Cinder Wolf

Jack Noir's page

33 posts. Alias of Orthos.


Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Look at all the graveyard stuffers.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know how that goes.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
I'm just amused that Impus Major has mastered the art of maintaining eye contact to show dominance.

But ain't punchin' snouts yet.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Courtyard Droll wrote:

Smile'n nod, kid. Smile'n nod.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
H. Washburne wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Taking the Sky from Him
Okay, first, that's hurtful.

*teleport stab*

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*teleports in*

*stabs Lunias*

*teleports out*

Sovereign Court

*teleport in*


*teleport out*

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Mark Hoover wrote:
The Beard wrote:
Me am not know what is troll. Me RP what am barbarian do to things am barbarian not know now; Smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash!
Wait, I'm not understanding...what are you doing this round?

*stab* Better?

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Rolled-Up Newspaper wrote:
Old Man Henderson wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?


Sovereign Court



Sovereign Court

lucky7 wrote:
I blame cosmo for me not getting to stab enough.


Another coffin clogger served.

Sovereign Court

Umbral Reaver wrote:
Orthos wrote:

And then that one pawn rises up and unites both teams' pawns against their oppressive masters.

God you hate kings.

Can't have a decent game of chess without a mythic half-fiend nutcase murdering everyone in sight.

Graveyard stuffers.

Sovereign Court

*STAB* No.

Sovereign Court

XperimentalDM wrote:
Courtyard Droll wrote:


But not many...

Sweet, where's the mayor of cantown. That guy is awesome. *Installs server Beta*

*teleport stab*

*steals uranium*

*exits universe*

*Red Miles*

Sovereign Court

I'm like Batman, but with more bladed objects.

On that note... *STAB!!*

Next graveyard stuffer to post is wearing a stupid hat.

Sovereign Court

Invisible Kierkegaard wrote:


Sovereign Court

Scintillae wrote:
But my fanfictions...

*Red Miles*

Sovereign Court

Courtyard Droll wrote:

Take off that stupid hat.

Sovereign Court

I hate you all.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
liz: Stab stab stab

I like the cut of this girl's jib.

Sovereign Court

taig wrote:

You take that back. *stabs*

Sovereign Court

*stab of approval*

Sovereign Court

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Also:** spoiler omitted **

*teleport stab*

Sovereign Court

LazarX wrote:
This thread is killing legions of cat girls.

Sounds good to me.

Sovereign Court

Snuggle wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Goin' For A Troll wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?
I'mma pokin' the bear.
How does the bear feel about that?
Will you f&%@ers just leave me the f%*+ alone?!?!!!

*poke poke poke stab*

Sovereign Court

Scintillae wrote:
lynora wrote:
Lindisty wrote:

wanders through and scatters cuteness around

Awww, look at the kitties!

Awwwww, such adorable little killers. :)

*stab of approval*

Sovereign Court

my god i love pancakes

Sovereign Court

Emone wrote:
I'm so depressed...


Sovereign Court

I got a demolitionist on crew. He's a moron but he knows his bombs.

Sovereign Court

I believe there ain't no problem that can't be solved with sufficient application of stabs.