Jaerc's page
RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 93 posts (94 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.
Gotta get park hopper tickets to visit all the lands!
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Your legend, communication of experiences in gamin and work drive have inspired me since I was a young designer. May you go on to rest and have luck in future pursuits.
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You are literally my favorite RPG author and among the finest storytellers alive, by my estimate.
May your new paths bring us all joy!
I am very excited for this innovation.
This is most exciting. I will find it truly useful to the various Golarion campaigns I run. Fey are my number two or three interest when it comes to high fantasy tales and my use of them is omnipresent; so I am ever so thrilled by this preview. 'Home At The Crossroads' and the theories on his nature are truly tasteful, literate, and engrossing.
It is my sincere hope that this is merely the first volume to more carefully explore the First World's wonders.
A thousand welcomes. Color me excited for your reign, LZP.
Make breaths to XP as nonlethal damage is to lethal?
Nightblood is certainly a major artifact, so really, do what ever you want.

As luck would have it I'm working up a list of monsters for a similar region in my homebrew setting. It a Work In Progress, but I believe it can help you.
Angel (Monadic Deva)
Death Worm
Dire Animals (camel, bat, moose, dog)
Dragons (Red, Blue, Brass, Umbral)
Dust Digger
Elemental (Earth, Magma, Mud)
Etheral creatures [all natives]
Genies (Janni, Shaitan)
Giants (Stone, Cloud, Fire)
Giant Eagles
Hell Hounds
Invisible Stalker
Mephit (Earth, Salt)
Purple Worms
Rust Monsters
Scorpion, Black (Colossal)
Scorpion, Giant
Scorpion, Greensting
Solifugid, Giant
Swarms (all -- especially: apocalyptic template, alchemical ooze, hell wasp, stymphalides, locust)
Undead (all -- especially: banshee, chained spirit, danse macabre, ghost, wight)
Underground Terrain [examples]
D&D [City of the Silt Sea (2e), DDI (4e) {unfnsh}]
Absalom [lol]
Agony beetle
Bog Wader [not a typo]
Dragon Beetle
Drake (Fire)
Fire Snake
Genus Loci
Oasis Beasts
Pit snatcher
Silt Runners
Silt Serpent
Silt Spawn
Silk wyrm
Wall Walker
Wild kank
*rubs hands in anticipation*
Some categories have no changes - did you feel they were already where you wanted them or ?
Is this still WIP or abandoned?
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I am terribly excited by prospects of a Chronicles of the Otherworldly*. Are other named Eldest part of the Shyka?
*name changed to protect the uncreated
Commemorativly rereading Autumn of a Patriarch. GGM's fiery word choice and cadence were singular and will be uniquely missed.
Dancing likewise seems viable.
*chicken dances*
This was a delightful read.
Are you willing to comment on the seventh school of magic?
Can you elaborate on how Wraiths who did not become "divine" using Juric's method survived? Are there Archmagi among them?
I like your minion rules!
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Total OKCS fanboy here. Sincerest congratulations to our new Module Overlord.
I've noodled with this a little myself and came to a 3 SkP = 1 Trait mindset. Going the other way though, I think you could keep things semi-sane at the doubled rate of 6 SkP = 1 Trait. Likeswise 10 SkP for a Feat.
Sincerest congratulations! Way to bring it home, Victoria. Looking forward to all four modules.
This advice applies best to campaigns that feature High Fantasy game-play and is likely inappropriate for the rare high-level game that's more Low/Standard.
Gameplay around 11+ sustains several minor artifacts well. Using them as treasure in place of greater medium wondrous item or mid-priced wands has worked for me.
Gameplay around 16+ sustains at most a handful of major artifacts. The ramifications are just too great, even if the mechanics are not always that far beyond what a party of 9th level casters can already tap into. At this level of play, lesser artifacts in place of greater lesser items is non-escalatory, and are occasional additions of a legendary.
Honestly Paizo's Artifacts and Legends has a lot of good advice about integrating artifacts into gameplay at any level regardless of whether one want's to satisfy the farm-boy with a destined sword tropes or the monty haul style detailed above. I can not recommend it enough.
Sincerest congratulations on your delicious journey, thus far. I await with baited breath your pleasing pitches.
Rather pleased, indeed, I am.
Thought I'd opine. Sorry if it's a re-tread.
I like the changes proposed on the blog - with the exception of taking Poison Use away from Investigators. I appreciate the detective archetype that it's presence supports - Holmes, Poirot, Garrett PI, Adrian Monk, to name a few - and on the mechanical side believe that any class focused on understanding and handling alchemy & poisons would be logistically able to apply them without danger.
I like the 99% of the directives espoused.
Excellent read. On a mechanical note is the specific immunity set meant to pertain explicitly to demon lords, or is it the set of effects that designers determined is best to lock away for CR 26+ foes?
*rubs hands*
I can't wait to know more about Abyssal Realms. One understands there is a level of uniqueness to each Realm, but to what extant?
If Realms do vary much from the template, is it on the scale of Type, as in an Abyssal Realm is identical to other Abyssal Realms but different than hypothetical Protean Realms? Or might Kotsch's and Baph's grant say, different Mythic ranks, or new SLAs, or alternatives to Heightened Awareness?
Pick any good locks lately?
Sounds like that could be pretty legit, if the players are up for it, and if you are willing to deal with the challenges of modern earth time-portals, as opposed to easier/built-into-AP shenanigans involved with our past.
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I enjoyed encountering your perspective at seminars and brushing shoulders at market. Do come!
