Ulfen Raider

Invictus Spartan's page

Organized Play Member. 57 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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Hello there.

So, when I stopped paying attention people were excited about the Armory. So yeah, it's been a while. Would you be so kind as to answer a few questions and share your opinion?

1) Can I be ageless due to class feature? Not a race that's ageless, I mean like, can a human receive the "don't age nor die of old age". The only thing I remember had that was the capstone 20th level Mystic Enlightenment. Is there any other way I can make a human lasts forever (aka until killed)? Or any item/ritual that gives that?

2) Do we have rules somewhere to build our own planet/business/society? Kingmaker style, kinda. Are they nice?

3) Did they do something with the Solarian to make them stronger? It's such an interesting class, but I can't seem to build him correctly.

4) Same question above, but for the witchwarper. Such great concept, but the mechanics seem so... weird o.O Not bad, but definetly not good. You know? Is it just me?

5) How do you enjoy some of the more *ahem* unique races. Like, things that are nowhere near humanoid format. Do you guys use them? Do you charge different prices for accomodations and armor for things without arms and/or legs? If a humanoid enemy drops a nice piece of armor, can the blob of gelatinous flesh wear it normally?

6) A friend mentioned that there are new functions for the starship battles. I will say he is not the most trusted of sources. Is it true? Where are they (which book)? Do you use them? Do you like them?

7) I'm trying to return, would you say there is something I should look up? Some great new thing that made this great game even better?

8) Is there a way I can play with people online? Any community somewhere to play Starfinder online? Most of my old team isn't playing anything, I'd like to meet new people and play, you know?

Thank you very much for answering.

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Good morning everyone o/

So, after a long, LONG pause from Pathfinder 2e, me and my party are debating making a party exclusively of dwarves that dreams of colonizing the Fog Peaks (between Galt and Taldor). We call the group The Dwarven Hand, we use fingers as codenames. We're, peharps, too open to options, and since everybody went with "I can play whatever" we're lacking "directions". This is because we're more into learning to love the character as we see them grow, instead of bringing to the game something we already love.

This is what we want:

- Fingers: We plan to max out one characteristic (which is easy in this system) according to the position: the Little will have max Dex, the Ring max Int, the Middle max Str, the Index max Wis and the Thumb max Cha (yes, a Cha focused dwarf, the leader/ruler of the enclave they're dreaming to build);

- Baruk Khazad: We fight melee. Even the casters. Dwarves can have weapons and critical specializations from their race feats. I heard gossip about a Magical Strike build, although I don't fully understand it (since I didn't read it XD);

- Full party: Five is a big number. We should be able to do everything out of combat: face skills, survival to find the way, disable all traps.

We'll be some do-gooders until we can face the dangers of Fog Peaks and gather other frontier dwarves to join us. We'll try to keep the dwarf-theme going (for instance, a Wizard or Witch would be a Rivethun adept, etc.)

I'd love to hear your bright ideas and suggestions, since in Fog Peaks there are derros, rocs, ice trolls, ice giants (one of which has a vorpal axe), remorhaz, frost worms, white dragons (3 of which are famous), a magic prison from Galt, an unknown magic tower and more.

Thanks in advance!

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With Advanced Player Guide and Secrets of Magic, I'd like to know if you guys would like me to update the (or create an entirely new) quiz to include the new classes.

I sincerely appreciate the compliments, I thrilled so many people liked it!

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Xenocrat wrote:
9th level Mindswap let’s you steal young bodies in perpetuity. Boost your physical traits, too, if you pick the right one.

YOU BEAUTIFUL LEGEND, THANK YOU. Orochimaru is the way to go!

Yes, I can change my mind to another being of my ancestry permanently!
I checked it out but didn't read the heightened version.

The-Magic-Sword wrote:
damn, I came to recommend Bathe in Blood, its really damn cool.

It's wonderfully cool, except we can use it a limited amount of times, only sadly.


I'm trying to make a PC, yes being "immortal" gives nothing on Pathfinder 2E, it is just for the fluff, but as I wrote above #fluffmatters.


Wish, Miracle and Alter Reality depends on GM fiat, so any success would "feel" like a houserule. My mind is broken.


I deeply appreciate all the advice and suggestions.
Excuse me while I make a body-stealing PC now.

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Secrets of Magic is out and my dreams of an immortality ritual are squandered.

The only thing in the entire book that makes you "young again" is the ritual Bathe in Blood, that requires you to be at max level 16, and gets harder to cast each time you do it.

Anyone found anything on the book that makes you eternally young that I might (hopefully) have missed?

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John Ryan 783 wrote:
Invictus Spartan wrote:

*deep breathing*

I'm not mad... I just would very much like to know why the date was changed. Pretty please, with sugar on top. Why?

This is how the Paizo model has worked for years. They send out pdfs to subscribers when they ship the product, which I believe has something to do with when they can charge them.

