Arclord of Nex

Ikto's page

45 posts. Alias of Ridge.


Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Team Makena:
Is it possible to feel both overwhelmed AND Exhilerated? Ikto thinks so, he has to focus on the mission, and their target. When he sees Makena he nods to Iovia, and then...
Large gold hoop earrings dangle from her many-pierced earlobes. "What can Makena do you for you children?" she says with a practiced salesman's voice. There are a large number of crates with chickens inside surrounding her on all sides.

He looks at the chickens and chicks curiously, before answering, "Well, Makena, begging your pardon, but we are looking for a particular sort of chicken." Was I supposed to mislead? I don't see anything BUT Chickens in her collection so acting like we are interested in blankets or perfumes won't help with her I think? Iovia said time might be of the essence "What sort do you have, please?"

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto takes the gold offered (Or less if someone protests) , nods to Ntuni, and THEN heads out with Iovia

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

AH, thank you, DM. I did miss that only ones thing.
At first Ikto stares at the offered arm as if the gesture confuses, then noting others in the crowds of the city doing the same, he grows sheepish and takes the arm gently, "We shall, Miss Iovia" He does say to the others "If only one really has the chicks we seek, we should be cautious of..what is it? A scam. Remember what we were told the Ojofiri looked like. And maybe one of you is good at catching someone in a lie. Regardless, good luck."

And he, and Iovia, head out. He follows Iovia's lead, and with her seeks out Makena, mindful of the warning time might be a factor.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

"Perhaps split up then? I will go to this Makena. If permitted, I'll take half the gold we were given for purchases and head there now. Anyone want to come with me? Or bargain with her instead of me?"

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto notices Ntuni has gone quiet and is tempted to offer a proverbial copper for her thoughts, when M'Baba starts one up with him first.

"Well, I hear Bisola's family used to keep Ojofiri chickens and that they could hatch anything. I also heard they're rare because they aren't good layers, and there maybe some at this market we're going to," a smile escapes him, as he tries for a bit of humor , "But as you were there to hear what I did, I imagine that's of little use. Still... I'll think on what my old mentors from my home may have mentioned of them if anything." He does make an effort to recall what he can of them.

Recall Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

After a moment, he shakes his head, "I'm sorry, my parents taught me of weaving, my elder storm druids taught me more of tempests than chickens. A bit embarrassing for me really, as a druid I should know more. But at least we have their description."

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

"It moves around? Mmm possibly to avoid consequences for shifty behavior or bad deals? South is fine with me." Seeing M'Baba's point, and also inquires of folks

Also Diplomacy +4

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

"Indeed..." Ikto, with gear ready, heads along to the market with Iovia. He brings an umbrella not for himself but for the chicks, and a small blanket.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
I am happy to add an NPC list to the Campaign Info tab or link to a shared document if you prefer it. Tracking the beads you have is up to you.

An NPC list in the campaign info tab would be most welcome. I appreciate Iovia's player making one in the first place, but it's easier for me to remember the campaign info tab

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Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

M'baba wakes up in a good mood, which he often does. He wakes up early and stretches his muscles a bit before cleaning his teeth with a special paste he makes. He gets out ready for any weather, but looks outside to see whether he needs to be already wearing his doubly folded cloak to stop the rain, or if it can stay in his backpack, neatly folded.

He says a short "Good morning" to all his fellow initiates and eats little for breakfast. He has not known abundance in his life, so he is used to eating little. During breakfast, he decides to ask a little about the others, to know them better "Say Ikto, do you mind killing my curiosity? How is a storm druid different from other druids?"

Ikto enjoys breakfast and a tall glass of juice. He's not so good at rushing through a meal and is glad the school isn't pressing them to. At M'Baba's question, he says "Oh! Well, there are more experienced druids than I who could answer with greater wisdom, but to keep it as simple as I can? All druids hear nature's call... but certain aspects call to certain druids more clearly. Some druids have a strong connection to beasts, understanding them, and being understood by them even better than people. They form a druidic order based around that. Others revere nature's bounty of flora, like a gardener but also a warden for the wilds. The Order of the Leaf you might call them, and there are the Untamed, shifters who often seem more comfortable in the form of beasts, or at least spurn civilizaiton's rule over them. There are others... but I have gone on long enough," Ikto realizes his simple answer is getting rather long, but then, this IS as simple as it gets for it speaks of nature itself, and sacred ties, no small subject, "I am a druid of the Storm. How nature calls to me is through the power of the tempest. The beauty, and fury, and yes, joy of them pull to my heart. I would not see the sky darkened by filth or poisoned. Storm Dancers such as myself may often seem mad to some," He makes a swirling motion to the side of his own head and smiles, "But we try to placate the worst of the storms when we can, and help others ride them out as well. Of course we're individuals. You will find some druids of any stripe less community minded."

"Nice to meet you, Haibram," Ikto says. He's had very little interaction with the MBeke dwarves so this is a good chance to learn.
Meeting Haibram is of great interest to Ikto, though he is sad to see Anchor Root will not be joining them today. What he hears of the Rain Scribes is intriguing. He knows he must eventually take up a branch of study, and so listens carefully to what is said about this one.
It's the branch that explores the world and helps other travelers make their way through uncertain territory. That means Rain-Scribes have to work well with both nature and people.

Nature, I hope I work well with... people? I could use some work, but still.. it sounds like Rain-Scribes are not so different from the tasks I had at home.

