Cayden Cailean

Justin Case's page

2,548 posts. Alias of Ragadolf.


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Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Sorry (my memory is worse than usual, due to stressful relationship with my son right now, and surgical recovery is not helping) ;P Do I use my OWN CR roll for wands?? (I know i use my own for STAFFS), Thx

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

"Immune to a lot, weak to Electricity. Let's test that vulnerability, shall we?"

Justin pops the wand from his wrist-sheath into his hand, and levels it at the fast-moving nightmare.

Lightning bolt (wand): 6d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5, 5, 4, 2) = 22

Sadly, my evocation bonuses do not count for wands.

Everyone remember your Haste bonus, and +2 Att/Dmg bonuses from the Azati's Inspire Courage!

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

OHmigosh, yer makin' me HUNGRY! O_o

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Not an expert, but I DO know about the "Asterix" comics. ;)

Ah yes, Classic Karrin! :D

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

See? THIS is why I luv this group. :)

Justin doesn't even try to keep up with Karrin. Although he puts away his fair share.

What the hey! It's a celebration. They survived a trip to a Plane no SANE humanoid visits on purpose! Main goal and others rescued. And he's pretty certain any excess calories he's eating will be worked off on their NEXT trip, which starts in,.... DANGIT! They're gonna be late! Well,... maybe just ONE more bite. And drink.

(Which explains the condition they arrived in at the start of the Main Thread right after!) ;P

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Karrin Kind wrote:
'Well you know what would be a great cap to this adventure? Food. Let's go to that Ogre place and get the whole roasted boar. I think it's stuffed with onions, chestnuts, and other secret ogre seasonings."

"When you're right, you are RIGHT!" Justin agrees.

Now I presume that is where we were eating at when DM started the wrap up. OR is this Karrin's way of saying that the previous meal was a great appetizer, and now she is ready for a MEAL?!? ;)

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Memnon the Mimir wrote:

Memnon twirls in that odd way that signifies a shrug

“I mean, there are a lot of uses. Alchemists can make all sorts of mutagenic masterpieces from it. There’s protection from petrification potions, anti-anti-magic potions (would that be pro-magic?), basically any spell effect that a beholder has, its ichor can mimic”

THAT info seems to boggle Justin's mind a bit. His eyes glaze over slightly.

"Aw man. Sometimes I really do wish I could be a simple research wizard. The possibilities with this stuff is literally limited only by the imagination."

"I just dont have the TIME."

, Must. Not. Fall. Down. Making. Up. Magic. Items. Rabbit. Hole! Wizzie will fall in, and never crawl back out! ;P

Edit- Might be too late. Old Wizzie is having,... ideas. >_<

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Murphenrietta Cherrywood wrote:

Murphy sighs

“It’s a lot more complicated. The Harmonium are not paladins. At least, not many are. It also sounds like the people what got scragged were nosing around their kip, Ser Sha’Vander excepted. “

That worthy has already departed, pleading urgent business at his shop

“And we only have his word that he was an innocent. Perhaps he was cross-trading them on a deal?”

She shrugs

“The Harmonium aren’t perfect, but they do keep order in a very chaotic place”

"Maybe? Or maybe they thought he knew or discovered something and grabbed him to make sure he kept quiet? So to us it looks like a random kidnapping? Or maybe all of them WERE random kidnappings. Except you. Because you really WERE snooping around their kip."

Justin shakes his head and smirks. But his heart isn't really into it, so the sarcasm is weak. Or maybe just tired.

"Well Murph, I know YOU do your best. I'm not so sure I'd agree about some of your co-workers though. I mean 'Richard' really makes it hard not to call him by his nickname sometimes. MOST times honestly."

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Alessia of Keoland wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

SO, If I am counting right, split 9-ways?

Merle, Alessia, Crookshanks, Swire, Avrahim, Martin, Karrin, Mel, Justin
9, yes?

So 666GP each, with a few spare silver left over for each. (Actual math is 666.666667 GP each ;P

I doubt Alessia would be interested in any of the treasure, so feel free to split 8 ways

Justin clearly has trouble understanding how anyone, even undead with no desires for 'normal' mortal things, could turn down money. O_o But if she insists, he will re-distribute the gold. ;P (Seriously, Are you sure? I dont wanna gip you out of anything!)

