About Justin CaseJustin Case, Human (PFRPG1 rules)
Current Effects:
Current HP: 105 (False Life) Current AC: 22/22/18 Cast daily at start of day, all 24 hrs w/ Rod of Extend, False Life, Elf-Lords-Battle-Armor, Overland Flight, DAMAGE: -17 from Mummy Sand Breath, at HP 88 Stats: Str:10, Dex:18, Con14, Int:22, Wis:14, Cha:14, Skills:
Craft (Alchemy): 12 Craft (Woodworking): 21 Craft (Metalworking): 21 Fly: 8 K: Arcana: 21 K: Dungeoneering: 21 K: Engineering: 10 K: History: 10 K: Local: 10 K: Nature: 21 K: Planes: 21 K: Religion: 21 (*23 to ID undead & special abilities) Linguistics: 17* (+8 Languages) Perception: 15* Ride: 4 Spellcraft: 22* *=Ioun Stone Bonus *Ioun Stone-Magenta Prism-+2 to checks with ANY 1 skill you choose, can be changed 1/day Feats:
Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic, Abyssmal, Angelic, Fey, Dwarvish, Orkish, Gnomish, Halfling, Sylvan, Infernal, Combat:
AC:14 ; Touch AC:14 ; Flat Footed:10 *(22/22/18 w/ Elf Lord Battle Armor) HP: 86 (*105 w/ False Life) Current HP: 105 BAB: +6/+1 Initiative: +5 Speed: 30' CMB: +6 CMD: 19 Saves:
+1 Longsword: +7/+2 (Dmg: 1d8+1 19-20/x2, 3lb, Slashing)
Concentration Check: D20+18 (D20+ Caster Lvl(12) + Int bonus(6)
Caster Level: 12
CL: 13 for Evocation Spells, CL: 14 for Evocation + Thematic Spells, CL: 15 for Evocation + Thematic + Fiery Burst, CL:16 for Evoc + Theme + Fiery Burst + Ring of Mystic Fire (+2CL for 1st lvl spells with gloves) w/ Blasting Rod +1 DC of spell, +1d6 for Fire spells, & turns all acid/electrical/ice spells to fire spell, Save DC's for spells cast: 0= 16; 1= 17; 2= 18; 3= 19; 4= 20; 5= 21, 6= 22
Special Abilities:
Spells Memorized:
(* long-lasting spells cast at start of each day) 0= Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Message, Mage hand 1= Ray of Flames (Intensified/MMSF)&(T/E/FB/RMF), Enlarge Person, Prot/Evil, Magic Missile(T/E) x2, Shield, Comprehend Languages, 2= Scorching Ray (T/E/FB/RMF) X2, Cat's Grace, Glitterdust X2, *False Life (2 slots), Create Pit, Resist Energy, Flaming Sphere (T/E/FB/RMF) X2, 3= Fireball(E/T/FB/RMF/SS)&(Intensified,MMSF,SS) X2, Summon Monster 3, Dispel Magic, Prismatic Meteor (T/E/FB/RMF), Prot/Energy, 4= Black Tentacles, Resilient Sphere, Pyrotechnic Eruption(T,E,FB,RMF), Fire Shield(T/E/FB/RMF), *Elf Lord's Battle Armor, 5= Summon Monster V, Fire Snake(T,E,FB,RMF), Teleport, *Overland Flight, Icy Prison 6= Fiery Lighting(T,E,FB,RMF) (1 X Intensified, MMSF)X2, Summon Monster VI, Sirocco, (b=Bonus spell, Wiz, 1 each lvl of spells memorized)
Spells Known/In Spellbook:
0- All (PHB) 1- Ray of Flame(E,T,FB,RMF)(SC), Magic Missile(E,T), Mage Armor, Shield, Prot/Evil, Summon Monster 1, Endure Elements, Comprehend Languages, Expeditious Retreat, Burning Hands(E,FB,RMF), Charm Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Identify, 2- Burning Sword(E,FB,RMF)(SC), Scorching Ray(E,T,FB,RMF), Summon Monster 2, Alter Self, Flaming Sphere(T/E,FB,RMF), Blur, Resist Energy, Glitterdust, Locate Object, Cat's Grace, False Life, Create Pit, Masterwork Transformation, Darkvision, 3- Fireball(E,T,FB,RMF) Summon Monster 3, Dispel Magic, Haste, Prot/Energy, Tongues, Fly, *Prismatic Meteor(T, E,FB,RMF), *Aspect of the Demon, Darkvision (Communal), 4- Black Tentacles, Stoneskin , Fire Shield(T,E,FB,RMF), Resilient Sphere, Summon Monster IV, Pyrotechnic Eruption(T,E,FB,RMF), *Elf Lords Battle Armor, 5- Summon Monster V, Teleport, Angelic Aspect, Fire Snake(T,E,FB,RMF), Cloudkill, *Visage of Madness, *Animate Living Skeleton, *Chain of Bones, Fabricate, Overland Flight, Icy Prison, 6- *Fiery Lighting(T,E,FB,RMF), Summon Monster VI, Cold Ice Strike (Swift, E,T), Sirocco (E,T,FB,RMF), 7- 8- *Necromancers Riposte, 9- *Animate Construct IX, *Call the Dead, *= found spell, add soon as lvl becomes available
Weapons: +1 Longsword, Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword, Masterwork Silver Dagger, Masterwork Morningstar, +1 Longsword (Skull motif), Slotted staff (Quarterstaff, no + bonuses) Gear: (In Handy Haversack), Bedroll, Blanket, Traveler's Clothes , 50' silk rope, grappling hook, waterskin, 7 days trail rations, 6 candles, flint/steel, 6 sheets parchment, 2 charcoal sticks, 5 pieces Chalk, Sack(Empty), 2 Sunrods, *1 Acid(Flask), 2 Tindertwigs, wolfsbane(1 sprig), *1 vial Holy Water, Hooded Lantern, 3 flasks oil, Whetstone, 2 torches, 1Everburning Torch (Wand with Continual Light cast on it), Belt pouch, 1 Caltrops bag, Spring loaded Wrist sheath (for wands)