Then he hears it is about chickens It's a little different. He corrects his previous thought.
Haibram continues, "We can really use your help. The Kafesi Market won' deal with anyone they know is part of the Magaambya. Since you're new, you should be able to get in without a problem. You'll be looking, er...for chickens."

Iovia's suggestion to hide their beads is a smart one, and he does so, "A good suggestion," He nods at this. Hearing that the Kafesi market is unscrupulous has him worried. He does not think himself easily tricked but he the merchants of the Anadi, at least the ones back home, are ethical, though they can bargain hard.

He sees the others are still taking in the task, so he speaks what's in his mind "Assuming we're great at getting those birds, I assume they will need some sort of cage to bring them in. Do you provide some? I can create a few that are easier to carry when they're still empty." Of course, he has already thought of a self-folding cage that should be able to carry up to 4 chicks.

Ikto nods at this, and looking at the rain beyond, adds "We might want something to cover the cage to keep the rain off them too."

M'baba continues "What if we come looking for another item, something very exotic and expensive. We offer a very high price for it. After lengthy negotiations, we ask to add the chickens as a sort of extra sweetener, maybe something comical to paint the buyer, as someone who is so awfully rich that they'd buy rare chicks as guest entertainment, or something just as whimsical. We pay for the chickens and, when they're safely stored away, we find an irredeemable defect on the original expensive item and back out of the sale." He looks at the others inquisitively.

"It is a cunning idea though if which ever Vendor only sells chicks we will have to .. um just haggle. Something I'm not great at myself." He admits "We also risk angering one into raising the the price if they find this deceptive." He adds, least he offend, "I am not saying it should not be tried, just that we know the risk."

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Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
Iovia invites Ikto to town to spend some of her new found money on raw materials for clothing. She finds enough to spend 10gp on without any trouble, and is a bit wistful she doesn't have more to spend now, instead wisely saving some for whatever comes next. She still ponders on the bead she should make for Xhokan.

"most kind of you, thank you." And (When they go) he does look for dye, and perhaps some materials himself. He tries hard not to gawk at the numbers and diversity of Nantambu.


Anchor Root answers her door anxiously, a worried look on her furry face. But when she sees the offering, she smiles a shy smile. Thank you. I have others like this but it will be welcome in my family. It is very nice of you to bring it to me. I can't recall receiving a gift like this from anyone else.".

"I'm glad you like it, Anchor Root. I confess, I'm more nervous about meeting people here than I let on, so your kindness in showing me something special to you helped make me feel accepted by the school. Thank you for that."

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
Iovia wrote:

Ikto could tag along and we could get him some dyes as well.

Sounds great! Thanks

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Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
Za Minyahil wrote:

I'm not gonna have to shell out 40 SP a day to survive the perpetually overcast rainy season, am I? :P

Just because it is raining, doesn't mean some of those rains won't be sunshowers where you get sunlight AND wet *Knock on wood*

Also, invest in mirrors and you WILL get that sunlight to that bedroom ;)

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

I think the Beetle Quest is a success! We shall call him Ringo!

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Esi's explanation makes sense to Ikto. His own people have similar philosophies about helping the community. It cheers him greatly to hear this school has a similar set of beliefs. And yes, it explains the generous stipend as well. He returns the gesture of her farewell.
A thought DOES occur to him, and he fiddles with the clay he was given by Xhokan. Working it just so.
Clay isn't his strongpoint for crafting but here's a roll 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
By the time it is done, he hopes it looks like a laughing storm cloud.
"I have a bauble ready for you, Xhokan, I hope it suffices." He hands it over. He wonders for a moment if somehow this allows the wizards of this school to track them, or spy on them? But... hopefully if so it is only for emergencies.
As for his free time?
Ikto goes outdoors into the rain, and looks about. He is hunting for a beetle, something that won't eat other beetles but still has color, unusual looks, or at least personality. Also nothing that would be dangerous to the small Gnoll.

Rolls that might work to help
Insect Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Then, returning drenched, he takes a moment to dry off or at least drip less, then goes to visit Anchor Root's room and knock on the door.

If he has succeded in getting a beetle:
"Anchor Root? It is I, Ikto. You said I could see your collection of beetles? If now is not a bad time? I brought you one as a greeting gift you may wish to add to it."

If he failed to find a beetle:
"Anchor Root? It is I, Ikto. You said I could see your collection of Beetles? I'm terribly sorry, I tried to find you another as a greeting gift, but I failed."

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
I am not sure what construction you are referencing? I was confused before as well...There is not a part of the Spire Dorm that is under construction at present.

I think there was a misunderstanding from the term "The dormitory has an open construction" and then you mentioned no exterior doors. Some may have misread construction as in progress, rather than the building as is and intentionally meant to be like that.

That's my guess anyway

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto does take an umbrella if one is offered, he likes the rain, but constantly changing clothes to keep them dry and not dripping in the dorm might be a bit much. "Thank you, Esi."

He looks about the dining hall, curiously. He doesn't feel hungry right now, that slice of mango postponing peckish feelings.