EDIT- I mean, in hindsight, The wizzie REALLY likes having someone so durable to hide, I mean STAND behind! ;P

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Memnon the Mimir wrote:

Memnon discusses the carboy full of Beholder juice

“Well boss, the container has a glammer on it, some sort of specialized gentle repose spell I’m thinking. Some magewrights make containers like that when dealing with substances that spoil easily. However, the clock IS ticking. My advice? Find an alchemist and sell/trade it. It won’t maintain its properties long”

Justin scribbles notes into his small leather-bound traveling notebook.

"Makes sense. Let me know if we, and by 'WE' I mean 'YOU', need to save any of it for any specialty potions. Or if it can be used in any alchemical or magic items we can make use of. Otherwise,... I know a couple of people that might be interested."

'No WAY am I giving that fat tiefling alchemist-wannabe anything like THIS. But I'll bet that, yeah. They'll be interested.'

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Justin replies to Murphy.

"Well. That figures. Let me know if you need a good excuse. I'm sure I can come up with something. I'll tell them I needed YOU for a consultation for a change." Justin smirks.

"So, what you're saying is, Even if we had hard and indisputable evidence that the Scarlet Circle was kidnapping Sigilites, which I would HOPE is against the law, It would have to be more than 'mugging someone in an alley' to get them involved enough to take the Circle down?"

"Sheesh. I KNOW they're nicknamed 'Hardheads', but still, Sheesh. No Offense Murph."

"Kinda makes me wish I had pushed for a more 'finish what we started' approach. But I was just glad to find you still alive and kicking. And I'm TRYING to keep the whole 'Burning everything I touch to the ground' to a bare minimum. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I might need to re-think that strategy again."

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Hamar of the Hyena Tribe wrote:
Hamar spent that entire time in bed with an exotic pirate princess! Now I regret not having started a four year side session to play through that!

ROFL! I guess you do! ;P Congrats! I've heard of a 'long night' before, but 4 years has to be some kind of a record! ;)

(Has it REALLY been 4 years?) O_o

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

We DID manage to bring back 6,000GP worth of melted Gold Elemental. How many ways do we split it? Before they head back out on the main thread, Justin wants to make sure he is up-to-date with his tabs, particularly O.L.L.I. :) (Good researchers are hard to find!)

Justin will also Thank his friend Martin and the remaining others for their help.

Justin will chat with Murphy (over dinner, or maybe after) to make sure she is OK, and see if he can help her with any after-report items she may need verification on with her supervisors. (I can't imagine the hardheads are going to let a bunch of Vamps and their exotic mechanized coterie get away with kidnapping Sigil folks. ALthough maybe Justin is still living his world where everything is as it SHOULD be, instad of how it IS)(?) ;P

Will converse with Memnon (AND the GM) to determine what to do with the container of 'Essense of Beholder'.

Justin is making a note of 'favor' owed for rescuing Braxton Sha’Vander V !!! :D

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

I understand. RL IS being a pain-in-the-tuckus right now. :P (Isn't summer supposed to be relaxing?!?) >_<

"Everyone OK?" The wizard asks.

Justin glances at the now-battered and broken spider-things on the ground.

"Memnon, Unless you tell me there's something on the bodies of immense mystical and/or alchemical value,... Nope. I mean, I'm interested in unusual constructs. BUT other-planer, Abyssmal Constructs? THAT'S a bit much, even for me."

Justin walks over to the star-shaped depression in the wall. He turns to the others.

"Everyone OK?" He asks again.

"Buckle up boys and girls. We're going home! Before anything else on this rusty-hind-end cube tries to eat us!"

Justin reaches over his shoulder to his haversack, and pulls out a flask of lamp oil. He dribbles a drop or two of oil into his palm, and slaps it onto the center of the star.

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

The wizard, somehow managed to evade the 'Tornado of Terror', and maintain his summoning chant. (Amazing what a strong sense of self-preservation can accomplish. And an Adrenaline rush never hurt either.)

