
Jack the Scot's page

60 posts. Alias of Tentacledone.


Enjoying a fine meal, Jack leans back in his chair slightly, sipping his glass of wine. He was finding himself rating it against Maggie's cooking, and shakes his head with a slight grin at the thought.

Listening to the Brother and young Lord talk, Jack keeps more of an eye on their surroundings. The big Scot was lost a few minutes in while listening to the two talk, so he turns a majority of his attention outward.

Although Jack wasn't particularly sure why Synxol had invited them to lunch, he was afraid to take up the lord generosity. The Scotsman briefly wonders if Synxol had business to discuss, or if the lordling was bored and wanted some company.

The big Scot laughs awhen Assisi had mentioned Desmond coming to a posh resturaunt. Or any restaurant, for that matter.

"Sorry Brother, Desmond be otherwise occupied at the moment. Although, I'm sure he be cursing the fact he missed lord Synxol's inviatation," Jack says after a good laugh. "Sorry, I be picturing Desmond wearing a bowtie, sitting at a table with a fork and knife in his clawed mitts."

Upon entering and being escorted to the young lord, with barely a raised eyebrow from the staff, they spot Synxol. Walking up to the lord, he sees that Synxol had all ready celebrating without them.

"Don't it be a bit on the rude side to be drinking before year guests arrive?" Jack asks with a chuckle.

Nodding to Assisi when he enters the carriage, Jack grins at the Brother. The big Scot is dressed in his normal black and red suit. The well worn clothing looks like it might have been cleaned fairly recently.

"Been doing well Brother, just the usual activities. Well, to be fair, it has been a good week. The good Doc dropped off a deed to a place he be owning, so that's been a very pleasant surprise," Jack pauses for a moment, looking out of a window. "Oh, and Desmond be back to his usual charming self. I wouldn't be bringing your new girlfriend for a visit anytime soon," the smiling Jack teases the Brother.

"Being that it's Synxol, I be guessing this be more pleasure related than business, but ya never know," he winks at the blank faced elf.

Feeling more refreshed from a night of rest than he had in a long time, Jack goes through his morning rituals, while his mind rolls over what he had learned. 'First stop be to Maggie's for a spot of breakfast and to make sure I not be mad as a hatter,' the big Scot thinks to himself while shaving.

Having finished his morning routine, including going through a series of stretches, Jack notices something curious. While he is stretching out and warming up his muscles, Jack finds himself slipping into a meditative state, almost reflexively. It seems that the workout he had been provided was the stepping stone to syncing up his mind and body.

The walk to Maggie's was more or less uneventful, he nods upon entering and sits down at the bar. His eyes had swept over the patrons, seeing if anything other than human was takingttheir breakfast at the inn. More from a sense of curiosity than really expecting trouble.

As Jack began to eat the rice, knowledge of the fine art of manipulating ones mental energies begin to grow within his mind. So much more than he could even begin to understand floods his sponge like mental pathways.

"Whoa" was all that passed the stunned Scot's lips. A few moments pass as he tries to make heads or tails of what he had begun to learn. Jack realizes that he hadn't even scratched the surface of what Maggie had shown him. The bowl of "rice" had been a libraries (or more) worth of knowledge waiting to be unlocked.

Looking at Maggie, Jack smiles as his teacher.

"Is this how I learned to speak and read Chinese so fluently?" Jack asks.

Jack looks at Maggie's form, then his own body lying bless fully asleep. His him was whirling like the wheel of a cab as he attempts to assimilate what he had just learned. The rapidly shrinking part of his mind that tried to reject the supernatural made a few pathetic noises before falling silent.

"Well, um, I.., really don't know what to say. I be thrilled I not be going completely mad, " the big Scot grins. "I be honored to be taught, but of course, I be having a book load of questions. First what be this power you speak of. Is it like magic or something different?"

Thinking about Assisi's answer, Jack is silent thorough several mouthfuls of his meal
Setting his chopsticks against the plate, he takes a drink from his cup of some dark looking liquid.

"Given how many fairy tales be about, that be a scary thought," Jack says. A few more moments pass before he follows up with. "I be wondering we not be seeing the weird all the time. It be like something keeps your eyes from really noticing what be real. I'm sure there bean answer. One iI be betting our new friend knows the answer to." Jack grins briefly.

Lacking any real knowledge of the supernatural, Jack steers the conversation towards any question Assisi might have about the city that the Scot had a chance of answering. A bit after the meal, he makes sure the Brother gets to his apartment, and arranges for a couple of Red Caps to keeps their eyes on Assisi.

Finally, late in the night, Jack returns to his current hiding hole. As he takes of his coat to settle down, he winces, straining the spot that had been chewed on. Tossing his coat onto a chair, he rubs the wound. After checking the wound to make sure it wasn't to bad, Jack looks over his new sword for a little bit before getting ready to sleep for a bit.

Grabbing the small green vial from his vest, the big Scot looks at it in the candle light. Pulling the hit of cork out, Jack almost gags at the smell. 'Whatever this stuff was, the smell could gag a rat,' he thinks staring at the greenish colored liquid.

Holding his breathe, Jack drinks the vial down, thinking it was a bit odd that it didn't taste nearly as bad as it smelled. Blowing out candle, the big Scot quickly falls asleep.

"Not all of the English food be horrible," Jack laughed. "Only most of it."

A few minutes pass in silence before Jack turns to look at Assisi.