The hall is warmed by an attached kitchen, and has plenty of seating, and is decorated with a number of handsome mosaics either in tile or glass. As you enter, a female human wearing a red scarf in her graying hair appears from the kitchen. "Hallo initiates! It tis my great pleasure t' meet each a' you. We will be seein' a lotta each other over da next few years, mmmhmm. I am Lumusi Yao, dee head cook. You will receive two prepared meals e'ry day. The kitchen is open from sunrise until two hours after sunset each day. An' Lumusi has dis for you too..." She hands you each a translucent glass bead shaped like a banana (or similar fruit). "Put dis on your string 'long wit your other beads. The staff will get t'know your faces, but sometimes students wear udder faces t'dinner, mmhmm. Now, tell Lumusi if you have any dietary or special needs, ok?"

"Thank you, kind lady," He takes the red bead and adds it to his others. The notion other students might mimic other students just to get seconds did not occur to him I suppose in a school of magic, Anadi tricks do not stand out so much.

Ikto ponders and risks adding, "I am a big fan of soups, but I don't want to be any trouble."

After you tell her what you'd like to know and make goodbyes, Esi tells you, "If you are looking to make a little extra coin, sometimes Lumusi has tasks to do in the kitchen, in the gardens, or in Nantambu proper. Just go talk to her if interested."

Esi, Ikto decides, is a very useful mammal indeed, and he nods. He may do just that.

Then they get to the Powderpile.


"This-s-s is-s-s the Magaambya S-s-student s-s-supply s-s-store, not the Powderpile," says the kobold indignantly, his "s" sounding a bit like a snake hiss. He hands each of you small lump of clay. "Take this-s-s and make me a bead unique to you for my collection." He shows you a long draping chain of beads of various shapes and sizes around his neck, and a few more draped in places around the store. "And here is-s-s mine for you." He gives you a tan glass bead shaped like a bulging sack to thread onto your growing collection.

Ikto bobs his head to the kobold with respect and takes the tan glass bead and adds it. The clay, he is curious about. "How soon do you need this unique bead for your collection done?" SO many thoughts race through. A spider pattern might be easy but he fears he will give away too much.

"In addition to having most s-s-supplies-s-s s-s-students-s-s need, we als-s-so are in charge of dis-s-stributing your s-s-stipend. S-s-student-s-s-s receive 4 gold crowns-s-s each month as-s-s well as-s-s any needed s-s-supplies-s-s-. " He hands each of you a small stack of paper, quills, ink, and other necessities, along with 4gp. S-s-sinc-c-ce you are new initiates-s-s, you also get 40 gold crowns-s-s as-s-s s-s-starting money. It is-s-s in thes-s-se s-s-mall pouches-s-s." Xhokan hands you each a small leather purse filled with clinking coin.

Ikto's JAW nearly drops open, "40 Gold Crowns? That is... very kind of the school." It is more money than he has ever held in his life at one time to be sure. His people are not materialistic by nature, but still.. WOW

He is not sure what to say, then asks, "Do you have any dyes in here? For clothing or textiles?"

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Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
Anchor Root looks up at Ikto when he expresses interest in her beetle collection with an anxious expression. "They are in my room," she almost whispers, but in Common this time. "You can come see them anytime...if its not too much trouble. I've never seen a rhino beetle, but I'd like to...". She can barely make eye contact during this exchange, and she seems to be very agitated to get this far. Then she puts her chicken back on the ground, and leads it away around the corner, with a last look back, and hand raised in a wary half-wave.

"Later then, no trouble for me, as long as it is no trouble for you. Nice to meet you, Anchor Root." And he gives a genuine wave back. He has time to use, but he thinks he may have exhausted out Anchor Root's energy for interaction so will give her time to recoup.

He will knock on her door later in the evening perhaps.


Before you drop off things in your rooms, Esi tells you. "Settle in but meet me back in the Common Room in an hour. I have two other places to show you -- the dining hall and the student supply store. Both will be quiet important during your time at Magaambya. See you then!"

LMK if you have anything else you want to do with that hour before you meet up again.

He nods to Esi, and goes into the room he selected. Once inside, if there is a lock, he locks it. If there is not, he finds something to bar it. He won't be in too long.

Within Ikto's Bedroom:
Once alone, Ikto takes off his wet clothes, and then takes on the form he was born into. He is a spider, one almost five feet long from front legs to rear legs, with brilliant almost cloud swirls of purple with edges of yellow gold to break it up, upon his short fur.

What a relief to be on eight solid legs again. It is a credit to his practice that he doesn't trip on his face using a mere two. I am far from home, but I must say I like this place more than I thought. It will be hard hiding my whole self, but in time, maybe I can learn who I can trust? He explores the room, poking and proding with one leg there, peeking about. Ikto doesn't expect anything unusual about it, but it is best to know the layout of where you put your webs, so to speak. He may spin some later in fact, but he might need to make it look less obvious.

After about fifteen minutes, he transforms to his human form, redresses, and heads on out into the hall. Now much drier.

Fifteen minutes later, he is out into the main halls again. If he sees anyone he greets them. If not? He wanders a bit, avoiding bedrooms just as he'd like his own respected in turn, but learning of the other areas open to all here.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Question for DM Doctor Evil about the rooms. I see each room has a bed, of course, and most have a rug, but is that other thing a bench, a dresser, or what? Is there a standard issue for each bedroom of furniture?

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
When Ikto speaks to Anchor Root in what he assumes is her native tongue, she peeks a curious nose out from behind the table. She replies to him, also in Kholo "Hello, new initiate. Would you like to see my beetle collection?"