Justin finishes his conjuration with a verbal flourish, and a look of what can only be relief.
From the glowing circle of runes in front of him emerges a large creature.
The top half of a very tall, beautiful, and winged elven woman emerges from the circle. Followed by the bottom half of a large snake tail.

The Azata hovers in the air before her summoner, a look of mild amusement on her seductive features.

"Hail Lillend!" Justin calls to the Azata.
"We face a most bizarre interplanar foe. I request your aid with support and healing my comrades while fighting it."

The wizard grins. "And, if you can help us to kick it's semi-ethereal backside, that would be great too."

The winged elvish-serpent lady throws back her head and laughs. It is a pleasant, musical sound.

"This should prove to be interesting. I shall aid you human wizardling. Kindly make the battle a tale worth telling!"

The Lillend Azata unslings a small harp, and begins strumming and singing.

Azata, Lillend
The Lillend will start by using Bardic abilities, as a 7th lvl Bard. 'Inspire Courage', +2 Morale Bonus vs Charm & Fear Effects, & +2 Competence Bonus on to hit and dmg rolls.

Merle wrote:
"Oh for,... Would you lot quit playing around." Merle unleashed a barrage of magic missiles on the thing.

Justin pulls out his Blasting Rod and points it at the crazy critter.

"I'm not sure I'd call it playing,... Shazbot!"
Justin unleashes his own barrage of magical bolts on the creature.

Magic Missile, 'Standard' max + Evocation Bonus +Rod bonus
5d4 + 5 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 1, 4) + 5 + 6 + 1 = 26

SHORT version, Summon appears and starts Inspire Courage (+2), Justin's round 2 is casting magic missile.

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Alessia of Keoland wrote:
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Alessia’s damage: 3d6 + 1d8 ⇒ (1, 4, 4) + (1) = 10
DR is currently sitting at 12 (if I read the feat correctly), and 6 (if I didn't), so Alessia either takes 0 or 4 damage.

Until Alessia joined us, I hadn't realized how AMAZING DR is. (Unless the monsters have it, of course!) ;P

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

The wizard's eyes widen.
He doesn't stop his chanting, but the (slightly) panicked look on his face says it all,...

"You have GOTTA be kidding me!"

Ref: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Karrin Kind wrote:

I might have gotten this fight confused with the other one.

Yeah, I might be guilty of that too. :) (To be fair, I'm pretty confused IRL right now.) ;P

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Justin's summons will arrive top of round two, so he is out for rest of this round. Honestly, not sure whether to suggest that we all group up to cover each other? OR spread out so as not to provide easy group target for an unknown AoE! ;P

You KNOW the GM is getting good at throwing curveballs, when things like this happen! :D (I dont think the characters are being cautious, it's the PLAYERS!) ;P heheh

I guess if anyone has any (not-yet-cast) defensive spells, This might be the time?? ;)

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Re-posting for top of page. :)
Round 1-As previous. 6th lvl summoning spell, full round casting. Started at top of Round 1, summons appears & acts top of Rnd 2. (Keep the squishy alive! Please!) ;P

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Memnon the Mimir wrote:

"Boss, these things have four eye rays! Fire, cold, electricity and petrification!"

I'll rule those as his questions - honestly there isn't much else. They are pretty straightforward

"Oh no. Retreivers. They're Abyssmal Constructs! If we run, they'll come after us, but we'll be able to fight them one at a time in the tunnel. Here we have more room & can all concentrate attacks, but they have the movement advantage."

"They're tough. Like those Constructs in the Vamp base. Don't waste energy on anything fancy, they're probably immune. Hit them the standard THREE ways. Hard, Fast and Continuously!"

It's hard to tell if Justin if giving directions, or just thinking out loud. The wizard's fingers twitch as he speaks, as if unable to decide which spell to start.

Well, he DOES go LAST in this fight. ;P

I'll post actual actions later. It's far too early in the round, any actions I choose now will need to change by the time it gets to my turn. :)

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

As previous. 6th lvl summoning spell, full round casting. Started at top of Round 1, summons appears & acts top of Rnd 2. (Keep the squishy alive! Please!) ;P

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Justin almost stutters and falters his spell upon hearing the creatures' immunities, on top of it's considerable magical resistance. But he recovers and smoothly continues the summoning chant.

