Silas Weatherbee

Jeff Lee's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts (11,341 including aliases). 10 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 15 aliases.


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Edit: Never mind. I forgot the penalty caps at -10. Thanks for the input.

Not -15? If the previous Strikes are all applied, wouldn't that be -5 for the second Strike, -10 for the third, and -15 for the fourth?

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Pathfinder Bestiary wrote:
The giant octopus makes up to four Strikes with different arms, each against a different target. Each attack counts separately for the octopus's multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase the penalty until the octopus has made all the attacks.

My question pertains to the second sentence. I'm assuming "the penalty doesn't increase the penalty" is a typo, and the sentence is meant to read "the penalty doesn't increase until the octopus has made all the attacks." If read thus, does that mean that none of those four arm attacks takes a penalty to the attack roll? And if the giant octopus uses its final action to make a standard arm attack, then the -5 penalty would be applied to that attack roll?

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Caught on to this yesterday. If you compare the image of the poster to the art in the PF2e Bestiary, the line art is identical.

Poster Art

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Armchair Psychologist wrote:
Captain ? wrote:
Jeff Lee wrote:
Cap Yesterday, Compulsive FAQer wrote:
Jeff Lee wrote:
This forum post is still way too long.
Are you sure about that?
Even more so, at this point.
Is it.
More importantly, how does that make you feel about your mother?

I'm beginning to think I may be part of the problem.


Nah. It's all the fault of you weirdos.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cap Yesterday, Compulsive FAQer wrote:
Jeff Lee wrote:
This forum post is still way too long.
Are you sure about that?

Even more so, at this point.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

This forum post is still way too long.

Currents and Flowing Water (Core Rulebook, p512):

"Ocean currents, flowing rivers, and similar moving water are difficult terrain or greater difficult terrain (depending on the speed of the water) for a creature Swimming against the current."

At what current speed does it go from being difficult terrain to greater difficult terrain? Does it depend on the creature's Swim speed? Is this left to GM fiat?

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Looking forward to it. I haven't done any Scarred Lands stuff since 3e.

Hi folks,

I recently created a Patreon account. I'm putting up regular offerings of material for original Pathfinder RPG, 5e D&D, Starfinder, and possibly more, as well as original fiction, essays, and material related to Aerda: The Wounded World, my post-apocalyptic fantasy setting.

You can help support my efforts for as little as $1 a month. With enough of a following, I'll be producing PDF collections of related works for patrons to download. Check out my page at and subscribe if you like what you see. If you want a better idea of who I am and what I have to offer, you can see a comprehensive list of my writing credits on my profile page.

Thanks for your interest and I hope to be able to say hello to you as my newest patron.


Hi folks,

I recently created a Patreon account. I'm putting up regular offerings of material for original Pathfinder RPG, 5e D&D, Starfinder, and possibly more, as well as original fiction, essays, and material related to Aerda: The Wounded World, my post-apocalyptic fantasy setting.

You can help support my efforts for as little as $1 a month. With enough of a following, I'll be producing PDF collections of related works for patrons to download. Check out my page at and subscribe if you like what you see. If you want a better idea of who I am and what I have to offer, you can see a comprehensive list of my writing credits on my profile page.

Thanks for your interest and I hope to be able to say hello to you as my newest patron.
