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Jucassaba's page

102 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

If you guys had to think of an archetype hall of fame, consisting of the 5 archetypes you consider the most well done/awesome/flavorful, which would you choose? Mine would be:

-scarred witch doctor
-zen archer
-paladin of irori(enlightened paladin)
-lore warden

Seriously I see no reason why they kept some things from 3.5 that everybody knew were the reasons monks sucked. Just giving proficience in light armor and flurrying with 2h monk weapons wouldn't be so hard with 10 years of 3rd edition retrospect. I mean, come on, the class barely changed when PF released, whats up with that.

Hi guys, I was checking the lycantropes stat blocks and noticed the hibrid form attributes didn't match what the template says would change. For exemple, some lycans increase their dextery even dou the template only mentions STR and CON as being increased.
Maybe I just brainfarted and missed something, but the hibrid stat block seems to be made using the 3.5 lycan rules, but this is never stated. So, whats going on?

I decided to houserule the monk AC bonus feature into giving +3 AC instead of 0 at first level, and increase +1 at every 4th level. This way my player can make a less MAD monk by investing less in DEX, since he will be effectively wearing studded leather as long as he is unencunbered and unarmored. Now, do you guys think there will be any unwanted consequences to this house rule? Is there a more elegant way of making the monk less MAD?

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I really liked the 5e concentration mechanic, i'm thinking of ruling it into my PF games. What rules do you guys think are stealable from 5e?

Has any book showed a map with the equator marked? I know its probably close to the inner sea, but was hoping there was an exact representation.

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Im 3.5, the half orc was the only core race that got a bonus to strength, and that made it the melee race. But in pathfinder, they lost this niche, now that humans and half elfs can put their stat bonus in STR. Its just my opinion, but I think the half orc would be the perfect race to get a bonus to two phisical stats and a penalty to a mental one, it would add more variety to core races, we have 7 races and 3 of them have flexible bonuses. What do you guys think and what do think the devs were thinking?

Hi guys, I'm going to let my player pick bonus feats in place of rogue talents, do you think I should restrict the kind of feat he can pick(like hoq the fighter can only pick combat feats)? He can still pick rogue talents if he wants, I'm just wondering how this could affect the game.

So, I want to open this topic to ask you guys which spells you think define or are essential to the fluff of each school, and which don't fit with the school they're listed at.

To me, these spells are what come to mind when I think of each school:

Abjuration- dispel magic
Conjuration- summon monster
Divination- clarivoyance
Enchantment- dominate person
Evocation- fireball
Illusion- mirage arcana
Necromancy- raise dead
Transmutation- polymorph

To me, these spells are out of place:

Abjuration- explosive runes
Conjuration- all healing spells
Divination- detect thoughts
Enchantment- no spell comes to mind
Evocation- darkness
Illusion- no spell comes to mind
Necromancy- fear
Transmutation- magic weapon

As the title says, do you want the devs to expand and improve on the system? Maybe featuring it in APs and future supplements? What do you think?

Will there be a second round of playtests after this one? This is my first playtest, and i'm finding december 17th to be too soon to end a playtest of a book that will be released over one year from now.

Hi guys, i'm going to run a campaign that will use a lot of fey, and would like to ask your help on how to roleplay their hierarchy/ecology, and how to use them effectively as antagonists. I'm also gonna use azatas and guardinals as feys in my world, so if anyone ever did that, your insights would be much appreciated. thanks.

Hi guys, i'm going to run a campaign that will use a lot of fey, and would like to ask your help on how to roleplay their hierarchy/ecology, and how to use them effectively as antagonists. I'm also gonna use azatas and guardinals as feys in my world, so if anyone ever did that, your insights would be much appreciated. thanks.

is this feat a must have for a finesse character? I'm playing a low level campaign that will have few slots for feats, and I don't know if I take this or dervish dance for my swashbuckler. thanks.

Hi guys, I was thinking of buying a complete AP for my next campaing and I can't decide which one to buy. Is there a general consensus on their quality, or are they all good/bad? thanks for the help in advance.

is a wall of force a smooth surface or does it produce friction? what's the DC to climb one?

so, are you guys checking out the rock in rio festival? anyone got a favorite band playing ther or something? give me your opinions on the festival! valeu!!!

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a player of mine wanted to make a poisoner build and i told him that poison sucks, but he insisted in doing it anyway. after that I started a research to see if I could make a good poison build, and came to the conclusion that the alchemist is the only good poison class.

so, I propose, can anybody here show me some good way of making a poison focused build? any class is valid. muito obrigado.

so I recently put my hands on that trailblazer book and the rules for caster level progression and iterative atacks got my attention. does anybody here have experience with those rules and could share some info before i throw then at my players? thanks.

I would liken to humbly request the paizo folks to add the metric system to the game. it would be veryn helpful to all the non-americam gamers out there to get a better grasp of the distances and wheights involved in everything you guys publish. please.

one of the things i love about the witch is the class ability to use magic powers all day long. the other caster classes fell like playing a card game with their daily spells and that is not what fantasy has for magic users.

question to the devs: are the witch hexes a prototype for a future magic system that wont have spells per day?

can somebody explain to me the classes depend solely on gear to rise AC. I can't see why people don't get better at dodging as they gain levels.
a 20 level fighter with DEX 14 would only have 12 AC.
is there a reason for this? Did sean write something about it like the armar as DR stuff?

after years of 3.5, and now pathfinder, i realize that some things in rpgs are taken for granted. one of those things is that some abilities are avaiable to anyone willing to pay the cost of a feat and others are impossible to get without specialization. and yet, the game is updated with new opitions all the time and things start to get blurry. feats that make you get class abilities, spells that make class abilities obsolet, archetypes that can make opition previously unavailable to a class available, etc.

but then each class spend their resources in different ways. a feat useful for figthers can be useless to rogues and a spell useful for wizards is often useless for sorcerers.a figther gains bonus feats every even level the same way a barbarian gains a rage power or a rogue gets a talent, so whats the diference between then?

the point is: can we define without a doubt what should be a feat or a spell or a skill or a class ability? It would help a great deal for everybody to understand the game and make the classes more unique

so, has ultimate combat given the cavalier his deserved love or is he still the scrappy forgotten class?

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if a bard is using bardic music while invisible, does he give away his position?