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Oh yeah, the crystal ball gets to roll now! :)

K:Planes: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (9) + 22 = 31

Justin's 3 Questions, Weaknesses? (What do we use to kill them quicker/easier with?), Immunities? (What do we NOT waste time/energy trying?), Abilities? (Other than presumably 'spider-powers & webbing'?) ;P

Presuming that 'Abilities' may take up multiple questions/knowledge? (If they have multiple abilities?) How ever many Questions Memnon gets will continue with 'Abilities'? (OR anything else that the Wizzie player is not smart enough to ask about!) ;)

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Copy that, Outsiders=Planes.

K:Planes: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (12) + 21 = 33

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Justin is considering how best to tell Memnon exactly where the crystal paperweight can go soak his head, but the Mimir's suddenly sincere warnings put all thoughts of their usual banter out of his mind.

"Flying Polyps? I've read of those. Barely. Magic resistant? They sound more like Magic IMMUNE."

"Of COURSE their magic resistant. Where would the fun be otherwise?"

"You heard the Crystal ball! Merle, Haste please. Fly the warriors if you can. Defensive buffs everyone! Don't waste direct magic attacks. If you do, Lightning is your best bet! Memnon, if we can break through it's magic resistance, is there anything it's immune to? If so we don't wanna waste magic on it."

That last bit was the 1 question, Is it immune to anything? :)

"I'm gonna call in reinforcements for this one,..." Justin says, backing up to the rear of the group. The wizard points a finger and draws a circle of flame around himself. It turns Blue. Then he begins chanting in the cadence of a summoning spell.

"Elements of Eternity, Above and Below, Balance of Essence, Fire beget Snow. Locktwarr danelora, Luatha danu, tuatha tuatha, chnox danu,..."

Apologies, I just re-watched Willow tonight. :) Beginning a Lvl 6 Summon Monster spell. Full round casting time. Summon will appear at top of next round.

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

"LOTS of practice recently my friend. LOTS of practice."

Init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

What K: skill to ID this THING?!? :P Planes? (Most of my K; skills are same bonus, so adjust to another as needed)

K:Planes: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (6) + 21 = 27

"Memnon!" Justin calls, tapping the small but obvious lump under his coat.

"Take a peek please. I need to know how to kill this thing!"

Memnon K:Planes check: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (18) + 22 = 40

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

"Oh, BUGGER. Literally."

init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

"Spiders. Why'd it have to be Spiders,...?!?"

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Merle Barer wrote:
"Seriously how have you lunatics survived this long?" Merle facepalming as the two jump in

"Clean living?" Justin offers, swiftly checking that all his defensive enchantments are still in place.

"Karrin, then Merle and I, the rest bring up the rear. Quickly. We don't know how long the Gate will stay open, or if it's one-way." Justin says, pointing at each in turn. His other hand holds his 'Blasting Rod' at the ready.

Justin looks at Memnon with an eyebrow raised in question, holding his coat open. With a brief nod, and a suspicious lack of snarky commentary, the Mimir ducks inside the offered protection of the spell-armored coat.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Dungeon Monkey wrote:


Justin surmises the statue is some sort of gate. Likely through the green fire, which seems to contain dancing figures the more he looks at it.

Wow. THAT's not creepy. At all. O_o

"Yes Hamar. It's a magical Gate. We go through it. Preferably without looking too closely, at the figures,... within,..." The wizard starts to stare, and then shakes his head vehemently.

"Yes. Through. Quickly."

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Justin sends an flicker of Will through his mystic tattoo, and the now-familiar half-a-dozen (or so) magical, colored, candle-lights pop into being. Justin points silently, and the lights spread out and rise slowly upwards.

Per: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31

"Check the walls. Carefully."

I didn't think it would be THAT easy! But we had to start somewhere. ;P

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

Memnon zips down and takes a look

“Oh yeah, Aklo. Wizards on Ranaïs used a lot of this dreck. Plus a dash of …. R'lyehian? That’s not usual. “

"If you say so."

Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Memnon starts to read out the inscription.

"Ah, are you sure that's a good idea Mem,...??"

Dungeon Monkey" wrote:
As the Mimir finishes, a strange thing occurs. The statue animates! It stands tall on its batrachian hind legs, and spreads its webbed arms. The furnace door in its belly opens up and a pale green fire springs to life within the cavity. A hushed sourceless whispering infuses the still air of the chamber

Justin floats into the air, and backwards. Several Feet.

"OK,... But THAT is definitely unusual!"

Hamar wrote:

Hamar takes to the air with his flight still activated looking around for the source of the whispers. "What is this devilry?"

K:Arcana: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (2) + 21 = 23

"THAT, must be our 'path'. I think. The ones who left that note must have discovered the secret, but couldn't read Aklo. Lucky them!"

Justin floats back closer to the now 'lit' statue. Cautiously.

"Warriors first? Secure the entrance. And um, be sure to look up." Justin adds, having a sudden, terrifying, flashback to that ONE room in the floating citadel of the Negative plane.

(THIS wizard, for one, will NEVER presume 'up' is 'safe' again.)

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Karrin Kind wrote:

Karrin scratches her head.

"I thought the right was always right?"

"The Right IS always right. Unless it's a Left. Remember, Two Wrongs don't make a right. BUT three Lefts do!"

Let's keep it simple for us to keep track of, at first. L-L-L please? :)

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Justin crawls in to the statue/sacrificial frog, (Reluctantly, and only after using his Prestidigitation Charm to protect himself from the worst of the interior 'residue'). The wizard tries to read the inscription, but his eyes end up squinting more and more at the unruly script until his headache returns.

Justin backs out of the unpleasant space.

"I do not recognize that language. It's similar to Infernal, in that it just seems wrong, but I'm not certain what it is. Can you read it Memnon?"

Will a Linguistics check let me identify which language it is?
Ling: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20
Man, the dice are not lovin' me this week! ;P

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Justin also investigates the statue and now-empty pool it sits in.

Per: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16

Apparently, The wizard is momentarily paralyzed at the sudden resurgent memories of his attempted ingestion. Twice.

Justin shudders and shakes himself.

"Shards and Shells, What a memory!"

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
I’ll return you to the frog statue if there are no objections

No objections here. Yes please! :)

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Memnon the Mimir wrote:

Memnon twirls about, his orange hat tassel bobbing out

“Judging from the lay of the land, the tracks Alessia noted, and the statistics of portal placement mentioned in Drubbish’s Legidarium Locus Portalaie, I think statistically the left path is our best bet”

Justin nods. "Hmph. Thanks Memnon. Well, you can't argue with statistics. Actually, I despise statistics, because they are the ONE branch of Math that you CAN make lie. But we're gonna roll with it."

Justin smiles at Karrin.

"Well, you heard the paperweight. Left it is! Um, Ladies first?" he smiles.

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Justin Case wrote:

Justin looks at where Alessia points.

"Ah. Right. So we either go Right, and AVOID where more traffic goes, OR we count on the more-used path being where the Portal is anchored?"

Justin: …I can deduce that more danger lies in more tracks so I obviously cannot take the left hand path. However, the other way leads downwards, and all good adventurers know that going downwards leads to greater danger, so CLEARLY I cannot take the right-hand path. . However, I have studied the origins of language, and I know that sinister is an ancient word meaning left, so clearly I cannot take the left path. However, I have also studied the works of great adventurers, and in studying I have learned that on should always go left in a maze, so I cannot take the right handed path! Karrin: Now you are just stalling. Justin: YOU’D LIKE TO THINK THAT, WOULDN’T YOU?!?

This. THIS is why I like you so much! :D

And I cannot BELIEVE that I didn't think of that first! (I am ashamed of myself. Truly.) :(

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Thenk Yew o Generous GM! :)

Justin looks at the spot on the wall indicated by Hamar, Then he looks at the barbarian himself. Then He looks back the way they came.

The wizard facepalms.