"I did have question for ya. Is what we encountered talked about in a great deal of books? I was getting then feeling that tonight be a rare thing," says the big Scot.

Jack laughed when Assisi mentions this being a normal night.

"The fighting be pretty normal for me. The monsters, no, not so much. A lot of what happened tonight made me want to run, screaming into the night," the big man chuckles. "Yeah, the apartment be in a nice enough spot. Ye shouldn't be having an issue, plus I'll have someone keeping an eye out for ya."

"Still, a good meal would be hitting the spot. How about a trip to Maggie's," Jack says with a grin.

At the end of the meeting, Jack tells Frankenstein the easiest mundane way to get a hold of the big Scot. He lists several places where a Red Cap will be working. He does mention that the message taker will need a pound, or someone might be robbed. Jack grins good naturedly when mentions that.

On the way out of the tunnel system, Jack was pleased to see that Desmond had recovered enough to hide himself. The thought of trying to move the boggle was not a pleasant one.

Jack nods to Synxol, when the young lord speaks up.

"Sounds good. If ya be needing me, get word to one of me Red Caps. Brother, I'll get ya to your lodgings and arrange someone to keep an eye on ya," the big Scot says, looking into the dark night sky. "I still have a bit o work to do myself," his grins turns predatory.

Watching the conversation, Jack continued to enjoy a bit more of the smattering of snacks that had been conjured out of nothingness. The aged scotch had beat his headache back far enough so that his head wasn't pounding. Tapping the vial that Maggie had given him, safe within his vest pocket, Jack briefly wonders what is in the vile tasting concoction, before turning his attention back to the others.

Mulling over Doctor Frankenstein's offer of payment, and the other things to a lesser degree, Jack has a few moments where he thinks about saying "No." Had he not a goodly number of people relying on his aid, the big Scot might have. The more practical side of his brain reminded him that the good Doctor had to be extremely wealthy. 'The advantage of living extra long and having magic,' Jack thinks to himself with a slight grin.

"Well, I be a happy man at the sound of payment. Got's me a few things to be taking care of back in Whitechapel," Jack smile has a certain quality that can only be described as rogue-like. Taking a sip from his scotch, Jack enjoys the heat working it's way down to his belly, when he makes a sour face. "Ah, bloody hell. I bet Desmond will be whining about how he'll need an extra pig for his troubles," Jack says, mostly to himself. "Bloody boggle has the heart of a rogue. I think I'll sweat him over getting his scaly tail handed to him," He looks over at the Captain.

"How the hell you knock Desmond out anyway? No offense captain, but I would have put money on the boggle," the big Scot asks the pirate.

Hoping for a bit of a story from Synxol's knowledge of magic, was a bit disappointed the young Lord was just as much in the dark. When Synxol made mention of the Doctor's work, Jack made a sour face.

"Some of the us be trying to eat," the big Scot says looking serious for a few moments. A grin cracks Jack's face. "I be a little curious about that me self. Not that I need details or anything," Jack says with a light hearted chuckle.

Pausing for a few heartbeats at the sudden appearance of the foodstuffs and presumably magically created dinner ware, Jack freezes half way to sitting. Glaring at the food that wasn't there a second ago, the big Scot, shakes his head slightly, muttering "Bloody weird," as he sits.

"So, before the discussion of the educated men begins, I be having a quick question for ya Doc," the massive Scotsman. Jack selects a healthy smattering of the offered magic food as he speaks. He takes the liberty of assisting the doctor as he opens the bottle of wine, Jack opens the bottle of whiskey. He felt the need for something a bit stronger than wine. Once pouring himself a healthy shot, he offers to pour for whomever is looking for a little liquid heat.

"Did you make the big bloke who carries the heavy stuff? Or is that another freakish giant like that Ebon bloke?" Jack pauses for a few moments and glances at the other two. "Speaking of the giant Persian, his body be cooling in your study. Up in the manor."

"Walker? Small, bloody city. I was hired by a man calling himself Walker to keep Assisi safe and escort him to you," Jack says, turning his head to look at Synxol.

The big Scot gives a quick description of the man that had approached him. Middle aged, seemed fit from an active lifestyle. He kept a short, well maintained beard, both beard and hair were salt and pepper colored, and he was wearing well tailored, but didn't particularly stand out. Jack also remembered that Walker wore a bowler hat, but didn't remember seeing anything that made Walker pop out in his memory.

I think this what he looked like, was having trouble remembering.

"That be sounding familiar to you Synxol?" Jack asks the young lord as he was preparing his pipe. The big Scot eyes can't help but wander to the tattoo or rune covered skull that spat something out in German.

Jack shrugs his massive shoulders at the other two men.

"Don't be looking at me, I be hired to help ya find the doc," the big Scot says, looking at the doctor, he nods to the man. "So, "Tada!" he be found."

Jack didn't think it wise to upset the Doctor on his home turf. He had been feeling a bit out of place when they entered the first hidden lab. The second one, hidden by what he guessed was magic, left him feeling a bit like a confused child.

"At your tempo Captain," Jack says. The big Scot had been looking at the Google's claws. Desmond being out cold was the best time to examine the creatures natural weapons. Jack was allies with the night lizard, not out of blind faith, but because the creature was a natural hunter.

"Oh, we did encounter two others that be looking for the Doctor. A giant Persian bloke and some nutter that turned into..., well, a werewolf. She howled and something howled back," Jack says, looking up from where he was standing by the Boogle.