To me arbitrariness does not make a game feel more in tune with the mood of wonder and tone of epic myth that I hope this rule set captures. A few words or a sidebar on alternate progression would be a treat though. In playtesting I've found grant a tier at the following levels to be a to be a fun alt:
Land of Winter is a product based on showing off a slice of setting that occupies glacial territory and is meant for folks who want to play in an ice age like zone.
Reign of Winter is a product designed to appeal to a broad range of tastes and character builds.
I do not think there will be an excessive correlation between the monsters published in LoW and those faced in LoW. Notably, even if the 9 or so monsters are all used, as seperate encounter (which is stretching things a bit, IMO), that would still constitute less than one level's worth of encounters, in a product that spans many many levels.
By all means, have fun with you 'summer witch' type characters, I think that's cool. But I also trust Paizo enough to not ruin the efficacy of am archtype suite that is thematic to RoW.
It's a basic part of environmental adventure design to not overdo certain defenses or effects. For instance in Skull & Shackles many creatures were not aquatic. The professionals who designed RoW took this into account, so no need to worry. Bring on your Winter themed caster.
Very intelligent design work sometimes gets in the way of elegance. I think this is such a case. That said Grey Gardeners shout out and Coach of Deception alone make this a yes for me.
The skill swap is probably unbalanced. I otherwise like this tight little, RK compatible, arcehtype, a rather lot.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I love this. Except Hoist the Colors, but even it's name I'll concede is oozing coolness.
Deadman's Float is useless but that might make it the perfect swap for trapfinding. Flailing Strike is a neat ability, and it fits in the rule set, but is of the type (nuh-UH! mine ability trumps) which annoy me badly, so there's that.
Beyond the well executed Hanspur tie-in, this doesn't score high on RK-thematics with me. On the other hand I like all of your flavor text and names. You're the first one to place me legitimately on the fence.
After doing some homework, I think you choose your poisons astutely and with care. I appreciate multiclass archetypes, and this also nails that qualification. Nice job.
Drejk wrote: However, because the archetype has only one favored enemy it is less useful than in case of regular ranger. I would comment to the contrary that it's usefulness is enhanced, and thus that flaw offset, by the enemy being set to a rare type: humanoid (human) - a common foe in Pathfinder adventures and the River Kingdoms.
Definite Dogs In The Vineyard vibe going on, rather than a generic wild west.
Your mechanics are decent and names thematic, but overall I'm only convinced this is 'alright'.
Basically I'm in accordance with SKR and Drejk, this time. I think your arcehtype's name was weak, but your exquisite use of a risque topic was attention-grabbing and well founded.
Great tie-in to RK? Check. Cognizance of real world and Golarion witch lore? Check. A few textual errors are holding it back, but overall I'm keen on this, most especially it's evocative, Sandersonian, name.
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I agree with Oceanshieldwold. Thematic and mechanical success in my eyes, though it's possible this could have been better tied to an Inquisitor > Monk.
I am a sucker for the flavor of this class. I like that you kept the archetype simple ,but I don't like your amping of Smite,and think you could have done something cooler. Though I like that Resist Nature's Lure came in, I don't like that since replaces a group benefit with a solo one.

^Saint Caleth
I am grateful for your review, as it will help hone my writing. Likewise, I truly appreciate your compliments and accurate flaw noting. Finally, I approve of and wish to be a zealot in your crusade, where do I sign up?
To answer a few questions:
My think was that a light show is at least as disadvantageous to Stealthing as glitterdust? The only working after both powers were previously activate was odd rules territory, thematically I wanted it to link to the 'chiaroscuro' thing, while mechanically I was hoping for a risk payoff.
Starflight is a Monster Ability, I've use shantak's as an example of it's usage below.
"Starflight (Su)
A shantak can survive in the void of outer space. It flies through space at an incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system should take 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 days (or more, at the GM’s discretion)—provided the shantak knows the way to its destination. Shantaks speak in a shrill voice that sounds like glass grinding against stone. They are intelligent creatures and cannot be trained as mounts—a would-be shantak rider must use diplomacy or magic to secure a shantak’s cooperation as a mount, and even then, shantaks have a tendency to deliberately strand riders in dangerous areas."
Spell Void Mantle
Your item entertained me and I plan to use it in an upcoming game. I appreciate the touch about noqual, et al. You used exsiting rules in innovative ways and kept it simple. I guess my best advice is to put more mojo into description and fluff, since your design is ace.
^Clouds Without Water
Seems the name really was a hit, glad it brought you joy. Your review certainly returned that favor. With my imagery strong, what would you advise my next step be. I was hoping to avoid GM headaches / giving plots away by avoiding the map give perfect knowledge, but I can see it the other way.
I was curious what you mean about the scaling your referred to?
Skin-thief Fetish
Saw-toothed typically has a dash in it. Unlike the text of skinsend, you never specify that the skin itself peels off the corpse. It seems a trifle inexpensive. I don't think it was really gory enough to turn the voters away, not like some I've seen, so while dancing on the community stage, remember it's okay to take risks.
I'd love if you can find a moment to glance at my Chiaroscuro Astrarium, at some point.
I kind of like this:
Quote: At 2nd Tier a player may roll an additional d20 during initiative checks and add both rolls along with any other bonuses when determing their initiative score. The higher of these two dice rolls is considered the player's Mythic Initiative Bonus.
Once per combat a player may spend a mythic point at the end of their turn as a free action to take an additional turn that round in the initiative list where they would be without their Mythic Initiative Bonus. Any full round action being performed by the player from the previous turn is completed at the beginning of this additional turn.
Not my favorite solution and I don't like the last part, that I didn't quote, but there's a homebrewed elegance to this that keeps bringing me back.
Happiest of joint birthdays. What manner of delicious mortals...er, morsels shall we partake of this year?