But for your more specific question, it has to do with agreements with traditional brick and mortar stores. Street date is a hard thing, and violating it in any market is usually a huge deal. So, if they push back street date to September 1st, then they *Cannot* be selling product directly before that date.

I do think it is a bit of an outdated system, but we don't have access to Paizo's numbers, as the Marketing Manager has made clear they have looked at alternatives and found them to not be financially viable.

Welp, I'll be damned, it is a good reason, after all. I share the bad mood most people are having, but to break contracts is suicide for a company (unless you're Disney and you're finished with Scarlet Johanson).

Maybe it'll change in the future, but as of now, I think Paizo did the right thing. It's better to upset a few (impatient) people (me included) than to gather legal fees that outshine the profit of an "early" launch.

Now, back to the book: I'm excited to see a weapon-and-shield magus in action. I really want to see all the new stuff, specially rituals. I'm REALLY hopeful there'll be options to reach immortality (not aging) for casters. For RP reasons, since aging doesn't give benefits anymore. Anyone know anything about that being in the book?

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*deep breathing*

My birthday was August 24th. I check the website only sporadically so it was a surprise to me, even with the information being available on other sources.

But you know what? I'm trying my best to be understanding. Delays happen. S@$% happens. We can't point fingers at Paizo or the writers or whomever is nearby.

HOWEVER, it sure would be nice to read some reasoning behind this. Surely the book is complete, so... are they adding the errata? Was there last minute touches? Or was it simply because the physical book will be delayed for reasons out of the publisher control and it's writen somewhere secret that book-buyers need to receive the book first and only then can people FROM OTHER CONTINENTS (like me) be able to read them too?

I'm not mad... I just would very much like to know why the date was changed. Pretty please, with sugar on top. Why?

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Hello everyone!

So, back in Pathfinder one, if you don't know the story of The Land of the Linnorm Kings and Irrisen and Baba Yaga (it's awesome), let me give you a tl;dr: huge area where the humans of ulfen ethinicity (basically scandinavians) got attacked by a minor deity called Baba Yaga and lost half their lands in one month. This land is now Irrisen and is ruled by Baba Yaga daughters. The lands to the west are the lands of the Linnorm Kings, viking-ish people where to be king, you have to solo a Linnorm. It's hard, but awesome. There's also the "minor-deity-fairy-dragon" know as Fafnheir and he is THE FIRST Linnorm. He lives in a huge forest and prophecy says whoever fell this foul beast becomes the king of all ulfen and will lead the ulfen in war against Baba Yaga offspring and return summer to that land cursed by eternal winters... AWESOME, ISN'T IT?

Anyway, years ago, my friends and I tried it, and my char was called Magnus, he was a Human Skald (from the manual of advanced classes). And it was GREAT. He wasn't by any means super OP, but he was SO NICE TO PLAY AS. To inspire my fellow men and charge into certain death and yet win somehow. I want that again in PF2.

Sadly, the "bardbarian" class would be the Warrior Muse Bard from Advanced Player Guide and it's... it's... not Magnus. You see, the Skald didn't overfocus on spellcasting and now the bard is a fullcaster which is good!, don't get me wrong, but that is not, well, a skald. I even tried playing as a warrior muse bard, but it was so... so... subpar. Maxed out as expert proficiency for melee attacks, no medium armor, relying so heavily on spells.

I come then to you, my brethren, who probably read much more than me. Can you help me make an ulfen human that uses shield and axe and inspires his comrades? Someone that fights melee, has more guts than sense, but it's still a joy to have around? All ideas are very welcome, I have almost all books in PDF format, so I can mix and match classes and archetypes, but I'd very much want him to be an ulfen human chaotic good with shield and axe. Despite that, all is fair game.

I'm eager to hear your ideas and suggestions and thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!

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Hello again everyone.

I'll keep it simple: I don't want to age. Dying is fine, Pharasma will have me eventually, but until then...

I'm aware of Druid Timeless Nature and the Monk Timeless Body. But do they still have that rule of "still die of old age when the time comes"?

Also, any other way to reach It? I want a Charisma focused, preferably non-undead, ageless kinda guy.

Also, I'm okay with ageless races, like the Android and the Bleachling Gnome, but we don't have rules for them yet... Do we?

Thanks in advance!

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ArchSage20 wrote:
nice to see i'm not the only who likes playing a immortal character

Basically every char I make in every game is to reach immortality or godhood. It speaks to me.

jdripley wrote:
Liches “live” forever, and after you’ve gained ultimate arcane power, it's no big thing to put an illusion on yourself to look however you want or need to look :)

Are there rules for lichdom? Like how to, powers you gain, stuff like that? If so, where?

Lucas Yew wrote:
Or you can wing up epic level rules and multiclass to Monk or Druid after 20 (I prefer the former, as I have no idea whether the latter's anathema might interfere). Level 28 will let you nab one of the anti-aging feats!

Are there rules for epic levels? Where are they?

