Sable Company Elite Marine

Ivan Merlovich's page

9 posts. Alias of Chris Parker.


Readying an attack against the first goblin I can get sneak attack against.

Ivan just stands there; blade ready to carve into goblin flesh. He waits for one to run past before doing so; hoping to take it by surprise.

Ivan also heads to the door, ready to take on anyone that the others miss.

Ivan draws his kukri. "Then let's kill us some goblins."

Is there a discussion or gameplay thread I'm missing?

Ivan draws a kukri, eyes searching around for threats. "What in the hells was that?" he asks quietly. Rhetorically.

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

"Chitterwood isn't the only place with large numbers of goblins," Ivan points out to Tiago. "And maybe we will have to cull them, but that's no good reason to leave the Chitterwood as it is."

Ivan takes a deep drink of his mead, and sighs. "Besides, no village grows prosperous in isolation, and without the silk trade, there's very little reason to come here."

"Yes, I'd be interested in knowing your plans as well. I'm all for regrowing the local forest, but I'd like to know up front that there's a solid plan in place," Ivan says over a mug of mead. "I've never been in a war, but I'd imagine that like so many things, there's always a good reason for it - in one man's mind or another at least. I've mostly earned my keep by trapping, and I've picked up many a useful skill over the years. Give me a good plan, and I'd be happy to aid you."

Here's Ivan's alias; I'll get the stats and background added to it shortly.