While mentally digesting what he had just learned, Jack calls silent for few long moments. As the captain bandages her wound, the Scotsman looks between the boogle and sailor/pirate.

"Well, it be possible that your first mate being a snack might be slightly my fault. Desmond and I have a deal," Jack scratches under his chin. "I clean up the surface of Whitechapel, and takes care of the murders and general scum that slips into the sewers."

The big Scot pauses again to glance at the boggle. He shrugs his massive shoulders and looks back at the captain.

"I guess I feel a sense of kinship with the big Beastie," Jack shrugs once more. "I just be the hired muscle to keep these among the living." A roguish grin lights up the big Scots face.

Jack was just as in the dark as the others, and the shrug of his massive shoulders sends that message along to Synxol.

"I think that be a good plan. If I had known this would have been part of the job," the big Scotggestures around the room. "I'd have thrown Walker in the bloody Thames."

"Right, thanks for your help Captain, it be very welcomed. I be Jack the Red, that be Mister Syn and that be the Brother. Not looking to jinx our luck, but what be yourself doing here?" Jack glances at the Boggle.

"Other than beating up in Desmond. Oh, friends you might not want to be within arms reach of oil' Dessy we he be waking up. I be betting he'll be a touch upset." Jack says with a warm grin.

"No touching, got it," Jack replies, trying to not be distracted by the thing that was rapidly copying his very form.

"Alright you, pretending to be me, that be enough of this nonsense. There only be enough room for the real me, not some kinda copy. So back in yer vat and go back to sleep," the big Scot growls, his cheerful demeanor sliding away. "No? Dinna feel like listening? That be fine, I got a solution for ye." Jack grey eyes reflect the lantern light almost like two red dots.

Given that the creature was still trying to reach out for Jack, he quickly explodes into motion. His metal walking stick screams through the air, seeking his own half formed features upon the doppleganger skull.

"OIE!!!" Jack's deep baritone voice suddenly feels the room. "Desmond! Get off yer scaly arse and be getting over here! If you be moving quick, maybe I be letting you eat the copy of me."

Attack and damage:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 241d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

"Right, no looking in the eyes. Touch late on that warning," Jack says as he takes several steps back. Shifting his gaze, Jack keeps his eyes about mid chest level on the skinned man.

"What about touching? Be it safe to shove it back in the vat?"

Taking a back step when the door opens, Jack had glanced out the door taking in the sight of Desmond getting his arse kicked. Blinking slowly, he turns his gaze back to the half skinned man risen from the vat of goo.

"Yeah, Desmond be with us, so if ye be so kind as to stop beating up on my poor friend, that'd be great. And Desmond, don't think you won't be hearin' about havin' your arse handed to ya by a woman. I warned ye about us gingers," he adds with a friendly chuckle. Jack is facing the skinned man.

"So, is this half skinned man Doctor Frankensien, I presume? Or should I start screamin' and hittin' the thing wearing part of someone's skin? 'Cause, I think I be pretty close to the screaming part."

Reflex save:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Jack curses, jerking himself back a few feet from the vat. Heart hammering in his chest, the big Scot rubs a hand over his face to make sure it was still fully attached.

Taking a few deep breathes to steady his voice Jack shakes his head at Assisi's question.

"No, it be somebody without any skin. And they seem to be.., alivish. The doctor has skin right?" Jack asks, speaking to the other's while still facing the vat.

At first, Jack was making a straight shot to the second door. He didn't want to be standing around in the doctor's Chamber of Horrors. About halfway through the room, the big Scot's long legged gait slows. The large vat had caught his eye, as well as the general cleanliness of the room. Jack makes his way over to the big vat.

Wondering what oddity might be lurking within it's depths, Jack leans forward to get a better look. The vat itself was extremely impressive, looking able to stand up to group of labors armed with sledgehammers and ill intent.

Reaching the door, Jack runs his grey eyes over it's surface. Like the underground tunnel, it was very well constructed.

"I really be hoping that this beastie be unlocked," the big Scot mutters, mostly to himself. Shrugging, Jack tries the door handle.

Looking at the lift, the big Scot shrugs his wide shoulders. He recognized parts of the pulley system, but that was all.

Moving with the others, Jack takes the offered lantern and gives a nod of thanks to the young lord.

"Oh, I imagine that there be some other way out o here," Jack says sounding confident. Not that he feels particularly confident about wandering around down in the depths.

At the young lord's words, Jack smiles innocently, which he holds for several convincing moments. The smile morphs into a roguish grin, looking much more appropriate on the night Scot's face.

"So, I think what I be hearing was the lift returning. So, somethin' may be down here," Jack mentions to the others.

"Nice, smooth ride. Being completely honest I be expecting it to just drop," the big Scot grins tightly at the other two.

Jack continues to wait for everyone to get before using the lever.

"Looks pretty close to what be used to load up the galley's of big ships. Just much better maintained then ones that I have seen at the docks," the big Scot says glancing over the chains and pulleys once more.

With a wide smile, Jack had nodded to Assisi, and headed down the stairs, trying to be quite. When they had reached the cage, they had stopped for a few moments to make a quick decision about going down or not. Which at this point of course they were going down.