Ikto’s face lit up in delight at this unexpected offer of trust. His own people can be seen as cautious, and to be shown such trust is a great honor, and he says so

”Beetles? I would be honored. I’m interested in insects as well, though still learning. I once saw a rhino beetle, feisty fellow. Yes, I would love to see your Beetles.”
He hopes she likes spiders, seeing as he is Anadi.

Hope I’m not overstepping but as he has Insect Lore I figured he’d have at least a mild genuine interest ;) Also, getting a look at Anchor Root’s picture, she’s adorable, like a little gnoll plushie

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto sucks the juices from his small mango slice, and follows Esi.

Hello, I am Ignaci Cantrells." the young man says politely. His accent is clearly Vidrian in nature. He appears charming and polished, if perhaps a little rehearsed. "I can sell you most alchemical items for a reasonable fee to cover my time and expenses if you need something. Oh, and the dorm has a regular game night which you are welcome to attend."

”Thank you, Ignaci. I am Ikto Banashee.” He notices Iovia’s delight to meet a fellow Vidrian and is glad for her.

It is the tiny little gnoll that catches his attention and her chicken. He’s delighted, while his order is of the storms, he likes animals just fine and wonders if the kholo is a druidess? Maybe, maybe not. She’s clearly shy so he does not press but hopes to make a good impression. He switches to speaking kholo, the language of the gnolls to make his introduction.

In kholo:
”Greetings, Anchor Root. Sorry to trouble you. I’m Ikto, and I’m a new student. It’s nice to meet you, and your lovely chicken.”
He says this, careful not to look HUNGRY at the chicken (And he’s really not hungry for it, thank you) but rather admiring. It is a remarkably fluffy bird. His greeting given, he decides, unless she wants to talk (Unlikely as she’s shy) he’ll give her space and heads out to pick a room.

Alas, his dawdling costs him, in a sense. Each of the rooms with a window to the outside is quickly claimed. A shame, for he would love to gaze at the open sky… but then he realizes something I wouldn’t be able to wear my true form and be exposed like that. Even curtains might get peeked through. Perhaps this is a blessing. I mean, I can always watch a storm from the common room. But which one? Only three are left… mmmm. Perhaps it doesn’t matter which I get of the three remaining? All relatively large with doors facing to the east to west hallway.

He chooses the one that is more distinctive, the one with the orange gold carpet and olive green bedsheet I wonder if I can change those colors?. He had thought of something at the edges, but if one cannot be at the edge, reversing it and getting something at the ‘center’ of the web...where two halls meet might as well be embraced. Perhaps it is the universe's way of telling him to be more daring?

He’ll take the one immediately next to and north of Iovia’s room, and south across the hall from A13

He goes into that room and closes the door behind him. He isn't carrying much but does change to new clothes and finds a place to put his tools in a position of honor, and a few minutes later he comes out dry and in new clothes

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Oh, since music has come up in game from more than one source... this is a flash from my youth, but I think it really fits the vibe of the Magaambya Academy and it is entirely possible more than one of our characters knows the song

"Turn the World Around" by Harry Belefonte (Muppets Version)

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

I've been quite impressed by the back stories revealed and look forward to them developing :)

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

After others give their offers of future aid to Za Minyahil, Teacher Ot begins to guide them through the pouring rain. It is heavy, and soon Ikto is soaked, and yet he moves with ease and deftness, untroubled by this. He is, after all, a storm druid, and warm heavy rain is no burden to him. Indeed, Ikto seems soothed by it, smiling, and ...talking to no one?
”Thank you for not being too cold, not from the mountains are you then? Mmm yes, a lovely city, I can’t blame you for coming down to see it.” It may become apparent to some he is chatting up the rain as he follows Teacher Ot. He doesn’t have time for an extended conversation as they come up to the spire dormitory.

It is the four spires towering over the single story building that catch his attention first. Already he wonders if there is a way on top of them so he might admire the next storm from there. Then, the human woman with the umbrella approaches.

”You are the new students, o? You'll be rooming with us in the Spire Dorm. Come in, I'll show you the place." [/B]

Ikto gives a bow of respect to the departing teacher Ot, and follows the young woman.

"My name isEsi Djana and I am to help get you settled."

”Thank you. I am Ikto Banashee,” Ikto replies simply. The common room is quite nice and while he does not mind the rain, he is also glad to be out of it. He makes sure he does not block the path of his fellow initiates as they do like wise.

The common room is decorated with colorful and intricate mosaics on the floor and walls and a large number of plush couches stand here. A catfolk sprawls on one of the couches, a sliced and sticky mango laying on a cloth on his chest. He looks up from licking juice off his fingers, his mouth spreading into a toothy smile. "Care for some mango?" he says cheerfully while gesturing idly to the fruit. "Or if you'd prefer something to cheer you up from the rain, I have some wine brewing back in my room?"

Still dripping a bit, he doesn’t sit on the tempting couch yet, but when he sees the Catfolk he grins, thinking of Paktu, one of his friends in the city beyond, also an Amurrun.

And he responds to the offer in the purring language of that people,

”A bit of Mango would be welcome, hearth hearted. I thank you.”
and he takes an extra juicy yet small slice from the cloth. He sucks on its juices lightly with satisfaction.


"Don't offer them your moonshine!" Esi scolds, before addressing you again. "This is Chizire. Don't become a slacker like him."

