Ikonoclast's page

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Hit every road sign, mile marker and maybe plant a few of your own along the paths the incoming armies will take, Cast Illusory Script with a suggestion to return from where you came.

I mean who doesn't read them to find out how much longer their march will be.

Enjoy the confusion and delay caused by columns of men turning around mid march.

Even if it comes to battle, have Illusory Script on carried Banners with the suggestion for the enemy to lay down their arms / surrender.

You could allow the ride check, but modified by the appropriate bits..

"If you attempt to ride a creature that is ill suited as a mount, you take a –5 penalty on your Ride checks."


"Special: If you are riding bareback, you take a –5 penalty on Ride checks."

Right off the bat there is a -10 modifier to riding an uncooperative drake, for a DC 15 check just to stay in saddle.

This would be a round by round check until flung off, is my guess.

The problem with grapple, is neither is now moving, or moving half speed if the drake wins, I suppose.

PRD wrote:

Dexterity (Dex)

Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance. This ability is the most important one for rogues, but it's also useful for characters who wear light or medium armor or no armor at all. This ability is vital for characters seeking to excel with ranged weapons, such as the bow or sling. A character with a Dexterity score of 0 is incapable of moving and is effectively immobile (but not unconscious).

You apply your character's Dexterity modifier to:

Ranged attack rolls, including those for attacks made with bows, crossbows, throwing axes, and many ranged spell attacks like scorching ray or searing light.
Armor Class (AC), provided that the character can react to the attack.
Reflex saving throws, for avoiding fireballs and other attacks that you can escape by moving quickly.
Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks.

Given that Dex AC bonus is based on the character being able to react, I think it perfectly reasonable that the character in choosing NOT to react, loses the bonus.

Kyujaq wrote:

By easy I actually meant explicit, sorry, it cleary states you can repair a destroyed item with it.

Any other means of repair is much less explicit......

Any other way of repairing a destroyed item than Make whole ?

Repairing Magic Items

Repairing a magic item requires material components equal to half the cost to create the item, and requires half the time. The make whole spell can also repair a damaged (or even a destroyed) magic items—if the caster is high enough level.

I'm guessing this means you can reforge the pieces.

This line of thought may be a holdover from the 3.5 Conjurers Rapid Summoning ACF.

At least, that'd be my guess.

I imagine a half fiend treant to look a lot like this


*EDIT. My apologies for not being helpful, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Much obliged. Dot.

I assume it's still counted as a creature of it's size for purposes of number of creatures affected, would that still be the case if it was modified with Construct Armor? or does it then count as equipment while worn?


I've been curious what happens when a Dire Tiger takes Improved Natural Attack (Claw); 2d4 becomes ? Do I use the weapon chart? It's what I would default to.

'A creature can generally notice the presence of an active invisible creature within 30 feet with a DC 20 Perception check.'

As far as I can see, this line is the biggest point of contention in this argument.

One camp says that this is the base DC to be modified, no if's and's or but's. The other camp says that this is in line with the Perception check made with the +20 modifier for creature being invisible.

I can't take it seriously as a base DC when it is preceeded by "can generally notice' and construe that as a hard start point.

I also find it is generally out of the scope for second level spells to provide much more of a bonus to a skill than what would be +20. By arguing that it is a Base DC 20 (for someone being invisible) + Stealth (which includes another +20 for someone being invisible) is choosing to empower something beyond what I believe to be the original scope.

Perception is also the default skill to notice anything, and a +20 modifier to the DC for visual cues makes sense, but it is also the listen check (3.5)... thus giving it much more power as a skill, but to allow a 2nd level spell to curtail it with what boils down to effectively giving someone a +40/+60 modifiers to stealth just from invisibility seems, well, kinda ludicrous.

Now, feel free to berate and belittle me. ;)

Bigdaddyjug wrote:

Here's my take on it:

DC to notice someone: 1 per 10 ft away from you they are
***This is your BASE DC for all perception checks. Everything else is a modifier!***

Invisibility: +20
Stealthed: d20 + Stealth skill (You add another +20 to this if the character is stealthed and invisible)
Pinpoint location: +20
Moving 1/2 speed or less: -5

This means that the DC to pinpoint the location of a stealthed ninja using the Vanishing Trick ninja trick is:

0 (base) + 20 (invisible) + d20 + stealtgh modifier + 20 (stealthed and invisible) + 20 (pinpoint) + 1 per 10ft (distance modifier)

That = d20 + 60 + stealth modifier + distance modifier

Ok, getting much more indepth that I cared to, but yes, I agree with all except the +20 invisible, and the +20 stealthed and invisible. you're getting +40 from a 2nd level spell that only says you get +20, +40 if stationary.

As I see it,

DC 0 to notice someone...
DC to notice stealthed individual = Stealth check
DC 20 to notice invisible someone +20 to pinpoint
DC 20 + Stealth check to notice invisible stealthed person, +20 to pinpoint, with an additional +20 if stationary.

If youre using DC 20(invisible) + (SC+20 invisible) +20 to pinpoint +20 if stationary, then I say you're double dipping the invisibility spell.

Of course, I could still be wrong, but that's my understanding.

Seems legit to me.

Adding New Abilities

You could always give the players a scroll of Shivering Touch (Frostburn 3.5) but that's not always a good idea. Definitely limiting it to a one off is best if used.

If this is just for you animal companion (horse) then an amulet of mighty fists as previously suggested, with just a base +, should apply to all of the horses natural attacks. It can be assumed that most of it's combat maneuvers would use it's bite or hooves to some extent, and therefore should be able to apply the bonus. There may be some exceptions, but that'll be up to you and your DM to interpret.

There was a spell in AD&D 2nd Ed. called Weighty Chest

You can google a couple versions... Or find a copy of Tome of Magic (2 e)

Weighty Chest
Level Cle 2
Components V, S, M
Casting Time 1 action
Range Touch
Target One non-living object no larger than a 5ft cube
Duration 1 day/level

This spell enables the caster to enchant a chest, book, package, or any other non-living object no larger than a 5ft cube. When the object is touched by anyone other than the cleric, the apparent weight of the object increases, becomes 1d4 + 1 times the weight of the person or persons touching it. This condition makes the object extremely difficult to move for anyone but the cleric. The cleric can move the object normally through the duration of the spell.

If the caster wants to cast this spell on an object carried or grasped by another creature, a touch attack is required. This spell cannot be cast upon an object worn by another creature, though magic items can be affected.

Material Component: a lead ball

Tweak as desired.

Lots of good items. I personally like to carry around 2-3 square yards of canvas. I use it as a lean-to/pup tent, rain catcher, bedsheet / hammock, boat patch, extra sack, travois / make shift gurney, extra cloak in heavy rain, etc. This works with whatever spare lumber you can find for poles and whatnot. Carry some twine or rope and you're set.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that it should be Class level. I was just hoping to find something... solid.

You're wizard/fighter comparison is poor, as the Spells part is directly linked to a table that indicates spell progression via wizard level.

I guess I was hoping for a link to errata, dev post, or faq. The only item I found that lists it as class level is an unofficial Gunslinger Handbook on GiTP forums.

I assumed that is RAI. But is it written anywhere that says definitively?

I have a question with regards to " A gunslinger can only perform deeds of her level or lower". I can't seem to find if that applies specifically to Class level or character level. If I have a Gunslinger 1/ Witch 8, do I have access to all deeds that require 9th lvl, or just those available to a level 1 character?

I'm sorry if I missed this somewhere, but my google fu seems to have failed me.