Watching the cigarette fall, Jack looks at the platform with something almost resembling concern. The Scot wasn't worried about the construction, the cage looked well built. Jack imagination was in full swing, churning out horrors that awaited them at the bottom. As the faint light of the cigarette disappears, Jack pushes his fears to the back of his mind.

A tight grin on his face, Jack nods to the others and steps into the open cage door.

"S'right Assisi, I didn't really think ye two knew that much about the crazywolf lady either," mentions to the Brother as he looks down into the dark. The faint sound of something moving causes his jaw to snap shut as he looks down the stairs intently for a few seconds.

Drawing back slightly from the open that had been concealed via the bookshelf, Jack looks at the Lord and the Scholar.

"Thought I be hearing somethin' down there," the Scotsman whispers to the others. He looks down the stairs spiraling down into the deeps. "Could be the Doc's private study? Or a way to escape? Let's give a quick peek, and see what be hidin' down there."

Glancing around, Jack looks for a lantern. Wandering down into the darkness without any form of light was not on the menu for the night.

Putting the contents of the money purse away, Jack chuckles. At the sound of the bookshelf sliding open grabbed his attention.

"Looks like it be a lucky break for us," the big Scot says. He moves over to take a glance down the spiral stairs.

"Either of you have any clue what be going with crazy lady and this bloke? Or findin' anything on the Doctor, for that matter?" the big Scot asks while he works. "and what up be that lady? Beside the whole changin' and going all wolf lookin'? How many different tongues she be using? She bloody well sounded like she be talkin' with two somebody else, but there be no in the room when we entered."

Jack looks up and looks out the big broken window.

"I get the feelin' we should be takin' our sweet time. When Crazy wolf lady howled, I be powerfully certain that something be answering her howl," Jack looks between the Lord and the Scholar. "Thinkin' we should be beatin' feet here shortly, as I dinna want to be around when she gets back with friends."

"Hmm, looks like the match goes to the criminals, not the murderers," Jack says with a tight grin as he looks down at the giant's body. Between the blows to the chest and skull, the big Scot was certain that Ebon wouldn't be going anywhere ever again, sort of a unmarked grave for criminals.

"Ah, it be a pity I not be closer to Whitechapel. I'd be able to get a fair number of pounds for his corpse. The medical universities pay well for the bodies of misshapen and the freaks," Jack says as if that would completely explain why he would sell corpses. The big Scot begins to methodically strip the valuables off of the giant's body.

"That be a nice piece o' steel," the Scotsman mutters as he looks over the former Rasha's blade. "I think I be holding on to this." Setting the blade to the side, Jack opens the corpse's bulging money purse. "If I be extremely lucky, there will be enough gems to make Desmond happy. The general wealth I guess be splitting, that be only the fair way to do things.

The big Scot continues his work, trying to finish before the corpse's bowls were evacuated in death.

"I dinna really remember. Oh wait, I be lying. I remember one set of the footprints be smelling o' the sewers. My thinking be that the little scaly short guy was on his way back to the sewers when he ran into somethin' lurking in that maze," Jack thinks for a few seconds. "If I were gonna be hiding a sewer entrance, that maze be a good spot for it. Course, I dinna be thikning the good doctor would have his hidy hole in his back yard, that would be a bit silly."

Metal walking stick whizzing through the air, Jack continues to attack the giant of a man. A heart felt curse slips past his lips as Ebon'Rasha moves to get to his feet. The big Scot didn't want to let the giant Persian to focus on the Brother.

After all, Jack was being paid to keep the Brother alive and intact. Not to mention Assisi seemed a decent sort of person, and Jack might feel bad if he ended up getting him killed.

Attack and damage:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20;1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7. And I believe Jack and Assisi get an AoO on Ebon when he gets to his feet. If I am correct, here is Jack's rolls for the AoO as Ebon gets to his feet. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11;1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

"Bloody amateur," Jack mutters as his long legs eat the distance. In a flash he was in front of the big man. "Let's see how ye dance, giant."

The metal walking stick slices through the air, the big Scot welding in vaguely sword like fashion.

Attack (plus flanking with Assisi, I think) and damage:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20;1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Seeing that he had been noticed, Jack stands up right. Looking at the big man, the Scot nods.

"I be havin' a question for ya, big man. Be you responsible for the two the two dead women outside?" Jack asks, his grey eyes hard.

As the giant man begins to look about the room, Jack holds his breath. The big Scot completely froze, willing himself to not be seen. He mentally curses, realizing that he had let them talk to long. They had lost their chance for an ambush, and were more than likely looking at a nasty fight.

Hide check:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Jack is almost holding his breath, waiting to see what secrets the young lord might be able to wrest from the giant. He has to give Synxol full credit for keeping calm in the face of the giant Prussian. Glancing at the lord, Jack wonders how much time young Baelstrad spent gambling.

As the conversation pauses for a moment, the big Scot feels like a big hunting cat. Muscles coiled and ready to spring into action, his grey eyes flicked back to the shattered window. Looking back at the giant, Jack was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

Hiding, Jack blinks in surprise as the big man enters the room. The heavy foot steps had given him an idea that someone large was on their way. The owner of the Prussian accented was quiet literally a giant.

Gripping his metal walking stick tightly, the big Scot changes his plan, as knocking him over the head wasn't really a good option. 'However, knees be looking like a good choice,' Jack thinks to himself. Glancing at the Brother, Jack nods slightly. Once the young Lord had plucked as much information as he could from the giant, Jack had a feeling things would get nasty.

