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Jucassaba's page

102 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I really liked the 5e concentration mechanic, i'm thinking of ruling it into my PF games. What rules do you guys think are stealable from 5e?

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My prediction on the unchained monk:

-It will get ki pool at 1st or 2nd level
-It will get a ki powers every even level
-flying kick will be like pounce
-it will have no alingment restriction
-flurry will be closer to the brawler version
-it will have style feats added to its list of bonus feats

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The moment I read chakra I immediately thought of incarnum. It was the most "outtanowhere" book I ever saw wizards published. Wonder how paizo's chakra will compare.

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Im 3.5, the half orc was the only core race that got a bonus to strength, and that made it the melee race. But in pathfinder, they lost this niche, now that humans and half elfs can put their stat bonus in STR. Its just my opinion, but I think the half orc would be the perfect race to get a bonus to two phisical stats and a penalty to a mental one, it would add more variety to core races, we have 7 races and 3 of them have flexible bonuses. What do you guys think and what do think the devs were thinking?

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And to answer your question, I'm mildly annoyed by short distances, greatly annoyed by weights, volumes and long distances. The foot is the only imperial measurement that I can convert easily to metric in my head, the rest is all over the place and impossible to remember.

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Kazaan wrote:
Jucassaba wrote:

female human ranger(undead and demon favored enemies)

female human lesbian witch
male human expert(carpenter)
male middle age human adept
male vampire fighter(with a soul)
female fleshbound demon
Don't forget the Werewolf.

Good call.

Add male halfling werewolf bard.

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female human ranger(undead and demon favored enemies)
female human lesbian witch
male human expert(carpenter)
male middle age human adept
male vampire fighter(with a soul)
female fleshbound demon

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a player of mine wanted to make a poisoner build and i told him that poison sucks, but he insisted in doing it anyway. after that I started a research to see if I could make a good poison build, and came to the conclusion that the alchemist is the only good poison class.

so, I propose, can anybody here show me some good way of making a poison focused build? any class is valid. muito obrigado.

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see wrote:
Quandary wrote:
I honestly have trouble with the exact relation between cup, pint, quart, etc.

Bah, liquid volume is the place where American measures are the most advanced in the world! They're pre-adapted for the computer age by being binary!

0b100 drams = 1 tablespoon
0b1000 drams = 1 ounce
ob100000 drams = 1 gill
0b1000000 drams = 1 cup
0b10000000 drams = 1 pint
0b100000000 drams = 1 quart
0b10000000000 drams = 1 gallon

Look at all those nice round numbers! Converting units is all just bit-shift operations, instead of all the complicated steps you have to take to multiply and divide by ten with binary logic!

Okay, things do move to failure mode when you deal with (non-oil) barrels (31.5 gallons) and hogsheads (63 gallons). Obviously those should be moved to 32 and 64 respectively. And there are a few odd liquid measure units based on 3s. But it's a heck of a lot more computer-friendly than those lunatic SI measures that are based, not on simple logic, but the evolutionary accident of most humans having ten fingers.

That's why, when the computers take over, the only humans they'll let live are Americans.

I have to say, I never saw half the measurements you guys are showing in this thread. I think before this thread I have only heard about foots, miles, yards, and gallons...