"Oh. Because of COURSE it is. Put the entrance to the hidden burial chamber in the LAST place anyone would think, or want, to look. Good job Hamar."

The wizard turns about and heads back the way they just came from.

"I'm guessing that whomever discovered that little secret left that message because they weren't able to get back out again. And wanted the next 'visitors' to this place to at least have a chance. Let's not disappoint them."

The wizard seems, not angry, more sad, at this most recent discovery.

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Justin looks at where Alessia points.

"Ah. Right. So we either go Right, and AVOID where more traffic goes, OR we count on the more-used path being where the Portal is anchored?"

Wizard Skipped his Geography lessons. They were boring. ;P

EDIT- MEMNON, on the other hand,...

K:Geography: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

"A-HEM!" The crystal skull manages to make even that brief noise sound sarcastic.

"IF I may?"

(Justin wonders how an inexpressive Carved bit of Crystal manages to express certain emotions, like disdain, so clearly?!?)

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

"Hm. No signs saying 'Exit to Sigil This way'. Remind me to file a complaint."

Justin shakes his head.

"Without a clue, one direction is as likely as the other. We need some sort of a search pattern. And a guarantee that the Vamps aren't sending out a search party for their missing prisoners."

The wizard points to the various branches.

"Right or Left? OR Upwards vs. Downwards. Take your pick!"

"WHERE is a Planar Ranger when you NEED one?!

Is there any K: skill(s) that might help? Planes or Geography, or some wishful thinking version of Arcane/Spellcraft that might hint the best cosmic placement for a portal? :D

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

"I'm beginning to think the only one 'dumb as a brick' here is the wizard."

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)


Justin mutters to himself as he follows the rest into the seam.
Several of Karrin's past actions and statements suddenly come to mind, and click into place like puzzle pieces. If he's right,...

Memnon's hissing snicker reverberates strangely off the walls.

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Karrin Kind wrote:
"He was the old party leader" Karrin says, "Until we voted Justin into power."

"Yep. He had eyes like a hawk."

Justin does a double-take.

"Wait, what?!? When did we 'vote'?!?"

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Hamar of the Hyena Tribe wrote:

"Shall we test the next hall?

Perhaps there are hidden doors we bypass as well? I can keep an eye out for such".

Justin scribbles some lines in his journal with a charcoal stub. He's TRYING to make a map Then tucks it away again.

"Yes please Hamar. Keep an eye out for hidden doors. I've read of entire tomb complexes that were built to look already looted, while the true burial chamber was completely hidden. Some builders just have way too much time on their hands I guess?"

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Cartographer Monkey wrote:
Alessia of Keoland wrote:
Cartographer Monkey wrote:


The party tramps down the hall. so far, it seems to be empty. They turn the corner and see the original intersection ahead.


That link takes me to a GIF of Elrond saying "DESTROY IT!"


Of course it does


ROFL, it wasn't a map, but it was fun! ;) (I thought maybe you were giving voice to Alessia's thoughts?) ;P

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Alessia of Keoland wrote:
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Behind a pile of rusting clockwork gears, Alessia sees a fissure in the wall that has a distinct greenish tint, like the copper pieces in Sigil. It is about half a kilometer from their position

Alessia points toward the distant fissure.


Justin looks at Alessia, then follows her outstretched finger.

The wizard holds a hand up to shade his eyes.
He squints. Hard.

"Huh. Well I'll be an Imp's Uncle. Lookit that. Way to go Eagle-Eye Alessia! Issaac would be proud!"

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Huh. Look at that.

Now HOW did I miss Geography?!? O_o

(It's OK. I mean, even a studious Wizard can't be an expert in EVERYTHING!) ;P

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Did not know K:Geography was an option! ;P (Is it a sub-category of K:Nature?) ;P

but Perception I can do! (Maybe not as good as Alessia!)
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
The spikes are represented on the map as the black jagged icons. I’ll update the map Monday

Ah, gotcha! So not an intersection, but in 'middle' of the hallway. Thx.

"Hey, ah,... you wanna slow down Alessia? I mean, JUST a little? Wait for the others."