The big Scot was getting the feeling that anyone traveling around with the crazy wolf lady, was not someone they wanted to try and take in any kind of fair fight. Which was fortunate, since Jack had no plans on fighting fair.

Listening to the conversation between the two, a slight frown took up residence upon Jack's face. The big man kept talking about his "God," and Jack was beginning to think that he wasn't talking about the God everyone else referred to.

Jack slides into his chosen hiding spot near the door.

hide and move silently checks:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 41d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Jack grins at Synxol as they look out the shattered window. The big Scot was about to say something when the someone speaking outside of the room. Listening to what is said, a nasty grin slides across his face.

"Time for an ambush," Jack whispers to the other two. Pointing at a spot a good ways in front of the closed door. "One of you needs to be visible for distraction. That way the others be sneakin' up and knockin' out whomever is coming to check on wolf lady." Jack whispers to the others.

The big man locates a good spot near the door to stay out of sight. Even if that mean hiding behind the door, but Jack isn't confident that he can get behind the door without being seen by the approaching footsteps.

Jack looks out the window, blinking several times as his mind tries to come up with some kind of plausible lie to cover what he had just seen. Needless to say, it really does try for a few heartbeats before doing the brain equivalent of throwing it's hands up and saying "F@@% it. Yeah you just saw a werewolf, congratulations." The big Scot shakes his head when the distant sound of the answering howl hits his ears like a hammer.

"I dinna think we be catching that," Jack finally response, looking over at Assisi. Shaking his head, Jack looks around the massive library. "Bugger all. I don't be thinking we be lucky enough to not be disturbed, so we need to find some clues." Grey eyes sweeping over the the room several times, he looks back at the other two. "Alright, what to we be knowin' about this doctor? Anythin' that might give an idea as to what the crazy lady was talking about?"

A few moments pass as Jack looks for a desk and has plans to look through it.

"Be it just my thinkin', or was Crazy Lady lookin' rather saucy in her leather outfit?" Jack comments. "Well, before she did the whole turn into a furry wolf beast anyway. What was she? Other than talking to herself in different languages crazy."

Moving as soon as the the leather glad nutter began moving, Jack catches the sight of the young lord in action out of his peripheral vision as he runs forward. The thundering roar of his pistol at close range followed less then a heartbeat later.

Both hands on his metal walking stick, the big Scot swings the stick like the sturdy club that it is. He wasn't about to take any chances, his shoulder still ached from where he had been bitten earlier. Jack was not about to take any chances with the crazy lady.

Jack moves forward and attacks! Attack and Damage:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 151d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

"Well that be quite the saucy outfit, luv. Shame you be all set on killin' my dear friend, guess that be meaning I be having to stop ye," Jack says, still grinning cheekily. The big Scot had moved and was leaning against a wall.

A cheeky grin fully hooked in place upon his face, Jack's grey eyes drink in the sight before him. He didn't understand the languages, although one he would have bet was a tart speaking German. He was pretty certain that they weren't happy from the tones of the voices.

The big Scotsman looked to be casually leaning on his walking stick. He was waiting for this little meeting to blow up like a bottle of moonshine placed in a fire.

Following the trail, Jack realized that the thick carpeting was deadening the sound of his foot steps. 'I be thinkin' all the places I have to break into should be havin' this type o carpet,' the Scot thinks with a grin.

As he gets closer to the first set of door after passing through the western arch, Jack slows his step. He looks at the carpet for a moment while he was near the door to makes sure he wasn't missing any wet footprints coming from or to the door.

Jack takes a moment and touches one of the wet footprints. Bringing his damp fingertips close to his hawkish nose, he sniffs. The big man wanted to know if the footprints were just wet boots. Or if the owner had been traveling in the sewers before coming here.

Once the Scot had that figured out, he rises and continues to follow the tracks to the double doors. 'Hopefully, I be having a chance to do a proper look-see through the manor,' Jack thinks when he gets to the door.

Hand on the right door's latch, Jack looks at the other two and nods. When they look ready, he carefully opens the door.

"Yea, that does be a bit on the odd side," floats Jack's response from over his shoulder as he glances back at the young lord. Corpses to the Scot were nothing new, Whitechapel practically churns them out. He had been more concerned with the "still moving and attacking after death," part of things. That part had been very new, and extraordinary terrifying.

All in all Jack was impressed that the two were holding together as well as they were. Even after a lifetime spent in the street of Whitechapel, he still wanted to run, screaming, from this place as fast as he could.

"Me boy's did mention that not even the Bobbies be walking past here." The big Scot fall silent for a moment. "Perhaps it be like Desmond's place. Most sane people just wish to be staying away from places like that," Jack glances back at the maze they had left behind. "Which be making us three bat s&@* crazy by my guess," Jack says quietly to the others, a smirk stretching across his whiskered face for a moment.

"Then again, maybe we be getting lucky and people just be thinking it be the coming storm," Jack says with a shrug of his massive shoulders.

Jack looks at the door hanging by a hinge and the dark, congealed bloodstain and shakes his head slightly.

"Well, getting in won't be much of a problem," Jack mutters as he carefully approaches the door. Walking in, the big man takes a few long moments to look around. He points out the two sets of wet prints, noticing that the Brother and the young Lord had noticed them as well.