Magic Items:
-Bonded Amulet: cast 1 spell known/day, Enchanted as: --Empowered Spellshard, 1st lvl (Ray of Fire) --Empowered Spellshard, 2nd lvl (Scorching Ray) --Empowered Spellshard, 3rd lvl (Fireball) -Hat of Disguise (Lesser, as Disguise Self)
Carried Magic Items:
*= carried on Wizard Bandolier Scrolls: 1st lvl spells: Identify, True Strike, Charm Person, *Expeditious Retreat, *Endure Elements, *Prot/Evil, Summon Monster I, *Burning Hands, *Enlarge Person, Comprehend languages, Scrolls: 2nd lvl spells: - *Scorching Ray, *Flaming Sphere, Locate Object, *Blur, *Resist Energy, *Glitterdust, *Summon Monster 2, Scrolls: 3rd lvl spells: - *Fireball, *Summon Monster 3, *Dispel Magic, Fly, Prot/Energy Scrolls: 4th lvl Spells: - Summon Monster IV, Fire Shield, Scrolls: 5th lvl Spells: Scrolls: 6th lvl Spells: Efficient Quiver
-Slotted Staff (Quarterstaff, No '+' enhancements) Holds 1 wand & 1 Rod, counts as holding in your hand and can use as normal -Justin's Blasting Rod +1 Fiery Rod (+1 Bonus, gives +1 to first Dmg dice, & +1 to DC of Spell Cast) (Fiery= makes all fire spells deal +1d6 Dmg) -Lesser Rod- Selective -Lesser Rod- Giant Summons, (Adds Simple Giant Template to Summons, as feat) -Standard Rod- Extend -Rod of Frost (3.x version) -Wand of Lightning (on Bandolier, or in Spring loaded wrist sheath) -Stone Wand of Haste -Stone 'Focus' Wand from Xorn, (No details yet) -1 Stone Musical instrument (some kind of wind instrument, difficult to play if not a Xorn) summons creature(s). From local environment instead of Conjuring from another place. (No details yet) -+1 longsword, -+1 longsword (Skull motif) -Masterwork, Cold Iron Longsword -Masterwork, Cold Iron Morningstar Ioun Stones
-Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone-Prism (able to store 3 levels of spell energy, as Minor Ring of Spell Storing) (Currently Dispel Magic) -Necromantic Ioun Stone- (Purple Pearl) Prot vs Neg Energy 10 -Amethyst Pyramid - +2 Competence bonus on K: Religion to ID undead & special abilities -Drk Blue Rhomboid- +1 to Perception/Sense motive -Dusty Rose Prism- +1 to Initiative -Gold Nodule- +1 to Linguistics Checks (Language-Infernal) -Incandescent Blue Sphere- +1 to WIS based skill (Perception) -Magenta Prism- +2 to checks with ANY 1 skill you choose, can be changed 1/day -Scarlet/Blue Sphere- +1 to 1 INT based skill (Spellcraft) -Burnt/Gray/Any Shape- Ioun Torch-Continual Light Carried Magic Items:
(*= on Wizard's Bandolier) -Figurine of Wondrous Power-Bronze Griffon (Coat Pocket) -2 Potion CLW -2 Potion CMW* -1 Healing Tile (CMW)* -2 'Water Globe Bomb'* -Ring of Force Shield +2 AC (Not worn) Appearance & Mannerisms
Justin Case is a tall, thin man who always looks like he is on the verge of being very hungry. And he usually is. He dresses in heavy traveling clothes, as his chosen job tends to be hard on his wardrobe. He avoids the typical wizards' robes as impractical, (Unless he is working in his tiny lab, which is underground and therefore usually cold and clammy. He is convinced that this is the reason Wizards starting wearing robes to begin with.) He normally wears the typical Travelers heavy boots, pants and shirt, all in dark, earthy tones and colors. He almost always wears his long, heavy leather coat with hood, no matter the weather. He keeps his black hair trimmed to shoulder length, and his goatee trimmed neatly. When he thinks about it. Justin Case believes in confronting a problem directly, preferably with an overabundance of flame spells. He is blunt, obnoxious, and offensive to his opponents. But this is usually on purpose to get people off their guard and get them to reveal something or do something stupid. He is brash, wise-cracking and hard-headed. He is nevertheless attractive to, and attracted TO, the ladies. He could probably be a real lady-killer if he tried. Unfortunately (or fortunately) he is usually too busy trying to pay his rent and keep the bad guys off his back to ever have more than short-term relationships. He is easily one of the smartest men you'll ever meet, but he knows this, and it makes him a little arrogant and a lot over-confident. He is unfortunately not quite as clever as he thinks he is. The are many reasons that Justin specialized in Evocation spells. One is that he has a natural talent for it. He claims that he can feel the magic when he is casting, the fire in his blood singing. The