"I don't need to study. Amurruns have the best magic, everyone says so," Chizire says. "Esi here is trying to run the entire school. Even playing teacher for the new students it looks like."
Esi blows out a sharp breath. Koride told me to get them settled. Said that handling new students was our job."
Fffttt. Do we look like attendants to her? Not yet, we aren't." Chizire replies, turning his attention back to peeling the skin from another slice of mango. Esi waits for a moment before scuffing her foot at the catfolk's tail, and then stepping around him to show you around more.

Ikto chuckles at the exchange, not meaning to mock either, but it is clear to him that Chizire and Esi have very little in common. In Mwangi, he says ”It was nice meeting you, Chizire. I am Ikto. Pardon but I really should follow Esi as she is being kind enough to show us about.” A head bob, and he does just that.

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Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ntuni's love of the simple life almost make Ikto envious, not that he wants such a life, but that she can appreciate such a dream as he SHOULD be able to but cannot... yet.
Perhaps when I am older it will have more appeal?
Nyandra's talk of her love of Nantambu makes him eager to explore the city even more than he already has. He likes it too, but it seems Nyandra has fallen quite in love with it, and he is happy for her.
Then Za Minyahil tells a tale of a history so chilling as to almost make his heartbeat stop. They were used as a crop? That is outrageous! he can't hide his offended look though it does recover quickly as he resolves to listen to all.

"Maybe one of you, or all of you, will be the ones to help me find this...cure. And even if you cannot or do not wish to, I trust that I have not sparked your curiosity or your appetites."

We Anadi are very different, but I know what it is to fear for your people. Perhaps I should share as much as they have shared? Not yet, but I can do one thing...

"I am but an initiate like you, but as you say, there is much for us to learn here. If I should ever stumble onto any lore or insights that would help your people, Intiate Za Minyahil, I will share it with you. I doubt such discovery would come to me where there are others so much wiser but I stand by what I say."

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Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto feels the vibration of his choice, akin to that of a great bass drum, or perhaps the roll of thunder. It is an odd sensation despite his familiarity with the latter for it comes with an insight into a type of magic he has never grasped before. A magic not of the natural, but the supernatural. Somehow he knows he can send words as if on wind without opening his mouth to another, and have one return it to him.

Well, now I MUST make friends, or who else would I use this with? he smiles at the slightly immature thought. He is still young now and then eh?

He sobers as Teacher Ot speaks again, relating the nature of gifts and magics to be found among other students, other peoples.

….Sometimes, we do not understand our magic, and that lack of understanding causes pain. People who are uncomfortable in there own skins are incredible shape-changers, but often feel unsettled until they recognize they shape they were meant to be. Those who feel an urge to jump from high places often become frightened of themselves, but they are simply channeling the untrained will to fly."

Both of these come closer to the mark with him than he is completely comfortable with. He is a shapechanger, not that he dare reveal it casually. Though he does it more to preserve his well being and the safety of his people rather than because he is uncomfortable in his own skin. Or so I think? Perhaps I am here to learn how to be comfortable appearing as a human? Perhaps I am also seeking a way to have my true form more trusted. As for high places, I am not the best climber but I do enjoy dancing in the winds. Do I want to fly? I think I do. I wonder if others feel the same?

The talk of other students such as the one who was overly controlled invokes some sympathy, but it is clear Teacher Ot’s lessons also show the gifts that can be found even in trials. Gifts were are not always grateful for, with good reason.

"You don't have to share, but I want you to ask yourselves: what about you defines you, even if others rarely notice it? Is there something inside you that pulls at you, perhaps defying rational explanation? Thus, I return to my first question: who are you, and how can that person be guided to grow?"

He is very thoughtful at this. He had spoken for himself before as honestly to others as he could But have I been as honest with myself as I could be?

The others begin to speak. M’Baba speaks of being practical and direct, though Ikto is not sure if he is proud of that, or merely accepts it? Then the deft handed human wishes for more meaning to his actions. That shows more than a bit of depth, Ikto thinks. He himself was taken off guard by M’Baba earlier, borderline defensive about it, but perhaps they’re not so different in some ways even if their styles are.

Perhaps I’m not so different from any of them, if I only find the common ground

During this he is handed a bead and twine, there is much he can do with this, and he smiles already trying to think of how to artfully incorporate it on his person.

Ikto listens to Iovia’s tale with amazement. He wears two forms, and he knows humans can fear what they do not understand, but while he had heard of the Sagravan situation vaguely, here the tale of Sagrava’s well earned end and Vidrian’s rising from the ashes is made manifest. Here, he learns that the stories of humans preying on other humans because of such MINOR differences between them was true and has witness. She was elevated, but when she looked down, she found it was on the backs of her fellow humans… and she not only stepped off, she helped others who had been wronged. No lack of strength in this one.

"We will all make mistakes. We will fail, and we will succeed. How we grow from each experience, how we treat those around us, and how we make life better for others will define who we become. I know that I will learn much here, not just from the teachers, but from each of you as well."

Ikto cannot help but smile at that, ”Good and wise words.”

Then he realizes that she expects someone else to take a turn after she and M’Baba have done so.