"Alright, it looks like we been following the wet footprints first," Jack whispers to the others. "If we don't be finding anything at the end of the wet prints, then we be doing more searching around." The big man looks at the prints and gets ready to creep through an manor filled with who knows what. And Jack really doubted it was going to be friendly.

"Oh, and be keeping your eyes out for gems and the like. I have a Boggle to be paying," Jack says looking at the two with a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Alright, to the manor," the big Scot says as he starts moving towards the home of the doctor. Mister Syn, if you would be so good as to keep an eye on path to the maze while we head to the manor. I'd rather us be snuck up upon," Jack adds with a quick grin.

The big man makes his way to the home, looking to see if anyone has come to a window. Jack hoped they were still undiscovered by whatever is in the manor.

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Latrecis: I will be plopping them into Golarion. The original plan was to call Sandoint Wartle and rearrange the geography to fit, but I relize there's no real reason I can't just handwave the distance once they leave the woods. Either how you suggest or just with "Then nothing happens for awhile and now you're in Sandpoint."

Here are my revised ideas, taking into account the advice presented so far:

Aldern will be introduced in the woods as per my original post.

The abandoned tower is an old Thassilonian ruin (I was rather vague in describing it previously) with a runewell deep below.

The corruption of the woods is being caused by an agent of Karzoug: A third Lamia named something-that-ends-in-esha(or etia). She wants to use nasty magic to bind the fey to her master's will and is looking for the runewell as a little bonus. She has a sihedron medallion.

They will arrive at Sandpoint just in time for the swallowtail festival (just for a fun RP and games session) but there will be no goblins. Instead, the festival is ruined when Tsuto tries to burn down the everything! Probably with a couple demons or sinspawn helping him out.

Turns out he found the dungeon of wrath and Erylium put the magical whammy on him so now he's all wrathful and junk. I dunno I'll figure out the specifics later.

No Nualia in this scenario. The runewell in the dungeon, matching the one they found in the feywoods, connects it to the Lamia and thus the medallion.

He's dealt with and the PCs can hang out as heroes for a bit but minor demons/sinspawn (I like demons) keep popping up which leads to an investigation of the glassworks and the dungeon of wrath. Call clearing the dungeon the end of part one, go straight in to the murders after a few more rest days. From there on, we follow the book.

Granted, I also really like the scenario Latrecis put forth (except I may change goblins to something else. They already trounced kobolds. Doing goblins right after feels kinda "Oh more weak tiny things ok.")

Good thing I have awhile yet to decide!

These are great. Any other suggestions?

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I added a few little things to happen in the first session that will subtely foreshadow the rest of the campaign. This is more to pat myself on the back for being so clever as I wholeheartedly expect my players not to notice or care.

Hecka spoilers abound.

During the swallowtail festival: There will be a "test your strength" game called Ogre Smash. The bell to ring will be encased in a papier mache ogre head. Win or lose, the PC will receive a comment like "Those ogres don't stand a chance!" Or "Sure hope you never have to go up against a real one!"

Instead of a set lunchtime there will be a food tent. A wizard will be putting temporary arcane marks on everyone who enters to ensure everyone only gets one plate apiece. Perceptive PCs will notice, before finding the food tent, that the majority of people in town are marked with a mysterious rune.

During local heroes: on the boarhunt with Aldern they will come across a dead boar in a dark section of the woods being devoured by an undead creature. Aldern will be horrified "Filthy undead!" The creature will give off a distinctive odor of rotting flesh and gravesoil.

Madame Mvashti will give a PC a free reading. As she gets into it she will fall into a trance and recite this poem:

You will learn from a monk, a madman and a mother
You will fight within a prison hidden like no other
You will face one god upon the face of another

She will then return to normal and speak the last line

And within the week you'll find a sweet, young lover!

At some point when speaking to Brodert Quint he will wistfully make a comment about the old light "If only those stones could talk, what secrets they would tell!"

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Yep, another one of these.
My favorite part of planning a homebrew campaign is building a region chock-full of interesting plot hooks to get my players going. So… I dunno, can’t think of what else to say in the preamble. It all seems pretty self-explanatory.

Here's the rules:
1. Roll a d100 five times
2. Take the corresponding features/traits/whatevers and design a fantastic region full of adventure and plot hooks! Note that while your setting has to contain the five features you rolled, it’s not limited to those five. Go crazy if you want to!
3. If you roll two things that conflict you can either re-roll or decide your region is large enough that there are places where either of those things are true.
4. If you roll the same number twice, re-roll.
5. Bonus points for the region being part of the world you built here and incorporating the organization you created here!

When I design a region I usually use this format:

Important people:
Important organizations:
Gazeteer: (descriptions of major settlements and places of interest)

But feel free to make yours however you like.

1. Difficult to enter
2. Difficult to leave
3. Major trade route
4. Undiscovered/Newly discovered
5. Difficult to map accurately (for some reason)
6. Rich in natural resources
7. Rich in unnatural resources
8. Completely lacking in an essential resource (wood, water, etc.)
9. Popular destination for settlers/tourists/etc.
10. Sane people hesitate to go there

11. Unexpected combination of terrains
12. Impressive natural formation
13. Impressive man-made formation
14. Impressive magic-made formation
15. Ancient battleground
16. Recent battleground
17. Current battleground
18. Empty ruins
19. Inhabited ruins
20. Homogenous terrain

21. Primitive tribes
22. Lost/hidden civilization
23. Major race’s ancient homeland
24. Strange local traditions/superstitions
25. Ancient enmity between two intelligent races
26. Mutual hostility between all intelligent races
27. Multiple races allied against a mutual foe
28 Melting pot of many races peacefully coexisting
29. Highly developed technology (‘cutting-edge’ for the setting)
30. Taboo to one or more intelligent races

31. Dinosaurs!
32. Friendly spirits
33. Unfriendly spirits
34. Solitary, powerful creature
35. Incursion from a good-aligned plane
36. Incursion from an evil-aligned plane
37. Incursion from a non-aligned plane
38. Regular swarms/stampedes of _____
39. Intelligent creatures that are usually unintelligent
40. Extra dinosaurs!