reason that Necromancy is one of his opposition schools is that he cannot in good conscience cast a necromancy spell. You have to believe in what you are doing to work magic, and Justin feels that magic is the source of life, not death. The reason that Illusion is his other opposition school is that he basically stinks at it. Something about needing calmness and patience to craft a good illusion. Not Justin's strong suites. Justin's Bound Item is a medallion, a necklace that was given to him by his parents when he went off to school. It is all he has left of his old world, and life. Justin's usual plan when confronted with a problem, or villain, is to blast it until it stops moving. If the creature is immune to his spells, or to magic in general, (which seems to happen with disturbing regularity), Then he does his best to get to safety, usually summoning a creature to cover his escape, and figure out how to deal with it later. If given time to plan, he can be quite imaginative. And his plans usually involve at least 3 steps to them. 2 more than his opponents usually give him credit for. Basic combat strategy is to cast defensive spells, (Mage Armor, Prot/Evil) time permitting. Test an opponent for possible weakness with a variety of Energy Rays, also time permitting. Then unleash a devastating barrage of his most powerful spells. If it's still standing, run. Fast. Conjuring a critter to cover his escape, time permitting. ;) He is clever enough to use the environment to his advantage when possible. (If the enemy is immune to his spells, the building he's standing in usually isn't.) His one major weakness is his concern and dedication to protecting the innocent. He has willingly walked headlong into many traps that he was aware of, simply because it was the only way he could think of to protect innocent lives. Justin has defeated several opponents who were more powerful than him. But only after having time to study them for possible weaknesses and devise a strategy. And he always had the help of friends. And he is usually lucky. Background
Justin Case was a wizard in training in one of the most prestigious Wizards Universities on his home world. He was intelligent, good looking, and had potential. He was more than reasonably well-off from a respected family, and his career looked good, which attracted all sorts of 'friends'. In short he had everything that he thought he could want.
Justin woke to find himself in Sigil, the city of doors. He has no idea if Althor and Caldric are dead, or alive, in Sigil like him, or whatever. No one he talked to seems to know anything about his home town, or country, or world. But they all assure him that if there is a way back, it is in Sigil. Justin quickly discovered that no one gives anything for free in Sigil, and he arrived woefully unprepared for a journey. And while his marketable talents are undeniable, he unfortunately has a conscience, and casters seem to be a dime a dozen in this accursed city. He has managed to set himself up with a little shop where he peddles his talents as a Wizard for hire. He helps clients out with problems, from mystic guard duty to investigating strange robberies to helping find missing persons. He uses his meager income and his traveling jobs to explore this new world, and try to find a portal back to his home world. On one of his extra-planar jobs, he took time for a side trip to rescue a damsel in distress and return her to her people. (A tribe of semi-nomadic dark skinned people who called themselves 'Varesians'.) The girls father was so grateful to Justin that he convinced the tribe to honor him with a tribal tattoo, which Justin reluctantly accepted. He has since gleefully discovered that it increases his already formidable evocation spells. At this moment Justin is 'between jobs'. Which is a polite way of saying that his rent is due and his cupboard is bare. The (relatively) nice barkeep at his local pub has allowed Justin to stretch his credit about as far as he is going to. Justin wouldn't classify himself as 'Desperate', but he' s definitely looking for an opportunity to make a little money. NPC's/Contacts:
Murphenrietta 'Murphy' Cherrywood- Female Halfling Fighter (Paladin?) with the police force.
Thomas Saunders - Human (?) (Emotional Vampire) Half-brother of Justin.
Martin 'Hardcase' Hardisson - Human Paladin of (?)
Marconious Antonius - Kobold Crime Lord (Actual class unknown)