Ikto clears his throat, and speaks to the group, ”I am still Ikto Banashee, weavers’ son, storm dancer. But finding exactly who I am beyond that maybe one reason I am here. There is a restlessness in me warring with the joy also inside. I carry a weight that is not so grim that I should lament but I do hope I carry it with care. If...when I graduate here, I will still be Ikto Banashee, but hopefully more aware of who Ikto Banashee is, who I am, and closer to who I was meant to be.” A weak smile, as he feels a touch embarrassed, ”Finding who were all are should be anything but boring.”

Then waits for any others who wish to talk to do so.

And, when all are done, he readies to see the spire dormitory.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto gives a soft smile, and picks up the stone he launched, pats it, and mutters softly "You danced well for a stone."

He returns Teacher Ot's bow in the same manner it is given.

DM DoctorEvil wrote:

Next Teacher Ot waves a hand through the air, and 6 glowing, slightly-translucent symbols appear in the air around him. They symbols are:

  • a flickering candle
  • balanced scales
  • a multipronged key
  • pursed lips
  • an open hand with an eye in the palm
  • a running hourglass

"You see six symbols before you, which do you choose? These may kindle your innate talents into a tiny spark of magic to use. Of course, not choosing is also allowed and has its own reward." He watches as each of you weigh the choice.

When the glowing symbols appear, Ikto's eyes widen for a second. Then they focus on each one. These may help open what is inside of us? I must choose wisely then. What has meaning for me? I ... ah... I know. Quite rapidly, he taps the pursed lips symbol, "This one feels right for me." My people must keep their secrets until the right time. And sometimes, I worry that when I DO talk I am exposed.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto's priority, in case I didn't make it clear enough, is that there is no chance of anyone getting hit by the stone if it does 'dance'

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto eyes the stone he is given, and notes the others spin theirs. He ponders aloud "maybe mine is already dancing, just verrry slowly."

He walks at least fifteen feet from the others so they will not be near his attempt and caught in it, and places the stone on an unimpeded patch of ground trying to position so it will not 'dance' at his fellow initiates if this works.
And I have no idea if this will work

He makes a blowing motion and... wind bursts from his out stretched hands across the rock.

Gale Blast Cantrip: Traditions arcane, primal
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Saving Throw Fortitude
Wind flows from your outstretched hands and whirls around you in a 5-foot emanation. Each creature in the area takes 1d6 bludgeoning, with a Fortitude save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage and is pushed 5 feet away from you.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Za Minyahil's cleverness is noted. They're clearly quite witty.
M'Baba seems, instead, to challenge the the core of the exercise's base assumption. A bit adversarial by Anadi cultural standards, but perhaps that's how he learns? And Ikto can see some merit to it.
Nyandra also muses that, and Ikto hears 'animism' with a brow lifted, wondering if she is being dismissive? No, he suspects she merely wishes to find a name for it. Ikto supposes his own believes do lay that way, but he was foolish to think the school followed likewise

A breath, and he decides to join in the conversation

"There are some who believe that things, objects and places possess a spirit or even soul, be that spirit mortal, or more likely, a gift from nature. A soul might be both 'in' the bone, and 'of' the bone. Within me, is the soul of Ikto, the soul is also OF Ikto. I am both house of it, and the essence of it and , oddly, it of me. Perhaps the bone is similar... perhaps. The elders of my village would sometimes talk for hours of such questions."


"During the revolution, when the brigade I was with had time to mourn our fallen, the rites were led by a Priest of Lubiako. They were centered around a song. I know that we - the living - were soothed by it, and perhaps the fallen were as well. If any aspect of the person who that bone belonged to does linger, a dirge to honor them could soothe them."

Iovia then takes a few minutes to teach the words to anyone who wants to join in her attempt. The song itself is surprisingly (or perhaps not so surprisingly to those who know anything about Lubiako's faith) upbeat.

Once anyone who wants to join in is ready, or solo if no one else wants to, Iovia starts to sing the song, her attention focused on the bone and on Teacher Ot.

Ikto , like the others, came here to learn, and grows curious, "Please, Miss Iovia," He would use her surname but he does not recall it if she gave it, "share this song with me and I will sing it too."

And he does, surprised by the upbeat nature of it

Performance: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

However poorly or grandly they do, success or no, he is glad to have learned a new song.

Ntuni Anzaga wrote:

Lubaiko, a dangerous and mischievous goddess of wildfires and bad luck, among other concerns. No, she doesn't join the chant, but instead frowns and crosses her arms. In her mind, that was no deity to seek while soothing one's soul.

Once she has the opportunity, she steps forward. "I'm no priest, clearly, but Uvuko, the Diamond Ring, is important to my people and I'm a faithful person. If allowed, I'd like to prey a simple rite of passage."

When Ntuni steps forward for her turn to sooth the bone, Ikto bobs head respectfully, and quiets during the rite of passage.

From Sound loud and proud, to softer sounds and then silence. Like a storm moving on. Perhaps if one does not succeed, both will yet soothe the soul of the bone?

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto blinks in surprise as he examines the snake, and when the others have given their findings, he adds, "I did not see it at first, but this serpent is blind in the left eye. Other than that, it seems in good health." He himself did not notice the stinger and looks impressed by Ntuni and Iovia's findings.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto swoops up the feather, and says to the dancing bird, "Many thanks, handsome fellow."

Teacher Ot claps his hands in encouragement. "Well done, Ikto, and well done to those who recognize it may take the talents of others to overcome obstacles. We all have our own gifts to give and deficits to seek help with. I applaud you for knowing your limits."

