitsune lycanthrope change to his human aspect while in hybrid form (keeping the lycanthropic alignment and stats, and losing bite, but looking human)?
Can he do it the first night he is afflicted, when as a lycanthrope he is "locked" in animal form, but otherwise mantains the access to his regular racial and class abilities?
A Small Dire Rat has a Medium size character grappled and has moved him inside a small sized tunnel. The dire rat intends to keep using grapple checks to move itself and its prey towards the other side of the tunnel, where her lair (and master) is.
While the Dire Rat wins grapple checks, is she moving half her encumbered speed (as per Grapple rules) or a quarter of that (as if she was squeezing)?
Or would the squeeze rules only apply to the medium PC if he managed to get free and tried to run away of the dire rat?
Thank you for your insight!
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen:
Say a character (or a monster) is flying 10' or 60' over the ground. Would dropping to the ground (voluntarily ceasing flight and falling, as opposed to landing) be a no action or a move action?
What I'm looking at is if the falling character would have his move+ standard+5'step regular full round.
Also: can he use a spell-like ability once he is on the ground?
Related: to avoid all "falling damage" could he make a DC 10 Fly check? (The Fly skill says "If you are falling and have the ability to fly you can make a DC 10 Fly check to negate the damage. You cannot make this check if you are falling due to a failed Fly check or a collision", which wouldn't be the case). Or would he be limited to the regular Acrobatics?
A medium wererat in hybrid form is Slept by a spell and tied up. When he awakens, he shapechanges to his dire rat form (small): would he automatically be free or does he just receive a bonus to his Escape Artist check?
Thank you in advance for all the insight!
What effect would an Antiplague have on a character who is already infected with a disease but still in the onset time? None, or would he re-roll the first infection check?
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen:
This may have been addressed before but...
...is the Bird Feather Token wondrous item the perfect way to find somebody in your same plane? You tell him who you want it to take your message to (who, not where) and he goes, unerringly. If you can match a "small bird" speed (Fly 60'-80') you can pretty much find anybody.
And it's a conjuration item, thus maybe even sidestepping Mind Blank
What would be the DC to gather some information about the name "Five Storms"? Knowledge (Local) or (History) 25 to even recognize it? (Arcana) or (Planes)?
BTW: not directly playing the "Jade Regent" adventure path, but adapting some parts of it for a Minkaian-born group.
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen:
Does a character keep healing the non-lethal damage of hustling while he keeps hustling, at a rate of 1 hp/lv per hour?
I.e.: a lv 1 character hustles for 1 hour. No damage. 2nd hour of hustling, 1 point of non-lethal damage and fatigued. 3 hour of hustling, the first point of non-lethal is healed, thus the fatigue leaves, though he receives 2 more points of non-lethal damage and becomes fatigued again. 3rd hour of hustling, he heals 1 non-lethal, gets 4 more non-lethal (for a total of 5 non-lethal damage) and becomes exhausted as he adds fatigued over already fatigued.
Or is the non-lethal damage from hustling not naturally recovered until he stops hustling?
The Combat section states "You can't execute an attack of opportunity against an opponent with cover relative to you".
Now, there are at least three levels of cover: Partial Cover, Cover and Improved Cover. They all are called cover.
To put it in an example: a wizard in a square occupied by a tree has Partial Cover. Does he need to cast his spells on the defensive to avoid Attacks of Opportunity from the enemies that surround him?
Do a Summoner (Synthesist) old-age penalties to STR/DEX/CON apply to his Eidolon form? I would think that, RAW, no, as the body is a different one... but it seems a bit cheaty to me.
Say I have a Wizard/Brightness Seeker elven character with the Natural Spell feat. He Rebirths, as per the BS Lv5 power. If he memorized spells, could he use Natural Spell in his new animal shape, or he needs to spend Wild Shape daily uses to do so?
The Natural Spell feat says the character can normally cast spells while in Wild Shape, but it doesn't refers to other types of change, like the Animal Shape or Shapechange spells, Baleful Polymorph or being reincarnated in an animal.
Thank you all!