Varisian Barbarian

Jawbreaker's page

Goblin Squad Member. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 7 posts (10 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 21 Organized Play characters.


Sovereign Court 4/5

I ran this on the weekend for an experienced party at high tier and had two issues:

1) With the dwarf prisoners their but not their mechanic I overlook them in the opening rounds of combat and allowed a wall of Flame and two fire balls to be casted. Massive impact on the balance of play.

On hindsight I believe I should have had something representing the dwarves to hamper / limit area effect spells.

2) The Wand of Greater Invis with 8 charges is way overpowered, it allowed a small party to destroy most opposition at range (zen archers are not a GMs friend) - was this intended to tip the encounter more in the Pcs favour.

Otherwise I enjoyed the game as did my players - but I think the challenge would have been better without greater invis.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Katisha wrote:
claudekennilol wrote:
Jason Williams wrote:

My bard 'Josh Bieber' has his own fan club, if you sign upto the club at the start of the game your get the bonus +1 as well as free healing (Wand of CLW).

Also worked in story wise for why we are traveling to various towns - Bieber is on tour and these are my fans/bodyguards/support act etc.

Not to be a jerk, but, I'd rather be a pathfinder than join a bard's fan club. So if it came down to it I'd forego whatever bonus because I can't see any hardened adventurer (at the very least any of mine) that goes around doing the Pathfinder's dirty work joining a fan club of a bard...

Oh, darn! I was SO looking forward to having some "fans" of my own...

It is how I make my "night job" checks after all! (wink!)

And I've had a hand full of pc's not join for that reason, but others who have signed up all their characters as fans.

It's a more favourable reason for visiting a town other than the standard 'mercs' looking for work - which given the make up of most parties should raise suspicions straight away.

And he is very effective Bard - however our VC has insisted I actually sing on occasion which is not good for anyone.

Sovereign Court 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My bard 'Josh Bieber' has his own fan club, if you sign upto the club at the start of the game your get the bonus +1 as well as free healing (Wand of CLW).

Also worked in story wise for why we are traveling to various towns - Bieber is on tour and these are my fans/bodyguards/support act etc.

Sovereign Court 4/5

I've played Master of the Fallen Fortress in around an hour - this is a good backup for conventions where players are idle between games.

Sovereign Court

I've come into an established game (still early times) and am playing a Magus with the finesse feat to parry and riposte - good character and works well with a party similar to yours.

Sovereign Court 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Slightly off topic but when I ran the recent 'We Be Goblins Too' game I allowed a retrospective +1 to any attack rolls for any player who sang their Goblin Song.

Turned out we had a lot of players missing hits by one point and then singing to turn it into a hit.

Worked very well with this module given it was more fun than serious and the players had a blast.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Played Bonekeep in Sydney this weekend - my character died in room three and most the party died in room four just one PC escaped.

Lots of fun but without 72 odd prestige this character ain't coming back, which is depressing when you think of the hours put in.

You are given a warning upfront that death is very likely and to turn back now if you don't want to proceed - and in an earlier game one player did withdraw.

I'm not sure of the reward is worth the risk but the game play is.

Play it but be prepared.