"The fine bird did the work, but I thank my fellow students for their trust in my abilities. And this fine bird for his lovely dance and charity."

From a small bag at his waist, Takulu withdraws a small serpent with a distinctive scale pattern that looks like mirror-image hourglasses. "This is a harmless Garundi shovel-snout. But it has secrets. Look closely, hold it if you wish, but the test is: can you get a secret from this snake?"

He follows Ntuni's lead, and while the good dwarf takes the snake in hand, and others take a look, Ikto looks to the health of the snake

Medicine 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

I'm assuming the bird is male as it was compared to a peacock with extravagant plumage, if it's a girl, then please assume Ikto, who is far wiser than his player, got it right ;)

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Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

For a moment, Ikto observes the candle, now with wick truly burning. Fire is a useful friend, and a dangerous enemy; to be respected. He makes a mental note that he is not the only one here able to coax it forward.


He makes a cooing sound, and a blue peacock-like bird appears before him, summoned from some other place. It seems tame enough to stand near the group, watching curiously. "Can you get a feather from this bird without plucking one?" he asks with a slight nod and hand motion indicating the group may work together on such a task if they wish.

Ikto's face breaks into a broad grin at the appearance of such a lovely creature, "Well well, what a lovely fellow."

Iovia wrote:

Iovia nodded to the teacher's words, and then the second test was given.

She purses her lips, thinks for a moment, and then speaks. "Part of wisdom and learning is knowing when to lead and when to follow. Mr. Banashee, you said that you are a druid. How do you suggest we accomplish this task?"

Ikto nods "Getting a feather from a bird can be quite easy... you wait. Be it hours, or days, or even a season, eventually old ones are discarded as new arise. But as we may not have the time to turn the seasons, I'll have to ask him to show me a little charity and join me in the fun."

Not getting too close at first, while still standing, Ikto spreads his arms and speaks to the bird "Hello, Proud one. If you have a feather that is loose, and you are not offended, I would ask you dance it free so I may show it to Teacher Ot." As he does this, Ikto's feet shuffle, his hips sway but he is careful not to rush or press the bird. His arms begin to move, as he dances to try to encourage the bird to do like wise, "Shake your tail feathers, and gift us with one."

Diplomacy for Wild Empathy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
I doubt Performance would help much but for that 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
He moves on hoping the others will forget his blunder soon "I haven't been to Magaambya before, so I can't really talk about work done in the past. But here I do hope to find what type of things the smartest minds of the world came up with." He goes on quickly and attempts a joke "And look, if we're looking for solutions, magic is a great way to start, right? I mean, it's magic!" He looks around hoping for a reaction, but decides he is not a comedian.

Ikto ponders this, taking it utterly seriously. He decides that the man is right, magic is indeed magic. And gives a very serious silent nod.


After the last questions are answered, Teacher Ot steps closer to the initiates. "The time for questions is over. Now it is time for practical application for I have a few tests of your aptitude as the next part of the interview. Fear not, if your magical aptitude is not up to par or cannot solve the challenge. Creativity and the use of mundane are also acceptable to solve these tests, for there is magic in everyday solutions also. You may choose not to participate in these tests, and that is your privilege and will not be scorned or frowned upon. There is also magic in the use of free will, is there not?"

He pauses making sure you understand, then with a wave of his hand, a white tapered candle appears in his palm. It is unburnt, the wick still pure white. "Can you light this candle without flint or matches?"

Ikto, intently curious where this might lead, readies a minor spell to talk to the fire and ask it to come forth, but then sees Iovia already has a solution of her own.

She then offers the candle back to the teacher. "It does not burn with warmth or flame, but the candle is lit Teacher Ot."

A clever answer he fights a smile and admires the faux flame. He sees no reason Teacher Ot would not accept this as it is what he asked for, and provides light as a candle should. The journey has been made, just by a different path than one might expect.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Pardon my late response, but I don't think I have a problem with Autism being explored by Nyandra's player in game, as it seems to be done respectfully etc.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto listens to Ntuni's introduction with curiosity. He had heard of the far traveled taralu, peacemakers if rumors were true. He likes her hair color, but then he likes purple too.

It is not hard to see she is nervous, so he listens but tries not to stare. She prefers the Dirt rather than the sky? . Ikto is a Storm druid, so this is truly strange to him.

Meanwhile, Za's answers are perhaps the best way Ikto has to learn of Ghorans, and, of course, Za himself. The fact Za seems to want to use his learning here for a form of healing seems noble.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto watches each new introduction with fascination. When Za stands up, Ikto tries not to gape. He has never seen a, what did the being call himself, a Ghoran? Several life times? EXTROADINARY! The Druid has seen Leshy before, but never a Ghoran.
And all the way from Nex? But he has had a hard time of it. Letter lost. Books ruined? Yet he rises to the challenge with pride. That's...commendible. He gives a nod of greeting to Za at his words.
Then it is Nyranda's turn. Of course, she's started with flute music. Ikto sways in his seat to and fro, and delight fills him. A musician, how wonderful.. I wonder if we ... but any ideas of playing together are cut short as Teacher Ot requires answers.

"Sorry. Sometimes I get carried away with the, er, theatrics."

Ikto whispers to her, "It was very nice I think." But he dare say no more as there are more questions to answer though they are assured once more no answers are wrong, and that sets his mood at greater ease.


"What interests you?