41. Wide open spaces
42. Cluttered/cramped spaces
43. Very high altitude
44. Very low altitude/Underground/Underwater
45. Regularly/constantly changing altitude (for some reason)
46. Multiple lakes
47. Riddled with tunnels and caverns
48. Awful lot of rivers
49. Island
50. Never enough dinosaurs!

51. Powerful evil imprisoned
52. Powerful good imprisoned
53. Important holy site
54. Powerful regional guardian
55. Ancient artifact
56. Body of a dead/sleeping <insert incredibly powerful entity>
57. Something that can reveal the truth behind a famous mystery
58. The site of a famous mystery
59. Someone/something that claims to be/people claim to be a God
60. An actual God incognito

61. Earth-related magical anomaly
62. Air-related magical anomaly
63. Water-related magical anomaly
64. Fire-related magical anomaly
65. Sound-related magical anomaly
66. Electricity-related magical anomaly
67. Negative energy-related magical anomaly
68. Positive energy-related magical anomaly
69. Time-related magical anomaly
70. Memory-related magical anomaly

71. Incredibly large tree/tower/pit/etc.
72. Someone/something from another world
73. Hidden city
74. Permanent illusions
75. Anomaly that seems magical but has a natural explanation
76. Something completely ordinary that has a sinister/strange backstory/explanation
77. Something that can be found once but never again by the same person
78. A surly, orange tabby names Fasa (Or roll again I guess)
79. Chunk of land displaced by magic
80. A vast repository of information

81. Headquarters of a powerful organization
82. Multiple, conflicting organizations
83. Strictly controlled travel
84. Magically expedited travel
85. Home to a vast conspiracy
86. The site of a famous legend
87. Subjugated local population
88. Hotly contested by outside organizations/nations/etc. (vying for something)
89. Adventuring is popular
90 Adventuring is practically unheard of

90. A new twist on a well-established trope/cliche
91. Something so horrible you have to warn people and put it in spoilers (but still follows community guidelines)
92. Something that will make people laugh when they read it
93. Obvious author-avatar
94. Based on a real-world location
95. Actual real world location displaced/overrun with magic (or something)
96. Re-roll one previous roll then roll again
97. Throw some dinosaurs in there!
98. Roll twice more
100. Pick whatever you want!

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But when. Does he turn. Into a turtle.

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Ok, so when does he turn into a turtle?

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24. The PCs find a strange, alien looking but harmless creature. They have to hide it from the local xenophobic authorities and gather materials enough for it to create some sort of device to phone home.

25. The PCs are on a fishing vessel crossing a large lake that is attacked by a megalodon. If they want to take it out adn return the body to the local village for a reward, they're going to need a bigger boat.

26. The PCs go on a tour of a menagerie of dangerous beasts that have been extinct for millennia put together by a powerful wizard. A corrupt apprentice deactivates the magical safeguards and the PCs have to get out of the compound without getting eaten.

27. A local girl was pulled into the ethereal plane by the angry spirits of a shoanti burial ground the village was built over. The PCs have to rescue her.

28. A group of young PCs find a treasure map and have to avoid incompetent goons, get past ancient traps and befriend an imprisoned bugbear to find the pirate treasure and save their town from an unscrupulous lord.

OK, those are adventures rather than encounters. Still cool, creative and (coughcough) original though!

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In the town of Kassen they hold a yearly ritual to ensure a good harvest. Every autumn, a few of the townsfolk make a pilgrimage to the Crypt of the Everflame to light a lantern from the flame and bring it back to town, where it is preserved all winter. This year, mayor Uptal has decided to give the honour of retrieving the flame to a group of young adventurous spirits, including you!

Sounds like a super fun time!

I'm looking for four players willing to post at least 4-5 times a week. (Due to my schedule every once in awhile I may have to go a few days at a time unable to post)

Crypt of the Everflame is a paizo module for level 1 characters. It leads into a couple other modules and, if the players are interested and I still have time we might be doing those afterwards. It's a dungeon crawl so if you're looking for something social-heavy this isn't it.

This will be my first experience GMing a PbP so tips, hints and patience will be appreciated.

Character creation

15 point buy

2 traits. 3 if you also take a drawback

Full health 1st level, max-2 or roll on level-up

Average starting wealth

Don't worry about rations, waterskins, backpacks or tents (unless you want extra)

No evil characters

Anything from paizo in the srd is available. I'd prefer core races but if you can convince me with a good backstory I'll allow non-core

The good backstory clause also applies to anything exotic (ninjas, samurai, gunslingers)

I may allow some third party materiel. Hard no on 3pp races and classes but ask me about feats and stuff

If anyone is interested in trying out this homebrew class of my design: The Wardkeeper that'd be cool. (I know, I know, the fluff doesn't fit. Maybe you came from Tian Xian or met one of those rare Avistani Kami) It hasn't be tested at all so if anyone chooses it I'll allow them to roll up a new character at any time if they decide it's not for them. If it starts to look like it's completely underpowered I'll work with the party on fair ways to tweak it so you can contribute. I doubt it'll be OP but the same applies in that case.