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Nitro~Nina wrote:

I think that this is a really specific thing you're after, but I do think it's possible! As best I can tell, your best shot might indeed be Druid or Monk.

A high-level druid has some truly almighty power and the respect of any number of primal forces. Plus, being able to tell what people want (Wisdom) can often greatly aid in attempts to leverage one's Charisma. Plus... the Influence Nature feat could become creatively quite powerful if you are A: Legendary in Nature, which is but one level above Timeless Nature, and B: established in a single region with a lot of time on your hands, which being immortal helps with. This is a king who has shaped the wildlife of the region to subtly and unsubtly support his rule. The birds sing as he greets his people, wild hogs harry unmarked carriages... and nature riots whenever his daily rounds are disrupted. Hard to depose a king who keeps his beasts free and his enemies marked by-scent, after all. The Animal Druid makes sense here, as does a Leaf Druid with Green Tongue; they say that there are no secrets in The Green Kingdom, for any insect might be a bug, and any plant could be, well, a plant...
Plus, if you must have diplomatic talent... You're a Druid. And a King. Attend court with the local Dryad Queen or similar; gain powerful, witty, Fey allies whose personalities are more than a match for most mortal wisdom but whose tricks you understand and whose tastes you can afford.

The Monk, on the other hand, may be easier to justifiably make Charismatic in the first place. Wisdom makes sense, but it's not strictly required for all that much outside of spellcasting. Especially with Stumbling, Gorilla or Dragon Stance, Charisma can be very useful, and being a paragon of physical perfection helps leverage that over the flawed mortals once counted amongst your peers. Frankly, if you do not age, if you demonstrate such perfect health and unassailable form, it will not be hard to convince the people of your...

Holy s!+%, so well spoken! You're inspired and inspiring Nitro-Nina. Thanks! I'm strongly considering a Leaf Druid now.

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Falco271 wrote:

Adding this to my own pf2 resource site if you don't mind. LINK

Got a flurry ranger as result, which is what I'm going to play...

Oh gosh, I'd be honored!

Also, very nice site you have there. Well done!

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Wow, I thought no one answered after the first couple days I posted it and forgot to check till now!

Thank you all for your answers and I'm so glad you liked it and had a laugh answering it.

Just to give an idea, 1350 people took the quiz, here's the results:

Personality Type Stats Takers
Alchemist - Research Field: Bomber 23
Alchemist - Research Field: Chirurgeon 91
Alchemist - Research Field: Mutagenist 29
Barbarian - Instinct: Animal 17
Barbarian - Instinct: Dragon 7
Barbarian - Instinct: Fury 17
Barbarian - Instinct: Giant 27
Barbarian - Instinct: Spirit Rage 18
Bard - Muse: Enigma 133
Bard - Muse: Maestro 55
Bard - Muse: Polymath 36
Champion - Cause: Paladin 70
Champion - Cause: Redeemer 48
Champion - Cause: Liberator 53
Cleric - Doctrine: Cloistered Cleric 71
Cleric - Doctrine: Warpriest 25
Druid - Order: Animal 37
Druid - Order: Leaf 28
Druid - Order: Storm 8
Druid - Order: Wild 1
Fighter - Strong 14
Fighter - Tank 37
Fighter - Quick 20
Fighter - Archer 12
Monk - Strong Style 41
Monk - Agile Style 24
Ranger - Edge: Flurry 15
Ranger - Edge: Precision 13
Ranger - Edge: Outwit 31
Rogue - Racket: Ruffian 9
Rogue - Racket: Scoundrel 39
Rogue - Racket: Thief 39
Sorcerer - Bloodline: Aberrant 6
Sorcerer - Bloodline: Angelic 33
Sorcerer - Bloodline: Demonic 6
Sorcerer - Bloodline: Diabolic 9
Sorcerer - Bloodline: Draconic 10
Sorcerer - Bloodline: Elemental 17
Sorcerer - Bloodline: Fey 33
Sorcerer - Bloodline: Hag 4
Sorcerer - Bloodline: Imperial 32
Sorcerer - Bloodline: Undead 17
Wizard - Thesis: Improved Familiar 33
Wizard - Thesis: Metamagical Experimentation 8
Wizard - Thesis: Spell Blending 30
Wizard - Thesis: Spell Substitution 24

I think I must have done SOMETHING wrong to justify only one person out of 1350 to get Druid of the Order of the Wild and I absolutely did not expected so many Alchemist Chirurgeons (the Enigma Bards number I actually did expected to be high, although not the highest).

Just out of curiosity I got Wizard of the Spell Blending Thesis, and I do love it!

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Hello all!
I just finished this quiz to help out which class (with subclass) you should play next if you haven't decided yet. I might have overdone it with FORTY-SIX possible results. Please let me know what you think and if you liked the result: https://uquiz.com/CcH1mB

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Shall I remind you that Hellboy 2 showed a really dark side of the Fey? You could use that.