What do you consider your greatest strength?
What work have you done to bolster those in and around the Magaambya before now?
What do you seek at the Magaambya?
Once you have attained that which you seek, what goals do you wish to achieve?

He listens when others answer the questions they feel they wish to. They deserve attention and he needs to understand them, particularly the humans. I am here. In a mostly human city to learn what peaceful ties can be found. That will take effort, and understanding

When Ikto decides to answer, he thinks on what he has already answered in his introduction. He mentioned his ties to the weather and the storm already, so lets it be, an he mentioned a history of weaving in his family so need to go over that again he supposed. Instead, he works to answers others, "I am new to the Magaambya so have had little time to assist the people around it, though I did make a friend, an Ammuran who was pushed towards the waters and might have been ground by a mill. I helped him and I am very glad I did." He says this without boast so much as just answering the question, "I have mentioned how I hope to grow already, but I was directed to this place by a Stranger, who sponsored me. A most curious fellow I can barely identify. I would learn more of this stranger when I have the time. It seems they may have done me a great kindness to give me this chance."
The question of his greatest strength seems to have flummoxed him, so he doesn't bother with that.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
The young man twists his mouth before saying "That's all fair and nice, mr. dancer, but I believe the teacher said that this was a group interview. Perhaps he means to ask us who we are as a group?" From his tone and wording, it is clear that the young man does not speak in this way often. It is unclear whether he is making fun of the druid or just plain doesn't know how to behave in the city.

Ikto's face grows thoughtful at the words. He is not sure if this is a chastisement, mockery, or perhaps different manners with a genuine attempt to correct as some sort of kindness? Is M'Baba right that the question was who they were as a group? Ikto did not think so. It feels too soon to say who they are as that. Yet, no doubt Teacher Ot will clarify either way. We ARE likely restless, he's right about that part, at least with me.


She steps forward, formally curtsies to Teacher Ot, and then pivots to repeat the gesture to each other student individually before she speaks.

"I am Iovia of Vidrian. I walk the path of Tlehar, The Rising Sun. Unlike Mr. Banashee, my parents are best not spoken of in polite company. I look forward to getting to know each of you.

Iovia's kind gesture of respect, not just to Teacher Ot, but each fellow student in return is pleasing to Ikto. He promptly returns a headbob of respect to her in exchange. However her words on her parents stir in him some sympathy even as the seeds of her story stir curiosity as well.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

"Initiate," He bobs his head with a cautious smile of his own. He will remember.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

1) I should have double checked the source. Replaced with Guidance.
2 AND 3)Ah, that's what happens when I try to save time by taking a template from an older 2nd Ed character and forget to clear ALL the specifics. Protection removed, and His Con is 10.
4) Got it. That's where I left it TOO clear.

Thank you.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

One of the newly arrived students gazes in wonder as he finally enters the Magaambya Academy. The rain doesn't bother him at all, indeed, the patter all around the magical disk shielding them seems to comfort him. He is caught by the artistry of this place all around and the view? Magnificent. He gives polite nods to those others who are here to be taught, though he doesn't say anything beyond that. He takes them in but briefly, more caught up in the mosaics and view and the gentle rhythm of said rain.

Those who notice him in turn see a vibrantly dressed zenji man with bright and colorful tattoos with cloud patterns swirls of purple with edges of yellow gold to break it up cascading over obsidian hued skin. He is a bit on the short side but is by no means stunted. His clothes are currently rather wet, but like his tattoos, colorful.

And then, Teacher Ot makes himself known.


"Welcome, and a kind hello new students. It is my pleasure to instruct you. You may call me Teacher Ot. You are embarking now on a life of study and service. We see within you intellect, passion, and judgment -- in short, the virtues to build upon the strengths of the thousands who have come before you. We follow the footsteps of Old-Mage Jatembe, who showed us the price of magic is the responsibility to better the world!"

He has kindness in his eyes, Ikto thinks upon his first impression of their teacher, And the branch fits in his hand as if it were gifted by the tree rather than taken. Good. And, Old-Mage Jatembe's words were good words.

Then the interview begins...

"Who are you?"

He is not sure he should speak out first. Better to observe then speak, no?

But then, if they all wait for someone to answer, they might never get started. The thought amuses him, that they might all just STARE at Teacher Ot waiting for another to go but he is not that whimsical. Best to just speak up and see what happens he supposes. How much to share?

Cautiously at first, but with growing confidence, he answers for himself, "My name is Ikto Banashee, my parents are weavers and I know something of their trade. I am a storm dancer, a druid some would say. And now? Now I am Ikto the student as well. I look forward to growing here."

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ah, as I have Mwangi Expanse the book I should have remembered Kholo

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

So I am. Thanks. Will pick some.

EDIT: I went and added Sylvan, Amurran(catfolk), & Gnoll on top of the Anadi, Mwangi, and Druidic he already had.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you!
And thanks for the well wishes. I hope someone else starts a Strength of Thousands game soon because there are a lot of great concepts here

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Yay! Been wanting to try this one and now I've got a chance. Thank you!

I think Ikto is complete, DM DoctorEvil, crunch as well as fluff wise. Check his profile and decide for yourself. :)

As for Interwoven stories, I'm fine with that, though Ikto came from a different direction than most , he still had a chance of meeting folks on a riverboat on the last leg as it were. I'm also fine if we all just meet at the class for the first time so no worries either way.