Your backstory should include a reason you're in Kassen (a small logging town in northern Nirmathas) and why you're being chosen for the everflame quest. (Local youth coming-of-age, saved a local's child from drowning so are being honoured, annoying guy they want out of the town for a few days to party... whatever!) I don't need a full stat block right away, just a character concept and background. If you want more information on the town and it's inhabitants shoot me a PM.

I'll keep recruitment open for at least a week.

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scrmwrtr42 wrote:

First of all: inter-party conflict can be fun and entertaining, etc., but when one player actually, continually, murders the other players' characters, that's a kick-outable offense right there. Add in all the other crap, definitely invite him to exit stage left.

Next: WHERE do you work that you have free time enough to ROLE PLAY for hours and not get your asses fired...and do you have any openings???

Oh my gosh I almost missed that. This! This is very important information!

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Don't play with him. Ever again. Ever.

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13. Caltrop Swarm These caltrops are actually a swarm of fine sized contructs that move around the battlefield, positioning themselves in squares between their owner and his assailant. They take up two five-foot squares. They act like normal caltrops except a creature moving at half speed cannot avoid them (as they just roll under his foot).

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That... sounds like it makes all other races obsolete.

I don't know, I think an octopus would have a bonus for slight of hand. Can't very well watch all eight tentacles at once, can you?

I don't think the single mind thing is an issue. If they were born two-armed then suddenly grew an extra pair, yeah I can see coordination being tricky just till you get used to them but not if you're born with them.

If the extra arms function like regular limbs (or regular parts of the body) they'll be chock full of proprioceptors in the ligaments at all of the joints. Those are the little doohickies that tell your brain where all the parts of your body are in space. (they're why you can find your nose with your eyes closed, for example) A race born with extra limbs's nervous system will have adapted to it long ago and their brains, while still singular, would easily be able to handle the extra input. Heck, OUR brains probably could figure it out pretty fast, if we ever figured out a way to get new limbs.

So a creature with four fully functioning arms probably could pull off some fancy handsy stuff. Ever find yourself absent mindedly throwing an orange in the air and catching it without even looking? Imagine what you could do with four arms without having to look. Definitely give them at least a circumstantial bonus to slight of hand when juggling fruits.

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First up: Kevin, Jo, Christopher, Dana. Out. Shoo. Away with ye.

I'm the DM for a brand-new pathfinder group. We're six sessions in and the story is getting rolling. Unfortunately, my schooling is starting up again and I've a heckuva lot of other things going on at the moment as well so I've found myself with less and less time to prep, much less invent and design an entire plot.

So the advice I'm looking for: Adventure paths? The group is level 4 right now and is escorting the mysteriously exiled princess of the Crimson Throne of Korvosa back to the city to help overthrow the court wizard that kidnaped her and usurped her father. With this I was thinking jumping into the Curse of the Crimson Throne path might work pretty well since we're headed to Korvosa anyway but since I don't know the plot of the AP at all, and considering we'd be starting with the second module... asking if it will fit, or suggestions on how to make it fit with what I've done so far.

What I've done so far:

The party cleared out the Crypt of the Everflame, defeating a Dark Stalker mook of the evil wizard (who escaped, dundunnn) and discovered Melara Skorra, princess of Korvosa, in suspended animation in a hidden chamber. They rescued her, found a way to return her memories and are on their way to korvosa, stopping to smite some Derro and Goblins on the way.

The plan was to have the party join an underground resistance once in the city, putting pieces together to infiltrate the palace and overthrow the Necromancer. There was a twist wherein the reason the necromancer took power was that the King had been influenced by a much eviler Efreeti, which the wizard sealed away within the Princess's body to defeat. (explaining why she was hidden and not killed like her father)

So, I've the basic plot down but have no time anymore to flesh it out and design encounters. I'm willing to abandon it and use an AP since the alternative is straight up quitting but I need to work in the plot elements I've introduced thus far and work around skipping the first module. Adivse me, oh Pathfinder advice board!

Grand Lodge

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Exactly what it says on the tin, fellas.

1. The PCs find a stash of gems in a cave but before they can pocket them a Xorn pops out of the wall, mows down, and pops back the way it came! The chase (through solid rock...) is on!

2. The PCs must traverse through a dangerous area of the woods, but in order to do so safely they must make a deal with the local Dryads: Sabotage or otherwise put an end to a nearby logging operation.

3. The PCs are deceptively lead to a safehouse of the local La Resistance and are given a choice by the Clockwork crafting leader of the cell: "Join us or leave town."

4. The PCs come across a grisly scene: People strapped to tables, being injected with concentrated Russet mold by some sick, mad 'scientist' and exploding into Vegepygmies!

ok now you.

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Oh man you guys have no idea how badly I've wanted to play a game like DnD since I was like, twelve years old. Never been able to find a gaming group that'd let me join. Seriously can't begin to express how stoked I am to have discovered this website.

I'm starting my own PF group in a couple weeks, all of us newbies to the game, and this is really whetting my appetite.